Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 80 Table of contents

But what was unique was that although the shape was simple, it didn’t look simple at all as it was wrapped in the splendor of the jewels. Well, with jewels so brilliant they could blind you… what does the simplicity of shape matter?

“The first Duchess was also a male omega. That’s probably why the shape is much simpler than women’s.”

Ah… Valentin nodded.

“Actually, if someone wanted to make a crown of this caliber, they could.”

Madame said happily with a humming noise. What did she want to say with such an excited voice?

“Of course, this ‘Light of the Ocean’ would have to be replaced with sapphire. Anyway, what can’t be done with money? It’s not that it can’t be made, just that the price would be astronomically expensive. But!”

Madame raised her hand holding the tiara and firmly fixed it on Valentin’s head.

“Even if someone brought something exactly the same, it couldn’t compare to this.”

“Of course.”

“This tiara has incomparable value in that it’s the crown of the first Duchess. This is truly a historical treasure.”

The Viscountess nodded and smiled at Madame’s words.

“Moreover, it’s famous for not having been used by anyone since the first Duchess.”


“Partly because it’s a treasure with historical value… Actually, I don’t know well either. Wouldn’t the Young Master know better than me?”

Madame winked. While Madame being a foreigner might have influenced it, it seemed there were many untold stories of the ducal family that hadn’t been revealed, befitting a family with many secrets.

When the three people first came in carrying the jewelry box, he wasn’t really interested. Wasn’t Valentin from the wealthiest family in Eldon? The Viscountess and Valentin had lived seeing jewels to the point of being sick of them. But seeing what his mother brought with sparkling eyes, it was indeed worth it. It was a treasure with historical value, so rare it was almost like something out of legend.

“He brought something so rare for you.”

“You must be really loved.”

Madame made a fuss, saying she had clearly seen honey dripping from their eyes last time.

“It’s truly beautiful.”

“Now it’s perfect.”

The three people exclaimed as they looked at Valentin wearing the sparkling low-height tiara. The Viscountess tidied Valentin’s hair again and asked in a small voice:

“Are you okay…?”

At the groom’s mother’s worried question, Valentin forced the corners of his mouth up and smiled with difficulty.

“Of course.”

Despite hearing the answer that he was fine, parents have the talent to look into their children’s inner thoughts. The Viscountess said quietly as she put white gloves on Valentin’s hands with a faint smile:

“It’s normal to have many thoughts before getting married.”


“I was like that too before marrying your father. Until just before stepping onto the virgin road, I worried if I had made the right choice.”

Valentin finally smiled at his mother’s words. She was always warm, affectionate, and strict to him, but wasn’t it fascinating that she too had a wavering girlhood? A pleasant chuckling laugh leaked out between his covered lips.

“So was that choice right?”

Enough time has passed to be able to answer now.

It was the question he most wanted to ask. What conclusion his mother, who had the same worries, had reached. Although there seemed to be no need to hear the answer knowing what kind of couple they were usually, for some reason he wanted to hear it directly from her lips. The feelings of someone who had stood in this position.



When he asked again in disbelief at the brief affirmation that came out immediately, the Viscountess smiled brightly. Stroking Valentin’s cheek lightly with her lace-gloved hand, she said clearly:

“We had you, Valentin.”


“That alone makes my choice a success.”

The Viscountess held both of Valentin’s hands tightly. It was a very tight grip as if trying to convey her will.

“You are Brandon’s and my treasure, my son. And that fact will be eternal.”


“Don’t worry and stand tall with your shoulders straight. Even if you get married, even if you have children, you will always be our lovely child.”


“Anything is fine. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to hurt a little. We will always be behind you, always praying for your happiness.”


“So it will be alright.”

Valentin smiled back at his mother.

‘Yes. Everything will be alright.’

Perhaps the current worries were worries that all brides and grooms have before stepping onto the virgin road. Like a rite of passage everyone goes through, would this too become nothing after time passes…? Valentin squeezed his mother’s hands tightly, strengthening his resolve together.

“If you two are done talking, can we proceed with the final step now?”

At their nods, Madame’s assistants entered from outside the door, holding out a beautiful veil wide. It was a careful gesture as if they couldn’t allow even the slightest wrinkle.

A beautiful veil was draped over Valentin’s head by the hands of Madame and her assistants standing on chairs. The small lace rose corsage attached to the end of the veil swayed cutely.

Today’s groom, with his face covered by a dreamy white mist, was complete.

Finally, a bouquet was placed in Valentin’s hand. It was a white rose with only the middle part dyed pink as if paint had spread. He remembered what Reynard had said when he saw this rose in the garden once.

[This flower resembles you.]

[How so?]

[The way you blush whenever I say something.]


[Yes. Every time, only your cheeks turn red in a perfect circle on your white skin.]

Just like this. His cheeks had turned red again at those words as he pointed to the rose. The bouquet must have been ordered by him too.

“Truly, such a perfect groom will be the first and last in my lifetime.”

Madame said with tears in her eyes as she looked at the elegantly and perfectly adorned Valentin.

“You can go out now.”

At Dawson’s words as he looked at his watch, the Viscountess said goodbye to Valentin and returned to her seat.

The wedding will start soon.

Meanwhile, in another groom’s waiting room.

Over the perfectly self-groomed ceremonial military uniform, the ducal family’s valet pinned medals with concise movements. Regardless of how many medals his master had, he seemed experienced in arranging their positions and setting the direction of the gold cords with practiced skill. Well, it had been 10 years since the number of medals exceeded ten, so it must be quite familiar.

“It’s all done.”

The other servants who had been tidying his shoelaces and hair had already finished their tasks and left. The valet who had finished the final grooming of the clothes concluded briefly and left his position. As the master had already told everyone to leave the room, it was a quick departure without needing to ask for permission.

Reynard took out a piece of paper from his breast pocket.

Respected Lord Reynard Dennox,

I accept your proposal.

Yours, Valentin Wiche

It was the letter in which Valentin had replied that he would marry him.

Reynard recalled Valentin’s appearance from a few days ago as he scanned with his eyes the elegantly curved ends of long vertical script letters like ‘g’ or ‘f’.

For some reason, the Emperor had invited the two grooms-to-be to a luncheon before the wedding, and they had just returned from that occasion together that day.

It was a grand formal dinner with seven types of knives alone, excluding spoons and forks. And even more uncomfortable than that was the Emperor’s attitude as if he were Reynard’s father.

His lips twisted involuntarily as he thought of the Emperor’s oily face, chattering about how much expectation he had for their marriage while seating Valentin.

[Giving birth to an heir to continue the Dennox ducal family line is no less than your greatest duty.]

He recalled the Emperor’s words openly pressuring Valentin about superior alpha offspring. And Valentin’s gentle face smiling as if embarrassed while listening to it. In reality, his features were so beautiful that he didn’t look particularly gentle at all, but Reynard’s personal feelings were undoubtedly involved. You could call it rose-colored glasses for his omega. To him, Valentin was a cutie with rosy cheeks who startled easily like a rabbit and couldn’t even make eye contact, just fidgeting with his fingers.

‘Such a delicate person.’

To put pressure so openly. Reynard gritted his teeth with a crunch.

Just as he was thinking “So this was his purpose in calling us today,” he realized the Emperor’s true intentions weren’t just that. The desire to maintain naval power by giving birth to a superior alpha inheriting this ability wasn’t the end of his business.

Had the ducal family that didn’t roll according to the Emperor’s wishes until now been so troublesome?

The Emperor subtly forced Valentin to interact closely with the imperial family in various ways.

‘Well, the ducal family until now must have been irritating too.’

Thinking about it, it wouldn’t have been just ‘troublesome’, would it?

As time passed and eras changed since the founding of the country, imperial authority had weakened slightly, but the ducal family remained steadfast.

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