Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 286 Table of contents
  1. Returning to the Village



“Well then, Gil, I’m counting on you to look after Meg.”



The morning of our departure had finally arrived. I’m honestly anxious, going to recuperate when I don’t even know what’s wrong with me, but I’m not really nervous because we’re going to the High Elf Village, and Gil-san’s with me. It’s especially reassuring that he’s coming with me. He’s so reliable.


“Meg, let’s meet at the tournament, okay?”

“Uh-huh! I’m sorry I won’t be able to spend time with you.”


It’s time to say goodbye to Asuka. It’s sad, because we finally got to see each other after so long. I can’t worry him any more than this, because he’s furrowing his brows and clenching his hands. I’ll make sure to smile after apologizing.


“I’m looking forward to seeing you, Asuka, after you’ve gotten even stronger! I’ll do my best too!”

“Uu, don’t pressure me~”


It should be okay to retaliate like this, because I’ve been at a loss for how to respond to his constant flirting. I wonder where he learned those lines. It’s a mystery.

Just as I was chuckling, a large hand was placed on my head. I know who it is, just from that warmth and how they’re touching me.



“Don’t worry, Meg. I’m sure you’ll be much better by the day of the tournament, after spending some time quietly recuperating in the High Elf Village. And then, after the tournament…”


Dad, who’d been speaking casually, suddenly trailed off there, knelt down to meet my eyes, and then looked at me seriously.


“…I’ll tell you everything. How to handle that out-of-control magic power too.”


His gaze and tone were so serious that I straightened my back. It’s obvious he’s talking about something incredibly important. But I was a bit scared, so all I could do was nod silently. Dad, as if realizing that, immediately smiled and patted me on the head. As if to apologize for frightening me.


“…It’s time to go. It’ll take a few days.”


It was Gil-san who changed the subject. It’s true that the High Elf Village is far. It would be quick if we used Dad’s cheat route, but he’s busy right now, and apparently, it would be too much for him to handle the things needed for that route. When he was about to push himself, saying he’d somehow manage, I hurriedly said it was fine because there aren’t normally any routes like that anyway. And it’s incredibly fast to travel with Gil-san!

And besides… I’m also excited to go on a trip, just the two of us. I glanced up at Gil-san, and maybe he noticed because he looked down at me. I felt my heart warm at that gentle gaze. Or rather, so I thought.


“…Well then, get on.”


A baaasket! A stoooork!

No, I knew. I’m still not good at riding, and we’re going on a trip, just the two of us, so I knew this would happen. I’ll get on, so stop it! Dad and Asuka! Stop laughing! Sniff.




I’ve actually gotten used to this stork. I remember being nervous when I rode it for the first time, the day after arriving in this world. It’s amazing how quickly you get used to things. I can even lean against the edge of the basket and wave goodbye to everyone in Ortus. You could also say Gil-san’s gotten used to this because he’s not even worried. Back then, he begged me so many times to properly stay inside the basket. Ehehe.


“Gil-san, are you okay… with work? I-I’m sorry for making you push yourself.”


I couldn’t help but apologize, thinking about how busy everyone is, before the tournament. Gil-san said he’s heard that so many times. But…!


『I’ve finished most of my work. And I can handle the rest in the High Elf Village. And besides… Meg’s more important than the tournament. Don’t worry.』


His comments are still as handsome as ever. So naturally handsome, I’ve lost.

Now, I should think about something else because it’s not good to nag him. I’ll put aside the fact that I’ve already apologized countless times.

The thing I’m going to think about is… the High Elf Village. I’ve been there a few times. The people accompanying me were different each time, but of course, I’ve been there with Gil-san too.

We always went to visit my mother’s grave. It’s always the same, we take flowers and snacks, pay our respects, have tea with the other High Elves, and then come back. Mom’s grave was so beautiful, you’d never imagine it was once destroyed. It’s probably because the others have kept their promise, and also because they’d properly fix the grave of a comrade. It made me happy that they value their comrades, just like in Ortus.


Well, that’s what those visits were like, so I’m a bit nervous about actually staying there this time. It’s fine for a short visit, but for a long stay… it’s fine for me because I’m a High Elf, but Gil-san can’t stay there for very long. It’s because their pure air will be disrupted. I heard that problem was resolved, but I don’t know the details. I’m a bit anxious about that too.


“It’s fine for me to just wait outside the Village… but I don’t really want to be away from you, Meg.”


That’s what Gil-san said. No way! It’s not okay for you to be outside, when you’re my escort! It goes without saying that I protested. I’m heading there at ease because I heard it’ll be fine, but… so how was it resolved? He’s going to explain once we get there, apparently. Whyyy?

There are other things that worry me. Schelmelhorn… my grandfather. Even though I’ve been to the Village a few times, I’ve never met him. I’ve heard he’s confined to that house, but I haven’t actually seen him. That’s right, not once since that incident, when I was a little girl.

This visit’s going to be different, so I might end up having to meet him, which makes me nervous. I’m not worried about my safety or anything like that… it’s just that… I’m not sure how I should act, those complicated feelings you have as a grandchild.

Apparently, Dad and the others are also worried about that, and they told Gil-san to be extra careful. He answered that it goes without saying, but please, rest… this onee-san is worried.

And then there’s my special ability. Will I be able to participate in the tournament? Will I lose control? Those are the anxieties I have. …I have so many anxieties, don’t I!?


『You can sleep if you want.』


Just as I was taking deep breaths, telling myself to calm down, Gil-san said that. The timing was so perfect that I can’t help but to think he saw right through me. This personality—it’s so easy for him to figure me out, maybe it’s something I can’t change. I’m probably going to be like this forever. Sniff.

But his words made me feel relieved. He really is amazing. I’m sure I’ll end up thinking about all sorts of things if I stay awake, so maybe I should just take him up on that offer?


“…Then I’ll sleep for a bit. Thank you, Gil-san.”

『Yeah, don’t worry.』


He’s so kind. I felt like he was embracing me, anxieties and all. I relaxed and closed my eyes.




When I woke up, we were still flying in the sky, and a familiar sight spread out before me. The majestic northern mountains towering before us, filled with an unsettling kind of magic power. This means my High Elf blood’s stirring.


『Hmm, you’re awake? I’ll land soon, so just wait a bit longer.』



He must have sensed it because Gil-san spoke to me. I rubbed my eyes and replied. I’m still a bit fuzzy because I just woke up, please excuse me.

Gil-san landed in a large, open area after a while. He gently lowered the basket, and I got out, using Fuu-chan’s help. I won’t fall anymore! Because I’m a proper onee-chan now. Ehen!


“Now then, we’ll be walking from here… Will you be tired?”


Gil-san, back in his human form, asked that, the corners of his lips lifting. Of course…!


“It’s fine! It’ll be good training for today! Hey, Gil-san, can we train while we walk?”


I grinned and asked that. Apparently, that was the right answer because he chuckled and patted me on the head.


“Let me know when you’re tired.”



After that exchange, he pulled up his mask and started running. Uu~, he’s so fast! He’s going easy on me, I mean, really easy, but he’s still fast.


“Alright, time to work hard!”


But I’m sure he’s going at a slightly difficult pace. He knows what level of challenge I need. I immediately changed into my high-performance battle outfit, lightly stretched, and then went after him. …Of course! With the help of my spirits! It’s impossible to just rely on my own athletic ability! It’s fine, nature magic’s also a part of my strength! Wait for me, Gil-san!

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