Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 281 Table of contents
  1. At the Training Grounds



It’s only been three days since Asuka arrived at Ortus, and yet he’s already blended right in. And that’s all thanks to his friendliness. He’s so innocent and cute, always smiling and talking to everyone, they’ve all accepted him.

I feel like I’m always with him, these past three days. I did refuse when he asked if we could bathe together or sleep together though. Because I’m a lady, after all! He’s such a spoiled child.

And today, we came to the training grounds. We did come here yesterday too, to do some light exercise. But today’s the day we’re properly training for the fighting tournament. And the one who’ll be helping us is…


“Oh my, those are nice battle outfits. Matching, are they?”


Our elf master, Schlie-san! He immediately praised our battle outfits. That’s right, the ones we ordered are already finished. It should have taken much longer, but according to the message from the lady who delivered them, “They were so cute it made me want to work hard.” I guess children’s clothing is naturally cute. It can’t be helped, but please don’t overdo it!


“We ordered them the day Asuka came. Um, I already have one, but… well, the specs are…”

“Ah, that’s true, that one’s overpowered. Good decision, Meg. But if you’d asked me, I would have prepared them for both of you.”


Schlie-san, smiling wryly, said this, but both Asuka and I insisted, saying it’s fine, we’ll provide our own. He chuckled, saying “I see,” so it seems like he accepted our wishes. He also mentioned that they’re not normally something a child could buy with their allowance. He’s right! I know she gave us a huge discount!

And so, our battle outfits ended up looking like matching outfits, but in different colors! Asuka’s is light blue, mine’s light orange. They’re tunic and knee-length pants, made with a material that’s easy to move in. It’s a simple design, with a pattern of flowers. Asuka’s has a pattern of vines. And unlike mine, which look like bloomers, his pants are culottes. But it’s obvious they’re matching, and that chic design, I was impressed with Ran-chan’s skills. Such good work, as always!


“You both look very nice. And they seem to have good performance too. They’re durable, and have a high damage absorption rate.”


They’re that good? That makes me worried. I have to contribute more to Ran-chan’s shop. I’m sure I haven’t paid it all off!


“Now then, let’s not waste any time and start our training.”


“Take care of us, Schlie!”


I straightened my back, responding to Schlie-san, who’d suddenly switched into teacher mode. Asuka, on the other hand, remained the same. I’m envious that he doesn’t seem nervous.


“I’ll have you two do separate menus. Meg, we’ll focus on building your stamina and speed.”



Basically, my menu is to just move around, using this obstacle course. I also have to use nature magic, creating obstacles. I give instructions to have Shizuku-chan and Ryoku-kun attack me with water and vines. And I have to make sure they don’t tell me when they’re going to attack. This is actually quite difficult. I don’t really have a sense for these kinds of things. I mean, Shou-chan’s always there, so I don’t have to make an effort to convey my thoughts. Shou-chan, thank you for everything.


“Asuka, let’s start by having you make a contract with a wind spirit. Nephry found one she thought you’d be compatible with.”


“Yes. So today, we’ll be focusing on wind magic training.”


Apparently, Asuka will finally be able to make a contract with a wind spirit. Schlie-san and Nephry-chan remembered what I’d asked two days ago. And it was fast. As expected. Asuka’s jumping around happily about his new contract spirit. Fufu, how cute.


“Alright! I’ll do my best too. Everyone, take care!”

『Leave it to me, Master.』

『You can count on me, Meg-samaa!』


The two spirits I wanted appeared before I even called their names. This is because Shou-chan converted the thoughts in my head and called them for me.


“Thank you as always, Shou-chan.”

『This much is no problem at all! You’re always giving me magic power as snacks, so I’ll work hard, Master!』


Lately, I have so much magic power that I end up giving it to my spirits as snacks. Maybe I’m becoming a bad parent, but it can’t be helped, they’re so cute! And it’s not like I’m giving them too much! My stored magic power just keeps increasing. And it makes me happy too, because Shou-chan anticipates my needs and it makes my life easier. And the spirits are always energetic, so it’s beneficial for everyone!


『But Master, your magic power’s increased again, you know? I think it would be good to increase the number of your contract spirits.』

“Ugh, so it has increased again. It makes me uneasy, after hearing about that…”


The fear of being consumed by this overflowing amount of magic power. But Shou-chan says it won’t explode, just because it’s a lot. It’s not like it’ll hit maximum capacity. Explode? What a terrifying spirit. I know it doesn’t mean anything by it!

And the best way for nature magic users to use up magic power is to increase the number of their contract spirits. Because you have to share your magic power equally, you can only make contracts with a limited number of spirits if you don’t have much magic power. It’s the same the other way around. In my case, since I have more than enough, I can share it if I increase the number of my spirits.

But I’m starting to have trouble remembering all their names. And I’m not even confident that I can use magic with this many spirits. Sorry, I’m slow…!


『The next step is—use a lot of powerful magic, you know?』

“B-But I don’t really have a place to use it…”


She means using high-powered magic, without holding back, like Schelmelhorn did. I can actually use the same level of magic as the tornado he created, if I wanted to. I don’t, of course, because it would be dangerous. And I even have enough to use it consecutively. Thinking about that, it’s terrifying. I involuntarily shuddered.

Ah, it’s not Shou-chan’s fault! I’m happy that it’s making suggestions, because it cares about me! I almost made Shou-chan sad. I’m glad I managed to reassure it in time. It gave me a happy smile. So cute.


『Next, you can use Sumning magic! That takes a lot~ of magic power, so it might be perfect for Master, you know?』

“Sumning… Summoning?”


What’s that? It sounds like some amazing magic. I want to know, but I’m also afraid to ask. But for now, I’ll put that aside.


“Will you tell me more later? I have to train now!”

『Got it!』


Time to diligently train. I’m curious about Asuka making a contract with a wind spirit, but I also need to do my best! I excitedly jumped on the obstacle course and struggled with Shizuku-chan and Ryoku-kun’s merciless attacks. Tough love, it’s harsh!




“H-Hey, Meg! This is my wind spirit, Rilf!”

“Wind spirit Rilf-chan?”


During a break from training, as I was drying myself off after getting soaked from Fuu-chan and Homura-kun’s attacks, Asuka happily told me that. I happily addressed it as Rilf-chan. Then that light green light, which had been floating next to Asuka, transformed into a small bird. It’s the same size and looks just like Fuu-chan. The colors of their feathers are slightly different, so the patterns look different.


『You are Meg-sama, right!? I’ve heard about you! Nephry-sama and Fuu are friends. Pleased to meet you!』


Rilf-chan, who seemed easy-going, flew above my head and then landed on Asuka’s shoulder and started to preen itself.


『Mmm, my feathers are so pretty, aren’t they?』

“They are, Rilf. They’re beautiful!”


Rilf-chan, gazing at its own feathers, looked just like Asuka, asking, “I’m cute, right?”, with a sly grin. It’s not his first contract spirit, but I wonder if spirits resemble their contractor.


『Now we can contact each other through our spirits, right?』

“Yeah. Fuu-chan, when that time comes, take care, okay? You too, Rilf-chan!”


Rilf-chan spread its wings, just like Fuu-chan, who’d said that with a smile. …Aren’t they competing with each other? So cute.


“Fufu, we can contact each other now. Even after you return to the Village, Asuka.”

“The Village…”


Asuka’s expression clouded at Schlie-san’s words, which he’d said with a smile. Ah, I get it. He thought about going back, huh. I’m also sad.


“I want to stay here. I want to be part of Ortus.”


I widened my eyes at Asuka’s quiet murmur. I’m happy about that, but it’s not something I can decide, so all I can do is stay silent. I glanced at Schlie-san, and he was staring at Asuka with his usual gentle smile. He probably knew this was going to happen.


“Asuka, your situation is different from Meg’s, so I can’t say you can stay here, or that you can immediately join us. But…”


Schlie-san knelt down before Asuka, looked him in the eye, and said,


“When you become an adult, if you still wish to join Ortus, the Don will consider it. But you have to keep training and growing until then, okay?”

“When I’m an adult…?”

“Yes. Both Meg and I will be waiting for you here, Asuka. You’ll grow up and make Ortus proud, won’t you?”


It’s different for me, because this is my home. Joining was a bit of a cheat, I guess…. But I’d be so incredibly happy if Asuka came here someday.


“…Okay. I’ll definitely become part of Ortus!”


Asuka, declaring this with a determined gaze, he was like Rune after reading my letter… it somehow made me feel a bit left behind.

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