Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 278 Table of contents
  1. A Stroll Through the City



“Good morning! Owen-san!”

“Goooood morning!”


The day had finally come, the day we show Asuka around the city! Full of enthusiasm, Asuka and I arrived at the guild hall. I’m wearing clothes and a hairstyle that are easy to move in, and I’m ready to go! We greeted Owen-san, who was already waiting for us at the entrance.


“Oh, kids are so energetic. Good morning, Meg, and Asuka, right?”

“Yeah, I’m Ryuasukatius. So you can call me Asuka!”

“Yeah, that’s long.”

“Elves have long names. Huh? Come to think of it, yours is short, Meg?”


Asuka answered Owen-san, who was asking to confirm. It’s true that a lot of elves have long names. Well, a lot of people have long names, even if they’re not elves, but I’m sure there is this image that elves, especially, have long names. So Asuka’s question is valid.


“Hmm, my parents decided on my name…”

“Ah, your dad’s the Demon King, right! Hmm, maybe that’s why your name’s so short?”

“I don’t really know if that has anything to do with it…”


I smiled wryly at Asuka, who seemed convinced by that child-like idea, that my name’s short because Dad’s the Demon King. More accurately, it’s because of Megu’s name, but it’s too complicated to explain, so I’ll refrain. And it’s not like I can even tell him.


“Well, it’s easy to remember, so it’s fine. Come on, let’s get going. We’re eating breakfast out, right?”


Owen-san, grinning wildly, changed the subject, and Asuka and I also went along with it. That’s right, we usually eat at the guild cafeteria, but I’d gotten a lot of advice, people saying we should eat breakfast outside since it’s a special occasion. I was starting to get hungry too, so it’s time to leave! But first,


“Owen-san, I’ll be in your care today!”

“Oh, right! Owen, take care of us!”

“Asuka, you’re not using honorifics! Well, whatever. Leave it to me! Come on, let’s go.”


And so, the three of us left the guild.

…Hmm, Gil-san wasn’t there, when I looked back. I still haven’t been able to talk to him since then. No, no, I can’t think about that now! I’ve decided to talk to him the next time we see each other. We then headed for the breakfast place.


“Asuka, you prefer fish, right? We’ll have fish for lunch, and for now, we’re going to a restaurant that serves hot soup and bread!”

“Really? That’s exciting!”


Asuka was incredibly happy about it. He couldn’t hide his excitement, his eyes were sparkling. I couldn’t help but tell him more.


“It’s sho deliciouus! They have all kinds of freshly baked bread and soup with lots of vegetables, it’s the besht!”

“Eh, that’s awesome! I’m going to eat a lot!”


I excitedly presented this information, and Asuka also looked excited. Ah, so cute. He’s giving me healing smiles first thing in the morning!


“H-Hey, you two, wouldn’t it be dangerous, just the two of you?”

“Eh? What do you mean?”


We turned around, hearing Owen-san’s panicked voice from behind us. Even Asuka seemed confused and tilted his head.


“Don’t you even realize? Ah, never mind! Forget I said anything! I’ll do my job, so just continue. Sorry for interrupting.”


He sounded a bit dismissive, but he still seemed tense. I thought Owen-san was a bit irresponsible, but he’s actually quite devoted to his work. I’m impressed.


“Owen’s acting weird.”


You’re not supposed to say that! Asuka!




We arrived at the breakfast place and immediately started eating. You can choose from three different soups and dozens of types of bread. You’re allowed to pick a certain number of bread based on how much you’re spending. So luxurious! I just got one of each. I-It can’t be helped! I want to eat more, but my stomach can’t handle it! And the portions here are big. This egg sandwich especially, so one’s enough. But it’s delicious. Fluffy scrambled eggs, it’s so good. Hafuu~. And it goes perfectly with the creamy pumpkin soup.


“Owen, you eat a lot. And Meg barely eats.”

“Really? You’ll be able to eat this much too when you grow up, Asuka.”

“You think so? Then I want to grow up soon.”


It’s true that Owen-san’s plate’s piled high with bread. But I think even three for Asuka is quite a lot. They chose onion soup and clam chowder.

Ah, the names are all localized, of course, but I still haven’t gotten used to them. Because they’re too difficult!


“And I’ll be able to marry Meg when I’m older.”

“Pwaah! Cough, cough… A-Asuka, wh-what did you just… !?”

“Ugh, that’s gross, what are you doing, Owen?”


No, I think it’s Asuka’s fault this time… Honestly, what’s he talking about, this precocious boy! I’ve gotten somewhat used to it because he’s been hitting on me every time we make eye contact since yesterday. But, it’s starting to make me wonder if he’s serious. Haa.


“I said marriage! I’m going to be mates with Meg. Meg’s definitely going to be my mate. My heart’s telling me so.”

“What a guy. You, Asuka…”


Owen-san suddenly got serious. I wondered if he was going to say that it’s too early for those kinds of conversations, but…


“Amazing! You’re so honest with yourself. I’m incredibly regretful, that I didn’t do that from the start!”


I almost fell out of my chair at those unexpected words of praise! Eh, that’s what you’re going to say!?


“Eh, is there a girl you want to be mates with, Owen?”

“Yeah. I was being roundabout, but I recently realized that wasn’t the right approach. I’ve been hitting on her directly, but she’s not really responding, probably because of how I was before.”

“Ah, being straightforward’s the best way to go, Owen. Girls like to be treated specially, so you need to appeal more, that you have no interest in anyone else!”

“I’ve been doing that! It seems like there’s a chance, but she’s not being honest with her feelings. But that’s part of her charm.”

“Ah, in that case, how about this?”


O-Oh? They’re hitting it off! Or rather, those male customers sitting near us are eavesdropping? Asuka’s amazing. He started lecturing about how to win over a girl. Is he really a child? Where did you even learn those things? There were so many things to point out that I was speechless. I’m not to blame.

The lecture finally ended when I started to get sulky, and we finally started our tour of the city. Geez!

We first went to Ran-chan’s shop, of course. Because I’m indebted to her, and I wanted to introduce Asuka. And I knew that Ran-chan, after seeing Asuka…


“My my! What a cute elf boy! Hey, hey, let me make you an outfit! Please!”

“Eh, really? Yes!”


Well, I knew this would happen. It’s almost comical, how predictable she is. But it’s nice how Asuka’s happy about it. I always feel bad and end up refusing.


“Come to think of it, Asuka, do you have a battle outfit?”

“Eh? I have training clothes, but…”

“Hmm. And your things are in your room? You don’t have a storage magic tool or anything?”

“I borrowed Mom’s because I needed it to get to Ortus, but it’s not mine.”


Ah, that’s right. Asuka also said he wanted to participate in the fighting tournament. Maybe it would be good to have a battle outfit… but they’re expensive. Most people can’t just buy them. It’s the same with storage magic tools. It’s Ortus that’s strange!

It seems like his training clothes are made to be easy to move in and minimize injuries, but they don’t have any magic resistance, based on what Owen-san asked. That’s right, this is normal. I need to remember that.


“Ran, I’ll pay, so add some enchantment magic, okay? He’s going to be participating in the fighting tournament.”

“The fighting tournament? I heard the rumors. A huge tournament, held jointly by the Special-grade guilds. I wonder if they’re going to have a division for children too? If so, he’ll need one.”


It seems like news of the fighting tournament’s already spreading a bit. It’ll also be a good way to gather funds, since they’re relying on spectators. But since this is far, I’m sure not many people who live around here will be able to go.


“Eh, it’s okay, Owen. I’m fine with a normal one.”


Asuka, as expected, was reluctant about getting a battle outfit with enchantment magic. He understands the value, I see. It makes you tremble, right…!


“But you need something decent. Because of the difference in gear with the others, and also to protect yourself.”


Apparently, they’re planning to cast a spell, so any injuries they sustain during the tournament will be somewhat healed when they leave the venue. Wow, that’s amazing. But it’ll still hurt, and there’s always the chance that something won’t heal properly. He’s saying a battle outfit’s necessary to reduce the risks. That makes sense!


“Ran-chan! Please, I’m also asking you to do it!”

“Eh? Even Meg? Don’t say you’re going to pay too, okay!?”


Asuka looked even more flustered when I said that. He’d probably feel more uncomfortable having me, someone his age, pay, compared to Owen-san. So of course I’m not going to do that.


“I’m not. But I do help out here, sometimes. It was just once, but I wore one of your outfits, Ran-chan, and walked around town, advertising the shop.”

“Ah, I get it. So you’re saying, Meg-chan, that…”


It seems like Ran-chan understood. She winked and then made a suggestion to Asuka, in my place.


“Why don’t you advertise the shop with Meg-chan? I want you to walk around town, looking cool and cute in our clothes. It’ll definitely boost sales! And with the money from Owen, we’ll make you the perfect battle outfit.”

“I-Is that really okay!?”


Asuka, his cheeks flushed, eagerly accepted. And he even bowed deeply to Owen-san and thanked him. It makes me think what a good boy he is. And seeing how much he’s grown makes me feel like a proper onee-chan… if only he’d stop hitting on me!!

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