Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 43 Table of contents

“Good. And what we want is nothing else, Valentin.”

Valentin tilted his head.

“I hope that you at least live a life where you are diligent on your own and feel fulfilled. Mom isn’t asking for much.”


“I hope you wake up in the morning and live a regular life, start painting again which you loved so much that you even went to study abroad, and do at least the minimum social activities as a member of the Wiche Viscount family.”

“That’s right, Valentin. That’s your duty.”

“Yes. Now that you’re an adult, fulfill your obligations as an adult and do your part as a member of the family.”

At the words spoken in unison by all his guardians, Valentin bowed his head deeply.

“Yes, I understand. From now on, I really won’t disappoint you.”

Now that he had finally solved the biggest challenge and task of his life, avoiding the engagement, he could live normally without doing strange and bizarre things in the eyes of others.

It was time to work hard and live his own life without worrying anymore.


“Then shall we focus on enjoying the meal again? Bring out the main course.”

“Yes, madam.”

Joy enveloped the Wiche Viscount family that the troublesome matter was finally resolved.

The Viscount popped a champagne for celebration, and everyone raised their glasses and congratulated Valentin with one heart.

And Valentin was also moved, rejoicing in his heart alone that his plan had worked out perfectly. The hardship he had endured all this time was worth it. It was a joyful evening with overflowing delight.

* * *

That’s right.

The excited members of the Wiche family really didn’t know at all.

Yesterday, when Valentin met Reynard at the imperial palace, that very afternoon.

That Reynard had clearly expressed to the emperor and returned.

He explained to the emperor that unlike other omegas, Valentin Wiche was the only omega who could accept him. And he made a declaration disguised as a request, saying that since he was already his, he hoped the engagement with the Third Prince would be completely nullified.

He arrogantly mentioned Empress Beatrice and the Hedderfield ducal family in front of the emperor of the empire, warning that if this matter was not completely resolved, they would have to be prepared for and bear the consequences of future events.

This innocent family really knew nothing about such details.

And the author wants to say.

‘Ignorance is bliss.’

I believe you, who know what kind of mess Valentin will be running around in from now on, will also think the same.

Hoping that Valentin will be happy not knowing anything even for a short time, let’s follow a little more the footsteps of Valentin who is happy thinking he has finally escaped the cesspool.

* * *

Valentin woke up feeling really refreshed.

Early morning with the clear morning sun shining.

It was truly the time when the people of the Wiche Viscount family were busy moving.

Feeling the refreshing mood enveloping his whole body, Valentin jumped out of bed. And he opened the nearby window. Feeling the cool yet clear air unique to the morning rushing into the bedroom through the open window, Valentin took a deep breath.

“It’s really… really good that the nuisance is gone.”

He muttered in the empty bedroom.

It felt like lightness and freedom were enveloping his body.

‘Freedom…! I’m free!’

He wanted to shout while holding a sock like in a movie he saw in his previous life.

It was a lightness that felt like he could spread his wings and fly away while smelling this morning fragrance. The engagement that would push his life into the pit of ruin was finally broken off…. It was truly moving.

It had already been several days since Viscount Wiche had signed the document from Empress Beatrice.

At first, he couldn’t believe that this engagement talk had really disappeared and spent several days in a daze.

He had lived in such fear for 5 years as a fugitive…!

The imperial family had been so persistently…!

He couldn’t easily believe that everything had been nullified with just a signature scribbled by his father on a document.

But despite that fear, one day passed since that day, and two days passed, and three days, four days passed, and really nothing happened at all.

‘I thought an envoy would come again saying to cancel it.’

That’s how tremendous the default value of the original story that Valentin had experienced so far was. Despite the rejection and escape, how persistently had that engagement not fallen through until now….

‘Is it the influence of the original?’

Valentin harbored doubts about whether his thoughts had been wrong.

Was it actually something that could be easily nullified like this, but he had been mistaken about the solution all this time?

“It was this easy!”

Not knowing that it would be resolved so simply and fall through easily with the strategy he devised, he had been living abroad for 5 years.

Of course, since he considered the time studying abroad in Sorencia not as a time of escape as a victim but as the happiest time of his life, he had no regrets at all. But the 5 years he had lived with a heavy stone-like worry in his heart that never disappeared were unfair.

Valentin took another deep breath of the fresh morning air and suppressed the surging resentment and unfairness.

‘Calm down. This method couldn’t be implemented before becoming an adult, so there’s no need to feel wronged….’

This method was the optimal timing for this period.

And he was now a completely free person. Life was too precious to spend the finally obtained time of freedom lamenting, ‘I could have solved it earlier, so why couldn’t I?’

‘Whatever it is, the most important thing has been resolved.’

Everything had returned to a state of blank paper, zero, and nothingness.

It felt like he was finally starting a new life.

As soon as he realized he was reincarnated, he had always thought his life was like a paper full of minuses or messy scribbles because of this nuisance. But now that this was resolved, everything had finally become clean and ordinary.

How much had he risked his body and lived holding his breath to delay the disastrous ending like in the original even a little?

Not to mention that he had left his family and hometown to study abroad in another country for 5 years to escape all these things. Out of fear of giving a bad impression to people he met in high society like when the Valentin in the original collapsed, he had spent days enduring and living without being able to say what he wanted to say properly….

Especially recalling the past days when he couldn’t clearly explain himself and had to suppress all the things he wanted to say in his heart in front of Third Prince Clifton and Evener Luwin, who were the protagonists leading him to ruin, Valentin shuddered.

* *

‘Now I can say whatever I want.’

Now that the engagement was completely broken off, he thought Evener wouldn’t openly pick fights, but one never knew. The engagement was just an excuse or cause, and it might have been simply because he disliked and hated the sight of him, so there was a possibility he might pick fights again.

‘But there’s no more Valentin who can’t say anything like last time, like his mouth is glued shut.’

Valentin inhaled the morning air again and swung his fists in the air. If he picked fights again, he was determined to never stay still this time and show his temper.

Of course, proper management would be necessary like now.

He should never do the foolish act of turning all the people in high society into enemies like in the original.

‘Although the crisis has passed, reputation is always important because you never know what will happen in life from now on.’

In the original, it was Valentin’s self-inflicted bad reputation that was the decisive cause that made him fall into real ruin amid trivial crises like Evener’s false accusations. The same went for the family crisis. So he had to be thoroughly managing his reputation, not just being satisfied with avoiding the engagement. One never knew what crisis might come in the future.

Valentin, who had suffered from trauma for many years, still couldn’t completely let his guard down. No, maybe this strangely timid personality now constituted Valentin himself.

“From now on, I should pay attention to how I appear to people.”

He vowed, taking a deep breath.

He was an adult.

Moreover, an adult with memories of a previous life, possibly the only one in this world.

Valentin clenched both fists and made a resolution, thinking that he, who had become a complete adult in body and mind, couldn’t possibly fail to act moderately mature and sociable.

“From now on, I’ll really live ordinarily and diligently.”

“Are you awake, young master?”

Along with a knock, Dawson’s familiar voice was heard outside the bedroom door.

“I’m coming in.”

“Come in.”

“What made you wake up early today?”

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