Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 258 Table of contents
  1. Normal Operation



After that, I chatted with Licht about trivial things. Mainly about Ronny. Ronny’s skills have been improving dramatically since he started training with Kei-san as his master. It’s even rumored that he’s among the strongest in Ortus. Well, Ronny’s serious, and he always trains diligently, even when Kei-san isn’t around.

But it’s hard to compare strength in general, you know. There are people like Saura-san, who specializes in traps, and people like Juma-kun, who relies on physical strength and barely uses magic. It’s hard to say who’s stronger. There’s also compatibility and other things. So the top ranking here refers to pure combat ability. In other words, even Saura-san, who’d be done for if she got hit even once, is included among the strongest.


Wouldn’t everyone be strong if that’s the case? Well, that’s not true. The women at the reception are mostly non-combatants, and Maryla-san, from the medical department, is also not good at fighting. A lot of the people working inside the guild, like that young man in the cafeteria, are not good at fighting.

But they’re still much stronger than the average person. Since they’re in a Special-grade guild, they at least have self-defense skills, that’s part of the requirement. Ah, me? I think I’m around the middle because I’ve improved with nature magic. Probably. But it’s hard to say because I have absolutely no practical experience. I want to do some combat training with Dad soon. Though it’s a bit scary.


“I see. Ronny’s always been strong… I wonder if he’ll be able to fight if he participates in the tournament.”

“You’re also participating, Licht?”


I-Is that dream really going to come true? The one where Gil-san and Licht are fighting. So I couldn’t help but ask.


“They asked if we could send a few people from Demon Castle. And they said it’s okay for me to participate. We still don’t know if the Demon King’s going to agree to it, but I have a feeling we’ll probably participate.”

“I see… Ah, um, Licht.”


This means Licht will probably definitely participate in the tournament. I don’t know if it will turn out exactly like in my dream, but I’ll at least give him a warning!


“Don’t channel too much magic power, okay? Releasing that much magic power is, well, dangerous…”

“Huh? What are you talking about all of a sudden?”


That’s right, you’d think that. It’s my fault for not properly explaining. I’ll be honest. But I’ll avoid telling him who his opponent is, since it would be unfair.


“You see… I saw it… in a precognitive dream. You were fighting someone, and you used powerful magic. And then, it looked like things were going to get a bit dangerous.”

“A precognitive dream… that’s right, you do have that special ability. Hmm, I’m definitely participating in the fighting tournament. I had a feeling.”


Licht placed a hand on his chin and thought about it. He asked what kind of magic it was, but I said I wouldn’t tell him because it might give him an unfair advantage in the tournament. He agreed.


“So, will you be careful?”

“Hmm, I’ll keep it in mind. I mean, I don’t know how strong my opponent’s going to be. I might have to use it.”

“Uu, but…”


Actually, it’s me who might be in danger. But I’ll keep that to myself. Ah, I get it. Or rather, I should be the one who’s careful. That’s right, if I’m also careful, I’m sure I can avoid it.


“So just be aware of it, okay?”

“Yeah. I hear your precognitive dreams always come true, so I’ll be careful.”


It’ll be fine if I just warn him about that much. Licht’s not stupid. He’d understand that if his opponent was Gil-san, he’d have no choice but to be serious!


“Well then, should we head back? I’m hungry.”

“Okay! I need to be a good daughter to Father-sama.”

“…You also work hard, considering everyone’s feelings.”


No, it’s not hard or anything. It’s something I’m doing because I want to, I’m not being forced. And since I can only be spoiled while I’m still a child, I need to take advantage of that! I’m a calculating child.


“…Hey, Meg.”



Licht called out to me as we were in front of the stairs to go down. His expression was serious.


“You’re not… struggling with anything? Worried about anything?”


Ah, I see. Maybe he thought it was bad that he was the only one talking. But hmm, struggling, worrying. Of course I am. But even if I think about it, or discuss it with someone… it wouldn’t really mean anything. Because I always end up realizing that I just have to overcome it on my own. It’s the whole long lifespan thing.


“Hmm… if I ever feel like talking about it, I’ll tell you!”


But I’m not going to lie and say there’s nothing. Or rather, I’ve stopped doing that. I’m growing too. I know it’s lonely to be lied to, or not relied upon.


“I see. Well, if anything happens, tell me right away, okay?”

“Uh-huh! Thanks, Licht!”


Maybe there will come a day when I discuss it with him. Maybe not. But I wonder if I was able to convey that I do rely on him? But to be honest, it’s hard to talk to him about it. Because my and Licht’s struggles with our lifespans are completely opposite.

I’m sure he knew that, and yet he asked. Honestly, he’s so kind.


We then headed down the stairs, neither of us mentioning the topic.




When we got back to the office, Schlie-san was standing there like a guardian deity, Dad and Father-sama sitting properly before him. How did it end up like this!?


“Ah, Meg. Perfect timing. Our discussion has concluded.”


And I’ll just say that Schlie-san’s smiling face was incredibly intimidating. Seriously, what happened… !


“O-Oh… Meg… you took your time…”

“Ugh, my paternal dignity…”


How am I supposed to respond to that, being greeted by those two who are still sitting properly? I’ll completely ignore it and just state my request.


“D-Dad… Father-sama… I’m… hungry…”


Please forgive me for how my words were faltering. I’m bewildered too, you know! The two of them stood up, as if waiting for those words, and came towards me.


“I’m also hungry!”

“Indeed, I am as well. Now, let us head for the dining hall!”


They’re unnaturally cheerful. Or rather, Father-sama looks like he’s about to cry. Was Schlie-san’s lecture that bad…!?


“Honestly… I now understand what Kron goes through. Haa, maybe it was pointless to say anything.”

“Um, thank you for your hard work?”

“Thank you, Meg. Thanks to you, my frayed heart is starting to heal.”




For some reason, the other two also agreed. It must have been stressful for both sides… Good work, everyone.


“…So you were able to come to an agreement, right?”


It seemed like only Licht was still unable to comprehend this situation, his face twitching. Well, it’s understandable if he’s not used to it. But this is Schlie-san’s normal operation. He’s a hard worker who lectures them, even though he knows it’s probably pointless. In the guild, Juma-nii’s usually the target of his lectures!

Father-sama, as if to prevent any further incidents, quickly picked me up and left the office. He walked briskly and without hesitation. H-Hey, you’re leaving everyone behind!


And so we arrived at a dining hall with a long table. It’s so long. The kind of dining table you’d see in a castle. Ah, this is a castle.

We usually have our meals in the guild cafeteria, so this solemn atmosphere makes me nervous.


“You don’t have to be so tense. Just sit where you like and eat as you please.”


Maybe he sensed how nervous I was, because Father-sama said that from above. I see, he’s trying to tell me it’s okay to relax. To express my gratitude for his consideration, I looked up and smiled. Ah, wait, he’s frozen! U-Um, get a move on!


“Okay, okay, I get it, she’s cute. And she was cute from the start. Get used to it, Ash. Just sit down.”

“…Ah! Y-You’re right. Having a daughter who’s too cute is… tough…”

“I completely agree.”


They’re having a “My daughter’s the cutest” talk. I always think this, but I don’t know how to react. Because it’s embarrassing! Of course I’d get embarrassed being directly told how cute I am! I can feel my face turning red.


“Pfft, Meg, your face is as red as an apple!”

“Ugh, it can’t be helped…!”

“An apple?”


Licht, sitting across from me, said that and burst out laughing. It’s somehow funny that “apple” makes sense here, not Appli. Schlie-san, of course, didn’t get it and tilted his head.


“Ah, that’s what they call Appli in Japan. …It makes me feel… left out…”

“I see, so the name is different. How interesting.”


Come to think of it, three out of these five are former Japanese people. That’s also amazing. Schlie-san seemed intrigued, but Father-sama was looking a bit dejected. And so, I cheered him up with those magic words, “I’ll teach you.” I think I’ve become accustomed to dealing with my doting father. Though it does make me feel a bit strange.


“Well then, let’s eat!”


Father-sama, pulling himself together, sat down and lightly clapped his hands. A few butlers and maids entered the room and served our meal. Wow, I feel like royalty! Though I am in a position that could be called royalty.

Aperitifs and appetizers were placed before each of us, and then Father-sama gave the command “Itadakimasu (let’s eat).” It’s a bit strange to have that kind of announcement in a setting like this, but I guess it’s a greeting he likes. Cute. We all followed suit and started to eat. Mmm, this dressing’s delicious!

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