Turning (WN)
Chapter 711 Table of contents

Hearing the footsteps of people running towards them, Yuder turned to Nathan.

"They'll assume the horses woke up like before and will come carelessly. A battle will ensue, so please stay back to ensure the horse doesn't get injured."

With a bang, the stable door swung open. The first to appear was a southern man, the same one Yuder had spotted from atop the building earlier.

Though Yuder couldn't understand his words, the man's mumbling in his native southern tongue was clearly cursing, indicating his displeasure with the situation.

The moment he reached out towards the rampaging horses, without properly surveying the surrounding, a gentle breeze suddenly blew over his head, tickling his forehead.

‘It's impossible for wind to blow indoors. Odd,’ he thought, scratching his forehead and reflexively looking up.

Just then, seizing the moment, Yuder, who had been sitting unnoticed on the barn's ceiling beam, leaped down upon him.


Thud. The man collapsed, struck by Yuder's foot, unable to utter a sound. While not enough to knock him out, the attack was sufficient to daze him, followed swiftly by Yuder's precise restraint and binding. After, Yuder stood up, his face unblemished by sweat.

"One down."

"Ugh... ah..."

The southern man writhed in disbelief, now swiftly tied up. Nathan Zuckerman, holding the reins of a white horse and hiding behind a pillar, peeked out calmly.

"Do you think more will come soon?"

"No. It will take time for the second one to arrive."

‘Just as I thought,’ Yuder mused silently, coldly gazing down at the man he had subdued.

Their presence here was all thanks to Yuder's memory of the name 'Conche Barony', where one of its members was destined to become the new Herne Duke in the future. In other words, without the stroke of luck of living in the future and returning, it would have been impossible for them to guess these men's presence here.

‘Right. In ordinary circumstances, this would be impossible. In a situation like this, even the most cautious ones wouldn't come out more than once for something as trivial as noisy horses in the stable, would they?’

The southern merchants hiding under the Conche Barony and the supposedly deceased Second Prince's servant were better off unseen. Especially since a similar incident had happened and had already been deemed insignificant, there was no need for them to react sensitively.

And Yuder, piercing through these thoughts, easily subdued his opponent, gaining time for interrogation. Although it wouldn't have been too disappointing if others had rushed in, this was certainly a more favorable turn of events.

The subdued young southern man breathed heavily through his nose, watching them. Upon closer inspection, he was definitely not the man they had seen in the west. Initially panicking, he quickly quieted down, indicating he was no ordinary individual.

‘He doesn't seem particularly skilled, but he's definitely well-trained. The way his hands hold a sword makes that clear.’

Those raised delicately in a duke's house, like young lords or servants, might mistake his calloused hands and body as a result of menial labor. But the eyes of the two men present could not be deceived.

Yuder knelt on one knee beside the man, bringing his face close. When faced with his dark eyes, so deep in color that their focus was hard to discern, most humans instinctively felt terror or a deep sense of dread. The man from the southern lands, though outwardly unresponsive, was no exception.

"You were the one who accompanied the Second Prince of the Herne family last night," Yuder stated.

The man remained silent.

Without concern for his silence, Yuder pressed on, "Did you kill the Second Prince?"

Silence again.

Yuder had expected as much. The lack of response was an answer in itself.

But would it be the same for the next question? Yuder deliberately paused before asking slowly and clearly, "Was your aim to assist in elevating the Conche family to the position of the next Duke of Herne?"

The man, who had shown no reaction to the previous questions, trembled ever so slightly at this. It was the reaction of someone hearing the unbelievable.

'Of course. It's an unexpected question in this situation.'

Anyone would be startled if their carefully concealed identity and purpose were so abruptly probed.

But Yuder knew all this because he had seen the outcomes that would occur in the future when no one was aware of the conspiracy. This insight, combined with the little information Yuder had provided, allowed Kishiar La Orr to deduce the truth, a feat no one else could achieve.

Kishiar had said earlier, "If we can confirm their schemes this time, we gain additional information – the certainty that they played the same hand in the previous game."

He was sent here with Nathan Zuckerman to confirm just that. And now, Yuder was certain of it.

Of course, he had no intention of kindly informing his current opponent of this.

Yuder saw the man's eyes, which had been wavering in confusion, suddenly close as if he had made a decision. Such behavior usually indicated an intent to self-destruct or commit suicide.

Without hesitation, Yuder used his power. A gust of wind sealed the man's remaining breath as his hand struck a vital spot mercilessly.

The man fainted instantly.

After he fainted, Yuder meticulously tied him up again and pushed him with his foot. Nathan Zuckerman asked with a serious face, "Was that statement just now from the Duke?"

Nathan had come here before Yuder and Kishiar speculated about the southern merchants based on future information. Therefore, it was the first time he heard this part.


"The Tain, followed by the Herne... There's a clear intent," Nathan remarked.

"They infiltrated from the inside, cunningly expanding their influence, draining wealth, and intending to distribute illegal drugs. There's a definite consistency," Yuder replied.

"I had wondered why the Duke suddenly ordered an investigation into the families related to the Herne family's succession rights yesterday," Nathan mused.

Nathan had been involved in that investigation.

Lost in thought with a grave look, Nathan suddenly peered outside and spoke, "I hear the southern language outside. They are angry about something unresolved and are looking for the man who fainted. Prepare yourself."

"I understand. Do you have any idea how many there are?"

Though Yuder's senses were sharper than most and he could amplify sounds with the power of the wind, he was no match for the quickness of a swordmaster. It was only sensible to utilize any useful abilities at hand.

Nathan Zuckerman closed his eyes with ease, focusing on the vibrations of the earth.

"There are two. At least one of them is definitely carrying a sword. I can hear the scabbard moving."


"Shall I help?"

"No need. Just keep a watch on the horses."

Yuder climbed back onto the beam. As soon as he stifled his breath and stilled his presence, two men speaking in the southern language opened the door and entered.

Startled at the sight of their fallen comrade, they exclaimed, "Temash!" "Jaswi Kel!"

Though Yuder didn't understand the southern language, he could tell that the first was a name and the second, a call to alert. And, just as Nathan had said, one of the men was indeed carrying a sword.

'This accuracy is almost enviable, akin to see-through vision.'

Before they could look up, Yuder leaped down, using the power of the wind to slam the door shut.

The two men turned in surprise, and Yuder charged at them, drawing his sword.

The startled Southerner barely managed to draw his sword and block Yuder's attack.

However, in combat, the one who strikes first usually has a decisive advantage, especially when one is prepared for how the opponents might attack.

Yuder pushed his opponent towards a spot in the stable where the ground was uneven due to horse hoof prints, causing the man to stumble and fall backward as he stepped on the uneven terrain.

Immediately, Yuder mercilessly struck at his vital points, then turned to the remaining man. The latter, perhaps an Awakener, was hastily spewing water from his hands, but such a small amount of water was merely amusing to Yuder.

Soon, he too lay beside his comrade, sharing the same fate.

[BL] Bermuda

Leonardo Blaine, the true war hero of the Raina Logia Empire and the commander of the Armsilver 11th Squad, is dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders during the final battle that could have led the Empire to victory in the territorial war. People criticize and point fingers at him, and after being released on parole from prison, he disappears without a trace.

Three years later, his name has been forgotten by the world. The Council has been persistently pursuing him, but he has proven difficult to capture. Frustrated by this, Hugo Agrizendro, the commander of the Council's army, decides to personally apprehend him.

"Since when have you been watching me?"

Leonardo was calculative and astute, so it wouldn't be surprising if he had been observing Hugo for some time now. However, Leonardo's answer was something that even Hugo had not anticipated.

"From the very beginning."

[BL] The Mist (Same author as Turning)

In the autumn of his 18th year, after winning the high school kendo championship finals, an unexpected accident occurred.

Due to that incident, Kang Mu-heon lost one of his legs, his closest friend, and his promising future. He closed off his heart and shut himself away alone.

A few years later, the world's first real virtual reality game <THE MIST> was announced, where even those with physical disabilities could play in healthy bodies.

By chance, Kang Mu-heon encountered it and began a new life as the mage Kapros, facing unexpected meetings, reunions, and days of change....


"Why was someone like you born into this world to make me so miserable? Do you understand when I say it like this?! You were born with talent for the sword, a bright personality, everything - you must have been laughing at me always lagging behind! Did you even know how pathetic I felt because of your stupid hypocrisy? A genius? What does any of that matter!"

Seung-jo's cries stabbed at his heart, wailing as if he were crying even though he wasn't, but there was no time to think further. He quickly clutched my stomach, got up, and ran towards him.

He looked surprised for a moment, but he was desperate.

Just as the car was about to reach us, he shoved Seung-jo hard. Right after Seung-jo fell and rolled away with wide, startled eyes—


Bang! With an impact that felt like his whole body was being shattered, he flew through the air.

And in that brief yet long moment of floating in space, he remembered his reflection in Seung-jo's eyes for the last time.......


[ Then in THE MIST, may you become the master of infinite possibilities. ]


When his vision returned after everything went white, he was standing in the middle of a bustling town. Amidst the clamor, countless people were busily going about their business here and there.

He looked down at himself, standing dazed and wearing clothes of unknown origin. When he touched the sleeve, he felt the texture of fabric as real as reality. His hair felt the same, and even when he touched the wall of a nearby house, he could clearly feel the solid, cold surface.

Is this... VT?

It seemed like a joke. It truly felt as if he had come to another world and was touching everything.

As he stood there unable to think due to the shock, he suddenly remembered the biggest reason he had decided to play this game, and snapped back to attention. His two legs were still as they had been when he first stood.

'Can I really walk?'

He first stepped out with his left foot, then very slowly put strength into his heavy right foot. It felt like cold sweat was running down his spine.

And then,

He lifted it,

Moved it,

And took another step to touch the ground again.

So easily. As if there had never been any problem with this leg from the beginning.


At that moment, something that was neither joy nor emotion shot up his spine. Suddenly feeling a lump in his throat, he lowered his head and leaned against the wall. His right foot, bearing his weight, was doing its job perfectly.


Holding back the tightness in his throat, he took another step.

It didn't hurt. It wasn't heavy. His leg was no longer a useless piece of wood that ached.

Damn it, to be able to walk so easily like this.

To be able to run so easily like this.

He had wished even in his dreams for the day to come when he could walk and run like this again.

And so he walked again, kept walking, slowly getting faster, until finally he started running like a madman through the entire town.


"Kap. ...There seems to be a misunderstanding. That's not what I meant."

Just as he was thinking he should throw a punch, Yu-wan sighed with a troubled look and said.

A misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding when he said with his own mouth that he didn't think of me as a friend?

"I didn't expect to receive such a question suddenly, so my explanation was probably too brief. Let me rephrase."

Yu-wan reached out his hand, his face completely changed from before - intense yet resolute - as he stared at him. As he didn't reject the hand suddenly approaching his face and kept his gaze fixed, his cool large hand touched his cheek completely.

A shiver ran down his spine at that moment.

"I'm sorry to say this to you, but I don't see you only as a friend. ...This is the complete answer."

Check out the new project 2:

[BL] Cloudless Sky

Jin Soram, the top-ranked hunter representing South Korea's Rift Phenomenon Management Headquarters, is stronger than anyone else and lazier than anyone else. As soon as he arrives at the office, he buries himself under a blanket and falls asleep. When he goes out on a mission, he causes accidents and returns to the office, often shirking his duties.

"Do you know how it feels to play a game that's already messed up? ...Anyway, the next round will come, so this time, I'm just going to play it recklessly."

In fact, his true identity is someone who has regressed through three lives, trying to save the world from the Great Rift but failing each time. After repeating a life where he couldn't sleep peacefully even for a day, he became completely exhausted before this life even began.

"I know. You worked hard, Jin Soram."

And then there's Han Tae-un, the man who saved Soram and died in all three previous lives. As he did in every life, he comes to Soram's side once again. The Great Rift is approaching soon. It's impossible to resolve it in this life without any preparation. Soram vows to save Tae-un in this life and die himself. At least, he won't let Tae-un save a failure like himself again.

"For now, until then, let's sleep..."

As Soram sluggishly lives his life waiting for that moment, a gradual change occurs in his heart.

'I thought this was a messed-up round... but I want to live a little longer here.'

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