Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 284 Table of contents
  1. I Believe



Morning had arrived, the day before our departure. I don’t think I’ve spaced out since then. I might just not be aware of it, though, but Dad’s repeatedly told me to make sure to tell them, if it ever happens, so it’s probably fine.

Today’s schedule is basically the same as yesterday. I woke up, Dad came to my room, we had breakfast with Asuka, then training after a break. Dad’s training’s also harsh, it’s incredibly tiring. Even Asuka, breathing heavily, was struggling at one point, but he never complained. You’re amazing!

But it’s still much easier than Juma-nii’s training… Juma-nii doesn’t know the meaning of the words “hold back” or “go easy.” He won’t stop until you tell him you can’t go on anymore. And we don’t want to say that because it’s frustrating, so in the end, we always end up collapsing.


“Alright, that’s it for training. You two really didn’t give up, these past two days!”

“Th-Thank you… very… much…”

“Haa, I’m tired.”


We, exhausted after being trained until we were at our limit, collapsed on the spot, covered in sweat. And then listened to Dad’s advice.


“Asuka, because you’re still growing, it’s not good to do too much muscle training. Instead, you should focus on building stamina by doing those kinds of exercises, ones where you constantly move. Your strength will naturally increase as you grow. There are some races who need to be trained from a young age, but it’s counterproductive for elves. It might even affect your development.”


“For now, focus on magic training and stamina training. You can move on to the next step once your body’s developed. And you’ll grow rapidly, because of the training you’ve done until now.”



An elf’s body isn’t that different from a human’s. It would be terrible if you forced yourself to train too much and ended up stunting your growth, distorting your bones, or hurting your muscles. Dad’s advice seemed effective for Asuka, who was a bit too eager. That’s good.


“Meg, I don’t need to tell you, right?”

“Ugh… stamina training…”

“Yeah, that’s all you can do. You have so little stamina, compared to a normal child… and yet you have way too much magic power.”


Ugh, it’s so unfair! I wish this overflowing amount of magic power would turn into stamina. Is it because it’s a different type? I know. It means I shouldn’t be trying to slack off. Sniff, I’ll do my best!




Once we’d caught our breath, used life magic to clean ourselves, and changed, it was lunchtime. Today’s lunch is hamburger steak! The demi-glace sauce is so delicious! Asuka’s gotten addicted to rice since coming here. His eyes are sparkling as he eats. He’s going to miss it when he goes back to the Village…! Or rather, he really does eat a lot. I’m so envious.


“Rice goes well with any kind of side dish. I can eat bowl after bowl.”

“Asuka, you’re in your growth spurt, huh? You eat so much.”


Dad chuckled, watching Asuka with a smile. I wasn’t a big eater, even when I was Megu, so I guess it makes him happy to see children eat with gusto. W-Well, I want to eat too. It’s just that my stomach can’t handle it…!


“Dad, what kind of work are you doing this afternoon? Paperwork again?”


I asked Dad this, once I was finally done eating. He’s told me to stay near him. Apparently, so he can immediately deal with it, if my magic power’s about to go out of control. I feel bad.

But he still has to work, so I’m following him around. Yesterday afternoon, it was paperwork in his office, so I thought it would be the same today, but…


“No, I have to go outside for a bit, today. It’s not far, so come with me, Meg.”

“It’s okay for me to come, but where are we going?”


It’s apparently really not that far. It’s the beast carriage station!

The tournament participants will be gathering at the venue. Because some of them will be on requests, and it’ll be difficult to transport everyone together, since there will be so many people. Unlike trains and planes, there aren’t any vehicles that can transport a lot of people at once. Maybe fifteen people, at most.

In that case, it might be difficult to rent carriages, once it’s close to the tournament. There are others who use carriages, so that would be a nuisance to those who regularly use them and to those who need to use them for other reasons. They’re going to discuss that.

The Ortus members who are participating will be heading there early, those who can fly will go on their own. Dad gave the order, “Don’t be a nuisance to others, go there however you can.” That they can do that so easily just shows what Ortus is. And that consideration for the citizens is why they’re worthy of being called Special-grade, I thought, proudly.


“Ah, so will we be able to see Miina-chan?”

“Miina? Ah, that child from Rakudi’s place.”


Beast carriage station… that means Miina-chan! I also met her when I went to visit the grave with Dr. Ludo. She was helping out at the shop, even though she couldn’t speak properly, it was so cute!


“In that case, it won’t be boring.”

“Yeah! We’ll finally be able to chat leisurely. And maybe I can check my toys.”


It seems like the other employees will be handling things while Dad talks to the owner, and I might be able to play with Miina-chan. I checked the toys in my storage bracelet. Balls, plushies, building blocks, and a pretend play set. They were all gifts from the blacksmiths and those in charge of embellishments. I’m glad I saved them! I barely use them anymore, aside from my favorites, so maybe I can give them to Miina-chan.


“That sounds like fun…”


That’s right. Asuka doesn’t have any plans for the afternoon. And I have to stay with Dad! Dad then casually said,


“Hmm? You want to come too, Asuka?”

“Eh, really?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. You weren’t coming because I thought it wouldn’t be fun, but if you want to come, it’s fine. But don’t wander off, okay?”

“Of course! I’ll stay with Meg! Yes!”


Seeing Asuka cheer, raising both arms, made me happy too. It makes me realize he’s still a child. He’s so innocent and cute!


“I want to spend as much time as I can with Meg.”


But it’s a bit hard to react when he says things like that, those flirtatious lines, with that mature look in his eyes! Because he’s good-looking, it does make my heart skip a beat. I guess I still think of him as a child?


“Alright, if that’s decided, then let’s go! Meg, go tell Saura that Asuka’s also coming, okay?”



I called out to Dad, as we were returning the dishes to the hall. The dishes? I can carry them, you know! It’s just that I can’t reach to put them away, so Dad did it. It’s fine because it was the same for Asuka. We’re comrades. But I think I’ve gotten better at carrying things without dropping them. Probably.


“Ah, I’m coming too!”


Asuka hurriedly followed me when I started to head towards the hall. We’re going to the same place, and Dad’s following us! Asuka subtly took my hand, and we walked together, hand in hand. We can’t run, because we might bump into people! We walked briskly.


“Hey, Meg.”

“Hmm? What?”


Just as I was swinging his hand, playing around, Asuka spoke to me quietly.


“I don’t really understand your situation, but… are you going to be okay, Meg?”


He asked this, looking incredibly worried. I’m sure he kind of understands. That I suddenly have to go to the High Elf Village to recuperate. I don’t know what I was like yesterday, but I wonder if I was really acting strange, I feel bad.


“Sorry for worrying you, but I’m sure I’ll be okay!”



I grinned, flexing my arm, but Asuka still looked worried. There aren’t any muscles… ah, that’s not what he meant?

I know. I know this isn’t the time to be joking. But even I don’t know if it’ll be okay. All I have is that precognitive dream I had a while back, that dream of me, all grown up, happily smiling. It’s the only thing I can rely on. But even that’s becoming a bit shaky now, now that I’m wondering if my special ability isn’t precognitive dreams.

Maybe that future was… a product of my own desire.


“…I believe.”



So I’ve decided to temporarily stop relying on that uncertain thing. I smiled at Asuka, who’d asked me to repeat, and nodded.


“In everyone at Ortus. They’re trying to help me. They’re doing all sorts of things for me. And these are the members we’re talking about, you know? Isn’t that incredible?”


It would be incredibly disrespectful to not believe in them. And besides, I can believe in them. Unconditionally. Because they’re family.


“So it’ll be fine. I’d be happy… if you could believe in them too, Asuka.”

“…Yeah. I see. Yeah, I get it. I’ll believe in them!”


We smiled at each other. I think it’s still a bit difficult for Asuka to truly believe. Because he’s only been here for a little while, and hasn’t spent enough time with them.

So someday, I hope we’ll be able to become real family, comrades of Ortus, with Asuka too. I imagined that wonderful future that may come someday, whilst smiling at Asuka.

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