Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 259 Table of contents
  1. Parental Affection



“So it’s been decided that we’ll either have Annulus or Stella provide the location for the special-grade guild joint meeting. I’ll contact them.”


We’re currently having dinner and listening to Schlie-san talk about what was decided during the… lecture… no, discussion. The location huh? Since everyone needs to gather, we do need to first ask about where it’ll be held.


“Can’t we do it in Ortus, or at Demon Castle, or at Schutor?”


The joint meeting’s between five guilds and Demon Castle. So I was curious why those two were chosen and voiced my question. Schlie-san then smiled gently and explained.


“It’s simple, it’s because they’re good locations. Schutor, Demon Castle, and Ortus are all on the edges of the Demon Continent. It’s easier for everyone to gather if it’s at Annulus or Stella, which are both in the central region.”

“I see!”


That’s true, now that I think about it. When I picture the map of the Demon Continent in my mind, Schutor’s in the top left corner, and Ortus is on the opposite side, the right edge. Demon Castle’s a bit to the left, but castles are always on the edge. In that case, of course those two guilds, located in the Centrei Kingdom, in the center of the Demon Continent, are the most convenient. And out of those two, it’s Annulus that’s right smack in the middle. As expected of a commercial guild, they have a good location.


“Next, the date of the joint meeting… in ten days. That’s the soonest we can all clear our schedules. Even then, it’ll probably be difficult having the leaders of all the guilds clear their schedules, but we’ll squeeze it in.”

“S-Squeeze it in…”


Licht made a strained smile at Schlie-san’s casual, but terrifying words. It’s fine, get used to it. It’s a common occurrence in Ortus… Even so, the reason why it doesn’t feel like a black company is that everyone’s capable, the rewards are good, and we trust each other. We also properly take our days off. And I hear it’s the same in the other Special-grade guilds. Apparently, there are a lot of black companies among the lower-grade guilds. So even in that respect, Special-grade guilds really are special.


“Mara’s the one who initially brought this up, and she contacted them a while back. They’re all probably preparing, so they can adjust their schedules.”


Dad added this. As expected of Mara-san. Unlike Dad, who’s always doing things suddenly.


“Everyone knows about it?”


Father-sama asked, and yeah, that’s right. I wonder how much information has been relayed to each guild? Dad shrugged and replied,


“She said she told them it was me who initially suggested it. And when I decided to proceed, Mara said she’d send letters to the other guilds. So they should at least know that Schutor wants to hold a fighting tournament to revitalize the city.”


Yeah, yeah, as expected of Mara-san. But that letter… I’m sure it hasn’t arrived at Ortus. Just as I was thinking that, Schlie-san asked the same question. And this was Dad’s response.


“I told her she didn’t need to send one to us because I already knew.”

“Don, honestly…!”


D-Dad…! I feel like asking him if he really was a capable salesman in Japan. Maybe it’s because coming here and sharing his soul with Father-sama made him even more easygoing!


“You need to properly deal with documents…!”

“Ah, that’s right, I got it. Here.”



Dad then casually tossed the document, which he’d seemingly just remembered, and I could tell Schlie-san was angry. Well, of course!


“Sorry! Don’t be so mad. I properly read the documents, and I’ll deal with it! I won’t trouble Saura and the others!”

“You’re already troubling them, just by neglecting to report.”

“Well, sorry. You’re all so capable that I can’t help but to push those kinds of things aside.”

“…That’s unfair. Haa, that’s our Don, for better or worse.”


It was obvious that Schlie-san, who had been incredibly angry just now, was calming down. Dad’s charm had been activated…! And it’s not even intentional. He seriously thinks that way, and those feelings are probably what calms Schlie-san down.

And demi-humans, and those of our races, we’re weak to acknowledgement. More so than humans. Even I get excited when I’m praised for my work, compared to when I was Megu, so maybe it’s a characteristic of our races. I’m particularly simple-minded, so I’m incredibly easy to please.


“Well, at any rate, please give it to Saura as soon as we get back.”

“Gah, the lecture course again?”

“You brought this upon yourself.”


I nodded in agreement. He’s not scary, even if I glare at him.


“Now, the members attending the joint meeting. The Don’s going, of course, but who else are you bringing?”

“Hah? It’s fine with just me.”

“I don’t feel comfortable with just the Don’s report.”


There’s venom in Schlie-san’s words! He might have calmed down, but it doesn’t mean he’s forgotten. Dad was at a loss for words, unable to respond.


“F-Fine! Saura… won’t be able to leave the guild, so I’ll bring… Adol.”

“Ah, that’s a good idea. He’s grown a lot from that expedition to the human continent. He’ll be one of the members who’ll support the next generation of Ortus, so I’d like for him to interact with the other Special-grade guilds.”


Adol-san, I pictured him in my mind. A kind man with glasses, with reddish black hair and eyes. I don’t see him much because he’s always doing paperwork in the back of the reception desk, but I’ve heard he’s very capable. Even Saura-san recommended him, saying he’s her protégé. He must be very strong.

He’s a bird demi-human, just like Gil-san. They’re both black and look alike, am I the only one who thinks of them like brothers? I’m aware that it’s a superficial thought based on just color and them being birds.


“Now, let’s end our work discussion and hear what Meg has to say. Did anything happen lately?”


Just then, Father-sama, who was sitting next to me, asked that gently, his eyes narrowed. He’s incredibly handsome, but at times like these, he’s just a normal dad. Alright then, I’ll report that I made a new friend!


“Um, the other day, when I went out with Ludo-sensei, we went to Annulus, remember? And I made friends with two of the children of the Head of Annulus!”

“Hmm, friends? Around the same age as you?”

“Yeah! They’re twins. Rune, a cheerful and cute girl, and Goot, a shy boy. We weren’t together for very long, but we’re going to exchange letters.”


I continued, saying how I was able to talk a lot with Rune, but Goot seemed embarrassed and we couldn’t really talk. Father-sama then froze. Froze?


“So you even made a… male friend…”

“I know those twins… Rune’s just like you described, but Goot’s definitely not shy. He’s a mischievous and cheeky brat who gets fired up easily.”


Dad, also wide-eyed, said this. Ah, he knows them too. Huh, so that’s what Goot’s really like.


“But Goot kept getting all red and we couldn’t really talk. I thought he was just shy.”

“Getting all red…?”

“Meg, that’s not because he’s shy…”


Father-sama muttered this, seemingly bewildered, and then Schlie-san interjected, looking troubled. If he’s not shy, then what? Ah! Could it be!? I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands.


“Maybe he’s not good with girls!? I shouldn’t have talked to him. Maybe… we won’t be able to be friends…”


I’m starting to really regret being so forceful. I’m bad at reading those kinds of things. It’s my bad habit, and it won’t go away. Sad.


“Meg… you really haven’t changed at all, have you?”

“Eh? What do you mean?”


Dad then said this, sounding exasperated. Why is he looking at me with that pitying look?


“You’re the same as you were when you were Megu. Well, never mind, that’s our Meg…”

“I don’t get it, and is that a compliment?”


As I protested, puffing up my cheeks, Schlie-san calmly intervened. Sorry, as always.


“Meg, don’t worry, it’ll be fine. I’m sure even young Goot wants to be friends with you.”

“R-Really? I’d be happy if that was the case.”


I love how Schlie-san’s always encouraging me! I grinned at him.


“A-As a parent, this is incredibly complicated! Meg, you don’t need to be that close… no, friendship is a wonderful thing, so I do want you to be close, but… gnnnuu…”


I’m going to ignore Father-sama, who’s next to me, clutching his head and muttering. It might be those complicated parental feelings I don’t understand. I’ll continue the conversation once he’s calmed down! Father-sama, pull yourself together!

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