The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 35 Table of contents

Perhaps the praise had some effect, as Dr. Kuroi started to smile and engage in conversation.

"Hmm, kid, what research got you into this place?" "Oh, I’m here for my research on psychic abilities." "Psychic abilities, you say? That’s a tough field to get recognized in—so abstract and lacking continuity." "It was indeed difficult. My research focused on manifesting psychic abilities in beastfolk. It was quite challenging…" "W-What kind of research?"

Dr. Kuroi's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard. I assured him he hadn't misheard.

"Research on manifesting psychic abilities in beastfolk." "Heh, heh—interesting. That’s a really challenging field. Did you succeed?" "Yes, I did." "I see… Over ten years ago, I was invited to Scholar for successfully developing artificial intelligence. I’m the fifth member, you know." "That’s impressive."

I had assumed that Dr. Kuroi became a member of Scholar due to his creation of the android standing next to him, but it turns out that wasn’t the case.

It made sense—someone capable of creating such a remarkable thing would have already made a name for themselves before that.

Developing strong AI was simply a culmination of his accumulated knowledge and intelligence, not the peak of his achievements.

"But to manifest psychic abilities in beastfolk… It’s been a longstanding belief in the academic world that beastfolk couldn’t develop such abilities. Could it be that the theory that beastfolk are fundamentally animals is wrong? If so, from a biological standpoint…"

Dr. Kuroi started mumbling various thoughts, clearly lost in his own world—a typical behavior of scientists. Watching him, I couldn’t help but smile.

There was a time when I thought teaching my knowledge to others in this world was a meaningless endeavor. That belief hasn’t entirely changed… but it’s always exhilarating to enlighten those filled with a fervent desire for knowledge.

Their desire is more overwhelming than any other human nature, more pure than any other ambition. Watching them greedily devour knowledge is akin to watching a child plead for a treat.

"You said you succeeded, right? Can I see the results?" "Yes, the successful demonstration is available online." "Online? The government allowed that?" "Yes, they didn’t seem to mind." "That can’t be. Those guys are terrified of anything that threatens their system. There’s no way they’d let the world find out that beastfolk can develop psychic abilities… Lucia."

"Yes, Master."

At Dr. Kuroi's command, the beautiful maid stepped forward. With a light motion, she extended her hand, and a hologram projected from the back of her hand, immediately displaying the video uploaded online.

Indeed, as one would expect from strong AI, she had quickly understood what Dr. Kuroi wanted from their conversation.

In the hologram, the scene played out in a large stadium where Galm, the villain, was firing beams at heroes, laughing maniacally.

As he watched, Dr. Kuroi's eyes widened as if he had realized something. He looked at me cautiously.

In a slightly trembling voice, he began to speak.

"This person… this is a villain from Eblis Corp." "Yes, Master. His name is Galm, and he’s a member of an evil organization. The Association has classified him as an S-class villain." "And the fact that an Eblis Corp villain is using the technology created by this kid…"

Dr. Kuroi's eyes changed as he grasped the significance of this. Gone was the condescending gaze he had just moments ago, replaced with a look of reverence.

The change was so swift that it was hard to believe it was the same person from just a few seconds ago. Although I was taken aback by the sudden shift, Dr. Kuroi hesitantly asked me a question.

"You are… the one who created the circuits for our Lucia." "…There’s no need to be so formal. But yes, I did create them." "No, no, I cannot be informal. Ah—! How could this stubborn old man have been so rude…!"

As Dr. Kuroi spoke, he began to kneel down. Watching a middle-aged man in his fifties kneel was uncomfortable enough, but his gleaming bald head made the scene even more pitiful. That cursed condition… a tear-inducing affliction that not even the power of Earth’s science could cure…

"O God of Science…! Please, forgive my rudeness and bestow upon me your knowledge once more…!" "…I’m no god. I’m just an ordinary scientist." "That’s impossible. The achievements you’ve made can only be described as divine! If you aren’t a god, then who is!?"

I awkwardly forced Dr. Kuroi to stand. His joints didn’t seem to be in the best condition, and I’d feel bad if he injured himself because of this.

But even after standing up, Dr. Kuroi maintained his reverent attitude. I sighed as I watched him.

I had anticipated that some people might react this way. After all, to the people of this world, my knowledge probably seemed like the language of gods…

But I hadn’t expected to see this reaction from someone considered one of the greatest minds of our time, a member of Scholar, who was hailed as a treasure of humanity. Even Regalia, who first saw my blueprints, or the researchers at Eblis Corp didn’t react like this.

‘Or perhaps it’s because he’s such a genius that he reacts this way.’

It’s possible that, like a person who can’t comprehend the movements of someone vastly more skilled, most scientists in this world couldn’t understand the technology behind it.

Maybe Dr. Kuroi’s genius allowed him to recognize the depth of the technology. If that’s the case, I should be admiring his talent rather than criticizing others.

"Ah, that’s right. Lucia, introduce yourself. This is your creator." "…Error. My creator is Master." "Yes, I did create you. But this man is the one who provided the foundation that made your creation possible. Without him, it’s very likely you wouldn’t exist."

Lucia tilted her head in confusion at these words, but then she carefully lifted her skirt and bowed.

"—It is an honor to meet my creator. Master, what level of authority should I grant him?" "Of course, all—"

"It’s fine. Lucia is a treasure created by Dr. Kuroi."

I stopped Dr. Kuroi from granting me strange permissions. I wasn’t some golden sun that needed to steal control over a perfectly owned android.

But there was one thing I wanted to request.

"—Instead, may I take a look at Lucia’s circuits?" "They are far too crude to show to someone like you…" "No, I’ve been curious about how you managed to create Lucia with those circuits."

"Well then, though it is embarrassing… Lucia."

"Yes, Master."

With that, Lucia turned around and began to remove her maid uniform. I was surprised at first, but then I saw her back and the back of her head releasing steam as they opened.

Watching the romantic spectacle, I let out a sigh of admiration as I observed the circuits inside. Dr. Kuroi had clearly tried his best to understand the toy circuits I had created, but… I could see a few parts that were connected messily.

"Dr. Kuroi, may I adjust some of the circuits?" "You need not ask for my permission. How could a human deny a god?"

I sighed, feeling slightly tired of Dr. Kuroi’s constant worship. Nevertheless, I reached out to touch Lucia’s circuits. This place was equipped with all the tools needed to make real-time adjustments to the circuits.

After deciding how much to modify and in what way, I led Lucia to a workspace with the necessary tools.

‘Let’s see… time to make some adjustments…’

Ah, I really couldn’t resist giving a few pointers.

Dr. Kuroi watched intently, his eyes dry from the intense focus on Eight’s hands. He couldn’t look away, not even for a second. Even blinking felt like a sin.

The hand of God was performing miracles in real-time—how could he dare look away? It was unthinkable.

‘What in the world is he…’

However, even with all his intelligence and knowledge, Dr. Kuroi couldn’t comprehend what Eight was doing. Despite his rudimentary understanding of Eight’s circuits, it was all too complex.

Could there even be anyone in this world who understood the meaning behind these movements? Dr. Kuroi thought that Scholar should change its name to "Eight and the Seven Apostles."

The sacred moment passed quickly, and once Eight finished his work, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke.

"It’s done." "Oh, God… Thank you." "Please, stop calling me that…"

Eight said, then reactivated Lucia. Her open back and head closed, and her eyes, which had been shut, opened once again.

Dr. Kuroi watched with anticipation. Now that God’s hand had touched her, he couldn’t even imagine how his Lucia might have changed.

Would she now possess supercomputing abilities capable of hacking every computer in the world? Or perhaps she had become a superintelligent AI capable of self-development and evolution?

However, contrary to those expectations, Lucia suddenly screamed and collapsed.

"Ahhh-!" "…Lucia?" "M-Master—I’m sorry. W-What’s happening? Something feels… strange…"

Lucia, who had fallen to the floor, clutched her chest and tugged at her clothes, trying to cover herself. Her eyes welled up with cooling fluid, meant to keep her temperature in check.

Seeing this, Dr. Kuroi turned to Eight with a sense of disbelief.

"O, God… Is this…" "There isn’t much difference. I just made some simple adjustments to the circuits. Her processing speed has improved slightly, and the time lag has been reduced. That’s about it." "…That’s not all, is it?" "Pardon? Ah—yes. Of course. After all, she is artificial intelligence."

When God extended his hand to a metal doll, the doll, once controlled by strings, began to move on its own.

"I added some emotions."

With just a gesture, God turned the doll into a human.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

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