Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat
Chapter 170 Table of contents

Suddenly, I woke up.

The first thing I felt was an overwhelming sense of fatigue.

It felt as if all the energy had been drained from my body.

I had never experienced such exhaustion, even after a rigorous mountain march.

Muttering to myself, I struggled to lift my heavy eyelids as if they weighed tons.

When I opened my eyes, I found an unfamiliar ceiling.

Startled at the sight, I thought, “Am I being kidnapped again?” Just as I tried to force myself to sit up, a voice came from beside me.

“…If you’re awake, just lie there. Don’t push yourself, you’re a patient.”

Rolling my eyes to check the source of the vaguely familiar voice, I saw a blond boy with a furrowed brow, looking more fatigued than usual.

…Dwight? Could it be that he kidnapped me this time?

That thought flashed through my mind momentarily, but the stinging scent of disinfectant and the murmurs of others nearby made me realize that I was in a shelter that served as a hospital ward.

With the glamorous history of having been kidnapped twice, I couldn’t help but be suspicious that every time I saw an unfamiliar ceiling, it might mean another kidnapping.

Wallowing in self-pity, I subtly glanced down to check on my limbs.

Other than my left arm, which had originally been a prosthetic, everything was intact.

Seeing that, I figured out who had brought me to this place.

It must have been Yoon Si-woo who brought me here when I fainted.

Recalling the moment, I remembered that I had reattached my limbs thanks to his help.

But I did remember having some kind of conversation with Yoon Si-woo while reattaching my limbs, though I couldn’t recall the specifics.

…Well, it wouldn’t really matter that much if I couldn’t remember, right?

After all, I had been so exhausted that I probably wasn’t in my right mind.

So I decided to set aside those trivial matters for now and focus on my conversation with Dwight in front of me.

“…I appreciate your concern, but shouldn’t you be resting too? Being here means you’re also a patient. From the looks of your condition, it’s obvious you’re not okay…”

Honestly, I was actually worried about how Dwight looked right now.

It seemed like it wouldn’t be surprising if he collapsed at any moment.

He was beyond his usual tired appearance, and his complexion was completely pale. Although I asked out of concern, Dwight shook his head slightly dismissively and responded.

“…There’s no need to worry. It’s just simple magical exhaustion. Well, I did receive a critical evaluation and was evacuated after exhausting my magic as a magician.”

Magical exhaustion means using up magical power beyond one’s limits.

Caught off guard by his words, I asked back.

“…You experienced magical exhaustion? Did you mix it up with a mid-level demonic beast or something? No matter how hard you had to fight to protect citizens, you shouldn’t have reached that point against them.”

I couldn’t help being surprised at the mention of magical exhaustion because while he might look like an otaku who loves magic, in the original story, he was portrayed as Yoon Si-woo’s rival.

In terms of strength, he was above most elite heroes, and when it came to innate magical power, he was comparable to Martina, the strongest magician alive. So how could he experience magical exhaustion from a few greedy mid-level demonic beasts?

Unless he did something insane like forcibly breaking through the barrier the beasts created from the inside, it should have been impossible. I asked in bewilderment, and Dwight looked back at me with a puzzled expression, as if he really didn’t understand why.

“I thought you had heard it from him, but I guess not. To explain, it happened because I was trying to bring Yoon Si-woo to the city. It was more challenging than expected to pierce through the interference of the magic circle and forcibly twist the teleportation gate open.”

…I wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but if Yoon Si-woo’s situation led to Dwight being like this, maybe it was my fault?

Feeling a strange sense of guilt, I hesitantly asked him.

“…So, are you okay?”

“I did spit up blood a few times due to internal injuries, but it’s not a big deal.”

No, spitting up blood means that it actually is a big deal…

I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

…No, more importantly, isn’t it unnecessary for me to feel guilty?

I thought it should be Yoon Si-woo who should be feeling guilty towards Dwight.

That guy, Yoon Si-woo, came to rescue me even at the risk of putting Dwight in this state.

He should apologize later.

…Though it feels a bit inappropriate for me to complain since he saved my life!

While I was mumbling to myself, Dwight gave a wry smile and spoke.

“In comparison to Yoon Si-woo, this is nothing.”

I was just in the middle of scolding Yoon Si-woo in my head, so I flinched and asked.

“…What about Yoon Si-woo?”

“All his limbs were torn off, you see. He had to twist the opened gate to come to the city. Well, they regenerated right away, though.”

I felt my head spin at those words.


“It must be the ability of an artifact imbued with forbidden ancient magic. It probably restores the body at the cost of his lifespan or soul. Naturally, he had to pay quite a hefty price, and he must have felt immense pain. I couldn’t help but be impressed at how he didn’t blink an eye, even though it was urgent to save people. Sacrificing oneself willingly for the sake of others? That’s what a true hero is. I also feel that I still have a long way to go.”

“…I see.”

Cancel that thought I just had about ‘Yoon Si-woo doesn’t understand the hearts of people!’

You mean to say Yoon Si-woo went that far just to save me?!

You crazy idiot! Take better care of your own body!!!

…What was I doing saying those things in my head without knowing anything? I felt a pang of guilt that made my stomach turn.

How on earth am I supposed to repay this debt later…?

I thought hard enough to give myself a headache, but I couldn’t come up with a good idea.

I might as well just give him a wish token or something later.

As I was thinking this, I suddenly heard a surprised voice from over there.

“Ah! Lady Scarlet, did you get hurt?! Are you okay? You’re okay, right?”

“Ah, Jessie…? I’m alright.”

“Yay, what a relief…”

Jessie quickly ran over to my side while talking to Dwight, took my hand, and sobbed with relief.

Responding to her, I turned my head to look at her.

And when I saw her, I couldn’t help but gasp.

White and red.

Bandages soaked in blood wrapped around her body like decoration.

“…Jessie, why are you like this…?”

“Oh, this? Hehe, I just got a little hurt during the fight.”

Jessie answered with an awkward smile, but contrary to her words, it was far from “a little.”

She had bandages wrapped around her forehead and parts where vital organs are located.

It meant that if the wounds had been even slightly deeper or if luck had been against her, it wouldn’t have been strange for her to have at least a permanent disability or be in danger of losing her life.

“You should have fought carefully. You were at a level where it wouldn’t have been strange if something went wrong.”

When I scolded her, Jessie gave the same awkward smile as before.

“…Hehe, you’re right. But—”

And behind that smile, she trailed off, then suddenly smiled brightly and said.

“There was no way I could just stand by.”

Seeing that smile, I found myself speechless.

“How could I possibly hold back?”

I had thought Jessie’s condition had improved recently.

She hadn’t been looking bedraggled or like she hadn’t slept after talking to Eve about various matters.

But now, seeing the madness hidden behind her laughter and the overwhelming sorrow reflected in the depths of her eyes, I understood.

She had merely been holding everything in until now.

“I couldn’t just let them take away my precious brother, family, friends, and other loved ones… Facing the witch and the demonic beasts that invaded, there was no way I could stop myself.”

Jessie was short in stature but had a heart wider and kinder than anyone else’s.

She could empathize with others’ pain and mourn with them.

That’s why the scars from that day must have remained so deeply ingrained in her.

The day when many lost their precious ones, when she lost her beloved brother.

A day she could never forget, a burden too heavy to bear.

“The others told me to stop, to take a rest because I was hurt badly, but I simply couldn’t stop. So I just kept fighting without a break and… Hehe, I ended up getting hurt a lot.”

To the point that she couldn’t feel pain anymore, despite how badly she had injured herself.

Seeing that was so heartbreaking and pitiful that I held onto Jessie’s hand tightly.

I wanted her to know that at least she still had a friend who would grieve and hurt alongside her.

After a moment of awkward silence, Dwight, who had been looking at Jessie with sad eyes, mumbled.

“…Even so, it’s a relief. You escaped before getting severely injured. If you had fought longer, it would have been a big deal.”

Jessie responded, seemingly confused by his words.

“What? What are you talking about? Of course, I pulled back because it was all over!”

“…All over?”

“Oh, I guess the news hasn’t reached here yet. Ah! Look! It seems like the broadcast is about to begin!”

Jessie pointed at the large TV mounted on the ward wall with her finger.

I could feel the people who had been murmuring around us suddenly fall silent as they stared at the TV.

Struggling to lift my head, I gazed at the screen.

What appeared was a rough video that looked like it had been shot by someone escaping.

In that frantic moment where it seemed a demonic beast would swoop down from the sky at any moment…

…Light burst forth.

When that light faded, the screen froze.

Now it showed the sky, cleared of demonic beasts, bathed in light.

From beyond the screen, a small but clear voice echoed.

“Rest assured. The evil witch that invaded the city has fallen to my hands.”

A moment of silence passed, and someone murmured.

…It’s the hero.

Was it the voice of the man who had been filming the video beyond the screen?

Or was it one of the people watching it?

Regardless, the emotion in that voice gradually spread among the people.

In that atmosphere, Jessie whispered.

“…They say Yoon Si-woo defeated the witch. He’s my, everyone’s hero. Yoon Si-woo.”

As she said that, Jessie’s eyes reflecting the figure of the boy on the screen held no sorrow like before.

The same was true for everyone lying in the ward.

The shadow of grief that had loomed over them vanished in the bright light.

Only I was left, feeling a sense of regret while watching that scene.

For knowing that he now had to bear an even heavier burden than before.

Thus, I closed my eyes and fervently prayed.

May your shoulders be able to endure that weight.

And if you chose that path,

May you shine even more brightly than anyone else, blinding those who gaze upon you.

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