The Evil Scientist is Too Competent
Chapter 71 Table of contents

"Boss, I have carried out all the orders you gave."

"What orders?"


After capturing the rabbit beastwoman, Hani, and delivering the appropriate punishment, I reported the details to the boss. Lying on her bed, she seemed to recall the order she had given a few days ago, letting out a casual exclamation.

"Oh—right, I did issue that order a couple of days ago. So, how did you handle it?"

"First, I read her memories, then—"

"—Hold on. Are we talking about something inhumane that would make me lose faith in humanity?"

"Huh? No way. I simply educated her so she wouldn't mess with our organization again."

"You’re not lying, are you? Can I trust you...?"

Regalia looked at me as if she were watching an overly lively food wrapper come to life. I straightened my expression and explained what I had done to Hani.

After hearing about the 'Good Child,' 'correction,' and 'AI education' processes, Regalia seemed relieved and let out a sigh.

"Whew—okay, that's not so bad. I was worried I’d created another poor victim."

"You don’t have to worry about that."

"Good. Scientist, enjoy the rest of your vacation—you’ve earned it."

I bowed slightly in gratitude and recalled the transformed Hani after her education. After a few tests, she had become a paragon of virtue, ethics, and morality—an exemplary person by all standards.

It was as if I had saved a soul destined to live at the bottom. Truly a rewarding experience. I even thought, for a moment, that the world would be a better place if everyone became like Hani.


Hani glanced back as she exited the Eblis Corporation building. This was the place where her comrades—her lost experimental cohort—worked.

‘To think I had misunderstood…’

After her education ended, Hani was deemed ready to engage in human conversation again. She had the opportunity to speak with Levi-tan one-on-one.

They discussed where they had been all this time and whether Levi-tan had been brainwashed or subjected to malicious experiments by the evil organization.

To Hani's surprise, the evil organization, despite its name, hadn’t committed any evil deeds. In fact, they had freed Levi-tan from the confines of being an L-Series experimental subject. It was hard to believe.

─Levi-tan, will I be able to see you again? ─Of course! Oh, what should you say now? ─…It’s a promise. See you again soon.

Hani used what she had learned during her education to promise Levi-tan they would meet again. It was a remarkable development. Of course, Levi-tan was never going to refuse, but Hani had realized something new—that sharp weapons weren’t necessary for conversation.

It wasn’t just Levi-tan, either. As she walked out of the Eblis Corporation, many combatants and regular employees alike greeted her kindly and without hesitation granted her requests.

This kind of kindness was something she had never experienced while trapped in Omega Industries or when wandering the back alleys after her escape.

It was this kindness that made her realize the education she had received wasn’t wrong after all.

‘All this time, I was doing wrong without knowing it…’

She had never learned differently, and the people around her had lived in the same way, so it was no wonder she hadn’t realized. In fact, Hani had been one of the more "considerate" ones. There were plenty of others who robbed and killed without even bothering to talk.

And how had she behaved in comparison? All she did was hold a sword, never actually forcing anyone. If someone had refused, she would have backed off. Of course, no one had ever refused.

After taking a train and leaving E City, Hani returned to the place she used to call home. While wandering the streets, she came across a pair of thugs spitting on the ground and threatening passersby with weapons.

Armed with her newfound moral and ethical values, Hani couldn’t ignore this sight.

"—Excuse me."

"Huh? What’s up, lady? Got some business with us?"

"Yes, I have a question."

At the sight of Hani—a striking beauty—approaching them, the two thugs changed their expression to that of predators eyeing prey.

Though Hani couldn’t see their expressions directly, she knew full well what those probing gazes meant as they hit her like needles on her skin.

"You threw trash on the street and threatened this person just now, didn’t you?"

"Yeah, so? Got a problem?"

"No, no problem. I’m just curious."

As the thugs sneered, Hani repeated what she had learned from her moral instructor.

"I heard that humans don’t act like this. Are you perhaps not human?"

"This bitch—what did you just say?!"

"Ah! As I thought! The fact that you responded with insults confirms you’re not human!"

Realizing she was dealing with non-humans, Hani recalled what to do when non-humans attack people. Her moral instructor had taught her that creatures who hurt humans were nothing more than beasts—and when beasts harm humans, they must be exterminated.

This logic, crafted by a rational AI unaware of the complexities of human behavior, was perfect in Hani’s mind, who had never received any other education.

"So, you beasts—would it be alright if I cut you down?"


As Hani drew her katana, the thugs suddenly realized they were in deep trouble. But by then, it was too late.

Hani remembered that there was no need to ask beasts for permission. The beasts before her were simply walking targets for extermination.

"U-ugh! Run! This bitch is crazy!" "Permission granted, thank you."

With a swift, idealistic sense of morality and ethics, Hani swung her katana. Like her moral instructor, she delivered justice to the beasts that had threatened humans.


Fireworks exploded in the sky.

Against the pitch-black beach, the vibrant colors of the fireworks lit up the night.

"Wow, wooooah!" "Not bad…"

People gasped in awe at the display. The emerald-colored waves, reflecting the fireworks, sparkled beautifully. Both the women who loved this kind of spectacle and the men who were less impressed still enjoyed the show.

While everyone focused on the fireworks in the sky, I walked along the edge of the beach with Levi-tan.

"Ehehe, I love the beach at night."

"Aren’t you going to watch the fireworks, Levi-tan?"

"What about you, Eit-tan?"

"You’re the one who brought me here…"

"Oh, right?"

Levi-tan tilted her head cutely and stuck out her tongue. Looking at her, I felt my anger melt away. As always, the executives of the evil organization were all strikingly beautiful.

It wasn’t like there was some procedure to choose their appearance, yet the place was filled with traditional beauties, all of whom appealed to me in one way or another.

I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about how odd it was that so many Earthlings, who were once handsome or beautiful, had taken to altering their looks in bizarre ways. But Levi-tan’s natural beauty put those thoughts to rest.

"So? What’s the reason you dragged me all the way out here?"

"Hmm? No reason at all."

"You expect me to believe you brought me to this secluded spot for no reason? While everyone else is distracted by the fireworks?"

No way.

I swallowed nervously as I stared at Levi-tan, trying to read her intentions.

Could it be? Was she planning to get back at me for messing with her former comrade? Did she hold a grudge and intend to harm me?

‘If that’s the case… this could be dangerous.’

Levi-tan, while human in appearance due to surgery, was still a beastwoman at heart. If she wanted to, she could draw on her genetics and unleash strength far beyond her prime.

If she wanted to hurt me, the chances of surviving an attack—even with the barrier in my wristwatch—were slim.

I might survive the first hit, but not the follow-up.

"Eit-tan, do you…"


"Do you have anyone you like?"

Fortunately, her question was far from what I had imagined. Very far. What was she getting at, asking this now? I didn’t need to think too hard to understand her intent.

"No. At least, not in this world."

"Oh? I do…"

"Do you?"

Feigning ignorance, I remained silent. Levi-tan, clearly amused by my nonchalant response, suddenly skipped ahead and turned to face me.

"I like you, Eit-tan."


"What do you think? You’re not uninterested in women, right? And I’m not a bad choice, am I?"

She confessed. Right there, on the beach. A colleague from the same organization.

For a moment, I couldn’t say a word. The tension felt palpable. Despite the summer beach setting, my throat was parched and dry.

I didn’t know what to say. But I couldn’t stay silent forever. So, what came out of my mouth was a reflex.

"Feel free to keep liking me."

"Does that mean you're accepting!?"

"No, I mean, you’re free to like me. I’m not one to control someone else’s feelings…"

A polite rejection.

Yet Levi-tan either didn’t understand or chose to ignore it. She started bouncing with joy, laughing happily.

"Really!? I can keep liking you, Eit-tan!?"

Watching her smile so brightly, I felt like a frog caught in a snake’s gaze.

I realized at that moment that escaping Levi-tan would not be an easy task…


A few days passed after our return from vacation.

I was summoned to the boss’s office.

Regalia was watching a children’s anime on the TV in the corner when I entered the room. She hurriedly changed the channel when she noticed me.

"Ahem—there you are."

"Boss, watching shows like that at your age isn’t something to be embarrassed about."

"I-I have no idea what you’re talking about…"

Regalia, clearly wanting to change the subject, quickly brought up the reason for calling me.

"Scientist, I need you to do me a favor."

"Yes. What should I make this time?"

"It’s not quite that kind of request… but I suppose, in a way, it’s similar."

Regalia handed me a piece of paper. Frowning, I accepted it and quickly scanned the contents.

On the paper was written: Parent-Teacher Conference Invitation.

"I’d like you to act as a parent for this child."


"Yes, you."

That alone was enough to leave me flabbergasted, but then Regalia added the final blow.

"And you can choose who will play the role of the mother."

Regalia smiled brightly.

…It seemed I had suddenly been thrust into the role of a father.



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