Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 44 Table of contents

As soon as Dawson entered, he opened all the curtains in the bedroom, brightening the room with the morning sunlight, and spoke. It contained admiration and doubt about what kind of person who usually lounged in bed at this hour was up early.

“I’m really going to live diligently starting today, Dawson.”

Valentin put on the indoor robe the butler gave him over his pajamas, tied the waist strap, and made a lively resolution.

However, Dawson looked at him with that disrespectful gaze again, because the master Valentin had shaken his trust countless times until now.

“What’s with that suspicious look?”

And Valentin, who looked completely lacking in seriousness and trustworthiness in the eyes of his close aide… He was pointing out Dawson’s disrespect, just like his small and petty heart.

“It’s just a look of concern for your future, young master.”

Dawson answered with a sigh, with a sense of giving up, thinking what’s the point of fighting with a child.

“This time it’s for real!”

“Yes, yes, I understand.”

“Really! Truly. From now on, as Mother said, I’ll start painting again and attend social events. I’ll even bet on it!”

Valentin rolled one foot slightly, feeling wronged that his resolution was denied, but there was no sound as the carpet was too soft, and rather, Dawson’s sigh resounded more loudly in the room.

“What would I gain from betting with you, young master…? By the way, since you mentioned it, here are the invitations that arrived today.”

Dawson put the silver tray he brought on the table so that Valentin could see it well.

It was a subtle pressure, saying that since he brought up his enthusiasm and resolution for social activities on his own, he should look at this first, but the innocent young master didn’t notice and quickly turned his gaze to the tray.

Valentin immediately picked up the dozen or so envelopes on the tray and rummaged through them busily. Dawson opened his mouth as if puzzled, seeing him quickly flip through without opening the envelopes and just checking the names of the “senders” written on them.

“Are you waiting for a particular letter?”

Moreover, this wasn’t just today’s matter.

It was a sight Dawson had seen every day for four days in front of the silver tray, from that problematic day, the day he returned from staying out overnight, until today.

“No. Nothing.”

Valentin raised his chin, shook his head, and denied it briefly, but in Dawson’s eyes, he could see the tip of his nose moving slightly. His little master had a habit of slightly twitching the tip of his nose whenever he lied, and this was a trivial habit of Valentin’s that only those who had watched him closely since childhood knew.

“Is that all?”

It was a transparent and obvious reaction, as if searching for a specific letter right after denying with his own mouth that he wasn’t waiting for any letter.

“Yes. That’s all. Shall I prepare breakfast right away?”

There was no point in prying, as the only reaction would be vigorous head shaking and stomping his foot on the poor high-quality Pelucian carpet, raising dust. So Dawson just changed the direction and spoke of his business.

“Yeah. Prepare it right away.”

Valentin answered with a truly puzzled expression, still not taking his eyes off the envelopes. The invitation to a small tea party from the Bennett earl family was being carelessly torn in his white hand.

“I understand.”

The loyal young butler decided not to dig further into his master’s heart. Concluding to let him have time for contemplation on his own, he bowed slightly to Valentin, whose mind was occupied with flipping through the letters, closed the door, and left.

In the room Dawson left, only the sound of flipping envelopes remained.

“There’s really no contact?”

Valentin muttered while rummaging through the place where the invitation envelopes were piled and checking for the third time. This omega with a head full of question marks was now thinking of Reynard, the alpha who had shown favor to him.

Unlike his notorious reputation, he had treated Valentin like the world’s kindest alpha, so Valentin had slightly expected that their connection would persistently continue.

‘It was really obvious to anyone…?’

He thought it wasn’t just his own illusion that he read interest in Valentin from those eyes…. Something was strange.

‘Was it simply that he also only wanted my body like me?’

Of course, he had no intention of continuing to meet Reynard seriously. However, he was someone with whom he had given and received his first time, and also spent time in ecstasy together afterward, so he hadn’t expected the contact to be cut off at once like this.

In fact, it wasn’t even something to worry about. It was a relationship that he himself hadn’t thought of seriously either. Moreover, they had met as a one-night stand, so he didn’t feel the need to tell him to continue the connection further.

He just had the simple impression of ‘Strangely, there’s not a single letter? I guess the connection will be cut off like this.’

Moreover, in Valentin’s future plan, staying away from him was the best scenario, as Dalton said.

‘Getting involved with such a big shot would only be tiring again….’

Now that he finally had the opportunity to live normally and the same as others, trying to find and get involved with this connection again would be literally choosing a tiring and rough life path with his own feet.

It was unexpected that there was no contact, but in fact, it was the best situation.

“Well, I should just cherish it as a memory.”

Valentin shrugged his shoulders and rejoiced modestly, thinking that the alpha he had picked at random without knowing was really a good person by luck, and it was an unexpected fortune in his life that had been mixed with misfortune.

“He was the best alpha for a first experience….”

Scenes that made his face hot even when he thought about them again tried to conquer his mind, but Valentin quickly shook them off. From this bright and refreshing morning, it was something that shouldn’t happen, definitely shouldn’t happen.

Back off, brain!

Now was the time to really live righteously and diligently as his mother said.

He had to paint diligently, create works, and engage in social activities. After building a good image like a normal aristocratic young master and satisfying his parents, he could travel as planned and live freely.

Valentin felt guilty about saying he would go on a trip right away.

‘It hasn’t been long since I returned home.’

Moreover, what parent would readily allow their omega son who had just become an adult to leave, trusting him to travel like a wanderer? Valentin shook his head, thinking no parent would willingly allow that.

Now was the time to live diligently under his parents, build trust, and further develop his skills.

“Alright. Let’s move.”

Valentin stretched his arms and made a resolution.

How many times had he made a resolution? If Valentin’s resolution had really been like kneaded meat, that meat would have already turned to powder and disappeared. Or it might have become a sticky and delicious meatball.

Let’s just generously see poor Valentin mistakenly thinking he has found freedom on his own, and let’s just call today the “Day of Misconception and Resolution.”

* *

Clifton Leopold

* *

Reception room of the Osborne Earl’s mansion.

Before the concert began, the reception room was filled with people’s busy and noisy sounds. Someone’s excitement, nervousness, joy, and boredom. It was a sound that mixed all of high society.

As soon as he entered the already ripe place like a latecomer, Valentin immediately found today’s protagonist.

“Congratulations on your first concert.”

“Oh my, Lord Wiche. Thank you so much for coming to my first charity concert.”

A lace-gloved hand was held out to Valentin. It was Brussels lace in the shape of a leaf, currently the most popular style in the empire. Valentin elegantly thanked her, lightly took the outstretched hand, and pressed his lips to it in a formal greeting.

“Not at all. Of course I had to attend Lady Osborne’s historic first concert.”

Formal greetings were exchanged between the guest and the host.

Today was Valentin’s first social activity after being liberated from the shackles of “engagement.”

Among the recent charity events prevalent in the capital, it was an important event that he couldn’t miss. It was because today’s charity concert protagonist was one of the few friends in Valentin’s lonely life without friends.

In their appearance facing each other and exchanging formal greetings, the awkwardness and freshness of those who had just become adults could be glimpsed. Was it similar to young boys and girls imitating the mature and sophisticated appearance of adults in high society? Formalities maintained between close friends brought about this kind of awkwardness.

“My goodness, Valentin! How long has it been?”

As if throwing away the formalities, a cheerful voice greeted Valentin.

* *

The protagonist of today’s charity concert, Lady Cecilia Osborne, elbowed Valentin’s side as soon as the gentlemanly respectful greeting was over, as if to say this much was enough. In other words, she immediately discarded the formality she had been maintaining until just now.

So it was natural that she had already thrown away the “Lord” she had called him out of courtesy and boldly called Valentin by his name like in the old days.


This impact felt after a long time…. Cecilia, who was born with confidence and boldness from the womb, boasted a refreshing appearance despite meeting after 5 years.

Right. He had forgotten that she was exceptionally bold. Valentin recalled his friend’s childhood when she used to go around with her dress pulled up.

“Why are you so late?”

“Sorry. I overslept….”

Valentin smiled awkwardly and confessed. For some reason, he had been sleeping a lot lately. It was no easy feat to get up every morning. Today too, if Dawson hadn’t shaken Valentin’s shoulder to wake him up, he would have missed the time.

“If you had gone over this year, I really would have forgotten your face.”


“Of course, your face is the kind that can never be forgotten.”

Cecilia shrugged her shoulders and complimented Valentin’s beauty.

Cecilia was the only person who could be called a childhood friend as their mothers, the countesses, were old friends. She was the only person Valentin exchanged occasional letters with during the 5 years he was away from Eldon to study abroad, and the only person in high society with whom he could open his heart.

Valentin rubbed his sore side and belatedly gave her a friendly greeting like her.

“How have you been, Cecil?”

“What’s there to say, Valentin? As always, couldn’t be better.”

Perhaps that personality that was always satisfied with her reality was the source of her confident boldness. Cecilia and Valentin linked arms in a friendly manner and slowly moved their steps, stepping on the reception room carpet. Their appearance was similar to close friends linking arms in a friendly way, not a man escorting a woman.

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