I Sought the Villain But Ended Up with a Husband
Chapter 51 Table of contents

Carren’s eyes wavered at Leciel’s sparkling gaze.

It was just that her eyes were shining brighter and clearer than usual.

But even so, her eyes were so exceptionally radiant and clear that it was hard to look away.

Even if it was a trick to lure him in, Carren felt like he would willingly fall for it because of those eyes.

However, Carren forced himself to steady his shaken heart.

No matter how cute Leciel was, he couldn’t just give in.

“… I can’t promise without knowing what the favor is.”

Contrary to his calm voice, Carren spoke firmly, though his voice was somewhat trembling.

“Don’t you trust me? I swear I won’t ask for anything weird.”

It was a favor for a just-in-case scenario.

If everything was resolved smoothly and the original ending didn’t come to pass, it would be a favor that didn’t need to be asked.

But she couldn’t reveal the contents of the favor yet.

In the current situation, without any signs or evidence, saying something like <don’t kill Kael> or <don’t get close to the original heroine you haven’t met yet> would only sound suspicious.

“Huh? Brother?”

Before he knew it, Leciel was clasping her hands together, looking at Carren with even more desperate eyes.

She looked so earnest that refusing her request felt like committing the greatest sin in the world.

‘With this… I can’t blame Father.’

Suddenly, Carren felt like he understood his father’s feelings.

Even though he knew he had to refuse, he eventually gave in to Leciel’s requests.

‘He did say I would understand someday.’

He didn’t want to confirm it this way, though.

But Carren didn’t want to repeat his father’s mistake, so he decided to attach a condition to agreeing to her request.

“Fine, but I have a condition too.”

“A condition?”

“If you agree to my condition, I’ll promise to fulfill your request.”

“What is it?”

Sensing that Carren was already yielding to her, Leciel asked with hope in her eyes.

“You have to fulfill three of my requests too.”

“You won’t tell me what the requests are?”

“That’s only fair.”

It was merely a condition to fulfill her request in the first place.

He hadn’t decided on what to ask for, so he couldn’t tell her the details.


Whatever Carren’s requests were, Leciel felt there was no reason she couldn’t fulfill them.

She nodded readily.

Carren looked at her with a peculiar expression.

“Are you sure you want to agree so easily?”

“Because you’re Brother.”

As if Carren would ask for anything strange.

Though she hadn’t known him long, she felt that Carren wouldn’t do that.

“… you trust me?”

“That goes without saying.”

“… why?”

Carren couldn’t understand why Leciel trusted him so easily.

“As I said, you’re my brother. And if I don’t trust you, who else would I trust?”

He was one of the few precious people she had.

Also, since she came into this world, he was the one who looked after her the most after Kael.

He was a very considerate and kind person.

“I feel strange.”

Was this how it felt to be trusted by someone?

Carren didn’t know how to process the unfamiliar and strange emotions he was feeling.

His heart was pounding so hard it felt like he could feel the heartbeat on his fingertips and toes.

But what was clear was that Leciel’s words made him feel very happy.

Her unwavering trust, her eyes filled only with him, and her affection made Carren’s normally calm heart flutter.

“Then you’re promising? You’ll definitely fulfill my three requests?”

“… alright.”

Since Leciel wanted it so much, how could he refuse? He couldn’t back out now.

And he didn’t want to.

“Then to make it official, let’s write a contract.”

That way, there’d be no pretending to forget later.

“You really like contracts.”

He made a strange expression at her wanting to write a contract even for something this trivial.

“It’s good to be thorough.”

“You said you trust me?”

Then there was no need for a contract.

“Trust is trust, and a contract is a contract.”

“Do as you like.”

Writing a contract wasn’t a big deal.


Leciel smiled brightly, happy that she finally got what she wanted.

‘Now the last resort is ready!’

Even though nothing was resolved yet, Leciel felt a bit relieved.

“… you’re cute.”

Carren mumbled quietly as he watched Leciel honestly showing her feelings.

‘Somehow, I’m a little grateful to Father.’

Though he was usually annoying, at this moment, Carren was thankful to his father.

If not for him, he wouldn’t have met Leciel.

For that reason, it seemed that he could put up with a bit of his father’s annoying behavior.

After a while, Leciel and Carren, having finished reading, headed to Kael’s office. They were going to write a contract regarding the favor they had agreed to do for each other.

“Are you here to show off your cuteness?”

Kael asked, his eyes glinting as the two children came to see him together.

“One cute person is enough, so I’ll pass.”

Carren responded indifferently to Kael’s words, who had mentioned cuteness as soon as he saw them.

Kael’s expression became strange.

Just now, maybe it was his imagination, but Carren’s response seemed milder than usual.

Even his current expression was different.

Normally, he would have given him a disdainful look as if he was talking nonsense, but not today.


It couldn’t be that a twelve-year-old was at death’s door.

Kael looked puzzled at Carren’s unusual behavior.

‘Or could this be because of that kid?’

But he couldn’t figure out what Leciel had done to make Carren act so submissive in front of him.

It didn’t seem likely that Leciel would have told Carren to be nice to his father.

In any case, Carren’s gentler demeanor pleased Kael.

“So, what’s the matter?”

“We’re here to write the contract!”

Since she had a contract to write with Kael too, she thought it would be efficient to handle it together.

“In that case, there was no need to bring him along.”

“I have a contract to write with you, and another one with my brother.”


Kael’s eyes glinted with interest, curious about what kind of deal they had made that required a contract.

“It’s nothing significant.”

Carren, noticing Kael’s interest, cut off his curiosity firmly.

“Is that all?”

“Is there something else you want to hear?”

“Not really.”

Kael looked at Carren with a curious expression again.

Normally, he would have added something more after saying it was nothing significant, but this time he didn’t.

Moreover, in response to his question if that was all, Carren’s reaction was milder than usual.

Usually, he would have responded with irritation, asking if there was anything else to say.

‘Something is definitely suspicious.’

“Father, how about maintaining your dignity as the head of the family?”

“I’m always overflowed with the dignity of the head.”

“But your current expression looks quite suspicious and sinister.”


Leciel agreed with Carren from the side.

In fact, Leciel didn’t find Kael’s expression suspicious or sinister, but since Carren said so, she quickly agreed.

“I’m still cool, so it’s fine.”


Carren didn’t say anything.

“… right, uncle is cool.”

“The kid has good taste…”

“Cool, but annoying. Cool, but not very pleasant looking.”

Leciel’s subsequent words made Kael’s face scrunch up as if he had bitten into something sour.

Meanwhile, Carren’s face brightened, the opposite of his earlier reaction when Leciel had agreed with Kael.

“… but still cool, so I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“Adults indeed have thick skins.”

It wasn’t meant to be a compliment.

Leciel’s pouting comment made Kael chuckle.

After that, the three of them sat together and wrote their respective contracts. Kael, who finished writing first, tried to peek at the content of the contract between Leciel and Carren, but Carren quickly covered the paper.

“What could be so important?”

“Just so you can be curious.”

Carren pointed out Kael’s behavior last time when he knew his question but didn’t answer on purpose.

“A man with a long grudge isn’t attractive.”


Carren didn’t say anything for a moment.

Normally, he would have ignored such a comment outright, but it bothered him this time.

Kael laughed at his reaction.

‘I thought they had gotten closer, but now he even cares about the kid’s opinion.’

It was clear that Carren’s reaction was influenced by Leciel.

Meanwhile, Leciel, seeing Carren somewhat affected, spoke comfortingly.

“Brother, it’s okay. Even if you hold grudges, you’ll still be attractive.”

“… really?”

“Of course. Those who aren’t attractive despite holding grudges usually have some other flaws. But you’re so cool and awesome, a little grudge-holding is fine.”

Leciel spoke with a clear face, seemingly sincere.

Carren felt a bit better hearing that.

It felt like a significant compliment to hear he was cool and awesome.

Only Kael seemed a bit flabbergasted by the scene.

“Now that we’ve written the contracts, we’ll be going.”

“You’re leaving right after finishing your business?”

“Yes, it’s natural to leave once you’ve finished.”

“Such a cold-hearted kid.”

“Father, stop clinging. Leciel just said something completely reasonable.”


Seeing the two of them siding together, Kael pretended to be dejected.

If the two of them got married in the future, they would probably team up and annoy him even more. They already got along so well now.

However, despite this, Kael wasn’t truly displeased.

They were his beloved children, after all. How could he be upset or angry? He just hoped they would always get along well.

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