Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 270 Table of contents
  1. Bloodline



After leaving the bath, nice and warm, I headed to my room with Gil-san and Ludo-sensei. I thought we’d be talking in the cafe space, but they decided it was better to do it in my room, so no one would overhear, since it’s a sensitive topic. And also so I could go to bed right after, how considerate. They’re so overprotective. Thank you….


“So this is your room. It’s so close to the infirmary.”

“You didn’t know where my room was, Ludo-sensei?”

“Ah, I heard it was around here. Well, even if you knew, only a few people know how to open it.”


Those few people would be Gil-san, Saura-san, Dad, and Mikolas-san, who set up the locking magic for my room. Even people who know where it is are rare, so apparently, there are rumors that my room doesn’t actually exist. Th-That much?


“We can’t be too careful with security, considering your position, Meg. It’s not just for you, but also for our peace of mind.”

“It’s a mix of gratitude and guilt…”

“Ahaha, that’s our Meg.”


While we were chatting, Gil-san opened the door to my room. I can open it too, of course. But apparently, everyone else has to use a special method. It’s incredible, the lengths they’ve gone to.


“It’s a cute room. For a girl.”

“…I also… felt a bit overwhelmed when I first saw it.”


Ludo-sensei commented, looking around the room, and Gil-san reacted shyly. Eh, really? Well, I’d be surprised if he said he was used to rooms like this.


“…Has the number of plushies increased?”


Gil-san asked this with a somewhat exasperated look. They have. My collection keeps growing. Right now, I have six plushies lined up. Just fluffy animals like rabbits and cats. And none of them were bought by me. Figure it out…!


“Ehehe… They’re all cute, so it’s fine. But this one’s my favorite!”



That’s right. The Shadow Eagle plushie! This is the only one I specifically requested. So it’s special to me. It was my first plushie, and I got it from Kei-san with Maryla-san. Of course, I sleep with it every night.


“This is a Shadow Eagle, right?”

“It’s really soft and comfortable.”

“I see, you always sleep with it.”



We were having this pleasant conversation, but then Gil-san got embarrassed and turned away. Well, I guess anyone would be embarrassed, hearing that there’s a plushie modeled after them, and a child sleeps with it. Sorry, Gil-san. But I’m not going to stop sleeping with it.


“Ah, please, have a seat. Should I bring out some chairs?”


That’s right, we’re not here to play. Because I only have a chair for myself, I have to get two more out from my storage bracelet. …Don’t worry, they’re normal chairs. There’s no way I’d let them sit on my cute, small floral print chair.


“Thank you. Well then, should we begin?”

“Y-Yes, please…!”


Once we were all seated, Ludo-sensei crossed his arms and started. My heart’s starting to pound. Gil-san placed his hand on my shoulder, probably sensing how tense I was, and I calmed down a bit. He really understands.


“Meg. Have you ever thought, ‘My magic power’s increased a lot lately’?”

“My magic power? Um, I do think it’s increased compared to before…”


Shou-chan and the others have also mentioned it, but I do have a lot of magic power. It increased dramatically when the previous owner of this body, Meg, and my soul, Megu, fully merged, and it’s been slowly increasing since then. It’s been a while, so I know the total amount’s quite high, but I don’t know the exact amount. It’s not like it’s ever been quantified.


“But I don’t think it’s suddenly increased a lot recently. It’s been gradually increasing, so I don’t really feel it…”


So basically, I don’t know. It’s been a while since I felt tired after using magic, so it’s true that I haven’t really thought about it. To think I don’t even understand my own situation. I was reflecting, realizing that I should know more about myself.


“I see. …Meg, considering your bloodline, you’re bound to have a lot of magic power. You understand that, right?”


Bloodline. I was born to a Demon King father and a High Elf mother. Of course it would increase. I nodded to show that I understood.


“We were also expecting that. But, something unexpected has happened. Meg, you already have as much magic power as the top members of Ortus. That’s… incredibly fast.”



Ludo-sensei added that he hopes I’ll stay calm as I listen. I’m already a bit confused!? Th-That much? My magic power…?


“That amount of magic power, at your age, it’s… abnormal, to be frank. If your body’s still developing, then your magic power should also be developing. If things continue like this, you’ll probably have more magic power than the current Demon King.”

“And that’s not all. The Demon King’s magic power increases even more after assuming the position. If you become the Demon King in the future, with that growth rate… the total amount will be immeasurable.”



I involuntarily hugged myself. It’s unimaginable. To think I’ll have that much power… it’s terrifying.

Eh, a reincarnation cheat, at this point? I don’t need that! I can’t just do whatever I want with an overflowing amount of power! I’ll definitely be overwhelmed. …Overwhelmed?


“Ah… if I remember correctly, Father-sama…”


When I muttered that, the two of them furrowed their brows in unison. I see, that’s what they’re worried about. Ludo-sensei said gravely,


“…It might go out of control. Though we don’t know when that might happen.”


That’s right. Father-sama lost control of his magic power, and it rampaged. The monsters rampaged, even the demons became more aggressive… it led to a large-scale war. Those days are called the Dark Ages. I’m sure it was a short time, in the long history of this world, but… it must have felt incredibly long to those who lived through it.

Is that going to… happen again? I absolutely don’t want that.


“You could say it’s fortunate that you won’t be assuming the position of Demon King for a while yet. Your magic power won’t increase explosively and go out of control, but…”


Gil-san also faltered there, looking serious.


“What we’re worried about… is that growth rate. It’s too fast. We’re worried that it might… not be able to keep up with your body’s development.”


In other words, my body is still that of a child, but my magic power is increasing rapidly. And because of that, they’re worried it might go out of control, right? Okay, I get it. But my heart’s pounding, though!

It’s only natural! Because there’s a chance that nightmare will happen again. And it would be because of me! But it’s okay, it’ll be okay. I’m sure we can somehow handle it. …No, no, we can’t, not at all. But…


“But, there’s something you can do, right…?”


I know these two wouldn’t just do nothing. I know they care about me. I trust them. Not in myself, but in my family.


“…Of course. Thank you, Meg, for believing in us.”


They probably sensed how I felt, because both Ludo-sensei and Gil-san smiled gently. I was able to relax. I’m not sure if I was able to return their smile properly though. Please forgive me if it’s a bit strained.


“That’s why… it’s the High Elf Village. I’m sure even Mara realized that, about you, Meg.”


Ah, is he talking about recuperating? I see, so Mara-san also realized it. Eh, she noticed? We haven’t met recently, so she was able to perfectly figure it out, just from predicting!? …What a… terrifying woman. Dr. Ludo’s also smiling wryly, so I’m sure that’s what he means. Heh~.


“The High Elf Village is the place with the purest and most beautiful air and magic power in this world. And you are technically a High Elf. There’s no way their air wouldn’t agree with you.”

“It’ll also stabilize the chaotic magic power in your body. I think we’ll be able to suppress it, while you’re there, but…”


That’s right, I am a High Elf, technically. I’ve left the Village, and our ways of thinking don’t match, so I think of myself as just an elf. So the air will agree with me. I can understand that. And I don’t mind going to recuperate, if it might suppress the magic power.


“…So I need to go right away?”


But do I need to go right now? I’m a bit sad, the fighting tournament’s about to start. It seems like someone will be accompanying me, based on what was discussed at the meeting, but of course that means they won’t be able to work. It’s awkward, and I’m lonely. Emotionally, I don’t want to go. Am I being selfish?


“No, you don’t have to go right away. But it would be best to go, once we see signs of you not being able to suppress it.”


I see, so it’s not immediately. I was relieved to hear that. It’s not like I dislike the High Elf Village, you know? I’m just… sad to leave Ortus. That’s all.

So I’m grateful that they told me beforehand. It gives me time to mentally prepare. It’s basically like being hospitalized.


“When that time comes, I’ll go with you. So don’t worry.”

“Gil-san… uh-huh. Thanks.”


It’s fine. I have friends who’ll help me. Knowing that is incredibly reassuring, I feel at ease….


────That’s why at this point, I didn’t notice that the signs had already appeared.

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