Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 264 Table of contents


I muttered without thinking, my words spilling out instinctively as I saw his irritating face.


The impact of those words was enough to create a fracture in the mask Namgung Cheonjun had been holding onto.

“…I’m not sure what you mean by that.”

“Why don’t you drop the expression and speak properly?”

Oh, he remembers.
The moment I brought up the "piss-pants" incident, his face twisted.
So, he hadn’t forgotten after all.

‘I thought he was unconscious back then.’

But it seems like some part of him had been aware, making that memory far from pleasant for him.

Sure enough, Namgung Cheonjun’s mask was starting to crumble.

He probably wanted to believe it had been a dream or something he could deny.

“I mean, I did dry your pants for you so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of your sister. Shouldn’t you at least thank me?”


Of course, I had done it for Namgung Bi-Ah’s sake, but for him, that reasoning probably stung even more.


See? He’s getting angry already.
It’s reassuring, though. Thankfully, he hasn’t grown out of his childish temper.

Not that I was ever going to think better of him, even if he had matured.

“…No matter how many times I see you, I just can’t stand you.”

“That’s a pretty bold way to talk to the person who saved your dignity.”


Suddenly, I felt an electric current brush against my cheek.
It was thunder energy.

Namgung Cheonjun’s shoulders crackled with a faint charge, emitting a sharp and unsettling energy.

‘It’s clearer now, compared to before.’

Back during the martial arts competition, his thunder energy had been unstable and weak.
Perhaps he had gained some insight, or maybe he had been doing something stupid to enhance it.

But now, the energy was on a different level.

‘Not that it matters.’

Even so, it was just that—an improvement.
At best, he was now on par with the higher-level houqi jishu (advanced stage martial artists).

But to me, anyone below the top two or three ranks of that level was hardly worth worrying about.

Just as I was about to intercept his energy…


A stronger force swept in, swallowing Namgung Cheonjun’s thunder energy whole.

It was the same type of thunder energy, but much thicker and far more overwhelming.

Blocking the attack meant for me, someone stepped between us.

It was Namgung Bi-Ah.


Her voice was cold, laced with a fierce anger I hadn’t heard from her in a long time.


“What do you think you’re doing?”

She hadn’t drawn her sword, but the sword intent emanating from her was palpable.
It was the refined energy of a martial artist who had surpassed their peak and mastered the control of their power.

‘Every time I see it, it amazes me.’

Watching her grow like this was fascinating.
Once, I had been consumed by jealousy and self-doubt over such talent,
But not anymore.

As Namgung Bi-Ah’s dense thunder energy encircled me, acting as a shield, Namgung Cheonjun scowled at her.

“I only came to say hello.”

“This isn’t a greeting.”

Of course, it wasn’t.
Who greets someone like this?

Sure, I was the one who started the taunting, but his intentions had been obvious from the start. There was no way this could’ve ended peacefully.


Namgung Cheonjun let out a bitter laugh at her words, his sigh heavy with frustration.

“It seems you’re still siding with him. I thought I was your brother, not him.”


Her voice, once again, was filled with discomfort as she called his name.

Namgung Cheonjun’s thunder energy receded, his aura retreating as he clenched his fists.

With the tension gone, Namgung Bi-Ah also let her sword intent dissipate.
Namgung Cheonjun, staring at her, muttered under his breath.

“If I’d known this would happen, I wouldn’t have held back.”

He turned and walked away, disappearing into the deeper shadows of the garden.

Was that really it?
Did he show up just for this?

‘That doesn’t seem right.’

I furrowed my brow as I watched his retreating figure.
I needed to know what had driven him to this point.

‘Has he taken up blood energy again?’

Back at the banquet, I hadn’t sensed any of the blood energy in his dantian, and I assumed he had moved on from what had happened at the martial arts competition.
But now I realized that I had been looking in the wrong place.

The blood energy hadn’t disappeared from his dantian.
Instead, it had seeped into his body, melding with his very flesh.

While his dantian’s internal energy remained intact, a faint trace of blood energy coursed through his veins.

It was a sight I had seen many times in my past life.

‘Back then, it wasn’t blood energy—it was demonic energy.’

In my previous life, internal energy was often replaced with demonic energy, and while the two were not exactly the same, they shared enough similarities that I could recognize it.

The way the energy had become part of his very being…

There was only one explanation I knew for this.

‘Demonic transformation.’

Namgung Cheonjun was practically no different from a demon at this point.

If this blood energy was indeed from the Blood Demon, he could technically be classified as something other than a demon, but from what I could see, there wasn’t much of a difference.

While he hadn’t yet been consumed by madness, the blood energy was altering him.

‘Or maybe he’s already insane, and it’s just not noticeable yet.’

That wouldn’t surprise me, considering his temperament.

Or perhaps blood energy didn’t bring the same kind of insanity that demonic energy did.

Either way, it wasn’t something I knew much about.

‘But why has he become like this?’

After the martial arts competition, a lot had happened, and I hadn’t paid much attention to him.

‘Was drying his pants not enough?’

I had taken care of that mess, so what more did he want from me?

Have some shame.

Even if Namgung Cheonjun had turned into a demon—or blood demon, in this case—I didn’t care enough to help him.

The only thing I could be sure of was that the Blood Demon was still out there, making moves.

Whatever Namgung Cheonjun had become, it wasn’t entirely his fault.


‘It’s unsettling.’

His current state was deeply unsettling.

The energy I saw clinging to him, the changes in his body…

Everything about it made me want to grab him and drain him of his energy on the spot.

‘Do I want to absorb his power?’

Was this the influence of that gluttonous beast inside me?

Or maybe it was simply because Namgung Cheonjun’s hostility was so blatant.

Moreover, it didn’t seem like anyone else had noticed.
Was it because I had once absorbed the same blood energy?


I sighed deeply.

‘Couldn’t that old disaster just stay buried?’

If you’d wreaked havoc centuries ago, the least you could do was remain in the ground where you belonged.

‘I’ve already got enough on my plate without dealing with this.’

I didn’t have the mental energy for this.
Blood Demons? I had more than enough chaos in my life as it was. I didn’t need another catastrophe to handle.

As I rubbed my aching temples, I suddenly felt a cool hand on my forehead.
It was Namgung Bi-Ah’s.

“…Are you alright?”

Her voice was gentle, tinged with worry.
She was clearly concerned that Namgung Cheonjun had upset me.

‘She’s still so naive.’

She had a lot to learn.
I covered her hand with mine and spoke softly.

“I’m fine.”


Namgung Bi-Ah still didn’t understand why I was acting this way.
To her, I just seemed tired.

‘So, what should I do?’

If Namgung Cheonjun had simply given in to the allure of power and fallen, I wouldn’t have cared.
I had no desire to involve myself in his affairs.

Still, something about him now… felt too dangerous to ignore.

-If I’d known this would happen, I wouldn’t have held back.

The look in his eyes, his tone…
It all rang in my head, clear as day. I couldn’t just let it slide.

I didn’t want his twisted, disgusting emotions anywhere near Namgung Bi-Ah, so I had to shield her from them.

I thought back to the last time I saw Namgung Cheonjun.

‘Let’s hope you don’t cross that final line.’

This was his third chance.

I had warned him before—at least three times.

But my patience was wearing thin.

‘There won’t be a next time.’

I wasn’t going to tell him that.
I wasn’t feeling generous enough to give him a heads-up.

Still, I muttered quietly to myself as I watched the direction he had disappeared in, making sure my killing intent didn’t leak out and reach Namgung Bi-Ah.

I hoped he wouldn’t make the stupid mistake of crossing that line.

But something told me he would.

Standing there, watching the shadows, I finally spoke to Namgung Bi-Ah.

“For now…”


“Go on ahead. I have something I need to take care of.”


Namgung Bi-Ah hesitated, searching my face for an answer.
But eventually, she nodded and quietly turned to leave.

I watched her go, then turned and walked away into the night.

Namgung Cheonjun’s steps were quick as he moved deeper into the dark forest.

Tall trees cast thick shadows, and the moonlight barely pierced the dense canopy.

As he hurried through the woods, a voice echoed in his ear.

-You were told not to reveal yourself so carelessly.

The voice was soft, like a whisper carried on the wind.
It was a woman’s voice, calm yet commanding.

Namgung Cheonjun’s face twisted into a snarl as he heard it.

“I told you not to meddle in my affairs.”

-I don’t know what your goals are, Thunder Dragon, but it’s too soon. I warned you.

“I’ll decide whether it’s too soon or not.”

-If you continue like this, I’ll have no choice but to take back the blessing that was given to you.

Namgung Cheonjun froze mid-step.

Her words clearly struck a nerve, but instead of rage, his face twisted into a mocking smile.

“You think you have the authority to do that?”

-Thunder Dragon…

There was a rare hint of anger in her voice, but Namgung Cheonjun paid it no mind.

“You think you’re someone special because he calls you the ‘Dancing Lady’? You’re just a parrot repeating the words of someone greater.”

-Watch your words. Even if you’re not in your right mind…

“I am watching them. As you said, I’ve been given the blessing. That’s all that matters.”

After all, he had surpassed Pang Woojin and even those damnable Saints.

It was a power he had earned.

After being humiliated by that bastard, he had followed Pang Woojin into the depths.
And there, Namgung Cheonjun had met a great being who had bestowed him with power.

This meant he was chosen.
Chosen to have the strength to destroy the insect that had stolen his sister.

The power was real.
His thunder energy had strengthened, his dantian had expanded, and the wall of perfection he once couldn’t surpass had crumbled with ease.

‘Just a little more.’

Just a bit more time for this new power to fully merge with his body.
That was all he needed.

The great being had told him that once his body had fully absorbed the energy and his dantian realigned, a new world would open up for him.

‘Then I’ll finally….’

He would tear that bastard limb from limb.
And after that, he would reclaim his beautiful sister.

And then…


Namgung Cheonjun suppressed his rising desires, letting out a slow breath.

His sister was still as beautiful as ever.
And she had grown so much stronger.

He remembered the massive thunderstorm that had swallowed his energy earlier.

She was blossoming into a more powerful warrior, just as her beauty was in full bloom.

‘Of course, she’s my sister.’

That’s why he couldn’t let her fall into the hands of that worm.

She was being deceived by that bastard, manipulated into pushing him away.

He had to set things right.
That was why he needed this power.

“…How much longer?”

How much longer until he reached the full transformation the great being had promised?

Namgung Cheonjun asked the Dancing Lady, hoping for an answer.

But she remained silent.

For the first time, she didn’t respond.

Namgung Cheonjun furrowed his brow and asked again.

“Why aren’t you answering—”

“What answer?”

A different voice cut him off.

Namgung Cheonjun’s entire body shivered with a cold chill.

He quickly gathered his energy and turned around, but—


A hand shot out, gripping his throat tightly.

“I asked you a question. What answer?”

Namgung Cheonjun struggled, but the grip on his neck felt like it was binding his entire body.

As he gasped for breath, his eyes locked onto the figure standing before him.

Glowing in the dim light of the forest, a pair of bright, blood-red eyes stared up at him, filled with murderous intent.

“Are you going to answer me?”



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