Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Chapter 265 Table of contents


The hand gripping his neck felt burning hot. The heat was so intense it seemed like his throat might catch fire at any moment. It wasn’t just hot; the grip felt heavy too.

Physically, Namgung Cheonjun was far superior to Gu Yangcheon.

Even though he wasn’t as strong as before, Namgung Cheonjun still stood half a head taller than Gu Yangcheon.

And yet.


Namgung Cheonjun, with his neck caught, couldn’t do anything.

It was as if he were bound from all directions, unable to move even a little.

‘What is this...?’

Then, when he finally realized the source of the pressure — that it was purely Gu Yangcheon’s killing intent — Namgung Cheonjun had to hold back a gasp.

How could someone not even past the age of twenty radiate such an intense killing aura?

In the darkness, Gu Yangcheon's crimson eyes gleamed ominously.

Why had this guy suddenly attacked him?

“You look like a beast baring its fangs.”

The words coming from Gu Yangcheon’s mouth were strange and incomprehensible.

“Anyone could tell you're starving, waiting for the right moment to devour me with those glowing eyes.”

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth slowly lifted. It wasn’t a smile; it was filled with malice.

It was a sneer that seemed both fitting and terrifying, making Namgung Cheonjun feel genuine fear.

“You’re not even worth a single bite, yet you keep pestering me.”


The grip on his throat tightened. He tried to muster energy to fight back, but laughably, his strength seemed to desert him, refusing to obey.

‘ could this be?’

How could this happen?

He had been chosen by a great being.


For months, he had channeled power into his body, breaking through barriers and reaching his peak.

That day, his father had praised him, and his great-grandfather had sent a letter commending his efforts.

His great-grandfather, who always gazed at him with slight disappointment, had finally offered him praise after such a long time.

This power was the right path.

Namgung Cheonjun had been certain that this power would grant him everything he desired.

But now.

‘Why can’t I...?!’

Why couldn’t he even break free from this pathetic hand?

“Look at your eyes. You’re still not lowering them?”


Suddenly, Namgung Cheonjun’s vision blurred.

Gu Yangcheon swung his arm, hurling him to the ground.

Unable to even break his fall properly, Namgung Cheonjun rolled across the dirt, groaning as he scrambled to his feet.

But before his eyes, Gu Yangcheon’s foot was already closing in.



His jaw snapped upward as his head jerked back violently. He hadn’t even managed to defend himself.

There wasn’t enough time to gather his qi and form a proper defense.

It was just like the day he had faced Gu Yangcheon at the martial arts competition.

That same helplessness and despair he had felt then rose up, choking him once more.

Spitting blood, Namgung Cheonjun thought to himself.

‘I...I...I’m not someone who can be defeated by that guy.’

He was the next head of the Namgung family.

One of the Five Great Dragons.

He was the man destined to lead the Namgung family.

There was no way he could be outdone by such a mediocre person in either talent or skill.

So why...

“Think carefully.”

A voice whispered in Namgung Cheonjun’s ear.

With blood dripping from his nose, he couldn’t dare to lift his head.

“Why would I need to kill you?”


The voice, though melodic, was saturated with killing intent that Namgung Cheonjun couldn’t withstand.

It was just like that time.

When he had been pinned down by his neck, flames igniting around them.

How could someone harbor such murderous intent?

Was it from killing people?

But Namgung Cheonjun had blood on his hands too.

Whether through others or by his own hand, he had taken countless lives, both innocent and evil.

But that kind of killing was too much.

That level of intent was only possible from someone who had taken countless lives.

How could Gu Yangcheon, not even twenty years old, possess such an aura?

Namgung Cheonjun knew through his investigations that Gu Yangcheon had never been in situations where he could kill enough people to reach that level.

“And when I thought about it...”


Gu Yangcheon pressed down on Namgung Cheonjun’s ankle with his foot.


“I came up with hundreds of reasons why I should kill you.”

At that moment, the pressure lessened, and the killing aura diminished.

Namgung Cheonjun felt his body loosen, and his energy began to flow again. He didn’t hesitate.


Channeling his energy, he summoned a burst of qi around him.

Though he didn’t have a sword, he had mastered sword energy after reaching the peak, and he could manifest it with just his hand.

As he prepared to strike—

“See? There’s already another reason to add.”

At that moment, his vision twisted again.


A crushing sound filled the air. It was the sound of Namgung Cheonjun’s carefully built qi shattering.

The qi he had gathered around him splintered into pieces, scattering in all directions.

Even though he hadn’t fully enveloped himself, it shouldn’t have broken so easily.


How was that guy able to break it so effortlessly?

It wasn’t just broken. It was torn apart.

Gu Yangcheon had torn through his qi with his hands and kicked Namgung Cheonjun’s core, disrupting his energy.


The pain in his core was so intense that he couldn’t even scream.

Though his core wasn’t completely shattered, the energy he had been gathering in his body instantly dissipated.

The lightning qi that had begun to gather around him disappeared like mist with a mere wave of Gu Yangcheon’s hand.

It was hopeless.

Namgung Cheonjun felt utter despair.

Even the body he had strengthened with the power bestowed upon him...

Even the energy that had grown after breaking through the wall...

To Gu Yangcheon, it was nothing more than a pathetic struggle.

His body, which had momentarily floated, now hurtled toward the ground.

Namgung Cheonjun didn’t even realize why he was flying through the air.

He hadn’t understood a single movement, not a single connection leading up to his airborne tumble.


Namgung Cheonjun’s heavy body slammed into the ground.

This time, he couldn’t even lift himself.

Gu Yangcheon had already approached and stomped on his chest.

The pressure was so strong it felt like his bones were about to break, and Namgung Cheonjun had no choice but to scream again.

Since earlier.

All Namgung Cheonjun had been able to do was scream.

“I knew it from the moment I first saw you. You’re an annoying mutt, always baring your teeth.”

Gu Yangcheon’s red eyes glared down at Namgung Cheonjun.

Just like back at the martial arts competition.

Namgung Cheonjun hadn’t been able to sleep for days after seeing those red eyes.

“There are hundreds of reasons why I should have killed you by now. Do you know why I didn’t?”

What could that reason be?

There were countless possibilities.

Because of his family name, Namgung?

Because he couldn’t just kill the heir of the Namgung family without consequence?

It would be troublesome to handle the aftermath of killing a noble family’s heir.

It was difficult even for Gu Yangcheon to eliminate someone without leaving a trace.

Wasn’t that reason enough?

He was a member of the Namgung family...

“Thank your sister.”


“If it weren’t for her, I would have already torn your limbs apart and burned you to ashes.”

Namgung Cheonjun couldn’t comprehend Gu Yangcheon’s words.

His sister? His older sister?

Ignoring the pain, Namgung Cheonjun managed to open his mouth.

“What are you...talking about?”

“The only reason I haven’t killed you, despite having hundreds of reasons to do so, is because your sister is Namgung Bi-Ah.”

Gu Yangcheon spoke while looking directly into Namgung Cheonjun’s eyes.

It was only because Namgung Cheonjun was Namgung Bi-Ah’s younger brother.

That was the sole reason.

Even though this insignificant creature had bared its teeth at him, snarling with malice and filled with killing intent.

Even though he had seen the hatred and murder in Namgung Cheonjun’s eyes, Gu Yangcheon had merely laughed it off and let it slide.

And the reason for that?

There was only one.

Feeling the blood trickling from his lips, Namgung Cheonjun asked Gu Yangcheon.

“…What are you even saying right now?”

“I’m explaining, step by step, how I’ve been sparing your life all this time, you son of a bitch.”



Namgung Cheonjun instantly felt one of his ribs snap.

The killing intent radiating from Gu Yangcheon’s body grew even stronger.

This was dangerous.

This time, he was serious.

“What...what are you doing...?!”

“Why, are you finally scared?”

“I am a member of the Namgung family! This is Namgung territory. You can’t just...”

“Did you know? If you burn the bones down to ashes, no trace remains.”

The words, spoken so casually, sounded terrifyingly genuine.


Namgung Cheonjun asked.

“Why are you suddenly trying to kill me?”

It was a mystery.

Gu Yangcheon’s sudden attack was too abrupt.

In response to Namgung Cheonjun’s question, Gu Yangcheon’s lips curled into a grin.

“Why? You’re trying to kill me, so why shouldn’t I kill you? You’ve got a funny way of thinking.”

“...Do you have any proof that I tried to kill you... Gahh...!”

Namgung Cheonjun’s question was cut off by a sharp cry of pain.

In an instant, Gu Yangcheon had twisted Namgung Cheonjun’s arm in a direction it wasn’t meant to go.

Even the powerful body of a martial artist at the peak was as brittle as a twig in Gu Yangcheon’s grasp.

“I’m not interested in pointless back-and-forth. Proof doesn’t matter at this point.”


Namgung Cheonjun wanted to resist.

He wanted to release his lightning energy and fry the bastard’s head.

But Namgung Cheonjun couldn’t do anything.

“Look at that, you still have so much killing intent in your eyes. Do I really need proof?”

“ you even know where we are right now...?”

Namgung Cheonjun spat out his words, but Gu Yangcheon didn’t care.

He grabbed Namgung Cheonjun by the throat again.

“Are you curious? Curious why I’m doing this to you now?”



The grip on Namgung Cheonjun’s neck tightened, and it felt like his throat would shatter any second.

Yet, there was a careful control in Gu Yangcheon’s strength, ensuring the bones wouldn’t break.

It was terrifying how precise he was.

“What were you trying to do to your sister earlier?”


Namgung Cheonjun gasped, as if his darkest secret had been exposed.

It wasn’t as if he had done anything yet.

But the intention had always been there, festering in his mind.

There was no way he would let his sister be taken by someone like that.

If anyone was to have her, it would be him.

Such feelings...

Could this bastard have sensed them?

“I know all too well the emotion called greed.”

As Gu Yangcheon spoke, one of Namgung Cheonjun’s fingers was bent backwards with a sickening snap.

“So there’s no way I wouldn’t know what a scum like you is thinking.”


“I’m really good at inflicting pain. I didn’t want to do it again, but why do you keep poking at me, making me want to?”

Gu Yangcheon said as he tore off one of Namgung Cheonjun’s fingernails.

The method was crude and brutal, with no regard for the pain it caused.

In fact, it wasn’t even torture.

Gu Yangcheon wasn’t expecting any answers. He didn’t care for them.

After ripping off the fingernail, Gu Yangcheon lit it on fire with a simple gesture.


“I told you, didn’t I? There are countless reasons to kill you. The only reason you’re still alive is because of your sister.”

If not for Namgung Bi-Ah...

Namgung Cheonjun would have been torn apart and burned to ashes, without anyone knowing.

Sure, Namgung Cheonjun’s family name played a part in Gu Yangcheon’s hesitation.

But that hesitation was fleeting.

“How do you think I should act when you keep pushing that one reason?”

“Y-You bastard...”

“You’ve still got some fight in your eyes. I thought you’d be drooling and begging by now.”

Gu Yangcheon chuckled darkly.

He seemed to be enjoying the situation.

As he lifted his hand, flames flickered even brighter.

The fire that illuminated the night was beautiful.

But the murderous aura contained within those flames overwhelmed Namgung Cheonjun with fear.

“Why is that, I wonder? I thought about it for a while. I’ve beaten you, humiliated you, broken your pride.”

Gu Yangcheon reflected.

The first time, he had broken Namgung Cheonjun’s arm.

The second time, he had made him piss himself in fear.

He had shattered Namgung Cheonjun’s pride, crushed his self-esteem.

After all that, Namgung Cheonjun shouldn’t have had any desire to face him again.

And yet, the bastard remained the same.

He had dared to covet his sister.

And now, he had crossed the final line.

Gu Yangcheon’s respect for him ended here.

“So I thought about it.”



Namgung Cheonjun’s eyes widened in shock.

“It’s probably because of this damn thing that you keep crawling back.”


Namgung Cheonjun was confused.

He had been given great power by a being of immense strength.

His body had begun to synchronize with the divine energy coursing through it, a noble force.

But for some reason, that power was leaving him.

“Why... Why is this happening?!”

In that moment, Namgung Cheonjun realized something.

Right after his duel with Gu Yangcheon.

When the divine energy had disappeared from his core...

He had thought it was because he had used too much of the still unstable energy, but...

“Could it be... Was it you back then, too?!”

“I’m not picky about what I eat, but I do like my energy refined. I guess I’ll have to make do with this tasteless crap this time.”

“Let go of me! Do you even know what kind of power this is?!”

“What kind of power? It’s a rotting corpse’s leftovers, you idiot.”

“H-How are you absorbing someone else’s energy...?!”

Namgung Cheonjun struggled desperately, but his body, despite his mind’s commands, stiffened as his energy was drained away.

Even the fingers that had been trembling from the burns earlier now froze completely.

“Please... please... this power is all I have.”

Namgung Cheonjun abandoned his pride and begged, but it was a futile effort.

The divine energy in his body was being drained completely.

Even the remaining energy in his core, tied to his qi, vanished without a trace as Gu Yangcheon absorbed it.


Despair overtook him.

The power he had believed would elevate him to the heavens was gone in an instant.

And it was stolen by the one he hated most.

He had lost his honor.

He had lost his beloved sister.

And now, even the one thing he had held onto — his power — was taken by this bastard.


Namgung Cheonjun stared up at the night sky in a daze.

The night was dark.

The bright moon, which had been so visible before, now refused to shine on him.

As Gu Yangcheon looked down at him, he spoke.

“You’re pathetic. Just because you lost a bit of power, you’re already giving up?”

A laugh echoed.

Gu Yangcheon still had Namgung Cheonjun firmly in his grasp.

The qi that had originally been in Namgung Cheonjun’s core remained the same.

Only the blood energy that he had received from the demonic being was taken.

Namgung Cheonjun’s broken state was laughable to Gu Yangcheon.

Amidst the situation, Namgung Cheonjun muttered softly.

“Kill me.”


“Just...kill me already.”


In response to the plea of someone who had lost everything, Gu Yangcheon smiled.

If he was going to give up this easily, why had he even bothered fighting?

He was pathetic, down to the very end.

“Brother-in-law, I don’t kill people that easily.”

“...If you’re just going to toy with me, I’d rather bite my tongue and die...!”


Gu Yangcheon quickly covered Namgung Cheonjun’s mouth with his hand, preventing him from biting his tongue.

It would be troublesome if he actually did.


“Why the hell are you trying to make a grand exit when you’ve lived like such a piece of shit? It’s disgusting. If you’re going to live, live miserably to the end.”

In the dim night, shadows covered Gu Yangcheon’s face.

His red eyes were still glowing.

But his expression was blank.

Only his mouth was smiling.

Looking up at Gu Yangcheon, Namgung Cheonjun realized something was wrong.

“You said it yourself. This is Namgung family territory.”


“No matter how pissed I am, it’d be a bit too much to kill someone here.”

Gu Yangcheon’s cheerful smile filled Namgung Cheonjun with renewed terror.

Something was different.

Something had changed in Gu Yangcheon’s demeanor.

Where had things gone wrong?

Namgung Cheonjun didn’t know, but he could feel it.

“I thought I might need to torture you since you seemed to know something, but it looks like that’s unnecessary.”


“I’ve been meaning to try something out, and you’re the perfect subject. Since you’re so eager to die, let me use you for a bit. That’s okay, right?”

The flames that had been flickering around Gu Yangcheon grew larger.

And they began to shift in color.


“It’s fine, right? I knew you’d agree.”

Namgung Cheonjun watched in horror as the flames in Gu Yangcheon’s eyes changed color.

If he wasn’t mistaken...

Those flames were turning purple.

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