Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 279 Table of contents
  1. Tournament Chatter



I also decided to order a battle outfit at Ran-chan’s shop. You’re wondering why, since I already have one? You’re naive. My current one is overpowered! It’s not something a child should have.

It’s a product of overprotective adults, but, well, I do face a certain amount of danger, you know? So a battle outfit of that level was necessary to protect myself.


Come to think of it, even back at the Elf Village, when Father-sama, the Demon King, was fighting Schelmelhorn, it was because of my battle outfit that I didn’t get blown away. I would have been sent flying. It’s all thanks to my battle outfit that I didn’t even have a scratch, even though Nika-san and Gil-san were by my side.


And more importantly, it’s thanks to my battle outfit that I was able to safely land when I jumped down, and that I didn’t feel the heat from Homura-kun’s flames. It was like my athletic ability was being enhanced. I was able to do those things back then, even though I’m not very athletic even now. It means I was being helped without even realizing it. It’s obvious because I was so pathetic on the human continent, when I didn’t have it. All hail the battle outfit…!


I’m getting sidetracked. Basically, we’re going to make a battle outfit with specs that a normal child would have. Because it’s for the tournament, and it’s not good for there to be too much of a difference!


“Ah, Ran, make sure to add protective enchantments for Meg. It’s a pain that she can’t create a barrier… I wonder what Gil-san and the others are going to say. Ah, and also a slight enhancement for her athletic ability…”

“No, no! That’ll make the specs too good! Ran-chan, it’s fine to just make it like everyone else’s! It just has to be normal!”


Even Owen-san’s like this. If we don’t secretly order here, I’ll end up with two overpowered battle outfits. Of course, I’ll be paying for it, so please keep that in mind. Ugh, all my savings will be gone, but it can’t be helped. It’s a necessary expense! I’ll just work hard.

Asuka, hearing me, insisted on paying what he could, and so we were able to successfully place our orders. I’m excited to see what they look like.


“This is the first time I’ve spent this much of my allowance!”

“Fufu, me too.”


We chuckled, feeling like we’d grown up a bit.


“Aaaaahhh! This is… they’re going to scold me later! Asking why I didn’t let them pay!”


Owen-san, on the other hand, was clutching his head. It’s fine, we’ll tell them…


After that, we walked around the city. It’s not a very big city, so we were able to quickly see everything. But when I was younger, I’d always be so tired that it would take more than a day. It makes me realize how much I’ve grown.

The main topic of our conversations was, of course, the fighting tournament. Things like how surprised we were that they created an underage division.


“But, there are probably some older kids participating, because it’s for those who are about to become adults. I wonder if I can win.”


Asuka, saying this, was crossing his arms, deep in thought. Maybe he’s strategizing, considering his abilities. And he’s right. It makes me wonder if I’ll even be able to win once.




Suddenly, an image and a voice flashed in my head. Ah, a precognitive dream. As always, it came out of the blue. Well, I don’t even know if it is a precognitive dream anymore, but… oh well, I’ll just call it a dream, whatever.


『…Hmm… because…』


Is that… Gil-san…? He’s holding someone who’s collapsed on the ground. …Me?


『…is… okay…』


It seems like he’s hugging me, as I’m unconscious, and talking to me softly. What’s going on…?


“Hey! Are you even listening, Meg!?”

“Eh? Ah…”


I came back to my senses at Asuka’s exasperated voice. Hmm, I wonder if that really was a precognitive dream? Just as I was spacing out, Asuka, who’d been a bit annoyed, looked at me with a worried expression.


“…What’s wrong? Are you tired?”


The destructive power of a sad, handsome boy up close. Kyun! So cute!


“Nope! I was just thinking about something. Sorry.”

“Really? Then it’s fine, but…”


I can’t worry him. I often see dreams like this, and I space out every time, but I have to emphasize that I’m fine. I flexed my arms. …No muscles.


But still, what was that just now? I think it probably was a precognitive dream. Because something like that never happened. I have been held when I was badly injured, but in that dream, I wasn’t injured at all. But dreams are vague, so I can’t say for sure….


“I’ll ask you again, Meg. How far do you want to go in the tournament?”

“How far… ah.”


Asuka’s question made me realize something. Maybe it was a dream about the fighting tournament. That’s right. And I… lose? I fainted or something, and Gil-san was worried.

If it’s something that happens at the fighting tournament, then there’s no need to worry about getting seriously injured. I’ll probably recover immediately, even if I faint. Though it does seem like Gil-san was incredibly worried, but it’s possible, since he’s overprotective.


“What’s wrong, Meg?”

“U-Um, I was just thinking about how the tournament’s going to be in a tournament format. I’m clumsy, so… it seems like I’ll only be able to fight once.”


Asuka’s gaze was painful. So I frantically tried to cover it up. Asuka puffed up his cheeks when I chuckled awkwardly. Huh?


“You can’t be like that! You have to go into it with the intention of winning!”


Ah, so that’s what it is. I was afraid he saw through my lie, but it’s not a big deal if he did.


“We’re so lucky to be able to participate. It would be rude to our opponents if we didn’t fight with all our strength!”

“Y-You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll do my best!”


He’s right. It would be rude to lack spirit. I’ll do my best. And if I lose, then I lose. I can just use those feelings of frustration to motivate me to train even harder!


“Yeah, yeah, it’s great seeing kids so full of energy.”


Owen-san, who was following behind us, said this, watching us with a smile, his hands clasped behind his head. Well, it might just be playtime for the adults, but kids work hard in their own way!


“And I’m also excited about the adults’ tournament. It’s going to be so exciting to see how they fight and who wins…”

“Ah, I’m also curious about that! It’ll be completely different from fighting monsters, and it’s a tournament, so it’s not like the strongest is guaranteed to win, right?”


That’s right. I think Gil-san will be the winner, realistically speaking. He’s capable of handling anything, whether it’s against a monster or a person, and he seems strong, unwavering. Maybe I’m biased because I’m his daughter, though.

But there are rules to a tournament, and you never know what’s going to happen. It’s an opportunity to see everyone fight up close, and honestly, I’m more excited about that than my own matches.


“I want Schlie to win, because he’s also an elf.”

“He’s the hope of the elves, after all!”


Asuka, his eyes sparkling as he said that, really does love his own kind. And I could tell he really admires Schlie-san. I also admire him.


“I’m also curious about the members of the other Special-grade guilds. Because I only know those in Ortus… Ah, come to think of it! There are some people I want you to meet, Asuka.”


Thinking about the other guilds made me remember. Rune and Goot, those twins from Annulus, and Urbano from Demon Castle. They’re all close in age, so I thought it would be nice if they became friends with Asuka.


“Kids our age? They’re your friends, Meg? Then I’ll be their friend too.”

“Yeah, I’d be happy if you could all be friends. And we might even make more friends, since they’re having an underage division! Ehehe, I’m so excited!”


Making friends didn’t really go well at Demon Castle, for various reasons, so maybe I can make some at the tournament. I’m looking forward to new encounters.


“But that also means there’ll be more rivals.”

“Rivals? Hmm, well, I mean, it is a fighting tournament…”


Asuka suddenly said that, looking troubled, so I told him that it’s only natural for everyone to be a rival, since it’s a tournament. He then made a strange expression. Eh? Why? Did I say something weird?


“Asuka, that twin, Goot, he might be a tough opponent.”

“Eh, even Goot!?”


“Ugh, I can’t let my guard down…!”


Asuka groaned after hearing Owen-san say that. I see, so Goot’s strong. I’m going to do my best too, I thought, and then Owen-san patted me on the head.


“It’s probably… not in the way you’re thinking, Meg. What we mean is…”

“Eh? Eh?”

“Y-Yeah, you don’t have to worry about it, Meg!”


It seems like I’m the only one who’s not following…! Asuka and Owen-san were strategizing, leaving me with all these questions. H-Hey, don’t leave me behind!

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