Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 265 Table of contents
  1. Beginning of the Meeting



『…Well then, everyone. First of all, thank you for gathering here today. I am the representative of High-grade Guild Schutor, Martinelshiela. Please call me Mara. I am truly grateful that you accepted my sudden request.』


Mara-san’s clear voice, a voice I haven’t heard in a while, was coming through the shadow bird. It’s hard to tell because it’s just her voice, but she seems to be in good spirits. Though she has a gentle atmosphere, her voice is strong, and it’s obvious she’s accustomed to being a leader.


『Before we get to the main topic, could each of you introduce yourselves? I know your names, but I can’t match them to your faces yet… Sorry about that.』


I could picture Mara-san, a gentle smile on her face. I’m sure her appearance hasn’t changed from how I remember her. She is a High Elf, after all.


『Well, in that case, should we go first? It’ll be good for everyone to reintroduce themselves.』


It was Dad who immediately responded to Mara-san’s request. I recognized his voice right away. He probably volunteered to keep things moving along smoothly. Nice!


『I’m Eugene, the leader of Special-grade Guild Ortus. And this is…』

『Yes, I work at Ortus. I’m Adolforien. Pleased to meet you.』


Dad sounded casual, while Adol-san’s voice sounded nervous. It’s understandable, being surrounded by such amazing people. But it’s still incredible that he’s able to properly greet them! I’d probably mess up.


『Well then, we’re next. I’m Diega, the Head of Special-grade Guild Annulus. And this is Ashley, from accounting. He’s a bit shy, but he’s capable, so I brought him along. He’ll probably stay silent the whole time, so please excuse him.』


Next was that low voice I’d heard before. Diega-san, Rune and Goot’s father. I see, so the person with him is shy… I can imagine how nervous he must be, I feel for him!


『Then we’re next. I’m Shezario, the Leader of Special-grade Guild Stella. Thank you for coming all the way here.』

『I’m Isaac, also from Stella. I’m the Leader’s assistant. Pleased to meet you.』


Next were the two representatives from Stella. I can already tell, just from the way they speak, that they’re both very meticulous. And this youthful voice is Isaac-san, Dr. Ludo’s nephew, huh? His voice does sound a bit like his uncle. But they have completely different ways of speaking.


『Well then, it seems like we’re last. I’m Kronqvist, the right-hand woman of Demon King Zahariash, representing Demon Castle. Please, just call me Kron.』

『And I’m Licht, also representing Demon Castle. Pleased to meet you.』


Woah, those two are the Demon Castle representatives! I wonder what it was like for them, travelling here together. I’m so curious. Or rather, Father-sama must have arranged this. I’m sure he convinced her by saying he’ll do her work and other things. I can even picture Kron-san slumping her shoulders, thinking, “If you can do that, then please do it all the time.”


『Thank you, everyone. Now then, I’ll get to the main topic. But to do that, I’ll need to first explain the situation in Sainsley, where Schutor’s base is located. May I?』


It seems like Mara-san’s alone, but as expected, there are two from each guild. Nine people in total, including the two from Demon Castle. They might not be a huge group, but they’re all amazing people. It seems everyone’s finished introducing themselves. Mara-san immediately started.


『Do you all remember, about forty years ago? When there was that incident, where some of the monsters almost went out of control?』


Ah… I immediately realized she was talking about that incident. When I’d just arrived at Ortus. Back then, when there was that incident with my grandfather, Schelmelhorn, at the High Elf Village. It feels nostalgic, and also like it happened yesterday. That incident led to the creation of the current Schutor.

It was then that Father-sama learned of my mother, Yennaliearl’s death, and was insulted among other things. Unable to contain his anger, he lost control. That’s probably the incident she’s talking about.


『Sainsley suffered severe damage during that time.』


Ugh, really…? Sainsley’s quite far from where Ortus is, so I didn’t know. Father-sama knows, right? I mean, he’s the Demon King. I’m sure he was heartbroken, it makes me sad too. But it’s pointless to just dwell on the past. I need to properly listen to the rest.


『Why, you ask. Because the city walls were just made of stone. Or wood. Or iron. You all understand what that means, right?』

『You mean they didn’t have any protective barrier magic? If they were attacked by a horde of monsters, with walls like that…』

『Then of course it would be devastating.』


I know about protective barrier magic. It’s a barrier to prevent monsters from entering cities. Like a wall with special magic embedded in it. To think it makes this much of a difference…


『You’re all correct. I’m sure it was just as you’re imagining. And even now, forty years later, we haven’t been able to completely restore everything. We also don’t have enough funds. But.』


I was a bit surprised that they haven’t been able to completely restore everything yet. So it was that much damage, and to think this is a world with magic.

But my common sense about the Demon Continent is based on the area around Ortus. I think this area is probably particularly developed, in terms of those things. I need to learn more about the world, I thought, reflecting.


『I think we need to install protective barrier magic on the walls that protect the city, while we’re rebuilding. It’s a peaceful world now, but you never know when a horde of monsters might attack, or when there might be a natural disaster. A natural disaster might be less likely, but if we keep getting attacked, and have to rebuild every time, Sainsley’s poverty will only increase.』


That’s true, natural disasters don’t happen that often, and it would be unthinkable for them to happen, but I don’t think we should rely on that. They should at least take measures, because it makes a difference in how safe we feel.


“…Sainsley was a bit behind the times, even among the other countries on the Demon Continent. A lot of the poor gathered there.”

“That’s why there are a lot of troublemakers there. It’s a vicious cycle.”


Saura-san and Kei-san were exchanging these opinions, looking serious as they listened in.


“I do think we should try to… have everyone catch up to each other, at least to a certain extent, in terms of technology. But it can’t be helped because they’re different countries. It depends on each country’s political measures.”

“There’s also the issue of us, the Special-grade guilds, supporting a specific country. Our home countries already feel like we’re giving them preferential treatment.”

“There was a lot of arguing, when each Special-grade guild was deciding on their base… It was finally decided because of the Don’s forceful declaration.”


Ludo-sensei said that, seemingly reminiscing about the guild’s establishment. So that’s what happened. Normally, when a guild is formed, the place where they set up their base becomes their home country, but with a guild as powerful as a Special-grade guild, it’s more like they’re no longer allowed to be part of a country. It doesn’t change the location, but how they’re treated. Because it would create a huge difference in national power.

That’s why they have to equally accept requests from all countries, no matter how far away they are. There’s a rule stating they’re not allowed to just do requests from specific countries. That’s why the amount of work for those at the reception desk increases dramatically the moment they become a Special-grade guild. S-Scary.


『But installing protective barrier magic requires a lot of funding! They haven’t even finished rebuilding, can they even do it?』

『I’m sure the country will be reluctant. They’ll probably think it’s more important to finish rebuilding.』


Diega-san and, I assume, the leader of Stella, voiced their opinions. That’s right, the funds. It was mentioned that Sainsley’s poor.


『That’s true. I’ve suggested it many times, but… I’ve been completely rejected. They understand how important it is. But I persisted, and was at least able to get them to agree, but postpone the execution. That’s my limit… if things continue like this, we don’t know when it’ll happen.』


Mara-san sighed as she said this, after hearing their opinions. I’m sure even her sighing is picturesque.


『So securing funds is the main issue.』

『I see, that’s why she’s holding the fighting tournament.』


It was Adol-san and Dad. I see, they’re going to gather spectators with the fighting tournament and essentially turn it into a business. And then use that as the funds?


『If Special-grade guilds are participating, then it’ll attract attention, from all over the Demon Continent. And since there aren’t many forms of entertainment in Sainsley, it’ll also attract the attention of the citizens. So I thought we could install protective barrier magic at the tournament venue to demonstrate its effectiveness.』


Oh, so there are all kinds of benefits! And if the country understands its effectiveness, then maybe those in the upper echelons will reconsider their funding and decide to install it in Sainsley.


『Schutor’s still a High-grade guild, so we’re not allowed to operate outside the country. So the venue will have to be Sainsley… please, won’t you lend us your power?』


That’s right, only Special-grade guilds are allowed to operate beyond their country’s borders. So that’s why she’s asking for their cooperation.

I could picture Mara-san bowing her head, just from her voice and the atmosphere coming through the shadow bird.

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