Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 86 Table of contents

“We’re late because of your teasing. The guests must all be waiting.”

Valentine said, pouting. It was the frustration of someone helplessly fallen for similar pranks every time.

“Tell them to wait a bit.”

“No way!”

To tell them to wait when so many guests have already gathered!

“We already greeted everyone earlier anyway.”

“That’s different…!”

It was completely different from the light greetings exchanged before and after the wedding ceremony. It was essential for the newlyweds to go around greeting the guests at the reception. They had to enjoy the party, converse with guests, and thank them for attending. Moreover, the most important part remained.

“We have to dance to open the party!”

The reception party began with a dance by the wedding protagonists.

The newlywed couple had to dance first to the band’s music. That was the order signaling the start of the party. Beginning with the couple, then family members, and other guests. Everyone enjoyed the party dancing on the floor.

Guests dressed in dresses and formal wear, music and dancing continuing until nightfall. And pleasant conversation and an 8-course or more formal dinner, delicious wines and champagnes considered specialties from various regions. Desserts made with rich chocolate and fresh seasonal fruits. All of this completed the wedding reception. Especially for the couple as the day’s protagonists, it was polite to enjoy dancing with the guests as well.

Unless one was unwell and unable to attend the whole party, it was unthinkable not to dance to signal the start.

“This is all part of the wedding too, you know.”


Valentine spoke sternly, not realizing Reynard was deliberately stalling to see the bunny teacher’s deployment to enlighten the unfaithful alpha.

Reynard swallowed his laughter and began quickly dressing Valentine in his reception outfit. The sticky touches from earlier were gone, replaced by precise and swift movements. His hands were plain as he tied the matching shirt and cravat, and fastened the silk buttons.

“Besides, we can’t keep Her Highness the Princess waiting.”

Valentine mentioned the highest-ranking guest of the day. She was the highest in status except for the Duke of Dennox as the host and family.

“We must formally greet Princess Ellison Leopold.”

Valentine said, setting his resolve with tightly pursed lips and clenched fists.

He was no longer just an ordinary young lord of a count family in Eldon. He was now the Duchess-to-be of Dennox and the Marquis of Valkyries’ partner. With his changed status, he could no longer act as before.

He had to diligently fulfill his duties as the Duchess of Haddington had instructed while educating him on the nobility of the Dennox ducal family and code of conduct.

‘Since I’ve chosen this path, I must do it perfectly.’

It was the same as quietly bowing his head before the Emperor. Now all his actions were directly linked to the ducal family. He had become one of the faces representing the Dennox name. He had to do well to not disgrace that name and not shame his position.

“Let’s go out quickly.”

After saying that, Valentine focused on fixing his clothes and disheveled hair in front of the mirror. He was desperate to avoid glances saying “They did it, they did.”

Reynard chuckled watching those busy movements. How diligently he moved with that small body and hands. His hurried and fidgeting actions were lovely.

A few days ago when they climbed Lonwood Hill together, Valentine had looked noticeably depressed then. But contrary to his continued worries, he was so relieved that there was no sign of depression today. Reynard recalled Valentine’s face as he walked towards him in the cathedral. How reassuring his shy smile had been.

And when he confessed his love, he had smiled back and accepted it.

The confession and desire to give certainty was Reynard’s complete sincerity. He wanted to possess both Valentine’s body and heart. Reynard watched intently as his newly married delicate husband, no longer gloomy thankfully, struggled to properly tie his ribbon.

‘Oh dear…’

It was pitiful seeing him try so hard alone at something that wasn’t going well. What could he do with those white, slender fingers, folding the ribbon this way and that… The neatly ironed ribbon was getting more and more wrinkled. Now it seemed the ribbon might be more pitiful than Valentine, but in the love-struck alpha’s eyes, he only saw his omega.

Well, wouldn’t everything his now-husband Valentine does be pitiful? Always scurrying around trying to do something, moving busily and diligently… So whatever he does is cute and pitiful and really trivial… And those little things are cute again. Lovely. Reynard felt like he would die from the tickling in his chest lately.

Unable to watch Valentine’s struggles any longer, Reynard rang a bell.


Hearing the bell, Dawson entered. He was like a hero come to rescue the ribbon.

“Do you need anything?”

“Please finish Valentine’s grooming.”

He could have done it himself, but it would be better to leave it to the professional. Thinking the person who had always helped with Valentine’s grooming would do a better job, Reynard stepped back.

Dawson neatly arranged the formal wear one last time and combed Valentine’s hair, wiped his neck and hands with a warm towel, and even reapplied perfume. Then he quickly withdrew and moved away from Valentine. It was a tactful action as if not wanting to disturb the newlyweds. Excellent. Reynard muttered inwardly.

“It’s all done.”

Valentine said, turning around from the mirror. Reynard immediately approached and held out his arm.

“Shall we go?”


The two grooms left the room smiling at each other.

Dawson smiled seeing that heartwarming scene. They were two people who matched well, both outstanding and radiant in appearance. They looked like a perfect couple that had stepped out of an ancient painting in mythology.

There had been various issues until now, but in the end things had turned out well. Dawson tidied up the room, seeing his young master’s smiling face.

* * *

<Special Article> First Duchess in 35 Years Born! … Wedding of the Century Accompanied by ‘Light of the Ocean’

On the recent Feast of St. Agnes, the wedding of the Dennox and Wiche families was held at St. Gloria Cathedral.

It is the first wedding in 35 years for the prestigious Dennox family of the empire. It is also the first time in 10 years that St. Gloria Cathedral, boasting the largest history and scale in the empire, has permitted its use for a noble’s wedding.

It is exceptional that almost all the great nobles of Eldon were invited to the nuptial mass officiated by Archbishop Johann. All predictions that the ceremony would be held on a small scale were proven wrong. It was the largest scale nuptial mass in recent years.

On this day, Marquis Reynard Dennox · Valkyries (hereafter Marquis), war hero of the Heston Empire and heir to the Dennox ducal family, stood before the Archbishop together with Lord Valentine Wiche of the Wiche family (hereafter Duchess-to-be).

The news of their marriage was announced about a month ago. According to the ducal family’s official spokesperson, the ducal couple had been meeting with good feelings, and the wedding was the fruition of that. They also firmly dismissed rumors that the two were in a strategic relationship.

On this day, the crown of the first Duchess (hereafter crown), also famous by the name ‘Light of the Ocean’, actually made an appearance. The crown is a treasure that had been hidden for 500 years, and this was the first time it was revealed to the public. During that time, the crown had never been shown even upon requests from various celebrities, the imperial family, or renowned scholars. Some had even speculated it might have been lost or destroyed, as it had never been officially shown.

However, the Duchess-to-be actually wore the crown throughout the nuptial mass, and the official spokesperson said it would become his possession from now on. The crown and the blue diamond ‘Light of the Ocean’ attached to its center were indeed brilliant as if containing the light of the deep sea as legends described, and its size was also uniquely magnificent.

David Olson, a renowned archaeologist and professor at Williamsdale University who attended the wedding, said this about the ‘Light of the Ocean’: “The crown is definitely authentic. As legends say it contains the special ability of the first Duke, I hope the ducal family will lend it for historical research.”

The Earl of Winchester, a prominent figure in social circles, said we should pay attention to the Duchess-to-be wearing the crown at the nuptial mass. He evaluated that publicly using and gifting a historical treasure like the crown was a very exceptional and special event, and asserted it was proof of the Marquis’s great affection for his partner.

He also marveled at the beautiful two grooms and scale of the wedding, commenting it was worthy of being called the wedding of the century.


The attendance of First Princess Ellison Leopold (hereafter Princess) was particularly notable. The ducal couple had a long conversation with the Princess, and at the reception party, the Princess unusually danced twice with the Duchess-to-be. An insider close to the Princess has conveyed that the Princess has been maintaining good relations with the ducal family recently.

Some speculated this indicates the Marquis’s political moves ahead of the selection of the imperial heir. It is possible to predict the two are about to form an alliance…(continued)

<Continued on page 4 of this issue: “The First Duchess in 35 Years, Valentine Wiche, Who Exactly Is He?”>


The hand reading the Eldon Times crumpled the newspaper mercilessly.

“Damn it…”

Third Prince Clifton Leopold crumpled the newspaper in his hand even more forcefully as he abruptly stood up from his seat.

“That fellow has started supporting my sister.”

Clifton said, trembling.

“To think the Marquis would join hands with the Princess…!”

Evener, sitting quietly beside him, opened his mouth very carefully.

“It’s still too early to say they’ve joined hands based on just this…”

“Shut up!”

Clifton threw the crumpled newspaper he was holding. The quite thickly bundled newspaper hit Evener’s face directly and fell at his feet. The omega’s white cheek turned red right where the newspaper had hit.

A murderous aura flowed in the intimate room of the Third Prince’s palace.

“I was just a bit ahead of my sister until now…”

The sound of molars grinding inside his mouth came from Clifton’s angry face. The face that was praised by all of Eldon as handsomely refined looked ominous. His red hair trembled in the air.

“If the ducal family completely sides with her, I have almost no chance of winning.”

“…Just because the Marquis of Valkyries showed friendliness to Her Highness the Princess, it doesn’t prove the entire ducal family will…”

Evener, unable to raise his face even after suffering the humiliation of being hit with the newspaper, stammered. It was an attempt to somehow soothe his angry lover. But it was not a matter that could be soothed. The situation was that serious.

“Shut up!”

Evener’s eyes reddened at the harsh words he would not normally use. Tears began to well up. But he dared not look directly into his lover’s eyes and protest. Clifton was not someone who allowed even that from his own lover.

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