Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 283 Table of contents
  1. Side Gilnandio



I’m honestly worried, because it’s progressing much faster than I’d expected.


Meg’s magic power is increasing, day by day. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I reached this level. Your magic power increases rapidly during your growth spurt, I remember struggling. If I wasn’t careful, it felt like it would go out of control, so I often went deep into the mountains, where there weren’t any people, and transformed into my beast form, to let off steam.

But Meg’s still a child. She hasn’t even had her growth spurt yet. I was terrified, thinking that her magic power was going to increase even more. That it might break her. She can’t even transform and let off steam like me and the other demi-humans. She might have more resistance than others because she’s a High Elf, but… I can clearly see that she’s being consumed by it, from how she spaces out sometimes. It can’t be helped that I’m so worried.


That’s why, my heart almost stopped when she suddenly started emanating magic power in the middle of the guild hall.


I don’t know what triggered it. Maybe even she doesn’t know, maybe it happened suddenly. It was so dangerous that everyone in the guild noticed and was staring at her, warily. It was completely different from those times when her magic power was just vaguely swelling up.

I have to keep my promise. That if she ever loses control, she wants me to stop her. Her promise, that pained smile, as she said to stop her before she hurts anyone.




I immediately ran over and grabbed both of her shoulders. I tried shaking her lightly, but her eyes were unfocused. I’m sure she’s not conscious.


“Meg! Meg!!”


There was no response, no matter how many times I called her name. And there was no sign of her magic power stopping. I could feel anxiety and worry spreading throughout the guild. The Don’s presence was approaching, he must be rushing over.

Please, Meg, notice me. I’m here. I’ll protect you, no matter what.




I hugged her tightly. I had to be careful because I might crush her small body if I used too much force, but I put as much strength as I could into that hug. She’s still small, even though she’s grown. I could tell, from that hug.

I wonder if I could carry even a little bit of that burden, that burden being carried by such a small body, that overpowering fate.




Maybe it worked, or maybe she noticed how tightly I was holding her. Either way, I felt relieved from the bottom of my heart when she called out to me with the light in her eyes returning. Ah, thank goodness. She’s back. I could hear sighs of relief all over the guild hall.

But she’s probably at her limit. It seemed like the Don had also realized that. It was a reasonable decision, to have her go to the High Elf Village in three days.




“I can’t… do anything.”


I wasn’t calm, to the point where I unintentionally muttered that when I was returning from the bar with Kei. Mates, huh. …That’s definitely what we are. I’m now aware that she’s my one and only mate.

Generally speaking, being mates is an exclusive relationship between a man and a woman. But it’s not always the case. There are cases where it’s same-sex, or when they’re not lovers, or when those feelings are one-sided. It would be best if they both saw each other as their one and only mate, but sadly, that’s not always the case.

But once they’re recognized as mates, they’re treated as such for the rest of their lives, and can also gain the benefits of that. For example, they’ll be able to know where the other person is, and be with them when they die. But the more one-sided the feelings are, the weaker their effect becomes. It’s only natural that the effects are amplified when those feelings are mutual.


…Well, basically, what I’m trying to say, is that…

Meg is my mate, but my feelings are more like that of a parent. I want to protect her no matter what, my desire to shelter her is overwhelming. But I don’t feel like a lover or husband or anything like that. I’ve never experienced those feelings before, so I can’t really compare… but it’s true that it doesn’t feel right.

Anyway, that’s how I feel about Meg. Kei and the others seem to have misunderstood, so I made it clear, but… Kei didn’t really believe me, I could tell by his eyes. He especially loves to connect everything with romance. It can’t be helped, I guess.


So it’s a bit different, and complicated, in terms of emotions, but I’m almost certain that we’re mates. It’s only natural that I’m jealous of those who get close to her. I’m bewildered by this new feeling, but I understand it.

And Meg’s my mate, but I’m not hers. It’s possible she’ll marry someone else, and become mates, in the future. Honestly, just imagining it makes me sick to my stomach, but it’s up to her. I have no intention of interfering.

You too, Asuka. You might be a child, but I’m sure you’re her mate too. You’ll recognize her as your mate for the rest of your life and suffer like me. He’s the same race, and his age is close to hers, so I think he’s the most likely candidate, but I won’t allow it if it’s forced. I’m going to keep a close eye on them.


“I want to be with Gil-san.”


Hearing her say that, those teary eyes, made me feel superior, happy. I’m such a terrible person. Asuka, be prepared, she won’t be easy. I’m sure I wasn’t imagining it, that look of determination, when you invited me to eat with you, a look that said you won’t lose.




With Meg’s recuperation decided, I had to quickly finish up all my work. The usual requests are fine. I just have to finish the current ones and then not accept any more.

Most of my tasks for the tournament are finished. My main job is to be a liaison with the other guilds. I can leave a few shadow birds here to handle that, but I’ll be going to the High Elf Village. Communication with the other guilds is possible, in terms of distance, from there. But I can’t reach Ortus. However, that was solved with just one comment from Meg.


“I can contact Schlie-san through our spirits.”


That’s how elves communicate. And with her voice spirit relaying messages, even complicated content can be properly conveyed. According to Schlie, they can only exchange simple messages with other types of spirits. She really did make a contract with a great spirit. Meg narrowed her eyes happily when I thanked her and patted her head.


“Because, well, you’re all being dragged into this because of me. I want to help out however I can.”


She doesn’t need to worry about that. But that’s our Meg. She’s always thinking about others. I always think that she should think about herself a bit more, but that just means that we need to look after her. It made my heart swell with love. It really makes me realize just how much being mates can affect your emotions. But it didn’t make me feel bad.


“Hey, Meg! It’s time for training! Let’s hurry, we don’t have much time!”

“Ah, you’re right! Well then, see you later, Gil-san!”


Asuka then interrupted, wrapping his arm around Meg’s and pulling her along. His eyes, glaring at me, showed his rivalry. It’s childlike, but I realized that I don’t really feel jealous right now. I’m sure it’s because I feel more at ease. Because I’m now prepared to accept whatever Meg decides, in the future.


“Yeah. Do your best, you two.”


When I called out to them, Meg smiled happily. Asuka, momentarily surprised, looked a bit frustrated and happy. I couldn’t help but chuckle at that honest, complicated reaction.


“My, it’s rare to see you laugh. It’s the Meg-chan effect, isn’t it?”


“No,” I denied Saura, who’d cheerfully said that.


“I just found those two to be… amusing.”

“…That’s even more rare.”


Saura shrugged, saying, “I guess it’s understandable.” Well, she probably doesn’t get it. I found it amusing because Asuka’s openly challenging me. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way. I actually have a good impression of him, in that respect.


“More importantly, Gil… is that rumor true?”

“…Which one?”


Saura asked this, her tone low. She’s not making eye contact, so she’s probably trying to make it seem like a casual conversation. I played along and answered.


“About Licht.”


My heart pounded at that name. Ah, he’s also involved.


“Is it true… that you’re having a duel…?”


I can understand why Saura’s worried. Everyone in Ortus knows that his abilities are now almost equal to mine.


“Yeah. …So that we can… come to an understanding.”

“I see. …It’s also for Licht, isn’t it?”


We’ll be able to accept it by fighting. Whatever the outcome, neither of us will have regrets. That’s why we’re fighting.


“There’s no need to worry. It’s something to look forward to.”


And besides, I believe in us. All of us believe that it’ll lead to a good outcome. So there’s no reason to hesitate. Saura understood what I was implying.


“That’s unusual. But it’s instinct, for demi-humans to get excited about fighting a strong opponent, isn’t it?”


She didn’t say anything more about it, and then smiled and left. As expected of our executive officer.

It’s almost time. That’s why we have to stay calm. Even I have to make sure I’m level-headed. So that I’ll be ready, no matter when that day arrives. I think I’ll calm my heart by spending time at the High Elf Village with Meg, for a while.

Having made that decision, I headed outside the guild to finish up the remaining work in one go.

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