The Terminally-Ill Side-Character Inside of a Mar…
Chapter 37 Table of contents

The universe is the origin and beginning of all things. The energy of nature is merely a part of the universe, and to accept it means to fill one’s body with the universe.

Therefore, to contain the universe, a vessel is needed, and creating that vessel within the body is an extremely difficult task.

So, it is by no means excessive for me to sit cross-legged and focus on breathing for three shichen (6 hours) a day for a week.

Yoo Doha emphasized that accepting the energy of nature is very challenging. He stressed that while breathing is important, creating the vessel to receive it is twice as crucial.

“Do you understand? Breathing is the foundation and the minimum. If you can freely control that minimum, the rest is nothing.”

“But no matter what I do, it doesn’t work.”

“You have to make it work. Try to recall the path I drew for you.”

When he drew the path inside my body, it extended very easily. Smoothly without any blockage. However, when he withdrew his internal energy and I tried to move the internal energy I had absorbed through breathing on my own, it progressed densely as if blocked by something.

With Yoo Doha’s assistance, one cycle took only a moment, but when I did it alone, it took at least half a shichen.

Moreover, after doing it once, my entire body would feel drained of strength, and sweat would form like beads.

I wondered why simply sitting and breathing was so tiring. It wasn’t like this when I learned the Nine Heavens Meridians. I couldn’t distinguish whether it was because my body was in poor condition or if what I was currently learning was absurdly difficult.

Nevertheless, the reason I could endure was thanks to Hyuk Dojin.

When I returned to bed exhausted like this, Hyuk Dojin would come to me, feed me simple medicine, and lightly massage my legs and arms.

It was a simple massage, but thanks to that, the fatigue would completely dissipate the next day. Even though he knew I was struggling, Hyuk Dojin never told me to stop or to rest if I found it difficult.

It seemed he felt this method was quite effective.

Of course, there was no easy way for me to recover. The relationship between Moyong Sowol and Hyuk Dojin, which wasn’t even mentioned in the novel. If its end was Moyong Sowol’s death, then perhaps the current events were also a series of actions that didn’t appear in the novel.

Thinking that way often drained my energy. But whenever that happened, Hyuk Dojin would be by my side, encouraging me with words to stay strong.

“How was it today? Was it alright?”

At dinner time, after finishing a day, Hyuk Dojin asked with a smile. As I picked up a piece of crab meat seasoned with sour sauce and ate it, I quietly spoke while slightly rolling my eyes at his question.

“It’s hard.”

If I didn’t say it, I wanted to throw away the cultivation method and everything else if possible. After focusing on breathing for three shichen, my head would feel dizzy later on. Operating the internal energy I had absorbed and received in that state was no ordinary task.

“According to Yoo Doha, it will take at least two weeks to clear out the remnants of the Nine Heavens Meridians you had previously accumulated. Until then, it will probably continue to be difficult.”

He said that if I increased the amount of internal energy I was currently operating and it exceeded the amount of residual internal energy left behind, I would naturally be able to break through.

The reason Yoo Doha easily broke through and progressed when he assisted me was that his internal energy was greater than the remaining internal energy.

“But it will happen soon. Since Yoo Doha said so, you’ll probably feel much better a week from now compared to the present.”


As I put the crab meat into my mouth, I rolled my eyes. Doing this for another week. A sigh welled up inside me.

Hearing my sigh, Hyuk Dojin smiled brightly and told me about the trivial things that had happened today.

Difficult things, boring things, fun things, etc. We concluded the day by reciting trivial matters.

And as always, after finishing the meal and washing up, he would lay my weary self on the bed and lightly press my legs, hands, and arms. A refreshing sensation and drowsiness washed over me, and my eyes closed.

* * *

“Wife. It’s morning.”


Amidst the cozy warmth, I heard a voice waking me up. As the voice whispered for me to get up while gently embracing me, I moved to the side as if to escape, but a large hand persistently followed and pulled me into his embrace.

Nestled in the warm blanket and cozy embrace, I felt like I would fall back asleep. However, the voice penetrated once more.

“You need to wake up, wife.”

“…Just a bit more.”

These days, perhaps because I was training, I had become much sleepier and found it difficult to easily wake up. Unable to escape, embraced in his arms as he whispered in my ear, I had no choice but to faintly open my eyes and lift my head.

There, I saw Hyuk Dojin’s face looking down at me with a gentle smile. As soon as I saw his face, I couldn’t help but smile for some reason.

“You need to wake up, wife. You have to wash up and eat breakfast, or else you’ll keep Yoo Doha waiting.”

“…I want to keep him waiting. He’s a bad person.”

“Haha, why is he a bad person?”

“Even though I say it’s hard, he keeps urging me to try…”

I clicked my tongue and snuggled a bit more into his embrace. Had the weather definitely gotten colder? The arm slightly exposed outside the blanket felt chilly.

As if understanding my thoughts, Hyuk Dojin pulled the blanket up to my shoulders.

“But he’s not a bad friend.”


I slightly opened my eyes and looked at Hyuk Dojin again. He smiled benevolently as if asking why, but my answer was blunt.

“Dojin is bad too.”


“If you think about it, Dojin sold me off to Yoo Doha. So Dojin is also bad.”

“No, when did I sell Sowol…”

“Be quiet. I want to sleep more.”

My mind wasn’t fully awake, so I opened my mouth and spoke as I pleased before closing my eyes again. No more voices penetrated, and silence settled in.

I could fall back asleep.

* * *

I covered my face with my palm out of embarrassment.

What on earth did I say…

The words I had spoken while half-asleep were better off forgotten, but my faintly awakened mind made me fully recall what I had said.

Dojin, who was sitting in front of me, quietly observed my reaction before picking up his teacup with a composed expression. Before tilting the cup, he spoke leisurely.

“I learned something new today as well. Sowol’s emotional expression is clear when she’s sleepy.”


“It’s the first time I’ve heard Sowol’s self-assertion spoken so candidly. From now on, when I want to ask Sowol something, I should ask in the morning.”

I felt my face flush with embarrassment. I wanted to say something, but my lips wouldn’t part. Instead, I tightly closed my lips and glared at Hyuk Dojin.

Tilting his teacup, Hyuk Dojin glanced at me and hurriedly changed his expression.

“Ahem… Well, what’s wrong with sleeping a bit more? They say sleep is the medicine that cures all illnesses, so if you sleep well and wake up…”

“It’s fine. Rather than being ridiculed for sleeping in, it’s better to wake up early. I’ll wake up early from now on.”

As I curtly replied, Hyuk Dojin put down his cup and rolled his eyes as if assessing the atmosphere. His gaze shifted to Joo Hwarin.

“Why are you looking at Hwarin? You’re not possibly asking a young child for help, are you?”

“…Of course not. Sowol, I think I was too mischievous. If you’re angry, let’s clear the air…”

“Oh my, angry? Why would I be angry? I’m the one who slept in and scolded my ‘husband’ who came to wake me up, calling him a bad person. So, in order to avoid making such a mistake in the future, I’m simply avoiding taking naps.”

I smiled brightly and slightly lifted the soup Geum Baekcheon had prepared. Amidst the clattering sound, I observed Hyuk Dojin’s changing expression through narrowed eyes. I raised my eyebrows. Hyuk Dojin looked at me and cautiously spoke.

“I was wrong…”

“Hwarin. Can you tell Geum Baekcheon to make this for lunch as well? It suits my taste.”

“Yes, yes?! Ah, I understand.”

Joo Hwarin hurriedly nodded at my words, cutting off Hyuk Dojin’s sentence. Then she restlessly glanced between me and Hyuk Dojin. Hyuk Dojin also alternated his gaze between Joo Hwarin and me before quickly opening his mouth.

“Sowol, are you angry?”

“As I said earlier, I’m not angry.”

Just a bit upset.

Hyuk Dojin inhaled with a gasp and spoke urgently.

“I, I’m sorry?”

“No. Think about it. Which husband would tease his newly wedded bride’s sleep talking? Right?”


“Are you not going to answer?”

“Ah, no. You’re right. I was thoughtless. I just…”

Hyuk Dojin constantly rolled his eyes. He was a man who looked down upon all people. But to see him so restless just because I glared at him a little. That sight was simply amusing, so I silently watched him.

Of course, I wasn’t really angry or upset.

I changed the topic like this because I was worried Hyuk Dojin would continue saying embarrassing things. As I watched Hyuk Dojin without saying a word, he chattered on and on, offering explanations, apologies, and promises not to do it again.

I silently observed Hyuk Dojin without any response. Just as I was about to open my mouth, thinking it was time to stop, the door that had been half-open for morning ventilation fully opened, and the man standing outside revealed himself.


It was Yoo Doha.

Startled by his appearance, Hyuk Dojin, who had been chattering non-stop, stiffened rigidly. Yoo Doha silently looked at Hyuk Dojin with astonished eyes before shifting his gaze to me. Then, he nodded once and spoke briefly.

“Indeed, one needs to be at this level to capture and live with the Young Cult Leader. I heard it well.”

“You, you right now…!”

“Ah, are you asking if I eavesdropped? No. I didn’t eavesdrop. I always come to see Miss Moyong at this time. However, the door was open, and I could hear the Young Cult Leader’s voice through the gap, so I was waiting. I even intentionally made my presence known so you would be aware of my arrival, but did you not notice?”


Hyuk Dojin opened his mouth with an extremely flustered expression. In response to his reaction, Yoo Doha lifted the corners of his mouth and showed a smooth smile.

“If that’s the case, it’s unfortunate. Ah, but it’s truly a rare sight. Who would have thought that the person who could corner the Young Cult Leader of the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, a man who is no different from being respected by all, would be such a frail woman? And without any martial arts at that… The ancient sages said that a truly strong person is a master who subdues their opponent with words and presence without drawing a sword. Today, I learned a lesson from Miss Moyong.”

Yoo Doha lightly clasped his hands and bowed slightly in greeting. I also felt embarrassed along with him. Yoo Doha released his hands, straightened his back, and smiled brightly before grabbing the door handle.

“Then, please continue your conversation. Ah! I’ll postpone the training time by half a shichen, so take your time to resolve the remaining issues and come. Since you’re still newlyweds, I believe it will be resolved quickly. Then…”

“Wa, wait, Yoo Doha!!”

Hyuk Dojin hurriedly rose from his seat and shouted, but Yoo Doha had already closed the door and disappeared. Hyuk Dojin looked at the door with a deflated expression, and I also felt defeated for showing a stern side while trying to play a prank.

Hyuk Dojin slumped back into his seat. I placed my arms on the table and rested my forehead on my palms. Silence flowed.

In an instant, I had become a new bride who scolded her new husband over a trivial matter.



Hyuk Dojin and I silently stared at the table without saying a word. The silence stretched on.

“Ha, haha! Don’t worry too much! My father is still under my mother’s thumb even now! They say it’s only natural for a husband to be captured by his wife, so don’t worry too much! Moreover, they say a husband and wife’s quarrel is like cutting water with a knife, right? So you don’t need to be so flustered. How many couples in the world don’t have fights? Isn’t that right?”

Joo Hwarin tried hard to break the awkward situation, but it provided no consolation.

In the end, no matter what, I had become a new bride who had her husband under her thumb, and Hyuk Dojin had become a husband captured by me.

And all of this happened in less than two weeks since our wedding ceremony.

“…I’m doomed.”

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