Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 81 Table of contents

Therefore, honor almost equal to royalty despite not being royalty. The difficulty of not being able to openly demand things according to one’s vulgar desires. A position almost equal despite being called a subject. Excessively large power that could overturn everything if things went wrong. Fear of possible rebellion. Jealousy arising whenever people’s praise was directed this way.

Everything must have been irritating and everything must have been coveted.

To the extent of wanting to immediately bring in an omega child. In fact, if Reynard didn’t have pheromone issues, he would have been the type to steadily push in someone from a cadet branch of the imperial family.

If the ducal family’s power had been even slightly weaker, he would have been the type to forcibly demand relationships with beta women, as he had proposed at the ball before.

Reynard had no choice but to attend with Valentin, but he could hardly bear wanting to quickly leave his seat. But the Emperor clung on to Valentin until the end, even offering dessert.

[I’m truly glad you’re becoming part of the family.]

How nice of you to say “part of the family”.

[Cooperation between the imperial family and the ducal family is tradition and duty.]

It’s already a completely rotten tradition.

[I hope you’ll attend all official imperial events without fail.]

We’re already busy enough guarding the maritime territory from the duchy, how are we supposed to come and go like this?

He’s showing too much of his bookworm side, having never experienced anything outside the imperial palace his whole life. He was a person who thought the great nobles just lazily napped and lived off their mouths. Since he himself lived similarly. Reynard inwardly despised the narrow-minded Emperor.

The Emperor started reciting about the duties of the Duchess-to-be as if gently persuading Valentin like that. And he openly demanded mandatory attendance at various events and friendships to be maintained with the imperial family in the future.

Although they were all closer to social events rather than official duties or political affairs, what was shown would be different.

‘He thinks he’s someone who can be easily handled to his liking.’

Reynard had no intention of letting Valentin be swayed by the Emperor’s demands.

But Valentin, sitting there without knowing anything, kept politely nodding to the Emperor’s demands. As if he really thought he had to diligently carry out all those unreasonable demands and duties.

Even if you nod in front and ignore it appropriately afterwards, they can’t take any action. Was it because he didn’t know that fact yet? Valentin looking intimidated and bowing his head before the Emperor was pitiful. I thought he was bold since he went to Empress Beatrice’s palace alone just fine, but it seems the Emperor was an exception.

Thinking he would explain the situations they would face after marriage calmly when the time came, Reynard let the Emperor’s nonsense go in one ear and out the other.

It bothered him that Valentin’s face looked particularly tired coming out of the imperial palace. That old man must have completely drained my omega’s energy.

He wanted to restore the stolen energy. Reynard supported Valentin’s back and asked kindly:

[I’ve cleared my entire schedule for today. Is there anything you want to do?]

There wasn’t much time left in Eldon.

They would hold their wedding in a few days, and were scheduled to leave for their honeymoon right after.

And after the trip ends, they won’t return to Eldon.

After returning from the war, all the busy work in the capital had been wrapped up. Reynard would now return to the duchy where the naval headquarters was located. Of course, Valentin who married him was naturally expected to go together.

It was natural since that place would become their home from now on.

Even in the rushed time, he hoped Valentin wouldn’t be left with much regret for Eldon.

More precisely, he didn’t want him to fill their marriage with nostalgia or longing for his hometown. There wasn’t even enough time to spend together just the two of them.

Although they could come and go to the capital anytime, following his aide’s advice that there were things they could do before marriage, he asked the groom-to-be for his opinion.

He personally wanted to spend all day fondling that white body in a sealed room, but there would be plenty of time for that in the future. The two would soon become husband and wife. Yes, he could be generous about this much. As Shane said, spending time alone outdoors before marriage wasn’t bad either. It was closer to a question thrown with such thoughts.

[Something I want to do…?]

Valentin looked up at his face blankly and carefully asked back.

[Yes. You’ve worked hard preparing all this time, so it would be good to relax a bit too.]

[Then I want to go horseback riding.]

A sparkle momentarily crossed his tired face. Stars shone in his beautiful water-colored eyes.

[Horseback riding? Wouldn’t that be dangerous?]

[I asked the doctor, and he said things I usually do are fine. And I already went for light horseback riding a few days ago.]

It was natural for the alpha to nod at those sparkling eyes that had been rare recently.

So they came to prepare their respective horses and go to Lonwood Hill on the outskirts of Eldon.

Reynard riding a huge black stallion with a body as massive as its owner, and Valentin riding a gentle palomino mare (* a horse with white mane and tail, and cream or golden colored coat) strolled through the vast fields.

While they were lightly trotting (* a fast walking pace of a horse, one of the gaits in horseback riding) through the bright green for a while, Valentin suddenly slowed down and stopped.

[Reynard, have you ever been beyond this hill?]

Valentin asked, pointing with his white hand beyond the high ridge of Lonwood Hill.

The hill looked gentle, perhaps because it was moderately high but had a long ridgeline. Green grass densely filled the hill and the fragrance of wildflowers was freshly carried on the wind.

Though nothing special, Valentin’s hands and eyes looked excited as if it was a special place.

[Beyond this?]


The one waiting for an answer had a somewhat flushed face.

Of course he had been there before.

As a soldier who frequently moved around, it was his job to travel between the capital and other regions. Of course, since endless continental land continued to the east rather than coast, it wasn’t a path he mainly traveled. Naval bases were always on the coast.

[Not often, but I’ve passed through a few times.]

Seeing Reynard nod, Valentin continued.

[That’s east, right?]

[Yes. If you keep going, you’ll come across a few allied countries.]

If you go east from the imperial capital and keep going east, you reach the border. Crossing the border, there were a couple of small allied countries.

[If you pass all those and keep going east…]

[I know! Central Asia would appear. People with dark skin who cover their faces with cloth to avoid the hot desert and sun, right?]

It was a rarely excited voice. Valentin’s face was flushed as he cut off what Reynard was trying to explain and fluently talked about what he knew.

[That’s right.]

[And I heard there are even more mysterious countries if you go further east beyond those places.]

[You mean the Far East region.]

[Yes. People with yellow skin who eat a grain called rice.]

Valentin’s eyes looking beyond Lonwood Hill were different from usual.

Passion? Or despair…?

Valentin’s eyes looking beyond the hill were confused.

It seemed like he saw hope heading somewhere, but on the contrary, it also seemed to glimpse very deep despair. It was a nihilistic and empty gaze going between extremes.

Then Valentin turned his horse’s head towards the hill. It seemed like an unconscious action.

[That place… if I just cross over there…]


Valentin muttered as he slowly walked at a walk towards the hill on horseback. Saying something incomprehensible towards the empty air beyond the hill.

He didn’t seem to notice Reynard turning and walking together beside him. He didn’t even seem to hear his name being called, as the horse’s pace quickened.

The horse’s speed increased to a pace that could no longer be called a walk.

Rather than pulling on the reins, it was as if he tightened his legs hugging the horse’s body. The horse increased its speed according to such a signal from its rider.


Now he kicked the horse’s belly with the heels of his riding boots to increase speed. At that, the horse began to gallop at full speed. Valentin’s face had a serious expression as if possessed by something.


Reynard shouted as he watched Valentin moving away.

The distance was widening.

He was running endlessly.

The gap between them was completely opening up.

The horse’s speed was alarming.

[Valentin! It’s dangerous!]

He might fall off the horse. If the horse stumbled on something while running so fast and shook… Worry and fear took precedence as his senses pricked up like thorns and his legs went numb. Cold sweat unconsciously soaked his back.

Valentin’s horse sped up so much that Reynard couldn’t catch up by following at a moderate pace. As if fleeing from something.

No, as if someone who had discovered something…?


Reynard spurred his horse as well.

Clods of earth flew up from Lonwood Hill’s fields under the fierce kicks of the massive horses. And the grass and plants were messily torn up. A strong wind arose in the calm air due to the horses’ speed. The two people’s hair and horse manes fluttered chaotically in the air.


The black horse with its muscular massive body soon caught up to Valentin’s golden horse. But he couldn’t forcibly stop it.

Reynard was worried Valentin might fall off at the fast speed. Unable to get too close for fear of startling his horse, he desperately called his fiancé’s name. Hoping he would look back at him and slow his fierce pace.

But Valentin, who was galloping at full speed as if possessed by something, did not stop.

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