Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 85 Table of contents

He had already been surprised by the scale of guests invited to the nuptial mass. Far more people than Valentin had expected were filling the cathedral. It was like seeing nobles gathered to attend Easter mass. Like an Easter mass where fair-weather believers who never pray before meals gather in droves to pay respects to the state religion… It was a scale that seemed like all the nobles of Eldon had gathered.

“Oh, really…”

“You have reason to feel that way.”


For some reason, Dawson took Reynard’s side. It was unexpected, as he had never expressed personal opinions to Valentin, being a loyal servant.

“You were so beautiful, young master. It’s understandable he’d want to show you off to the whole capital.”

Dawson said, puffing out his chest proudly. It meant that while our young master might be unreliable in many ways, his looks are certainly the best in the neighborhood. There was also a hint of self-praise, as he himself had helped with the grooming since dawn. Valentin burst out laughing, feeling like he had glimpsed the wedding excitement even in the always proper Dawson.

“But I heard the reception party was scaled down quite a bit.”

Though it seemed like it would be fewer people than at the cathedral, it was still larger than a typical reception.

“And even with that, this many people…”

“It was quite the talk of the town.”

Well, it was understandable. A ducal family wedding, even rarer to see than a royal wedding. The rarity seems to have shone through. As long as Valentin had ears, he knew well how hot a topic his and Reynard’s wedding was in social circles recently.

“It’s amazing they prepared all this in a month.”

“I heard the ducal family’s servants provided a lot of help.”


“Yes. Honestly, how could we prepare all this on our side in a month? It’s physically impossible.”

“That’s true.”

“But it seems the ducal side had been preparing in advance from two or three months ago.”

“Then of course we had no choice but to accept help.”

Usually, the side hosting the reception handles everything. The fact that they cooperated like this means it must have been that urgent and difficult. Valentin nodded in agreement. It was true that the time had been extremely tight.

And it wasn’t surprising. Most of the preparations he needed had been arranged in advance by Reynard. It wasn’t surprising that the reception preparations were the same. It was the kind of thing that thorough man would do. To make it a quick, swift, yet perfect wedding. He must have prepared like that.

He really is a bulldozer-like alpha.

Knock knock.

Just as all the buttons of his jacket, vest, and shirt had been undone, there was a knock from outside the door.


It was his voice. Looks like the rhino-like person who plows straight ahead no matter what’s in front has impatiently come looking again. Valentin smiled behind the partition and answered.

“Come in.”

Though the voice wasn’t loud, Reynard somehow heard it well and opened the door as soon as permission was given. And as if knowing exactly where Valentin was though he couldn’t be seen, he came in and stuck his head into the partition, saying:

“You’re still changing.”

Reynard, saying this, was already perfectly dressed in his reception attire. It was the same outfit that both of them had fitted. A splendid reception outfit with light sky blue and white embroidery as the focal point. Except for the size and some slight details, it was almost the same clothes.


Valentin blushed slightly as he looked at Reynard’s face, now his spouse. He shone much more than earlier when he had worn dark attire.

“I’m not yet…”

Valentin said, covering his open chest. Can’t give prey to a carnivore when I’m so busy. Valentin particularly covered a certain part of his white chest. He remembered how he always obsessed and enthused over that part.

“Take your time. I’ll help you.”

Reynard stroked Valentin’s shoulders and gave Dawson a look. Dawson tactfully put down the reception attire he was holding, bowed silently, and left.

Even before the sound of the loyal butler closing the door was heard, a hot touch arrived. Hands rummaging through the open parts of his shirt as if it were natural. It wasn’t a plain touch for removing clothing. It contained sticky desire and greed. You’ve already seen…! And you said you’d help!

“I’ve wanted to touch you since earlier.”

Of course it’s natural for someone unrivaled as a shameless person to not miss this opportunity. The notorious thick-skinned one naturally explored Valentin’s skin. Moreover, talking as if he hadn’t touched him even once in days!

“We were stuck together the whole time in the carriage!”

That’s right. How much he had trembled in danger of his clothes coming off until just now in the carriage.

Muttering that he couldn’t believe we were married, Reynard had constantly explored Valentin’s lips. Endlessly during the journey from the cathedral to the Wiche mansion. And not just the lips. He thought he would die trying to keep those greedy hands from coming up the whole time.

“You didn’t let me touch you then.”

A face of unfitting resentment.

“That’s…! Because you kept trying to undress me…”

How could a newlywed get out of the carriage undressed? It was obvious everyone would notice if his clothes were even slightly disheveled or his shirt was sticking out. The thought of receiving whispered glances saying ‘They did it, they did’ made his head spin.

“So I was good and held back.”

Has all goodness died and rotted away? How dare you bring up being good…? Someone infamous throughout the country for being scarier than a tiger with a persimmon. How dare he attach the word “good” next to himself. Valentin rolled his eyes in disbelief.

Seeing this, Reynard chuckled. With eyes like looking at a small animal, and lips with only one corner raised, he kissed Valentin’s mouth. Unlike his sticky hands, it was a clean kiss. Of course, that’s only if it had been once.


The lightly touching lips began to descend on Valentin’s lips, cheeks, neck, and bare chest.

“No… don’t. Hnn…”

“Why not.”

Even his rejection technique is exquisite.

“Call me honey.”

Though it was a reasonable request, it was a difficult ask for the shy Valentin. Seeing Valentin with his legs crossed and face red, opening and closing his mouth, Reynard brought his body close. He gently embraced him face to face.


There was nowhere to hide his reddened face at Reynard’s too natural exclamation. With no other choice, he buried his face in the mischievous one’s chest.

Then Valentin felt a hard bone touch his belly. Like a wooden stick or shinbone, a strong pillar against his belly…


No, wait!

Valentin’s pupils shook as if in an earthquake as he realized something.

Humans don’t have bones in the groin… Then this is…?!

Valentin raised his shaking eyes to look up at Reynard. His mouth, which had been opening and closing, now gaped wider in shock.

“Why… why on earth is this…?!”


Reynard asked, seeing Valentin so startled his hair was trembling.

“When on earth did this…?”

Valentin forgot to cover his bare chest and raised his hand to point there. To that place like a hard bone. Surely he had the same thing attached to his body. But mine doesn’t have this ability to transform into bone like this?

“Ah, this?”

A smirk flowed from the shameless one, as if he finally understood what he was surprised about.

“I always get like this when I’m with you, Valentin. Didn’t you know?”

“I didn’t know!”

How could I have known…!

There had been two hot nights, but afterwards it had always been plain in that area. Of course, there had been sticky kisses and some hand movements that were not plain at all… But until now, Reynard had not progressed further, as if he was well aware of the fact that Valentin was pregnant. So he had been at ease.

But what is this!? That nuance suggesting he hadn’t actually been controlling his desire but had been pretending all along?

“Couldn’t you have kept me unaware…?”

Valentin said with wide, pitiful eyes. From now on, he’ll be focused on looking only there every time they’re close. A man who only stares at his husband’s crotch…

Glancing while scooping soup during meals, glancing while walking together, glancing even while wearing a veil and praying with clasped hands at Sunday mass… It’s dizzying…

It seems he will become the pervert, not the other one. Damn it…!

“Now that we’re married, you should know, right?”


What kind of dog poop logic is this. That matter-of-fact tone as if saying “Now that you’re in first grade, you should know addition and subtraction?”

“I’m yours, Valentin. And likewise, you’re mine. You should take responsibility for what you own.”

This incredible conclusion that I’m your possession, and you’re the cause of blood rushing to my corpus cavernosum, so of course the responsibility lies with you…!

“No way. No. No no, this isn’t right.”

Seeing Valentin shake his head vigorously and try to escape, Reynard chuckled.

“I’m joking. Stop moving so much. Unless you’re trying to stimulate it more.”

At those words spoken with a smile, Valentin froze stiff. Like a novice who shouted “Freeze!” right in front of the seeker. Reynard kissed Valentin’s temple and said:

“I said I’m joking. I’ll take care of it myself, so don’t be scared. As if I’d make my pregnant spouse take responsibility.”


At those words, his stiffened body crumbled. Reynard lifted Valentin’s body and removed the clothes he hadn’t managed to take off with a plain touch. He was undoubtedly unaware that his startled and strong reactions were further encouraging Reynard’s playfulness.

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