Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 277 Table of contents
  1. Side Kei



“Aren’t you going to eat with them, Gilnandio?”


I happened to see it. That’s right, I just happened to see it. See what? Well… Gilnandio acting strange. Normally, I’d just think, “That’s unusual,” and leave it at that. Even if he’s struggling with something, I don’t interfere unless he asks for advice. I might seem cold, but there are things people don’t want to talk about. This is like an unspoken rule for everyone in Ortus. Of course, we’ll be there for each other, when it matters.


But this time, I thought he needed a bit of help. Hmm, if you ask me why, I don’t really have a concrete answer. So I called out to him, even though I know I’m meddling.


“…I don’t need to eat.”

“That might be true, but you always eat with Meg-chan.”


Because we’re adults, we can go without food and sleep for a few days. It’s true that eating gives you energy, but it’s a minor difference. So eating and sleeping are mostly just for pleasure. I eat almost every day now that I’m in Ortus, but I enjoy it. Eating delicious food lifts my spirits. Sleeping also feels nice.

But this guy, he never changed his habits, even after coming to Ortus. He ate and slept once every few days. He stubbornly insisted that it was his rhythm. But now, since Meg-chan came here, he’s properly eating and sleeping every day, because he’s worried about her. It really makes me realize how much influence she has.


“Asuka’s here. It’s fine, even if I’m not there.”


Hmm, something’s definitely strange. As always, he’s emotionless and doesn’t speak more than necessary, but the fact that he’s trying not to look at Meg-chan is strange.


“At least, it’s not a good idea to abruptly look away.”

“…You’re observant.”


Well, at least he didn’t deny it. So he’s aware of it. That’s right, that’s what I saw. Gilnandio had been staring at Meg-chan, and then the moment she noticed him and looked at him, he immediately looked away and left.


“To think the number two of Ortus would run away.”


I couldn’t help but chuckle. Because his reaction was so rare. Oh, stop glaring at me. Sorry, sorry.


“Hey, you’ll be free tonight, right, if you don’t have to eat with Meg-chan? Come with me.”


“I want to talk to you about Meg-chan.”


I said that, cutting Gilnandio off before he could refuse. No matter what, he’ll want to hear me out if it’s about Meg-chan. And as expected, he agreed, even though he furrowed his brows. He’s unexpectedly easy to deal with. That’s a new discovery.


“It won’t take long. There’s a bar I frequent. Let’s go.”

“We’re drinking?”

“What’s wrong with that, every now and then? And this is the only day I’ll talk to you about this, you know.”


This guy, who hates showing his face in public, also strongly dislikes eating out. But I added that, because I thought he’d definitely come if I did. It’s true that this is a bit of a dirty trick, and I’m sure Gilnandio knows it.

But I think he needs this. I think it’s good for him, Gilnandio, to step back and look at himself. He’s always right next to her. So I wanted to, even if just a little, break that guardian mindset he has.

I was thinking about that, as I briskly walked, feeling Gilnandio’s presence following behind.




The bar was bustling, as expected, since it’s a popular spot. The customers and the bartender, seeing us, widened their eyes for a moment, but then looked away and continued drinking. Because we’re part of Ortus, we’re well known in this town. They’re pretending to not notice, thinking we might be here on business. I love that about them.


“Bartender, is my usual spot open?”

“Of course, Kei-san. What would you like to drink?”


Maybe he knows, because I always sit at the same spot, even with girls, but he always tries to keep it open for me. My usual spot, in the corner. Of course, I’ll give it up if someone’s already there. It’s a good spot for having private conversations.


“The usual. Two of this bar’s popular cocktails, please.”

“Right away.”


I always order this, at first. It’s delicious, and I want everyone to try it, so they can get to know this bar. Well, there’s no point today, since it’s Gilnandio. Because I can’t imagine this guy coming here for drinks with anyone. I had to force him to come here this time.


“I wasn’t planning on drinking…”

“It’s bad manners to not drink anything when you come to a bar. Just sit down.”


Gilnandio, probably thinking the same, took a sip after briefly observing the cocktail that had been brought. At those words, “It’s good,” I couldn’t help but grin, along with the bartender.


“Right? You should come to places like this every now and then.”



I continued, saying that even though they serve alcohol at the Ortus cafe at night, they also have drinks that you can only get here. The bartender, who’d happily thanked me, returned to the counter without lingering. As expected of a professional.

Gilnandio, seeing that, quickly created a soundproof barrier around us. I’m probably the only one who noticed. He cast it so smoothly. Well, it’s nothing new.


“But I never imagined you’d be so willing to come to a bar. Don’t tell me… this is your first time?”


“No,” I got an unexpected answer when I asked that. Eh, who did you come with? But the answer was understandable.


“I went to one with the Don once. It wasn’t this bar, and it was quite a while ago.”

“Ahh, the Don. That guy always insists on having drinks, one on one, with all the new Ortus members.”


The Don invited me when Ortus was first formed. How nostalgic. Back then, I had no confidence. But we talked about all sorts of things while drinking, and you could say I’m who I am today because of that.


There’s no need for you to pretend to be someone you’re not. That’s not you, is it?


His words really saved me.


“That’s irrelevant. Just get to the point.”

“Honestly, you’re so impatient. Fine.”


That’s what I thought you’d say. It’s also troublesome for me to try and gracefully lead the conversation, so this is perfect. I’m just going to be blunt.


“…You don’t like Asuka, do you?”


I think it boils down to jealousy. And Gilnandio’s aware of it.


“Well, a little.”


See? He doesn’t even try to hide it. I also know why.


“As a father?”

“…What else could it be?”


Haa, I knew it. How troublesome. I deliberately sighed.


“The Demon King already has parental rights, right? Are you still thinking of yourself as her father?”

“That might be true, but… I’ve always seen her as a child. It can’t be helped. I think it’s the same for you, though.”

“It’s true for us, but… you’re not just that, are you? …Or are you unaware?”


I rested my cheek on my hand, tilted my glass. I love this, the way the orange lights in the bar illuminate the amber liquid, making it sparkle. Feeling slightly soothed after gazing at it, I got to the point.


“…You’re mates, aren’t you? Meg-chan’s your mate.”


Sometime ago, Meg-chan looked inside Gilnandio’s shadow. I’ve heard that anything that’s not Gilnandio himself, will suffer, but Meg-chan was fine.

The reason’s obvious, if you think about it for even a bit. Gilnandio’s shadow is, so to speak, his heart. That’s why it affects Gilnandio’s mood if it’s interfered with, and if anyone peeks into it, they will be damaged to the point of going insane.  …The darkness that this man carries is quite something. The effects of the shadow magic are also added, and they will suffer a terrible fate, I think that’s the principle.

But the fact that she wasn’t affected means that… Gilnandio has completely accepted Meg-chan. That’s basically the same as being mates.


“Though those feelings are probably one-sided, right now.”


But Meg-chan probably doesn’t feel the same. Because she’s still a child. Her reaction when Asuka said that today, showed that she doesn’t really understand what being mates means. Though she did blush. Maybe she has a vague idea.




After a while of silence, Gilnandio quietly started to talk. I think it’s my first time hearing about his feelings, directly from him. It made me realize the gravity of the situation… and I understood his struggles. I see, so that’s what he was thinking. Well, this is… troublesome. That was my first thought, after hearing everything.


“So all you can do is wait, for now.”

“That’s right. …Are we done now?”


I widened my eyes when Gilnandio said that, standing up.


“I haven’t talked about Meg-chan yet, is that okay?”

“That’s all you wanted to know, wasn’t it?”

“…You knew?”

“Well, yeah.”


I knew it. I thought I’d gracefully guided him, but he saw right through me. “I just came because I thought it would be good for you to know,” he said, and then left the bar. Haa, I really can’t beat that guy. I don’t even feel frustrated. It’s pointless, the difference is too big.


“Well, I was able to hear what I wanted, so it’s fine. …I think I’ll ask a girl to join me and have another drink.”


I have a long way to go too. I decided to also leave my seat, thinking about asking a cute girl to join me, to heal my heart, so I can continue to do my best.

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