Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 72 Table of contents


Even though the floor was carpeted, there was a loud noise as the one harming Valentin was thrown off.

“What’s going on here?”

It was Reynard’s voice, who had thrown off Evener who was losing himself to madness.

“Do you know who you’re messing with?”

Reynard grabbed Evener, who was already fallen on the floor, by the collar and lifted him into the air, grinding his teeth as he spoke. Every syllable was filled with anger.

“Reynard! Don’t do it!”

Valentin shouted. Much more forcefully than when he had grabbed Dalton by the collar. And he hurriedly grabbed Reynard’s back and clung to him.

It could blow up into an issue between families, and could also become a social issue. An alpha beating an omega. And in such a public, external space…!

It absolutely must not happen. He couldn’t let the problem grow any bigger.

It had already crossed the line enough.

“Stop it!”

“How dare you touch my omega. How many lives do you think you have?”


Valentin hugged Reynard’s back and shouted desperately.

“Please! Let him go!”


At that desperate cry, Reynard finally let go of his hand as if shaking off something dirty.

As the collar was released as if thrown, Evener hit the wall with the force, and the rolls of silk and satin fabric that happened to be standing there fell with a clattering sound due to the recoil. The beautiful toilette room became a mess and Madam and people gathered around.

“Cough, cough.”

Coughing sounds came from Evener, whose neck had been nearly strangled by the fierce collar grab.

“What’s going on here?”

Valentin hurriedly sent Reynard, who was still asking with fierce eyes, behind his back. It was an action he took without realizing, afraid that another fight might break out.

“Later… I’ll tell you in detail later.”

Valentin whispered softly while hugging him so that it wouldn’t reach people’s ears. The matter shouldn’t get any bigger. As if to comply, Reynard soon regained his composure. And he asked in a voice that seemed like it could cut like a knife.

“Do you know each other?”

“…It’s Lord Evener Luwin. He’s the son of Count Luwin and the lover of Prince Clifton Leopold.”

At Valentin’s whisper, Reynard’s eyes became even fiercer.

“If we do any more, they certainly won’t stay quiet. I’m not hurt anywhere, so please stop.”

And please calm down… Valentin muttered while gently stroking the alpha’s back, which was heaving with anger.

Already too much had happened because of the inability to hold back.

Someone was hurt because of his words. A conflict arose from raw emotions clashing like a children’s fight. Just thinking about that was enough to make him feel pathetic about himself.

Moreover, the thought of becoming the subject of controversy under the scrutiny of high society people was horrifying. If it went any further, they would become the talk of the town again. He really wanted to live quietly now… The issue had grown too big due to the unexpected bursting of his emotional dam.

‘I didn’t mean to make such a big deal out of this…’

He had been unskilled; he could have resolved it amicably without making the other party angry.

This wasn’t the direction he meant when he said he would speak without holding back from now on.

He could have spoken the truth and his true feelings in a sufficiently good way. He could have not spoken in such a sarcastic way, hurting the other person.

‘But I couldn’t do that…’

Valentin regretted himself for losing his reason momentarily and lashing out at Evener’s sarcasm. He had become just like him. He wanted to live without hurting anyone, but he couldn’t.

It was then, as Valentin was momentarily silent, immersed in thoughts mixed with regret and depression. Along with the sound of clearing his throat, Evener’s voice was heard.

“I… cough, I was very rude.”

Valentin’s eyes widened.

It was as if he hadn’t just suffered the humiliation of being grabbed by the collar and thrown. It was an extremely polite attitude.

The angelic Evener Luwin of high society had returned.

It was the opposite of how he had treated him earlier. It looked like a natural submission due to enormous pressure, but it seemed that an even greater thought was weighing him down. He looked like someone who thought he shouldn’t make even a slightly bad impression on Colonel Reynard Dennox.

“Valentin and I have known each other since childhood. I sincerely apologize for showing a side of myself that shouldn’t have been seen due to a minor difference of opinion.”

Evener spoke in his usual polite manner, smoothing out his crumpled clothes. But the situation on this side remained unchanged.

“I don’t think I’m the one you should be apologizing to.”

Reynard spat out angrily despite the sincere apology. Even at these words that seemed to throw back his apology, Evener’s correct attitude remained unchanged. It was literally the usual Evener Luwin of high society, whose villainous appearance shown when alone was unimaginable.

He bowed his head again with a benevolent appearance.

“I’m really sorry for showing such an aggressive side, Valentin. I sincerely apologize.”

“…I accept your apology.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll also apologize for the harsh words I said. But what I said earlier is true. I hope there will be no more misunderstandings in the future.”


“The conversation we had won’t go outside.”

It was a gentleman’s promise not to convey it externally, as both their honors were at stake.

“Alright. I promise too.”

The two omegas, having come to their senses, exchanged polite apologies and promises to each other.

Although it ended in a fight, Valentin had ultimately said everything he wanted to say to Evener. He regretted and was sorry for causing hurt, but since they had both come to their senses and even exchanged apologies, Evener must have understood too. Now he just wanted to get out of this situation. A sense of self-loathing and fatigue washed over him.

“Go now.”

Valentin hurriedly urged, looking at Reynard who seemed to be suppressing the current situation. He looked like he might explode if provoked even a little more. It would be better for both him and Valentin if Evener disappeared from sight quickly.

“I truly apologize for my rudeness. I’ll take my leave now.”

Evener picked up his gentleman’s hat that was rolling on the floor and put it on his head.

“I sincerely congratulate you both on your marriage. Well then, goodbye.”

It was a clean exit, as if he had completely forgotten the humiliation he had suffered. Valentin quietly watched Evener’s retreating figure as he left the toilette room.

Was it because he had read sadness in the earlier madness?

That lonely back view lingered in his eyes for a long time as an afterimage.

* * *


“I’ll visit the mansion tomorrow, Lord Wiche!”

Valentin hurriedly pushed Reynard’s back and left the dress shop, leaving behind Madam’s urgent shout.

His eyes… His eyes were rolling.

‘What should I do with this man?’

It was his job to take care of his fiancé who looked like he might explode at any moment. Valentin tightly held the large hand.

It was the center of high society where all the great nobles of Eldon came and went. Although he seemed to remember this and let Evener go, Valentin noticed that unresolved madness was hiding in his fiancé’s eyes. As if Evener’s madness had now transferred to him.

“Walk, Reynard.”

Valentin took the lead, holding the large hand.

“Walk, come on. Let’s go for a walk or something.”

Valentin continued to pull the person who wasn’t moving as nimbly as usual and was stiff.

It wasn’t just his body that was stiff. Valentin, who had been with him for only a short time, could clearly see that his eyes and mind were boiling.

His mind urgently needed ventilation. They needed to go somewhere else, not here, to get some fresh air.

He wanted to instill other thoughts in him, even by changing the atmosphere. This alpha was his fiancé, and they were bound by fate. It was Valentin’s duty to stop his groom-to-be if he looked like he might cause trouble.

Besides, wasn’t he somewhat pitiful… Valentin recalled his pheromone problem. Somehow, the tip of his nose stung.

Valentin sighed as he walked ahead on the wide sidewalk of Queen’s Road.

‘It’s all because of me…’

His anger had infected Evener, and now it had infected Reynard too.

This is how easily people’s negative emotions are transmitted. Because he knew this well, he had been trying so hard until now… Valentin smiled bitterly, thinking of himself who had been trying to become a better person since becoming aware of his past life.

If he had endured just a little more, there wouldn’t have been these remnants of anger spreading like this… He wasn’t mature enough. Valentin closed his eyes tightly and regretted.

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