The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 39 Table of contents

News of Sten's newly awakened power quickly spread throughout the entire evil organization. The sheer strength he displayed was hard to believe for someone who was previously only considered an E-class hero.

Initially, there were suspicions that Sten might be a spy sent by the Hero Association, but those were quickly dispelled after a one-on-one meeting with Regalia, where it became clear he had no such secrets.

“So, this ability suddenly appeared after you joined our organization?” “Yes, that's correct!” “Hmm… If you wish, I could support you in becoming a hero again. We can even erase any record of you ever joining our organization.” “Thank you for the offer, but I prefer staying with the evil organization. Rather than constantly worrying about when my popularity as a hero might fade, I’d rather live as a salaried worker.”

“Is that so? Very well.”

After confirming Sten's innocence, Regalia promptly promoted him to the position of Chief Manager of Z City and a quasi-executive of the organization. It might have been expected that people would be jealous of a newcomer receiving such a high rank, but surprisingly, there was little resentment.

The reason was simple. Galm, who had become friendly with Sten after his promotion, took him to the training ground daily to test his ability firsthand, and through this, all the soldiers came to realize just how formidable Sten’s power was.

“Wahaha—! Are you only going to defend!?” “Ugh—!”

Each time Galm swung his fist, the very space around them seemed to tremble. It was as if he was shattering space itself with his punches—a truly earth-shaking force.

But for Sten to stand there unflinching, even pushing Galm back at times, made it clear to everyone that his promotion to quasi-executive status was well deserved.

“With that kind of power, he deserves to be an executive.” “Man, if I had that ability, I’d go straight to being an A-class hero.” “Hero? Hey, were you a spy from the Association?”

Of course, Sten had his own reasons for choosing not to return to being a hero and staying with the evil organization. The salary and benefits were just a part of it. The real reason he didn’t leave the organization was…

Sten knew that his newfound strength wasn’t solely due to his own talent, but heavily influenced by the scientist’s help.

‘That candy… I wondered what it was, but now I know…’

It dawned on him late, but that candy had reawakened and evolved his abilities. Because he had eaten it, he survived in Z City and was able to awaken a power that far surpassed his original strength.

No person with a conscience could become a hero again and boast, knowing this. Repaying kindness when received is the right thing to do.

‘Thank you, Scientist.’

Sten had made up his mind. He would dedicate himself to the evil organization for life. And if anyone ever stood in the scientist’s way? He would defend him without hesitation, even at the cost of his life.

“Ah—Sten?” “—Scientist.”

At that moment, the scientist appeared before him. Sten looked at him with eyes full of loyalty. The scientist, taking in that gaze, simply smiled and spoke.

“I heard you’ve awakened a new ability? Congratulations.” “It’s nothing much. If it weren’t for your help, Scientist…” “Haha—what help? It’s all thanks to your hard work, Sten.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they got to the main point. The scientist continued.

“—But actually, Sten, there’s something I’d like to test with your new ability.” “A test?” “Yes. It’s not dangerous. You just need to close your eyes and use your ability for a bit.”

Hearing the word “test” made Sten swallow nervously. A test suggested by the scientist who had given him such tremendous power…

When he had handed over that candy, he had said it was ‘nothing special.’ Assuming this was similar to that, what kind of test could it be?

The mere thought of it made him break out in a cold sweat. However,

“If it’s your request, Scientist…” “Great! Let’s head to the lab right away—”

Sten had no right to refuse.

Unfortunately for him.

Rumors circulated within the organization.

One of the newly recruited soldiers had awakened a new superpower.

Upon hearing this, I immediately realized that Sten had discovered the true nature of his ability.

‘It seems he’s figured it out.’

I had noticed from the beginning that his power wasn’t simply about hardening his body. Turning his body to metal and becoming heavy enough that he couldn’t move his arm? Gravity doesn’t work that way. Do you think the four fundamental forces that govern the universe are a joke? If he had really become that heavy, he should have rolled over or collapsed, not remained suspended in midair.

When Sten first demonstrated his ability, claiming he couldn’t move his arm because it was too heavy, yet managing to keep it suspended in the air, I had a rough idea of what his true ability was. That’s why I decided to give him one of the gene modules.

‘It looks like the evolution went well.’

The original gene code I had extracted from Levi-tan contained a trait that allowed the person who consumed it to evolve into what they envisioned as the strongest version of themselves. I modified a portion of that code before giving it to Sten because if I hadn’t, he might have turned into a literal metal golem, unable to move.

Instead, I tailored the gene to maximize his potential. Since he misunderstood his ability as being related to metal, I had no choice but to guide it in that direction. It was frustrating to watch someone flap around like a chicken when they could have been soaring with wings.

“Alright, Sten. This is a simple experiment, so there’s no need to be nervous.” “Yes, yes…”

The moment I heard that Sten had understood his true ability, I immediately sought him out to propose an experiment. Thankfully, Sten agreed.

It really was a simple test. We needed to see how much pressure his spatial lock could withstand and whether his ability could extend beyond merely fixing space to actually interfering with it.

These small tests were to determine if he could surpass the abilities of a mere teleporter and tap into the true power of space-time manipulation. After conducting these relatively minor tests, I had a clearer understanding of Sten’s capabilities.

“You’re really impressive. In terms of pure defense, you might even surpass Bira.” “…Did you have to say that in front of her?” “Wow—Bira might have to retire now, don’t you think? I’d also prefer having a male bodyguard.” “You jerk.” “…I was joking, so please don’t cry, okay?” “I wasn’t crying.”

Sten’s spatial lock was quite literally the ability to fix space. Once the space was locked, nothing could penetrate it except his own power. Unless someone had a power that surpassed space itself or could generate enough energy to shatter space, they couldn’t touch him.

Of course, no single individual could generate that much energy, so in essence, no one could bypass Sten’s ability to attack him.

As for Sten’s offensive capabilities? It was simple—he only needed to slowly shrink the space he locked. The opponent wouldn’t be able to resist as they would be crushed by a shield that couldn’t be broken.

‘A truly invincible shield and an unstoppable spear… The only drawback is…’

His ability consumed more energy than Bira’s barrier, so it couldn’t be sustained for long. Its offensive power wasn’t particularly high, and its effectiveness varied greatly depending on the user’s creativity.

But that wasn’t a big problem. His ability had awakened to protect himself, and any lack of creativity could be solved with proper training.

‘Still, it’s a bit disappointing…’

A space manipulator. Since his power was similar to that of a teleporter, I had hoped he might find a way for me to return to Earth. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

His power only allowed him to interfere with a small area around himself. He couldn’t leap between planets or worlds, and there was no connection to Earth.

It wasn’t clear whether the Earth I had come from even existed in this universe or if it was in an entirely different dimension. For now, returning to Earth seemed impossible.

“The experiment is over, Sten. Thank you for your cooperation.” “…That was really nothing.” “Uh, yeah? I told you it would be, didn’t I?”

After the experiment, Sten and I walked down the corridor, chatting about various things. The headquarters, now quiet with all the soldiers off duty, was peaceful.

I enjoyed the bustle of soldiers training, but this quietness had its own charm. I often liked to sit in the lobby and zone out during this time.

It was then that the elevator doors opened, and a woman I hadn’t seen before entered the headquarters, dragging a suitcase.

She had long hair, striking makeup, and a constant smile on her face. Although her chest seemed unusually small, she was undeniably a stunning beauty.

“…Who are you?” “Huh? Oh—I haven’t seen you before.” “This is a restricted area. You can’t just walk in.” “Haha! Don’t worry, I’m not just anyone.”

The woman extended her hand and snapped her fingers, and suddenly, a rose bloomed and grew out of her palm.

Startled, I watched quietly as she handed me the rose and said,

“A gift for the handsome young man★.” “Thank you…?” “So, who are you?” “I’m Eight. A member of the evil organization.” “Oh—I see. You must be the scientist I’ve heard about…”

To my surprise, the woman seemed to know who I was, meaning she was connected to the organization. Could she be one of the executives I hadn’t met yet?

As I pondered this, Bira, who had gone to the bathroom, returned. Seeing the woman, she greeted her warmly.

“Arima! Are you done with the performance?” “Bira. So, you’ve finally regrown all your limbs?” “I’m telling you, they’re real!”

As Bira happily chatted with Arima, I shot her a look asking for an introduction. Realizing she had forgotten, Bira pointed at the woman and spoke.

“Eight, this is our seventh executive, Arima. A magician.” “A mage♠.” “Magician, mage, same difference.”

Learning her name from Bira, I cleared my throat and stood up, extending my hand.

“I’m Eight, the eighth executive and the organization’s scientist.” “Scientist★. Nice. We’ll get along well.” “I never imagined someone as beautiful as you would be in our organization.” “…Huh? Sorry, is that your type?” “Huh? What do you mean…?”

As Arima stiffened and hesitated, Bira started laughing, having figured it out.

“Eight, don’t tell me you’ve fallen for him?” “Fallen? No, it was just a compliment.” “Sorry to break it to you, but Arima is a guy. Not a girl.” “…What?” “Haha! Sorry♣. I do look a bit feminine, don’t I?”

At those words, I looked at Arima again.

Long hair cascading down to the waist. Thick makeup around the eyes. And a height that was tall even for a woman.

Realizing Arima’s true identity, my expression hardened slightly as I withdrew my hand.

Damn it, a pretty boy.

…It was love.

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