Language Cheat Reincarnation – Young Girl VTuber …
Chapter 322 Table of contents

Chapter 322. [Be Careful About Revealing Your Weight]

“So that’s the situation, Iroha-chan! We can forget about everyone else; look how much everyone is looking forward to this! You’ve got to give it your all on stage to meet the fans’ expectations!”


Ah-neee, I think that’s a bit unfair!

Whether she realizes it or not, she’s cornering me with kindness instead of force, leaving me no choice but to do it.

[I think you’re relying too much on pre-recording, Iroha-chan!]

The words Ah-nee said to me this morning replay in my mind.

The truth is, besides preventing accidents like broken bones during pre-recording, I’ve also had them do other things for me.

For example, I was cutting out my small or clumsy dance moves to make them look better on screen. Also, if I made a mistake with the choreography or couldn’t dance well at the end due to exhaustion, they’d let me rest, redo the dance from halfway, and then splice the footage together.

In other words, they did the same kind of editing for dance performances as they did for lines or songs.

I thought everyone did that…

[――You had them do that for you!? You’ve been spoiled too much!?]

Angu Ogu told me this with a bit of shock.

Apparently, I’d been receiving a lot of special treatment because I was underage without even realizing it.

However, this time it will be hard to use those tricks.

After all, it’s a live event, so the stage’s main screen will constantly display the performers.

With no chance for scene switches, it’s tough to splice the footage, meaning everything has to be shot in one go.

The audience’s expectations are high for this live event, too… Looks like I have no choice but to build up my stamina.

“Sigh, alright, fine. Then let’s start the game…”

“Stop, stop. Before that, here, take this.”

“What’s this?”

“It’s a heart rate monitor.”


“I thought it’d be more fun with it.”

“Is that really necessary?”

≫Yes, definitely necessary!

≫Hurry up and put it on, come on!

“Uh… okay, fine.”

I was confused, but I wrapped the small device around my arm.

Ah-nee nodded in satisfaction, saying, “Alright!”

“Now, just hold this controller… and… okay, we’re all set!”

With the mocobi on, heart rate monitor strapped on, and controller in hand…

I looked quite the part, but I was ready.

“Alright, let’s start the game properly this time!”

On the streaming screen, there was footage of us, the game, and a comment section with my heart rate displayed.

My heartbeat… was it slightly fast? No, this should be normal.

“Iroha, are you nervous? Let me hear it.”

“No, not really… wait, what!?”

While I was speaking, Angu Ogu suddenly hugged me.

She placed her ear against my chest and closed her eyes.

“I can hear Iroha’s heartbeat. It’s so small… like a little bird.”

“Hey, this is embarrassing! Can you stop narrating!?”

≫Oh, her heart rate is rising, lol

≫Iroha-chan blushing is so cute, haha!

≫Seeing the heart rate is actually pretty entertaining.

“Don’t get excited over this… wait, why is Ah-nee hugging me too!?”

“I also want to bury my face in Iroha-chan’s chest! Sniff, sniff!”

“No, you’re not doing that, and I didn’t say you could!”

≫So, you didn’t “permit” it, but you’re having a “yuri” moment?

≫Nice wordplay, give that person a medal!

≫Ahhhhh! (screaming in text)

“None of this is clever, and Ilyena-chan, stop freaking out! You’re scaring me!”

≫I’m so jealous of them!

≫Let us hear Iroha-chan’s heartbeat too!

≫I’ve decided, Iroha-sama, let’s do a heart rate ASMR stream next time!

“No way! And you’re too late!”

≫Can’t wait for Iroha-chan’s heart rate ASMR!

≫As expected of our Ilyasha, thank you… thank you!

≫Heart rate ASMR? That’s a high-level fetish, lol.

The comment section was starting to get lively.

I realized that if this continued, there’d be no turning back, so I quickly changed the subject.

“Alright, that’s enough! Ogu, Ah-nee, back off! We’re here to play a game, right? Let’s start with the settings! Um, [Please input your height, weight, and age]?”

≫Isn’t Iroha-chan 3 years old now?

≫No, she’s in her 4th year since debut, but she’s actually a 9th grader.

≫Is there an official height setting? What about weight?

“Well, I’m only doing this once, so I can just put in random info.”

Besides, revealing too much personal info might clash with my image. Even though my settings aren’t far from reality, I’ll… just input some random numbers.

“Wait! No, Iroha-chan! You’re going to be doing regular workout streams to build stamina from now on! You need to enter the correct info and keep a record of it!”

“What!? You’re planning to do this regularly!? I don’t want to!”

“Okay, at least input the info correctly! That should be fine, right?”

“That’s like those insurance salespeople who say, ‘Just one minute of your time,’ but it never ends there!”

≫Such a grown-up comparison, lol.

≫I always wonder, is she really a 9th grader?

≫Iroha-chan probably gets those talks even as a kid with how much she earns.

“And also, everyone’s going to see my weight.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan!”

“Oh, no! What are you planning, you!?”

Ah-nee suddenly grabbed Angu Ogu’s arm and pulled her forward.

She was now covering the game screen in a big close-up.

“Now’s your chance, input it! Quick, go!”

“Oh, I see.”

“…I’m just inputting it, right?”

“Alright! We’ll distract them! Ogu, strike a cute pose!”

“What!? Don’t just throw that at me! Uh… Grr! I’ll eat you up!”

“No, not the usual one! Do something different!”

“Eh!? Uh… Ugh… D-Don’t eat me?”

≫Nosebleed incoming.

≫Ogu is so cute!

≫Nice, keep it up! (from the audience)

“Next pose…”

“Why am I the only one doing this!? You do it too!”

“Fine, fine. I’ll…”

“All done with the settings! You two can stop now.”

“Oh, hear that, Ogu? Let’s get back!”

“This is so unfair!”

A very amused Ah-nee and a grumpy Angu Ogu returned to my side.

On the game screen, the words [Settings Completed] were displayed.

“Thanks for waiting, you two. Now, let’s press [Next]…”

I let my guard down, thinking all the settings were done.

But on the next screen, there was a display of the target exercise volume for the future—and my ‘BMI’ was clearly shown.

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