Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 260 Table of contents
  1. Thinking



“Oh, earlier, I went to the nursery school with Kron-san. And I’m going to exchange letters with a boy named Urbano.”

“What? Urbano?”


Now that Father-sama had calmed down, I reported about what had just happened. It seems like he hadn’t received a report from Kron-san yet. Well, that makes sense, they parted ways for work.




Dad tilted his head, seemingly unfamiliar with the name. Father-sama then gave a brief explanation about Urbano-kun. Dad and Schlie-san listened intently.


“A giant, that’s rare. I’ve only met one, maybe.”

“Me too. I went near their village for work, and saw them briefly.”


When I muttered how rare that was, Father-sama told me that while they are rare,


“They’re a race that doesn’t really come out into the world. They basically never leave their villages. Like elves, dwarves, halflings, and fairies. It’s one of the things that differentiates them from other demi-humans.”

“Really… It feels strange, since we have all of them in Ortus.”

“Now that you mention it, that’s true. Fufu, we’re oddballs, being in Ortus. And that means Meg will also become an oddball.”


An oddball, huh? To be honest, I can’t deny that. But everyone in Ortus is basically an oddball, right? I won’t say it out loud though. It’s probably because Dad, our leader, is an oddball. I’ve thought this for a while now, but basically, birds of a feather flock together.


“But, I see… so Urbano opened up to you. As expected of Meg.”

“Eh, I wouldn’t say he’s opened up to me yet…?”


I mean, I don’t think you open up to someone just because they talked to you a little. When I said that, Licht corrected me, saying, “That’s not it, Meg.”


“Urbano wouldn’t even speak to the Demon King, even when he spoke to him directly. Apparently giants are generally very wary. So they won’t talk to anyone unless it’s someone they trust. I heard it took a long time for him to open up to the teachers at the nursery, even though he’s somewhat comfortable with them now.”

“And yet, Meg, you met him for the first time today?”


Father-sama said that it’s quite a feat to be able to talk to him after just meeting him. So it was a big deal… I had no idea. Maybe it’s thanks to this unassuming face?


“I’m happy if Urbano-kun cheered up even a little.”

“You really are a charmer.”

“Coming from you, Dad!”


How rude! I’m not charming anyone! I just want to be kind to everyone. Especially when I’m meeting them for the first time. Unless they’re an incredibly bad person, of course. I mean, everyone’s happy to be treated kindly, right? The only people who get angry when they’re treated kindly are those who’ve had it rough, or who have incredibly bad personalities, so I think being kind is a pretty effective approach. I’m often told I’m naive for thinking that way.


“Be good friends with Urbano. I’m also worried about that child. It’s good to have as many trustworthy people as possible, one or two more won’t hurt.”


Father-sama said that as he gently stroked my head, while I was fuming. Aw, so fatherly. When I glanced up, our eyes met, and he was smiling happily. It made me realize that he really does care about his people, that he’s a good king too. He wouldn’t be able to be king just by being incompetent, after all. I mean, I’m always just seeing his incompetent side!


…A king, huh? Will I also… become a king someday? The Demon King.


Thinking about that made me feel down. I wonder why. It’s true that I want to stay in Ortus forever and not become the Demon King. But if that’s something I can’t avoid, then I’ll accept it. It’s not like I won’t be able to go to Ortus anymore. And besides, I like the people at Demon Castle and in the castle town, and I can spend a lot of time with the kids in the nursery school.

Do I… hate it? Do I really hate being the Demon King that much? I don’t think so. But I don’t know about my subconscious. I don’t even understand myself… Well, I guess it’s common. It’s better not to think about it too much.

But, what is it? I can’t put it into words well, but when I think about this, I get a tingly feeling in the depths of my chest, or my head gets fuzzy, or I get nervous or excited? I don’t know what I’m thinking, but it makes me feel uneasy. So I try not to think about it… but—





Father-sama suddenly called my name, snapping me out of it. Huh? Was I spacing out? But I don’t think it was for very long.


“Um… what?”


I tilted my head because everyone was looking at me with surprised, worried expressions. I was just thinking a bit, you know? There’s no need to worry that much.


“W-Well… you didn’t respond when I called your name.”

“Eh? I’m sorry, was I really spacing out that much…?”


So he was calling me! I didn’t notice. It’s understandable that they’d worry. I have to pay attention since we’re all here. I need to pull myself together. I’m sorry.


“…Are you feeling unwell or anything?”

“No, I’m fine! I really was just thinking!”


Even Licht’s asking with a worried look. I’m really okay, you know? Schlie-san and Dad, you don’t need to make those serious faces!


“…It’s Meg, you know. I’m sure she was just thinking about snacks or something.”

“Dad, I’m not that much of a glutton!”


Well, now that you mention it, I am wondering what kind of snacks we have! But I wouldn’t space out that much. Dad, you’re always teasing me.


“Meg, even your spirits are worried.”

“Eh? Ah, everyone…”


I looked up at Schlie-san’s words, and Shou-chan and the other spirits were all gathered there, looking down at me with worry.


“Sorry. I’m fine, really. Thank you for worrying!”

『…Master, are you sure you’re okay? Okay, I get it!』

“Ah, that’s right, Shou can tell if she’s being truthful.”


Schlie-san seemed relieved when Shou-chan said that. That’s right, Shou-chan’s a voice spirit, so it knows everything I’m thinking. Basically, it means I can’t lie. It’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s fine because Shou-chan never talks to anyone, not even the other spirits, about me. See, this is trust!


“Seriously, if you’re feeling even a little sleepy, or anything different from usual, tell us.”


Dad, who had been teasing me just now, suddenly said this seriously, making me tilt my head in confusion. Yeah, I see. He was worried about me in his own way.


“Okay, I will. I’ll tell you.”


So I have to make sure to tell them! I think I’ve mostly gotten rid of my bad habits from my corporate slave days, but I can’t change the fact that I tend to push myself too hard, so I’m going to try to consciously improve!


After that, we continued to have fun conversations, enjoying ourselves. It was nice to be able to chat with Father-sama. We don’t get to meet very often. I also feel lonely, you know? I made him cry when I said that, but I was happy!



After dinner, Father-sama took me on a tour of Demon Castle. About what the different places are for, what kind of work they do. I’m slowly learning about Demon Castle. It’s basically a study session.

Of course, we didn’t just do that. We also went to the garden and the training grounds! And surprisingly, there was even a recreation area. It’s a place to play card games and sports, to relax. I was surprised that they had the concept of sports, but apparently, this was Licht’s suggestion.


“I thought they didn’t have enough recreation. The only way for demons, who are more hot-blooded than humans, to let off steam was through fighting, and they were always getting hurt, so I suggested this.”

“It was a good suggestion. It’s significantly reduced the number of injuries! There are some races who find satisfaction in bloodshed, so it won’t disappear completely, though.”


What’s with that race!? Are they like oni? Well, I won’t say anything if that’s what they want. Scary.

But still, Licht’s not just being taken care of at Demon Castle, is he? He’s properly searching for, finding, and doing what he can. And he’s contributing. Hmm, I can’t lose to him! I’m feeling motivated now.


“It’s getting dark. It’ll be midnight by the time we get back to Ortus.”

“You should just stay the night.”

“I can’t. I need to report to Saura and the others as soon as possible. And a certain Shadow Eagle will be unhappy if we’re late.”


A certain Shadow Eagle? That would be Gil-san! Even though he knows it’s fine because I’m with Dad, I’m sure he’ll worry if we’re late. And I want to see him too.

But Ortus is quite far… what kind of cheat is Dad going to use? If we were to transfer by beast carriage, it would take at least half a month to get there, and yet it only took a few hours. Well, I shouldn’t think about it too much. He’s Dad, after all.


“In that case, I probably won’t see you, Meg, until the fighting tournament…”

“If it’s actually held. Well, I’m sure it will be. Soon! Very soon!”

“I know. But it’s not just about logic!”


It’s been getting later and later because Father-sama, reluctant to part, has been dragging things out. Well, I have no choice but to accept it.


“I’ll see you at the joint meeting then, Licht!”

“Yes. I’ll be in your care.”


Licht’s going to be participating in the joint meeting, huh. That’s nice, Dad gets to see him soon. But I’m also going to the fighting tournament, so I’ll see him then. …I need to stop that future from happening!


And so, after saying goodbye to Father-sama, who was shedding tears, and Licht, who was waving, we got into Dad’s car, Kakeru-kun. I regret not being able to say goodbye to Kron-san. So I’ve decided to add a greeting to her in the letter I’m going to send to Father-sama!

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