Welcome to the Special-Grade Guild! ~ The Beloved…
Chapter 287 Table of contents
  1. Mother’s Room



“W-We’re here…”


Panting, I tried to catch my breath before that ridiculous sign. It makes me lose my spirit every time I see those words, “Do you want a bath? Dinner?” I really wish they’d change it. Seriously, who made this?


“…As always, there’s nothing here. But I’m now able to sense the location from the flow of magic power.”


And it seems like only High Elves can see it. Apparently, those who have entered the Village at least once, can enter again, but they can’t see the sign. It’s strange. I want to know why! I want to ask the creator!



“? What’s wrong, Gil-san?”


Maybe because he was staring at the sign with a strange expression, but I noticed him looking at me, so I tilted my head. “It’s nothing,” Gil-san muttered, and then gently patted me on the head.


“I was just thinking… that you’ve gained a lot of stamina.”


It’s true that I’m able to catch my breath more easily now, and more importantly, I was able to get here on my own two feet. It took a day and a half, and we did take breaks, but… isn’t it a huge improvement, compared to when I was a little girl? I’ll put aside the fact that it’s mostly thanks to nature magic. Because! I’d have collapsed much earlier if I’d climbed without magic! It’s all because I’m using this ridiculously large amount of magic power. Even so, I think my stamina has increased, you know? Probably.


“Come on, let’s go.”



Gil-san said that, pulling up his mask. I answered and then took his hand, passing through the archway to the Village.

As always, the scenery instantly changed, and a beautiful sight spread out before me. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, and felt like I was being healed from within. It really makes me realize that their air is special.


“Ah, you’ve arrived. I heard about the situation.”

“Ah, um, hello. My name’s Meg. I’ll be in your care.”


Just as I was spacing out, a High Elf youth spoke to me. I call him a youth, but that’s just how he looks, he’s actually lived for thousands of years. Of course, he’s incredibly handsome. It’s not just him though, everyone’s like this, so it’s more like visiting an art museum.


“It seems I’m your caretaker this time. When I say care, I mean I’m just listening to your questions and helping when you’re in trouble. We’ve met so many times, and yet we’ve never properly introduced ourselves, right? My name is Wizdiaveysam. Just call me Wiz.”

“Wiz-san! It’s a pleasure!”


Gil-san and I properly introduced ourselves and greeted him. It’s true that we’ve never introduced ourselves. We’ve met a few times, but it was always just a brief visit, to pay our respects at the grave. And his name’s too long, I don’t think I can remember it… I’m sure High Elves are incredibly intelligent, because they can remember and correctly address each other. Do your best, my brain.


“Gilnandio, you’re quite skilled, I can see that, but… it would be best to avoid spending the whole day here. You need to take care of your health by occasionally going outside.”

“Yeah, I’ll do that. Thank you.”


Take care of his health? As I was tilting my head, wondering what he meant, Wiz-san, as if sensing that, explained.


“Our air is pure, right? It’s medicine for us, but it can be poison to other races. It’s beneficial in small doses, but you’ll be staying here for a while. That means it’s going to be harsh for him.”


Come to think of it, even in the Elf Village, the effects of the spring water they let tourists use are weakened. The source is in the elves’ village, in an area where only elves and those with a lot of magic power are allowed, and the effects are completely different. This place is twice as potent, so it would definitely be poisonous to others… I see, so it’s not just that the pure air of the Village that will be disrupted.


“Gil-san, don’t overdo it, okay? I’m worried…”


He’s trying to stay by my side, so I’m worried he’ll overdo it because he’s so kind. And I’m not even confident that I can tell with my own eyes if he’s pushing himself too hard.


“It’s fine. I’ll keep an eye on him. We’ll be fine if… he spends a few hours outside, breathing in fresh air, every half day.”

“Every half day! Let’s do it in the morning and evening, Gil-san!”


So that’s how they’re going to handle it. Well, it’ll be easy to remember if we think of it like medicine, twice a day. I clenched my fists and suggested that, and he laughed. Why!?


“Yeah, I get it. I’ll do that.”



I might be nagging him a bit, asking over and over, but it’s fine because he smiled. But I have to make sure to watch him carefully, because it would be terrible if he got sick because of this! I’m relieved. One of my anxieties was resolved!




“This is the room you two will be staying in. It used to belong to Yennaliearl, but it hasn’t been used in a while. It’s clean, so use it however you like.”

“Mother-sama’s… thank you!”


Wiz-san, who showed us to our room, said that if we need anything, we can ask anyone, and then left. He’s probably being considerate, making sure we feel comfortable settling in. How kind.

The room they showed us was actually more like a cabin. It’s a small wooden cabin, probably created with wood or plant magic. I guess High Elves see each of these cabins as a room.

Not just the cabin, even the furniture, the table and bed, everything’s made of wood, and it feels so warm. It looks like the futon’s woven from thread. They probably procured the cotton themselves too. The quality’s incredible, and it’s only natural, since they’re long-lived and skilled in magic. And how soft it is, that’s pure craftsmanship.

I slowly walked around the room, and then finally collapsed on the bed. The soft futon smelled like sunshine and wood.


“I wonder if Mother-sama slept here too.”


Thinking about that made me a bit sentimental. Ah, come to think of it, there’s only one bed. Wiz-san told us to use it however we like, but what are we going to do? Both Gil-san and I have portable tents, so it’s not like we’ll be troubled, but…


“Hey, Gil-san, Just for today, could we sleep together?”



I’m becoming such a spoiled child. It really makes me realize how anxious I am. Because, because… I’m away from Ortus, I’m like a ticking time bomb, and that’s terrifying!


“Ah, it’s okay if you don’t want to! I was just…”


But I was starting to feel embarrassed. I’m a big girl now, so I need to pull myself together! Just as I was frantically trying to cover it up, I sensed him chuckle. I timidly looked up at him.


“Just for today?”


I was speechless. Because he was too handsome. The destructive power of a handsome man smiling mischievously! I could feel the heat rushing to my face. I was making incoherent noises, like a goldfish begging for food.


“……You never act spoiled. It’s fine, even every day. Don’t think it’s a nuisance. I’m… happy that you were honest with me.”



And then he followed that up with another heart-throbbing comment! I’d given up on speaking and just launched myself at him! I hugged him tightly around his waist, hoping my feelings of gratitude would be conveyed. This hug had a soothing effect. And how reassuring his hand is, patting my head. Haa~, I feel so calm!

Thanks to that, I regained my composure and looked up at Gil-san and properly conveyed my feelings.


“Thank you, Gil-san! Well then, let’s sleep together every day!”

“…Yeah, okay.”


I’m glad it’s Gil-san! And I’m glad I worked up the courage to be honest! Ehehe.




After that, we decided to visit my mother, Yenna-san’s grave. We should greet her first! The air became even purer as we approached. Come to think of it, this is where Father-sama and Schel-san rampaged. Now that I think about it, it’s incredible. To think they’d fight in such a beautiful place! The High Elf Village had a barrier that prevented anyone from entering, and yet, they were able to get past that, even monsters were able to enter. Maybe it’s because Father-sama was inside. It was really dangerous. The Demon King’s presence can even surpass barriers… how terrifying. I need to make sure I can control my magic power.

No, no, I can’t feel anxious! Because it might make my magic power go out of control! And besides, it’s like nothing ever happened. …That’s also amazing. To think there are no traces, even though it’s been decades. High Elves are amazing.


“As always, it’s a beautiful spring.”

“Yeah… The source in the Elf Village was also beautiful, but this one’s even purer.”


How do I describe this… um, the spring in the Elf Village felt friendlier. But this one… feels noble, awe-inspiring. That’s the difference. Both make me feel good, like my magic power’s being regulated, but I think it takes less time to recover here. But it’s just a feeling.

We gazed at that spring, then passed by those gravestones, and finally stopped before a pure white one. The white was so pure, it’s like a representation of Yenna-san’s beautiful heart. It made me smile.


“Hello, Mother-sama.”


I then quietly spoke to the gravestone.

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