Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat
Chapter 171 Table of contents

The Lesser Demonic Beasts of greed were considered difficult to deal with compared to their individual strength.

The reason for this was not only due to their ability to create barriers but, above all, because they were flying type demonic beasts.

For entities that live grounded on the earth, there are not many ways to eliminate demonic beasts that fly freely in the sky.

However, as mentioned, the Lesser Demonic Beasts of greed were not as strong as other intermediate-level demonic beasts.

“Alf Ad Astra!”


Therefore, for Sylvia, who could apply the power of the celestial spirits to fly while intercepting the demonic beasts, they were no different from slightly difficult targets to hit.

“Phew, that’s the 14th one. It seems I’ve managed to take care of almost all the demonic beasts flying around.”

As she watched a demonic beast plummet to the ground, struck by the starlight bullets, Sylvia muttered to herself.

14 was the number of intermediate-level demonic beasts she had personally taken down today.

Achieving a feat that would be tough even for most heroes made Sylvia feel her growth.

Being able to confirm the results of her hard work was certainly an inspiring thing for Sylvia.

She could feel pride in being able to hold her own against heroes of considerable stature.

Yet at this moment, the only thing filling Sylvia’s mind was concern.

Silently, she looked down from the sky at the newly carved scars on the city.

The broken buildings and the bodies of those whom she couldn’t save despite her efforts.

She saw people weeping and sitting down, overwhelmed by the tragedy.

Even before the large wound she had previously suffered had healed, she had been dealt another catastrophic blow.

The existence of heroes was to prevent such events from happening.

So what thoughts do people have now when they look at heroes?

As Sylvia gazed at the city, she pulled out her mobile phone from her pocket.

A message from the Central Committee, requesting her attendance at an emergency meeting, had arrived.

Seeing the message, Sylvia frowned slightly; she was exhausted from assisting the citizens in evacuating and the continuous battles.

Just thinking about the impending aftermath made her head throb.

At that moment, all she wanted was to collapse onto her bed, clear her mind, and take a rest.

However, that was not an option.

With a sigh, Sylvia put her phone away.

Finding ways to minimize the aftermath was also something she and her group had to do.

Her role as a hero was finished.

Now, it was time to handle the aftermath.


Rights come with obligations, and those who fail to fulfill their obligations bear responsibilities.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the conference room, where those with the greatest rights in the city gathered, was heavier than ever.

As silence descended, a man entered the meeting room carrying a report.

Mark Aegis, the principal of Aegis Academy and the chair of this emergency meeting, exhaled a sigh and asked the man who brought the report.

“…Hah, what’s the damage report?”

“…Given that the heroes were tied up, I was worried about the impact, but the damage is much less than initially expected. In terms of casualties, it was only about a third of the damage caused by the parasitic demonic beasts last time. Though the demonic beasts were released in District 15 on the east outskirts of the city, which spared the west side from damage, the quick support from the academy played a significant role.”

“…Is that so? It’s somewhat of a silver lining in this misfortune.”

Having heard that the damage was much less than expected, Mark, who had been wearing a grave expression, slightly eased his features. Diakonos, the head of the Dolos House, sitting beside him, spoke.

“…The principal deserves much credit. You trained in advance for situations like this. If it weren’t for the academy’s proper response, who knows how much more damage could have occurred?”

“…I did nothing. The credit goes to Eve, the acting principal, who led the training, and the students who risked their lives to assist. Anyway, while I’m relieved that the damage is minor, I worry that the issues arising from this incident could be larger this time.”

At those words, Sylvia, sitting alongside the Elder of Astra, quietly murmured.

“…It will definitely cause more problems. Since it’s only been a short time since the last incident with the parasitic demonic beasts, and this time… too many people saw things they shouldn’t have.”

“…That’s just it. Sigh, who would have thought the barrier would be breached in that way?”

Mark sighed heavily at Sylvia’s remark.

The barrier protecting the city was created by the renowned Great Magician Viola Ninehart, considered the greatest magician in history.

400 years ago, even as the world succumbed to magic, the barrier allowed this city to stand firm, serving as the very foundation that protected it.

Thus, the barrier symbolized a belief among the people that as long as it remained, they were safe from magic.

However, too many people witnessed their symbol of faith tearing like paper.

It could no longer be quietly overlooked as it had in the past.

Everybody learned that the barrier they had absolutely trusted did not guarantee complete protection.

It was only natural for anxiety to arise among the people.

“The fact that there were direct victims due to demonic beasts will also be an issue. This time, the voices blaming the heroes will be louder than before.”

“…Yes, I understand. If things remain as they are, the trust in heroes will likely decline sharply.”

There was a reason this city had managed to run smoothly until now: the people’s trust.

Magic was blocked by the barrier, and demonic beasts were thwarted by heroes.

That was why they believed they were safe.

Thus, it was unthinkable for demonic beasts to rampage through the city and harm people; such a thing should not exist.

Yet, that very unthinkable event occurred.

The situation caused by the parasitic demonic beasts, which took control of people’s minds and bodies last time.

At least when people looked back on that incident, they believed it was humans, not the demonic beasts, who harmed them.

However, this time, it was the demonic beasts directly causing harm.

Among the victims, some would unconsciously begin to think.

“The reason we suffered at the hands of demonic beasts is that the heroes who were supposed to protect us failed in their duties.”

The teleportation gate malfunctioned, making it difficult for timely support to arrive.

Such statements would not persuade those who had lost their precious people and were filled with sorrow and anger.

Moreover, unlike last time, when there was at least a minimum justification that they were unaware of the reappearance of the witch, who could pass through the barrier in a weakened state.

This time was the second incident.

Who could have anticipated that their vow to never let such an occurrence happen again would tighten the noose around their necks?

The heroes had inadvertently broken the promise they made.

What kept society running smoothly was trust in the system.

Yet now, the heroes, who were the face of that system, had lost their trust due to this incident.

The anxiety and distrust that arose in the hearts of the people would soon eat away at the city.

Everyone gathered in this room sensed that.

And to quell such feelings in the hearts of the people, there seemed to be only one solution.

“…What is the public opinion about Yoon Si-woo?”

“…He’s seen almost as a savior. A true hero who saved the city from destruction. A true warrior who defeated the witch. Such words are being spread.”

“…We ought to thank Acting Principal Eve and the brave Yoon Si-woo. Thanks to his existence, it seems we won’t have protests immediately.”

Mark exhaled at those words.

As planned, or perhaps as unexpectedly planned.

Now that both the barrier and the heroes had lost trust, the city needed a new symbol.

Thus, it was Yoon Si-woo.

They would promote Yoon Si-woo as that symbol.

This was a plan proposed by Eve, a member of the Central Committee who was not present at the meeting, and everyone agreed to it.

For at least in the immediate future, there would be no more effective way to calm public sentiment.

After all, people still remembered Yoon Si-woo’s achievements from the last incident.

However, there was a slight problem with that plan.

As if to point out that issue, Sylvia spoke up.

“…But if things go on like this, people might start viewing Yoon Si-woo separately from the other heroes. I think that would be quite undesirable.”

In the public’s perception, right now, the other heroes who hadn’t come to save the city were seen as false heroes, while only Yoon Si-woo was recognized as a true hero.

As that perception spread, it would inevitably lead to a loss of trust in the existing heroes.

However, contrary to public perception, Yoon Si-woo wasn’t a perfect superhuman.

As long as he couldn’t solve everything alone, it wasn’t good for such a phenomenon to occur among the people.

Therefore, additional measures were necessary.

They needed a way to at least restore some trust in the fallen heroes.

In the midst of their ponderings, Mark sighed deeply and spoke.

“Phew, we have no choice. Since he was a student at the academy not too long ago, I didn’t want to burden him any further, but it seems there’s no other option. If you’re worried about people separating Yoon Si-woo from the other heroes, let’s go ahead and elevate him as much as possible.”

“…Elevate him how?”

To those who tilted their heads in confusion, Mark muttered with a wry smile.

“Why not place Yoon Si-woo in a position where he can represent the heroes, such as the vice captain of the Astrape unit?”

It was indeed a bold proposal.

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