Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 264 Table of contents
  1. To the Guest Room



After getting back to Ortus with Gil-san, I had a leisurely lunch. Gil-san, who had rushed over during work, went back to his post. I’m so sorry for the trouble…!

He was worried about me going back to Ran-chan’s shop after lunch, but after our talk, he didn’t tell me to not go. Though I could tell by his expression that he didn’t want me to!


Well, I have to admit, I’m a bit scared today. I kind of want to just stay inside. But Gil-san’s working hard at letting me be independent, and it was me who said, “Trust me.” So I can’t back down. When something scary happens, you have to act immediately or the fear will just amplify. So I have to pull myself together and go!


『We’ll stay with you, Master!』

『I am also here, Master. You have nothing to worry about.』

『Me too! Leave keeping an eye on our surroundings to me!』

“Homura-kun, Shizuku-chan, Fuu-chan…! You’re so reliable! Thank you!”


They probably sensed my unease, because they all appeared before I even called out to them. What good kids they are!?


『Of course, I’m also here, you know? I can’t attack or anything like that, but…』

“It’s because Shou-chan’s here that the other spirits understand me! It’s incredibly reassuring having you here, Shou-chan!”


Shou-chan, the voice spirit, was looking a bit dejected, so I immediately said that. You’re really helping me out, you know? You could even say my skill in nature magic has improved because of Shou-chan!

Shou-chan, hearing my thoughts, immediately recovered, twirling above my head, saying, “I’ll do my best too, Master!” Fufu, so cute!


Thanks to those reliable allies, I was emotionally invincible and was able to head to Ran-chan’s shop after taking an extended lunch break. I was relieved to get to the shop without any issues! It was still bustling, so it didn’t seem like a good idea for me to appear. So I focused on helping out behind the scenes. Finding clothes in different sizes and colors, checking inventory, and other things!

I’m clumsy and slow compared to the others who work there. I was so touched by the employee who said I was a help, even though I made mistakes and was slow! To be able to say that without getting irritated, when they’re so busy… I’ll try to be like that.

And so, the work day ended without a hitch, and I took advantage of Ran-chan’s words whom told me to go home before the sun went down, and my work for the day was finished. Ran-chan teared up, saying how happy she was that her dream came true, and I ended up crying too. I’m still a crybaby, sorry. It was a big fuss, but I’d like to come and help out again!




“I’m baaaack!”


I returned to the guild and cheerfully greeted everyone. I’m usually the one who says, “Welcome back,” so it’s actually my first time saying, “I’m back.” I love it, how everyone welcomes me back with a smile! Ehehe.


“Oh, Meg, isn’t it? You were outside today? That’s rare.”

“Owen-san! Um, I was helping out at Ran-chan’s shop.”

“I see.”


As I was heading for my exclusive counter, which had become my oasis, this unusual person called out to me. Owen-san’s a wild-looking man. I have this image of him being a bit of a playboy. He’s a guardian flying squirrel demi-human who specializes in support magic, and he’s often with his twin brother, Wyatt-san. And here’s the important part. Owen-san has feelings for Maryla-san! Ta-daaa! …Though it doesn’t seem like there’s any progress. I wish Maryla-san would just be honest with her feelings.


“You’re participating in the meeting this evening?”

“Yes! Are you also participating, Owen-san?”


The joint meeting starts at sunset. So in a few hours. Well, even though we’re “participating”, I think we’re just going to be listening in. Everyone in Ortus knows this. Apparently, anyone can participate, but you have to be a certain level of strong. I thought Owen-san definitely meets the requirements, so I asked, but…


“No, I’m not going. It’s probably going to be a meeting about the fighting tournament, right? If the key members are all going to be participating in the tournament, we need people who can protect the guild. I’m planning on staying here. It’s enough for me to hear about the important stuff later.”


I see. If all the strong people participate in the fighting tournament, the guild will be short-staffed. Ortus’ security is incredibly tight, but it’s still not good to be defenseless. You never know who’s going to visit, and there’s no guarantee that there won’t be any trouble.


“I’ll be staying here with Wyatt, so you can leave Ortus to us. Meg, it’s a fighting tournament, so enjoy yourself.”


He’s talking like it’s already been decided that the fighting tournament will be held. I also saw Gil-san and Licht fighting in my dream, so it probably will be held. At any rate, Owen-san’s words are reassuring. As expected of one of the members who’ll support the next generation of Ortus.


“Then I’ll bring back lots of stories!”

“Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.”


Owen-san, grinning as he said that, patted my head a few times and then left. I greet him and chat with him whenever I see him, but this is probably the first time we’ve had such a proper conversation. He’s a really good guy. I wonder why Maryla-san doesn’t like him? Maybe because he’s a bit of a playboy? I hear he used to be a womanizer, but now he’s completely devoted to Maryla-san. Those two are so frustrating. It’s not like I can say anything though, because I don’t get those complicated feelings of love!




I was relaxing at my counter, greeting the people entering the guild, when Gil-san walked towards me quickly. He looked worried. It’s hard to tell, because he doesn’t really show his emotions, but maybe it’s because we’re always together that I can tell?


“Gil-san, welcome back! Nothing happened.”


To emphasize that I’m fine, I raised both arms and struck a power pose. …No muscles. Still the same soft arms. It’s strange, even though I train so much!


“I see, that’s good… I’m back.”


Gil-san, smiling as if relieved, switched from “outside mode” to “relaxed mode.” In other words, he said that as he took off his hood and mask. These moments always make me feel moe. Thank you for the treat.


“Well then, shall we head for the guest room?”



Gil-san’s back, which means it’s almost time. Well, I’ve been waiting here for him. It’s finally time for the Special-grade guild joint meeting. You’re wondering why we’re not in the conference room? They often use the cozy guest room. I guess everyone dislikes stiff, formal settings! Birds of a feather…


“Ah, you’re here!”


Everyone was already there when Gil-san opened the door to the guest room. You can’t open the guest room when it’s in use, unless you cast a special magic spell. It’s something I can’t do yet.


“…They’ll all be there soon. The Don and Adol have already arrived.”

“Yes. I wasn’t worried because I knew Gil would make sure everything was on schedule.”


I see. Gil-san knows what’s going on because of the shadow bird. I’m sure the reason he’s not acting frantic is because he knows the meeting hasn’t started yet. I’ll say it again, so convenient…


“Meg-chan, would you like some herbal tea?”

“Ah, we also have Choco-Ron pastries! They’re small, so it’s fine, even though it’s almost dinner.”

“Fuwaa~! Really? Yes, please!”


When I entered the room, Kei-san escorted me with a fluid movement. Such a handsome man. And Saura-san’s snacks are always delicious! I’m so excited.


“This feels like a tea party…”

“Ah, Ronny.”


I couldn’t help but smile wryly at Ronny’s comment. He’s right, it doesn’t feel like we’re about to have a meeting. I sat down next to Ronny. I still can’t reach the table on a normal chair, so I took out a thick cushion from my storage bracelet and sat on that. I’m used to this, sniff.


“Well, even though it’s a meeting, we’re just going to be listening in. So relax.”



Kei-san, winking as they said this, placed a cup before Ronny. Ronny still doesn’t seem convinced, but he seemed to accept it, and then quietly took a sip from his cup. Kei-san’s his master, so they’re always together. Maybe Ronny’s gotten used to it.


“But feel free to take notes if there’s something you’re curious about, or even voice your opinion. Gil can relay those opinions to the Don, if necessary.”


Ludo-sensei, smiling gently, added this. It’s great that our opinions can be immediately relayed to them, not to mention taking notes! It’s all thanks to Gil-san.


“Hmm, it seems like the meeting’s starting. I’ll put the shadow bird in the center, is that okay?”

“Yeah, please.”


The small shadow bird that took off from Gil-san’s hand landed on the table in the center of the room. The members who’d gathered naturally fell silent, ready to listen in. All we could hear was the clinking of the teacups. The atmosphere was strange, a mix of tension and the smell of herbal tea.

But maybe this is just right. I mean, it’s a meeting of the leaders of the Special-grade guilds, you know? It’s an amazing group of people. It would be impossible to not be nervous!


I took a bite of the pastry to calm my nerves. It can’t be helped, I’m just trying to relax… it’s so delicious!

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