Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 269 Table of contents
  1. First Half of the Meeting Concludes



Mara-san’s offer to Demon Castle was well thought out. To put it simply, it’s personnel dispatch. Well, that’s only natural, since Schutor is a personnel dispatch guild. Basically, it means they’ll carefully select people to work at Demon Castle. Dispatch work.

The people who work at Demon Castle are all so-called demons. So just like I thought before, it’s full of people who believe that the Demon King’s word is absolute! So I think they want to send non-demon demi-humans, to give Demon Castle, which is a bit isolated, some fresh air.


Hmm, but in a way, this is a bit of a gamble, isn’t it? It’s important to have people who don’t subscribe to Demon King supremacy, but because of that, I think there’ll be more conflict.

Just as I was thinking that, Licht voiced the same opinion. I knew it.


『Yes, that’s why it’s dispatch work. If they don’t get along, then you can just fire them. We’ll handle the aftercare for those who return. And it can also be a limited-time contract. For example, you can hire someone just for a task that needs to be done while the Demon King’s away.』


Oh, maybe it’s more like a part-time job. It’s enough if they just need extra hands.


『We’ll interview the candidates to decide whether they meet our requirements.』

『That’s fine. You can refuse if they’re not suitable. Just let us know beforehand, and we’ll send suitable personnel.』

『What happens if there’s a problem with the dispatched personnel?』

『That’s Schutor’s responsibility. In other words, my responsibility. I’ll come right away.』


Mara-san smoothly answered Kron-san, who was calmly confirming everything. It’s amazing, Mara-san declaring it’s her responsibility, as the leader! Schutor’s become a really good guild.


『In any kind of business, trust is important. I only knew that from books, until I became the representative of Schutor. I’m still fumbling my way through it. But I want to show you my sincerity.』


Th-That’s right, Mara-san never left the High Elf Village for a very, very long time. I keep forgetting.


“…The amount of knowledge High Elves have really is… amazing.”

“Ronny, even I’m a High Elf, but I don’t think I could ever be like that…”


Could a guild that had once collapsed be rebuilt just with knowledge? No, there’s definitely more to it. I’m sure it’s thanks to Mara-san’s skill, effort, and other things.


“But you’ll gain all sorts of experience during your long life. You’re not confined to the village, Meg. You’ll be even more… amazing.”

“Uu, y-you think so? I feel like… I haven’t really changed.”


And I’m not confident that I can remember that much. I wonder if she’s only able to remember it because she’s Mara-san. …I don’t know about the other High Elves. Maybe I’ll have a chance if High Elves naturally have good memories. But as of now, I don’t think my memory’s that good. Hmm, it’s too far off in the future, I can’t even imagine.


『Pull yourself together! Focus!』


I suddenly heard someone shouting. Is this from the joint meeting? No, it’s different. Everyone’s acting normal. In that case… is it a precognitive dream? I’m seeing a precognitive dream while I’m awake.


『This is bad, if things continue like this…! Everyone, help me!』

『Guh, it can’t be helped! I’m sorry—』


Only the voices continued to flow into my head. After that, all I could hear were panicked voices, so many voices overlapping that I couldn’t understand. I recognized those voices, but I couldn’t tell who was who. The only thing I understood was that someone was in danger. Everyone was desperately using magic to help them. That person… whoever they are, they’re in danger. I wonder who it is. Is there anything I can do?





When I casually looked to my side, Ronny was tilting his head and looking at me. I did it again, didn’t I? Spaced out.


“You seemed to be spacing out. Are you okay?”


He’s right! I frantically said, “I’m just a bit hungry”, covering it up. A glutton, huh. But I’ll take what I can get because Ronny chuckled and didn’t question me further. It’s fine, because it’s true that I’m a glutton.


But still, I’ve been seeing too many precognitive dreams recently. It feels like it’s happening more often. I wonder if it’s because my magic power’s increased. Or maybe a real danger’s approaching. I feel like it’s the latter. Because I’ve been seeing a lot of disturbing things, one after another. Each precognitive dream is about a different event, but I have this… uneasy feeling in my chest. I wonder if it has something to do with my recuperation.


“Alright, they’re taking a break, so let’s take a break too! It’s basically been decided that the fighting tournament will be held, just from that first half… I think they’ll be discussing the details in the second half.”


Saura-san clapped her hands, telling everyone that, and then started muttering something, covering her mouth with her hand. It looks like she’s already making plans for the fighting tournament. As expected.


“Meg, it’s time for you to sleep after dinner. We’ll tell you about the second half tomorrow.”

“That’s right, it’ll get late. Okay!”


I obeyed Gil-san. I don’t need naps anymore, but I still get sleepy at night, so it can’t be helped. It’s fine! Children who sleep well grow well! And besides, I understand the atmosphere of the joint meeting now. It felt relaxed, with all of us in the guest room, drinking tea, but that’s how it is.


“Good girl.”


Gil-san, who said that and patted me on the head, was a bit too handsome, I thought.




“Can I join you?”

“Ludo-sensei! Of course!”


Gil-san, Ronny, and I were heading for the cafeteria. We were saving seats when Dr. Ludo spoke to us. I immediately answered. There’s no reason to refuse. Dr. Ludo chuckled at how fast I responded, but I don’t mind.

We took turns getting dinner, and then we all said, “Itadakimasu,” together, once everyone had arrived. Today it’s cream stew. It smells delicious. It comes with freshly baked bread and salad with lots of tomatoes. The stew has pieces of roasted chicken, and it’s incredibly filling. I savored it, carefully blowing on it so I wouldn’t burn myself, it was so good!


“No matter how often I see it, you always eat with such gusto, Meg.”

“R-Right, deliciouush.”

“Meg… swallow before you speak.”


Oops, I was being a bit unladylike. I chuckled awkwardly at Gil-san’s comment. Hey, Ronny, you’re laughing too much!


“Are you going to listen in on the second half of the meeting too, Ronny?”

“Ah, yes. Because… I want to see… how these kinds of things are decided.”

“Yeah, I think it’ll be good practice.”


I listened to their conversation, chewing on the chicken. That’s right, Ronny’s an adult now. He’s joined the ranks of adults. That’s nice, I want to join those ranks too.


“Meg, you’re going to bed soon, right? Will you give me a bit of your time?”



This time, I properly swallowed before answering Dr. Ludo. I learned my lesson.


“I said I’d explain later, right? About your recuperation.”



Of course, I hadn’t forgotten. But I was surprised he wanted to talk now. Because we might not have enough time before the second half of the meeting starts.


“Don’t worry about the meeting. I have my threads, you know. I can listen to the discussion with my clone, if it’s within the guild.”

“Ah, did that show on my face?”

“Fufu, you’re so easy to read, Meg.”


He saw right through me, explaining before I could even say anything. It made me feel a bit strange. That’s right, Dr. Ludo is a Gossamer Orb-weaver demi-human. He can sense movement, as long as it’s within the range of his threads. And I’ve heard he can also pick up sound if he sends a small spider along a thread.

But I wonder if it’s hard to explain while listening in? It’s probably not. I mean, their abilities are far beyond normal people. Especially those in Ortus!


“I’ll also come with you.”

“Even Gil-san? …Is that really okay?”

“You’re worried, right?”


Wow, it seems like Gil-san sees right through me. It’s probably because I’m so easy to read, but he always does this, figures out what I want and gives it to me. He’s incredible.

In that case, there’s only one thing I can say.


“…Yeah. I’m happy you’re coming with me. Thank you, Gil-san.”


To be honest. I think I’ve gotten better at that. I used to be so reserved, but I realized it made them sad. See, Gil-san’s smiling happily. I know he’ll react like this, so I’m able to be spoiled without worry. I’m not being selfish to everyone, you know? …Though I do get spoiled by the senior members.


“Meg. I don’t… really get it, but it’ll be okay… as long as… everyone’s with you.”

“Ronny… thank you!”


Ronny probably won’t question me further. He’ll leave me be, unless I bring it up. If it was the other way around, and something big was happening to Ronny, I’d be incredibly worried. So I respect him for that.

I want to hear what he has to say, and I’d like to ask for his opinion… if I’m ever able to talk about it.


“Thanks for the food! Sorry for always making you wait…”


And as always, I finished eating last, and apologized after we were all done. I know they don’t mind, but I can’t change this habit of apologizing. That corporate slave mindset is still ingrained in me.

They’re all going to the conference room, and I’m heading for the large bath. Gil-san and Dr. Ludo will be waiting for me at the exit when I’m done. I-I need to hurry!

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