The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 26 Table of contents

In the renowned research laboratory of the Evil Corporation, it’s said that strange sounds are always echoing. Sometimes, they resemble sobs, other times like the ringing of a bell, and occasionally, there are sharp screams.

Surprisingly, those who ventured to investigate this sound all kept mum, pretending nothing was amiss.

Regardless of the country or the era, this sound ostensibly encapsulates one thing: it’s the lament of the engineers begging for a swift end to their agony.

“공밀레, 공밀레.”

“Uh, um, Scientist…? Are you okay…?” Aile asked, her face a picture of concern.

“…Just kill me instead,” I muttered.

Aile, coming to check on me, appeared genuinely worried. I sang a tune in response, signaling that I was fine.

“Well, then! You’ve committed a lot of sins, but you’ll be out soon enough! I almost ended up in juvenile detention too, you know!”

“…Aile, what does your almost going to juvie have to do with me?”

“Huh? But you’re a grad student… If a university student commits a crime, they end up in grad school, right?”

Suddenly, I felt an unbearable rage and despair wash over me, sinking deeper into my chair. The real issue is that I can’t even argue back.

“…Aile, you’re quite skilled at rubbing salt in wounds. Maybe you should consider this as a perspective for a career.”

“Eh, ehhe— I don’t think so…”

“Yeah, yeah… Our Aile should live her life that way…”

After dallying with Aile for ten minutes, the sirens installed deep inside the laboratory began blaring, causing her to jump in alarm as I returned to my research.

“Um, Scientist…? Is something big happening?” Aile stammered, her eyes wide.

“This is just an alarm that the break is over…” I replied.

“W-What? A break over— what does that mean?”

“It means it’s a punishment. They want to restrict our freedom of movement.”

“W-Wait… Is this my fault?!”

“Then do you want to study alongside me?”

At my offer, Aile hesitated for a moment, her fingers fidgeting as she turned her head away.

“I-I think you should take your punishment properly!”

And with that, she fled the lab. I couldn’t help but question if everything was alright for someone who’s supposed to be part of an evil organization and a magical girl. She has an infinite wallet that never seems to run out and a secret known only to herself— surely she could return to high school at any moment to revel in her superiority?

Surprisingly, Aile didn’t seem to want that at all. If anything, she had money and was perfectly capable of self-actualization, so she didn’t seem to have any intention of attending school.

“Wouldn’t it be better if she went to school?”

If being labeled a “non-ability user” was a problem, I could easily fix it for her. I could whip up machines that could be mistaken for abilities, or ask Regalia to forge some documents, no problem…

Still, if she had no attachment to high school, I hoped she’d at least consider university. It’s a waste for her to end up as a middle school dropout.

“Aile, you should at least have to struggle through grad school once…”

In that moment, I realized I was thinking the worst possible thought. How could I even entertain the idea of sending a friend to grad school? That’s something inhumane. It’s an act only a soulless monster would commit.

It seems my research was so boring and irritating that I fell victim to such malicious feelings. I frowned slightly and turned my head back to the research equipment and documents in front of me.

“Why isn’t this working… just work already.”

The Boss had ordered me to mass-produce the anti-gravity devices and flying gadgets I made for Aile, using our technology.

The former wasn’t difficult. I already handmade two of those. It suggested that our technological infrastructure wasn’t completely lacking.

However, mass production was an entirely different story. I wasn’t just creating machines with knowledge known only to me—I had to make them in a way that could be understood by the people in this world.

“Ah… should I just reveal all my knowledge and call it a day?”

I almost succumbed to the desire to let it all out. But shaking my head to dispel the useless thoughts, I began searching again for a way to mass-produce with our technology.

It was truly a tedious, laborious, and thankless task…

In fact, it perfectly matched the definition of punishment.


A week later.

Regalia received a text message.

It was from the scientist stating he’d finished his research and would be taking a vacation.

“Hmmm… Did he really finish already?”

That was way too fast. At this rate, I began to suspect whether he truly knew anything about  science—as if he just slapped something together to get by.

Of course, Regalia had no knowledge of science, but thankfully, those who worked under her did. The Evil Corporation was a super conglomerate covering the entirety of City E, and the researchers in its laboratories were top-notch graduates from renowned universities.

Regalia handed the research data she received from Eight to those researchers. She intended for them to analyze it. Soon after, the researchers came back to Regalia with puzzled expressions.

“Chairman! Where on earth did this come from…?”

“Um—what’s wrong? Is it some kind of nonsense with no feasibility?”

“Nonsense? Absolutely not…! Just the opposite, Chairman! This knowledge can sweep all the awards the moment it’s announced!”

The researchers claimed this was ABC-level. In other words, according to the Eight standard, it was research that could potentially win a Nobel Prize. Physics and chemistry awards included.

“…Thirty years ahead, huh?”

“Yes…! This technology is at least thirty years ahead of its time. Of course, if we produce it now and sell it, in ten or twenty years’ time, other companies might replicate similar items using reverse engineering… but just imagining what someone with this technology could create in ten years is terrifying.”

“In simpler terms, it’s feasible to commercialize it right now?”

Regalia didn’t hang onto the researchers’ talk about ABC-level accolades or thirty-year advancements; her focus was solely on one thing: profit.

Was it possible to start selling right away? And was there room for development to sell it at an even higher price next time?

From that perspective, this technology was exceptionally suitable. It wasn’t just about potential growth; it was ready for commercialization.

“─Yes. Amazingly, this technology was designed based on the production facilities available at our factory. Chairman, what are you hiding? Are you truly harboring aliens?”

“Not aliens. Just regular humans like us.”

“Really? You actually had them with you…!”

The laboratory head looked at the chairman in shock, then hurried back, eager to make this technology a reality.

After the researchers left, the chairman wore a delightful expression, her lips curving into a smile.

‘Didn’t expect it to turn out this well?’

I thought he was just slacking off, but it seems he was genuinely working hard. He could have simply ignored my words and vanished if he wanted to.

With a satisfied scientist, Regalia smiled as she considered the rewards she would bestow upon him, returning to her tasks. She had already handed over the research materials; it wouldn’t be long before others would create the results on their own.


[The Evil Corporation has recently announced a ‘Flying Car’ that is already fully booked…]

[City E’s pride! The Evil Corporation. It’s virtually guaranteed to win ABC-level awards—]

[Public reactions are split between disbelief and the certainty that the Evil Corporation wouldn’t lie…]

The news had been relentlessly bombarding everyone with talks about the Evil Corporation. I wondered if there was really nothing else to cover, yet I felt relieved that my downgrade hadn’t been discovered.

‘I lowered the performance a bit… so it seems they didn’t catch on.’

Mass-producing the anti-gravity device used in Aile’s bike was no small feat for even me. Sure, maybe if I dragged things out a few more months, I could make it happen, but I wasn’t going to last that long.

So I decided to let it slide and put out a downgrades version that could easily be mass-produced with the available technology. I was anxious about getting caught, but thankfully it seemed the Boss had no clue I’d released a downgraded version.

‘If I got caught, I can only imagine how much I’d hear about it…’

Anyway, having completed my official punishment from the Boss, I quickly bolted from the lab. I didn’t want to smell that unmistakable laboratory odor anymore.

After leaving the lab and wandering around the evil organization’s headquarters, I spotted Aile rushing towards me while fiddling with her phone on the sofa.

“Scientist! You’re out early today…?” she exclaimed.

“I finished all my homework.”

“Oh, then! Would you like to grab a bite to eat with me? A new shop just opened nearby—”

Since it was rare for Aile to initiate a date, I happily followed her out of headquarters. The three of us—Bira, Aile, and I—headed to this newly opened place in front of the Evil Corporation.

Perhaps due to it being a newly opened place, or maybe it’s a hidden gem, the restaurant was packed despite being an early hour for meals.


We received a hearty greeting from the restaurant owner as we entered. After ordering three dishes that seemed to be the signature items, we waited for our food to arrive.

After what felt like ages of waiting, Aile suddenly jolted, poking me in the side.



“L-Look over there…!”

Following Aile’s gaze, I turned to see the restaurant owner joyfully serving customers. I tilted my head, puzzled about what the issue was.

Aile appeared noticeably agitated, trembling as she leaned closer to whisper in my ear.

“That person… it’s Mospped…!”


I turned back to the restaurant owner. With his heavily tinted sports car, nobody knew Mospped’s face. Not to mention, Mospped was a villain known for speeding over three hundred kilometers an hour! Even without the tinting, recognizing his face wouldn’t be easy.

But Aile, who had raced at a similar speed as Mospped, obviously knew what she was talking about. If she said that was him, then it was indeed Mospped.

“I heard he’s stopped his villainous ways… so he’s running a slow-food restaurant now.”

The former speed demon, who enjoyed piloting sports cars while raging around, settled down to run a place that serves leisurely meals.

It seems nobody knows what’s going on in the world, and that couldn’t be more true.

As I gawked at him for some time, our order was finally served. The colorful dishes looked fantastic at a glance. If it looks good, even if the taste is mediocre, it’s already halfway there. I slowly savored the food.


And at the very first bite,

I felt a wild explosion of seasonings and spices dancing in my mouth, and I immediately cancelled my previous thoughts. He hadn’t given up on being a speedster, only on his villainy.

Behold the rush of flavors in this food.

The spices playfully teasing my tongue.

“……It’s delicious.”

It truly was a hidden gem.

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