Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 268 Table of contents
  1. Conquering Ortus



『I hope Ortus can handle operating the tournament. I’ve heard you held one before, just within Ortus. So I thought you would be more familiar with the preparation and procedures than the other guilds.』


Mara-san started by explaining what she wanted Ortus to do. It’s the same as the other guilds, so far.


『We’ll leave the method of combat, the format, and even the prize to you. Of course, we’ll be confirming everything.』

『Hmm, that does make it easy for us to make a decision, but…』

『That’s not enough, is it…』


It’s true that if they had to decide with the other guilds, there’d be a lot of meetings. And asking for opinions during a meeting makes things move slowly. With just confirmation, it can even be done through letters. Unless someone has objections.

So it’s true that it’s convenient, but that’s assuming they’re on board with the idea of the tournament. We’re still waiting for conditions in order to agree, so it’s lacking as a deciding factor.


『Of course I know that. That’s why I’m going to use a different approach for you all.』


A different approach? I instinctively looked at Ronny, who was next to me, at that unexpected word. Everyone was crossing their arms, waiting to hear the rest.


『This is a bit of a change in topic, but I’m facing an issue right now. Something that’s troubling me.』

『A troubling issue? What’s that got to do with…』

『In the High Elf Village. There’s some opposition. That Meg should return to the village.』



Heh, me? I couldn’t follow this unexpected turn of events. As I was bewildered, Gil-san gently put his arm around my shoulders.


『Now, I don’t want you to misunderstand, Schel’s not involved in this. He no longer cares. But he’s not trying to solve this as the patriarch either… he’s decided to completely stay out of it.』


Schel’s my grandfather, Schelmelhorn. I see, so it’s not that he’s saying anything, but other High Elves in the village have that opinion. But why now, all of a sudden?


『The troublesome part, is that they’re saying this out of good will. That, based on Meg’s current state, she should recuperate at the High Elf Village. …I’m sure you understand what I mean.』

『…Recuperating, huh. I see.』


Recuperating…? Me? I looked up at Gil-san, wondering what that meant. He was looking at the shadow bird with a stern expression. It made me feel uneasy. Dad also seemed to have realized something. And by the looks of it, even Gil-san? Looking around, everyone was making a serious expression. Am I the only one who doesn’t know? No, Ronny’s also tilting his head, so it’s not just me.


“Is something… wrong with me?”


But I was curious because it was about me. So I asked that, but it was a small voice, probably because I was so anxious. It seemed to echo throughout the room, because everyone was silent.




Gil-san lowered his eyebrows, looking troubled, seemingly realizing I was staring at him. Is it something hard to say? I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me because of that word, “recuperate.” I then looked at Dr. Ludo, the expert. Dr. Ludo, our eyes meeting, smiled awkwardly and came closer.


“It’s only natural to worry when you hear something like that. I apologize, we weren’t considerate enough. Gil, tell them that Meg’s also listening in.”



As if to reassure me, Dr. Ludo smiled gently and patted me on the head… I almost felt relieved, but that wasn’t the point. I want to know! I held back the urge to just give in and stared at him.


“…You’re not going to be deceived, huh.”

“Of course not!”


I puffed up my cheeks at Dr. Ludo, who chuckled. He then poked my cheek, and it made a silly sound. That’s awful.


“I’ll properly explain. But we’re in the middle of a meeting right now. Is it okay if we do it later?”

“W-Will you really… tell me…?”

“Of course.”


Dr. Ludo never lies. Gil-san and the others looked like they wanted to say something about Dr. Ludo’s offer, but they stayed silent. They probably trust his decision. Then I’ll also trust him. I nodded, saying, “Okay.”


『What? Is Meg listening? That’s no good. Mara, be careful with what you say.』

『Meg’s…? I’m so sorry, it was insensitive of me, even though I didn’t know.』


I’m curious. I’m incredibly curious, but I have to be patient. I’m a big girl now. Fidget, fidget.


『At any rate, they’re saying that because they’re worried about you, Meg. And I think they have a point. Of course, I’m going to hear you and your guardians out.』

『Haa, honestly. Everyone’s so overprotective.』

『You’re one to talk.』


Everyone’s overprotective. I agree with her on that. I don’t know the details, but there’s something wrong with me, and they think going to the High Elf Village would fix it. The reason’s probably because of that place’s environment. It looks like a recuperation area, and the air and magic power are both so pure.


『But if that’s the case… Meg will have to go alone.』


Dad muttered this, sounding reluctant. That’s right. The High Elf Village basically doesn’t accept those who aren’t High Elves. It’s different from that time when we barged in. If it’s for recuperation, she’ll have to live there for a while, it’s not like just going for a visit.

And there’s a reason for that. It’s not that the High Elves dislike other races. It’s because it’s their pure air and magic power that allows only High Elves to live there. The balance will be disrupted if other races enter.

And I’ve heard that their environment was actually messed up for a few decades after we went there. I’m so sorry… But it can’t be helped. We also don’t want to lose such a precious place.


『So here’s my offer. If you cooperate with us on this matter, I’ll arrange for Meg’s companions to also be able to stay in the High Elf Village.』

『Wh-What? Can you even do that?』

『There’s a way. With the power of the High Elves.』


Wait, wait, wait. That’s your offer to Ortus? It’s my issue! Ortus won’t… be swayed by that, will they?


“I agree.”

“We should accept.”

“It’s for Meg-chan, so it’s an immediate yes.”

“No issues here.”


Gil-san, Saura-san, Kei-san, and even Schlie-san said that, looking serious. Eh? Eh? I looked around and everyone else was nodding. What…


“This is an incredible trade, the best they could have offered.”

“Even Ronny!”


Even Ronny, who was next to me, was nodding, impressed. This is strange, something’s strange.


『So you’ll explain how this will work, right?』

『Of course. I’ll explain until you’re convinced, and I’ll even tell you how, just for you.』

『I’m in. Let’s accept it.』


That was fast! Isn’t that too fast!? Everyone in the guest room started to applaud as I was left stunned. Am I the only one who thinks this is strange? Common sense, come back…!


『…Ortus, are you sure about this?』

『It’s so blatant it’s refreshing.』


There it is, common sense. I was somehow relieved to hear Diega-san, the Head of Annulus, and Shezario-san, the Leader of Stella, sound exasperated.


『Well then, lastly, Demon Castle!』

『There’s no need to worry.』


Mara-san said this, as if to say they’d settled things with Ortus. And the one who immediately responded was probably Kron-san. There’s no mistaking her calm, business-like tone. What does she mean?


『What do you mean?』

『It benefits us, Demon Castle, just to participate in the fighting tournament. That alone is enough, that’s what Zahariash-sama has said. And from what I hear, Zahariash-sama was the cause of the damage to Sainsley. There’s no way we can’t help.』


Is that really okay, Father-sama? Isn’t that even more irresponsible than Ortus? Well, it’s true that the damage was caused by the Demon King’s magic power going out of control, but you decided even before hearing that, didn’t you?


『But I don’t feel comfortable with just that. It’s also Sainsley’s fault for how much damage they suffered. Right? Will you at least hear out the offer I’ve prepared?』


I’m glad Mara-san’s level-headed. I let out a sigh of relief, and then Ronny, who was next to me, said,


“Demons are Demon King supremacists. I’ve heard they don’t really question the Demon King’s decisions.”

“Really…? Kron-san does seem a bit like that.”


Gil-san, hearing our conversation, then interjected,


“Kron’s much better than most. She always voices her opinion if the Demon King’s wrong.”


“You could say that’s why she was chosen. It would be, well, troubling for the Demon King otherwise, wouldn’t it?”



I recalled being surrounded at the nursery school, when we went to Demon Castle. Everyone was incredibly kind, but they all looked at me with admiration, it didn’t feel like I could be friends with them. It would probably… be a bit hard if everyone was always agreeing with everything I said and did. I see, so Kron-san’s truly supporting Father-sama.


『Ah, I’ll hear it.』


Then we heard Licht’s voice. Oh, he’s the perfect person! Licht’s not a demon, so I’m sure he’ll properly listen. So that’s why these two came to the meeting. …No, wait, if that’s the case, then it wouldn’t have mattered who came with him. It’s probably Father-sama’s doing, after all. Right now, I should be focusing on the content of the meeting, but I was more interested in how those two were on the way here. I mean! It’s only natural to be curious, right!?

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