Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 73 Table of contents

A cool, fragrant breeze brushed against his face. It was a luxurious and bright scent like those from the high-end shops that emitted fragrances, but it didn’t improve his anxious and depressed mood. Feeling the cold wind that matched his mood, Valentin gripped the hand he was holding even tighter. Ignoring the shops lining both sides, he was an omega moving forward, pulling along an alpha much larger than himself.

Reynard only opened his mouth after being forced to walk about thirty steps following Valentin out of the dress shop.

“Valentin, stop for a moment.”

“Why? No. Just keep walking.”

“No, look at your shirt. All the neck buttons are torn off.”

Reynard turned Valentin around in the middle of the street with a strong but not rough force.

Valentin quietly looked down at himself. In his haste, he had just put on his vest and morning coat over the fitted shirt.

“Does it look bad? Should we go back and change now?”

“That’s not what I mean.”

Reynard frowned, which was rare in front of Valentin.

“Your neck was torn too. Look at this damaged skin.”

Only upon hearing this did Valentin become aware that his neck, where Evener had grabbed him, was slightly stinging. It seemed there was a small scratch.

Was it because his mind was entirely focused elsewhere? He hadn’t been able to notice. The most important thing for Valentin right now was calming Reynard’s anger. He was reacting more violently than usual at the thought that his pregnant omega had been attacked. Or perhaps this was a side of him Valentin hadn’t seen before, but in any case, the whole situation was excessive.

Meanwhile, he was amazed to realize that not even a hint of pheromones was leaking out. If it were him, he would have already been unconsciously emitting emotional pheromones filled with anger. Even more so for an alpha who typically expresses aggression more strongly. But unlike when they were alone usually, he wasn’t showing even a hint of pheromones now. It was remarkable self-control.

The omega, who had heard all about his alpha’s weakness today, was feeling guilty, mixed with the mistakes he had made.

‘I must take responsibility for this alpha.’

Valentin’s heart was full of a sense of duty and responsibility.

Valentin looked up at him with a determined expression. While Reynard’s face was full of worry and anger, he was gently soothing Valentin with a soft touch. Stroking that warm back of his hand again, Valentin prepared words to calm the alpha.

“It’s okay. It’s nothing.”

“How can this be nothing?”

He had just asked, but did it sound like something was breaking in his molars…? Um, are your teeth okay…? Once again, he was being consumed by unabated anger. Valentin hurriedly tried to soothe Reynard.

“Calm down, Reynard. It’s because it’s a fitting. It’s supposed to come apart easily since it’s not properly sewn. And you know my skin turns red easily even with just a slight touch.”

Seeing Valentin hurriedly pouring out words, Reynard frowned even more.

Was my persuasiveness this terrible? Why on earth is he not listening…

Valentin put his hand to his forehead, looking at him who still seemed unable to contain his anger.


That action must have caused even more misunderstanding for him. Reynard hurriedly supported Valentin and spoke urgently.

“Valentin, look at your condition. We should just go straight to the carriage after all.”

He was undoubtedly about to call for the coachman urgently.

Valentin pulled on his arm as he was turning back to find the carriage on the path they had walked. And he spoke more clearly in a slightly louder voice. Perhaps there was even a bit of anger in it. Seeing the alpha not following his intentions, he thought he should clearly state his opinion, even if he had to imitate his forceful manner.

“My condition is better now than it has ever been! You know I’ve received plenty of your pheromones.”

In fact, Valentin was in the best and most normal condition he had been in recently, having received Reynard’s pheromones abundantly yesterday and today. If it weren’t for the uninvited guest’s provocation, he wouldn’t even have this slight headache, that’s how good his physical condition was lately.

“Your eyes are playing tricks on you right now.”

Because he was full of energy, he didn’t hesitate to be direct with the one who couldn’t recognize his own state. It was something unimaginable considering the early days of their relationship. Back then, Valentin was the opposite, a coward who couldn’t even properly say what he wanted to say. It was an incredible improvement.

Reynard just stared blankly at Valentin, who was clearly stating that he was excessively angry right now and that Valentin had no intention of letting it slide. Perhaps he was surprised to see Valentin raising his voice at him for the first time. But regardless of what he thought, that wasn’t what was important.

“Walk quickly. Follow me.”

He pulled again at the one who had become like a wooden block, frozen, with thoughts unknown. With overflowing responsibility in his heart, he bravely took steps forward again. Following Valentin quietly, Reynard opened his mouth in a low voice. His tone had softened slightly.

“But what if you collapse.”

Ah… was this what he had been thinking all along? A small realization came to Valentin’s mind.

It was a concern he had always heard.

An alpha who treated him as excessively fragile.

Although he had unintentionally shown a clumsy side often, he didn’t think he had flaunted weakness… Valentin tilted his head and looked up at him. Seeing his face still furrowed as if he would die from worry, he felt the urge to have a proper conversation at least once. At this rate, he might really end up being carried in these arms all the time. The thought made him smile slightly.

And now seems to be that very moment.

Ignoring the curious glances of some nobles passing through the neat streets of Queen’s Road, he stopped resolutely. Thus, in the middle of the street, he faced Reynard straight on. Gripping his hand that he was still holding even tighter, Valentin opened his mouth.

“Reynard, I am a man before I am an omega.”


“Of course, I might be much smaller than you. But I’m still a man who falls on the sturdy side.”

Valentin’s sincerity flowed out resolutely.

Perhaps he hadn’t expected such words to come out? Reynard’s eyes widened slightly.

“Don’t treat people like they’re about to break like this. You have a tendency to overprotect me excessively.”


“Yes. Look. Does my hand feel like a woman’s or a child’s hand to you?”

Valentin said, turning over the hand he was holding now and showing the bare palm. Of course, to Reynard’s eyes, it was a sufficiently small, pale, and delicate hand, but he didn’t convey that impression directly. At least Reynard had enough tact alive in him. Enough tact not to ignore and stop his fiancé who had started a serious conversation with a determined expression. It was an excellent improvement.

“Except for when I was young, I’m healthy enough that I haven’t even had minor illnesses.”

It was actually true. Isn’t the importance of health basic common sense for a reincarnator who lived in modern times? Valentin had endlessly maintained proper sleep, meals, and light exercise until now. If it weren’t for the pregnancy, he would have been in truly healthy condition.

“Of course, it’s been a bit different recently…”

Although he didn’t explicitly say it was because of the pregnancy, Reynard would know what he was talking about. An alpha and omega who hadn’t even held their wedding ceremony couldn’t mention the fact of pregnancy on the street. Especially not in the middle of Queen’s Road where various elegantly dressed socialites passed by not infrequently. Moreover, perhaps because the two of them were noticeable, people overflowed with sidelong glances at them.

“Anyway, the reason I haven’t been well lately is because of a special situation. I want to tell you that I’m usually healthier and sturdier than anyone else.”

Despite Valentin’s serious explanation, Reynard’s face showed no sign of being convinced. Had he failed to make him understand?

Well, who would look sturdy compared to him? Valentin sighed, looking at Reynard’s body that was solid like an iron man, not just large but enormous.

In fact, regardless of Valentin’s self-deprecation, Reynard was thinking something completely different right now.

He had been slightly dumbfounded since earlier. That is, from the moment he was hurriedly pulled out of the dress shop with his hand grasped. From the moment he was inevitably dragged out by that feeble strength.

Did this omega think he was someone who knew nothing about etiquette and social graces? Or was it because he had only shown his good side to Valentin until now?

He was much angrier than usual, but not to the extent of overturning the shop or going to deal with that fellow right away. He wasn’t that uncivilized. But it seemed different in this rabbit’s eyes. His omega seemed too surprised by his angry appearance.

And the cuter and more amusing part was this.

That determined and resolute expression.

A face that seemed to say he needed to resolve and take responsibility for this situation, as if he were Reynard’s guardian. Valentin’s expression, full of both insignificance and determination… That was kneading Reynard’s heart right now.

‘Did I overdo the pitiful act?’

It seemed the performance had worked too well.

‘How can he be so inadequate and lovable at the same time?’

It was like watching a child pretending to be an adult, marching ahead proudly.

Both the way he was dragging him out, twice his size, trying to resolve the situation in his own way, and the way he was appealing to his strength saying he was an adult and a man, were really so cute it was killing him.

But if he said this outright, he might never see that adorable appearance again. Reynard deliberately hid his true feelings.


“Yes. Please speak.”

Finally, those lips opened. Valentin looked up to face him. His own image was reflected in the gray eyes.

“I’m not denying that you’re a man.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

For a moment, I thought you didn’t know.

“And I don’t think you’re unhealthy either.”

Reynard carefully embraced Valentin, who was smiling slightly, pulling him close. And he whispered softly into his ear.

“You’re my omega. An omega carrying my child. That’s all it is. I’m not disrespecting you.”


Throughout all the days he had lived, this was the only person who treated him like fragile, thin glass that might break. The foundation for doing without hesitation what even parents or guardians like Dalton didn’t do must have been this kind of heart. In that moment, Valentin gained an insight.

An alpha’s protective instinct towards an omega.

‘So this is what it’s like…’

Was it because he was a person with particularly strong alpha traits? His instinct was more primal than anything else. It felt like confirming what was the basis of the heart that sensitively looked after Valentin’s well-being and health.

Valentin raised both arms and hugged his back in return.

“Thank you.”


“But it’s true that I’m sturdier than you think, Reynard.”


“Please do it moderately from now on.”

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