The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 55 Table of contents

Karl Heinz, a director of H Group, crossed his legs and smiled confidently. He seemed to trust the magical girl aiming at us from afar. Of course, no matter how skilled the magical girl was, he didn’t think she could break through Birana’s barrier. After all, we hadn’t heard of magical girls shooting at citizens in other cities either.

What’s the Magical Girl Association most concerned about? Ensuring that magical girls are seen not as dangerous beings, but as friendly neighbors, heroes admired like idols. Even though this was City E, not City H, firing magic at citizens would be a significant risk for them as well.

I couldn’t say it would never happen, but it was unlikely that the magical girl would fire at us. At least, that’s what I hoped...

‘It would be troublesome if we were attacked now.’

Recently, City E had been suffering due to villainous attacks from City B. City E, once thought to be safe under Eblis Corporation’s control, was now being questioned. After the attack, Eblis even took over Baphomet Corporation in City B. It was a hostile takeover, politically risky. If we also started a fight with H Group, other cities might unite and strike at us, believing Eblis's expansion plans had become too aggressive.

“…Are you aware that I’m a member of Scholar?”

“Yes, of course. That’s why it took us so long to find out you had taken the magical girl.”

“You’re also aware that Scholar members are protected by cities and governments?”

“Certainly, Scholar members are supported by various corporations. But that doesn’t mean you can use it as an invincible shield to justify any action.”

Karl Heinz dropped his previously raised smile.

“─If you’re a bookish academic, then stay that way. Stick to your desk and don’t interfere in other areas.”

Hearing that, I frowned slightly and met Karl Heinz’s gaze.

“…Magical girls are the exclusive property of H Group?”

“I’d appreciate it if you called them a hallmark of City H!”

“Very well. I’ll send her back.”

“Wise decision. We didn’t want to antagonize Eblis Corporation unnecessarily.”

He seemed momentarily surprised by my agreement but quickly resumed business. He immediately moved to terminate the contract between me and White Fang, and even paid the penalty fees.

He wanted to sever the connection between me and the magical girl completely.

After quickly finishing the formalities, Karl Heinz asked me to return White Fang to City H by the end of the day. I nodded and glanced at the torn contract.

“─Well then, I’ll be off. Please make sure the magical girl is returned to City H by tonight.”

As I watched Karl Heinz walk away with that smug grin on his face, I silently stared at the table. Noticing my mood, Birana, who had been standing guard, quickly approached and patted me on the shoulder.

“You did the right thing, Eight. If you had fought, it wouldn’t have been just you in danger—civilians could’ve gotten hurt too.”




But I couldn’t stop laughing at Birana’s attempts to comfort me. The laughter just bubbled up uncontrollably. The research on spirits had been finished for a while. Even if Karl Heinz hadn’t shown up, I would’ve sent the magical girl back to City H soon enough.

But if he came all the way here to pick a fight and tarnish my and Eblis Corporation’s reputation, I couldn’t let that go unanswered.

‘Stick to your desk, huh?’

I’ll give him exactly what he wanted. As the bookish academic he called me, I’ll strike back with my pen.

After all, the pen is mightier than the sword. Some pens, even more so.

In the car back to City H, Karl Heinz glanced at the magical girl beside him, who dared to offer him advice. He chuckled at the nerve of her. She thought she was someone important just because he had hired her?

However, Karl smiled outwardly, hiding his true thoughts.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“He seemed like quite an impressive person… Was it really necessary to provoke him like that?”

“Haha! Yes, members of Scholar are not just bookish academics. They are some of the greatest minds in the world, the top five geniuses humanity has ever produced.”

It was true that calling someone like that just a ‘nerd’ was a bit of an understatement. But that didn’t mean they were untouchable.

“However, there are many members of Scholar, and the value our corporation creates is beyond what science alone could ever produce.”

“Is that so…?”

“Yes, exactly. No one can replicate what we do.”

As the car arrived in City H, Karl Heinz felt a thrill run down his spine, as if his soul had been licked by something unseen. This was it. The realm that science could neither explain nor replicate.

The unique authority of the Fairy Queen, monopolized by Heaven’s Company through their exclusive contract.

This was why magical girls and the enemies of the world only appeared in City H out of all the 26 cities.

“Director! Is it true you just returned from a business trip?”

“Yes, I did.”

“I see! Have a wonderful day!”

As Karl Heinz watched the cheerful employee wave goodbye, he noticed that the employee only had three fingers on one hand.

The fingers had been lost in an industrial accident recently, but the worker didn’t complain. He considered it fortunate that he had only lost two fingers, rather than the whole hand, and felt happy for that.

This was the same reason that H Group’s employees, despite having the lowest wages among the 26 cities, didn’t complain.

They were simply happy to have work.

“Yes, have a happy day.”

Due to the inhumane working conditions and low wages that would be unthinkable in any other city, H Group grew rapidly.

Their manufactured goods had taken over the world. And this was possible thanks to one thing: the magical girls and enemies of the world, which existed only in City H.

The enemies of the world fed on human misery. In other words, no matter how unhappy people became or how much they suffered, it didn’t matter much.

‘I can’t let this fall into the hands of others.’

That’s why he was so sensitive about the magical girl being taken. The Fairy Queen had told him that magical girls and the enemies of the world were two sides of the same coin. If a magical girl left for another city, the enemies could follow her there.

If the enemies of the world appeared in another city? The other cities would soon realize what made City H special, and they would do anything to steal magical girls for themselves.

Everyone in power would covet the ability to create slaves with no complaints.

‘Was it necessary to provoke a Scholar member?’

There was no need for that. But there was also no need to fear them. As a sponsor of their research, Karl Heinz was well aware of what the Scholar members were studying, so there was no reason to be afraid of Eight or anyone else.

After all, science could never encroach on the domain of magic. The Fairy Queen had told him that in her entire life, she had never seen anything like the power Karl Heinz now wielded.

Karl Heinz trusted the Fairy Queen.

“I-is there an emergency, Director?”

“…What is it now?”

“I apologize, sir, but it’s a very urgent matter…”

“What is it?”

“Please look at the TV.”

Hearing the sudden commotion from his subordinate, Karl Heinz frowned but switched on the television. The familiar news channel greeted him.

[Breaking news: A mysterious monster has appeared in City G… Local heroes are currently fighting back.]

The news anchor played a social media video of the incident, and Karl Heinz’s expression hardened as he watched the footage.

While the people in other cities might not realize it yet, Karl Heinz, who dealt with these creatures every day, knew exactly what he was looking at.

It was an enemy of the world. A creature that was supposed to only appear in City H.

“…Why is that thing there?”

But there was no time for shock. Before Karl Heinz could formulate a response, the news anchor continued with another breaking update.

[Ah…! We’ve just received new information identifying the creature as an enemy of the world! To repeat, it is an enemy of the world! This monster, which had previously only appeared in City H, has now appeared in City G. What could this mean…?]

“Send the magical girls! Now!”

“Yes, sir!”

Karl Heinz shouted orders. Letting an enemy of the world roam freely in another city was out of the question. If he didn’t act, H Group’s monopoly would be destroyed.

As Karl continued to yell at his subordinates, the news anchor gave yet another update.

[We’re now receiving reports of small mysterious creatures appearing in City A! They claim to be spirits...]

“Damn it.”

Karl Heinz felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Something was happening.

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