The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 24 Table of contents

Aile tilted her head, obviously confused after hearing my plan.

“…So you want me to stomp on their territory. What exactly does that mean?”

“Bira mentioned it earlier, right? That guy is a speed freak.”

“Yes… she did.”

“So, Aile, you’re going to become a speed freak too.”


I couldn’t help but smile at Aile as she tilted her head as if she misunderstood something. She was still inexperienced and didn’t know how to deal with those lunatics, but having dealt with crazies daily, I knew exactly what to do.

You have to overpower a madman with insanity.

And no speed junkie ever purely seeks speed without a hint of superiority complex. They’re all psychos reveling in being faster than the rest. It’s probably not much different in this world.

“You’ll out-speed that villain.”

And that was all there was to it.

A defeated speed junkie loses his grip on madness.

A madman without madness has no reason to live.

And just like that, one villain who had never been caught would vanish from the scene.

But Aile was worried about the very last possibility. What if, even after winning this ridiculous operation, Mospped continued to act like a villain without any remorse?

“…What if even after winning, he still does villainy?”

“If he lost but still acts like a villain?”


Luckily, I didn’t need to worry about that scenario.


“I’ll make him regret not quitting the villainous life.”

“Ah, okay.”

There was no need to show concern for such an un-honorable villain.


After formulating the speed freak plan for Aile, the first thing I did was research information on that villain.

Where he mostly operates, when he appears, and what kind of vehicle he rides—everything about him.

Fortunately, since he was a villain, information on villains was publicly available from the Hero Association. Searching Mospped’s name on the highly credible association wiki, I found a considerable amount of information already compiled.

[모스피드 Mospped]

First appeared on XX/X/XXXX in M City…

Escaped pursuit with his exceptional driving skills…

The primary vehicle used for his villainous activities is a red Rocket Spider 091…

The wiki provided everything from the date he first began his villainous acts to his usual locations, the vehicles he used, and even psychological profiling analyzed by the Hero Association’s analysts. They even offered a real-time location tracking service based on tips from citizens.

At this point, one might wonder why he wasn’t caught—could it be that this villain was just a wealthy CEO indulging in a hobby? However, cases like that were probably rare for our evil organization… or at least, I wanted to believe so.

‘If that were the case, Bira would know about it.’

Despite her appearance, Bira was an elite who came from a background of chaebols and had Regalia’s trust. She likely had access to numerous secrets unknown to the general public, including everything about unique chaebols like Regalia.

If Mospped was a chaebol hiding his identity, she would have likely tried to stop me when I had resolved to handle him, instead of cheering me on.

But Bira did the opposite; she didn’t even try to stop me.

‘What kind of villain has a supercar like mine…’

I searched for the vehicle that this villain drove. It had a market price of around $200,000. While it wasn’t an absurd sum, for an average citizen, it was an enormously hefty price.

The fact that he leisurely cruised around that price point meant he wasn’t just a common middle-class guy. He wasn’t a chaebol, but he was certainly rich enough to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars casually.

Why was there such a disgruntled upper class in this world…? I was flabbergasted, but I pushed those thoughts aside.

‘12,500 horsepower? Can anyone even control that thing?’

Rocket Spider 091.

A monstrous machine with 12,500 horsepower.

A supercar made for heroes with exceptional physical abilities.

The reviews suggested that if it had wings, it could probably fly. Obviously, no regular vehicle could keep up with such a machine.

“—So we should also take flying as the baseline.”


Aile, who had been dozing off while listening to uninterested villain and car banter, wiped drool from her chin and rubbed it against her skirt.

Naturally, she had no idea what we had been talking about earlier and stared blankly at me before asking.

“Fly? Who’s flying?”

“You are.”


“What do you mean ‘who’? You used to fly just fine as a magical girl, remember?”

“Y-Yes, but…”

Whether she thought of using magic to fly differently than riding something, Aile showed a rather displeased expression.

I decided to correct her misunderstanding.

“Think about it, Aile. What does a magical girl become when she grows up?”

“She retires… and becomes a regular person…?”

“No. A magical girl becomes a witch.”


“And it’s customary for witches to ride brooms.”

Thus, we decided Aile’s riding machine would be a broom.

Not a wooden broom, but a metal one, with two wheels and a handle. It was something like a broom!

“Ta-da, this is your broom.”

“…That’s obviously a bike.”

“No way! Where do you ever see a flying bike? This is a broom.”

“No… there’s no such thing as a flying broom…”

“Here it is!”

While Aile glared at me, as if questioning my sanity, the hovering craft—Hovercraft, no, Witchcraft—was completed.

In fact, making it wasn’t that hard at all. I just bought a regular bike and modified it.

‘The rest is just adding a booster and flight capability…’

Glancing at her two-wheeled “broom,” Aile cautiously asked.

“Um… Scientist?”

“What is it?”

“Usually, things like this are supposed to be driven perfectly with some, like, AI. Is there…?”

Seeing Aile trying her luck with the universal AI theory, I shook my head. Unfortunately for her, this bike did not come equipped with AI.

“Aile, if you’re going to leave everything to AI, why would you need revenge in the first place?”

“This, well, that’s true…”

“A person needs to earn things through their own efforts. You shouldn’t be looking for shortcuts already.”

“…Yeeees, I’m sorry.”

Seeing Aile deflated, I gave her a reassuring pat on her back.

“You can win even without AI, Aile! Cheer up! You’re an evil magical girl!”

“But… I don’t even have a license…”

“What does your lack of a license have to do with anything?”


“We’re villains, Aile. Have you ever seen a villain follow the law?”

While Aile looked at me as if incredulous, I decided to embark on some intensive training with her. The absence of a license was not the issue; knowing the basics of riding a bike was essential.

You need to know what the accelerator and brakes are, after all. The problem was that I had no license to teach her how to ride. Luckily, Bira helped solve that problem.

“—Okay, Aile. Don’t panic! You won’t fall!”

“I’m going to fall…!”

“With the core muscles of a magical girl, you can balance even at a 90-degree angle! Don’t be a baby and stand up!”

Bira taught Aile how to accelerate, stop, turn, and all the other necessary skills for riding a bike.

In just a few hours, Aile was skilled enough to brag about her bike-riding experience. All that remained was revenge.

“Aile, next Friday, it’s going to rain.”


The showdown was a week away.

Just like the rainy day she first encountered Mospped.



The engine of 12,500 horsepower roared to life.

The Rocket Spider 091 belched out noise as if it would swallow the world whole, launching its heavy body forward.

In an instant, the still scenery around him vanished behind. This moment was Mospped’s ultimate thrill. The sensation of being crushed by gravitational acceleration was the only thing that made him feel alive.

‘Alright. How far can I go today?’

Even while exceeding speeds of 300 kilometers per hour, Mospped didn’t collide or brush against anyone. As a top racer, he felt severe shame at the thought of causing any accidents.

Even when traffic jammed the roads, he didn’t mind. Look—there wasn’t a single pedestrian on the sidewalk.

Thus, while careening through two cities, Mospped began to grow bored and turned the wheel. For some reason, today, driving felt flat.

Was this ridiculous speeding finally getting dull? If he couldn’t even feel dopamine from reckless driving, then what would give him that thrill? Mospped’s heart ached already.

Fortunately, his worries were unfounded.



Suddenly, alongside his Rocket Spider 091, a motorcycle darted up beside him.

A futuristic motorcycle, all black, with spikes protruding from it like some robotic nightmare.

‘Is that crazy lady?!’

Mospped scoffed as he spotted a woman zipping next to him in a black dress. It wasn’t something he’d say lightly, but zooming at 300 kilometers per hour in a dress that clearly showed her underwear was insane.

And that crazy lady irked him. With hardly a sound, she sped in front of him, glancing back and wiggling her finger.


“─What the hell?!”

That finger’s message was clear.

Try and catch me if you can.

A challenge that pricked at his pride.

Mospped gripped the gear stick and slammed the accelerator. His red Rocket Spider erupted flames as it surged forward.

“It’s game on!”

The black motorcycle lady seemed delighted, tightening her throttle to follow him.

Moments later, two shooting stars raced across the road.

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