Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 231 Table of contents

I had been wondering why the Regressor was so quiet, but it seemed she was reading the subtle currents felt from the ground. Thanks to the power of Jizan, the Regressor instinctively realized that we had reached the terminal.

"This is the Northeast Terminal. Everyone, keep quiet."

The Regressor, who was fully focused using all her senses, put her finger to her lips. I relayed her words as they were.

"Mr. Shei's orders. Everyone, be quiet. Though, mopping doesn't make noise, so keep doing that."

"...You be quiet yourself."

The Northeast Terminal was bustling. The aftermath of the chase on the other side hadn't reached here, as the busy movements of the laborers engrossed in their tasks were evident. Clang, clang. The rough metallic sound of the giant crane grabbing containers was loud enough to be heard inside.

Amidst the cacophony, a very faint presence headed this way. The Regressor was the first to sense it.

"Wait, someone is coming this way."

Tyr, who had only fragmentary knowledge of the laborers and the terminal, asked with a puzzled expression.

"I heard this place is for delivering large parcels. Could it be a worker coming to collect the cargo?"

"No. The container we're in is headed for the south, so they wouldn't even look at it in the northeast."

"Then, who are they? Are they not coming this way, after all?"

"It's one of two things. Either the Military State has come to inspect us, or... the Resistance has come looking for us for some other reason."

With a chilling demeanor, the Regressor placed her fingers on the hilt of Chun-aeng, ready to subdue the enemy immediately if necessary.

While the Regressor laid in wait, determining if the approaching party was from the Resistance or the Military State, I used Mind Reading to gain a grasp of the situation one step quicker.

「Damn it, why do we have to do this labor here?」

「Seriously. We should be doing something more productive with this opportunity.」

The claim that the world is interesting because you never know what will happen is merely a pitiful attempt to secure a mental victory.

Why? Because it’s not even boring for me, who can read all thoughts.

「Why would Tantalus escapees who stirred up the entire Military State be here? That's nonsense.」

「Rumor has it that the Progenitor is included. Why would a Vampire of ancient times help us? If she wanted to fight the Military State, she’d call the Coven of the Duchy. Or turn us all into familiars and use us.」

「If it weren't for the Princess's orders...」

As a Mind Reader, I can guarantee this. It's quite fun to know the answers in advance. If you want to argue, go and read a mind first. Let’s see what you have to say then. I heard the grumbling thoughts coming my way. Hmm, it seems certain they are part of the Resistance.

The Regressor was right. Even if it was not all of them, the Resistance had someone of considerable status who was... trying to seize opportunities here and there. It hasn’t even been long since we have clashed with the Military State. Yet, they’re already coming to meet us?

Typical of the Resistance, they lacked purpose compared to their ambition. Right as such individuals drew near…

"Hey, you over there! We're conducting a search right now! Have you forgotten?! Hurry up and check!"

A loud voice urged them from the other side of the terminal. It was the supervisor.

The Regressor's expression hardened at the word 'search'. At the same time, she gripped Chun-aeng tighter.

「A search? Tch, if we're caught here, everything will be ruined. If the Far East troops rush to Command, we'll meet them in the middle. Do we need to run now?」

Oh no, oh my. This is dangerous.

To be clear, this isn't a specific search for us. It's a routine search that happens in a quasi-wartime situation. If they knew we were on the Meta Conveyor Belt, the supervisor would personally search the container.

But the Regressor didn't know if the ones outside were soldiers under the supervisor's orders or Resistance members in disguise. So she might swing Chun-aeng the moment they appear.

"Y-Yes! We will check it as quickly as possible!"

"We're coming now!"

The reply came from outside the container. It was close. Muttering to themselves, they approached the container.

「We’re the ones who are a part of the Resistance, though! A search, my foot!」

「Surely, there won't be anyone! Who would be in a container anyway?」

「Tch! When we rise, you Military State pigs are done for! Done for, I tell you!」

Before that happens, it looks like you’ll be done for first. By the Regressor, that is. She’s on the verge of slicing all of you.

This won’t do. I need to intervene first.

Clank. The sound of the container's lock being released was heard. As the metal unlatched, a tense atmosphere filled the container.

The Regressor, gripping Chun-aeng, took a step forward.

But before she could, I approached the door and carefully tapped the container wall with my finger.

Tap. T-T-Tap T-T-Tap. Tap Tap.

Once, six times, twice. Though it seemed meaningless, it was actually a secret code for the Resistance.

Upon hearing the signal from inside, there was a flinch on the other side.

「Huh? What? Who's signaling?」

「Wait, is there actually...?」

The common response to sensing someone is to run or report to the supervisor. But instead of retreating, they approached, scanning their surroundings nervously. Trembling hands unlocked the container. With a clatter, the door swung open, revealing two grimy laborers.

They were definitely Resistance members... but apart from such actions, indistinguishable from ordinary laborers.

They saw us inside.

As their eyes widened in surprise, a voice urged them from the other side, causing them to jump in fright.

"Is the inspection done?!"

My decision to go out and greet them was excellent. If I hadn't preemptively reduced the shock, they might have screamed.

One of the laborers stammered.

"Ah, th-there's… nothing wrong here!"

"Then close it quickly! Another container is coming!"


While one of them shouted with a slightly trembling voice, the other hastily took out a neatly folded paper from his pocket. I accepted it, and with a small nod, they closed the container door very politely.

Beyond the closed door, I heard their bewildered thoughts.

「How was that actually true?」

「As expected of the Princess! To think she foresaw this too...! Is noble blood truly a different caliber?」

Thud. Clang. The sound of the lock clicking shut marked their departure. Darkness returned to the container, and we began to move through the noisy terminal.

While sighing in relief, the Regressor approached and slapped my shoulder in approval. It was a fairly friendly gesture, but it hurt a bit.

Another reason she has no friends, huh?

"You scared me by suddenly stepping in! Give a heads-up before you act!"

"It was urgent. Rather than that, you scared me just now too, so can you warn me before hitting me?"

"Oh? Is it okay to hit you if I warn you?"

“Looks like there’s no hope for me either way. Then, at least go easy on me. Please.”

"By the way, how did you know they were from the Resistance?"

Though I actually read their thoughts, that was not how I replied.

"There was no other choice, was there? If they were Public Security looking for us, we would have to run immediately. But if they're from the Resistance? We should think of making contact first. Either way, we had to greet whoever came from outside ever so warmly. Like a host welcoming their guest"

"Huh! Pretty quick judgment!"

The Regressor, in a good mood, happily took the paper package from me. She pulled out the contents and read the note.

"To my knight... Hmm. A knight, is it? Was it a personal intervention? It's been a while since we made contact this way..."

「Every time I oppose the Military State, I’m always contacted first. It's... not pleasant, but with the situation set up like this, it might actually be better to turn the table.」

While mumbling, the Regressor took out a handkerchief from the folded paper. It was a luxurious handkerchief, the kind handled by Seamless Cloths.

In the past, during the age of knights, a handkerchief symbolized a lady and a high-ranking noble.

It was also a perfect marker, as it wasn't unusual for anyone in the Military State to carry one.

"Once we pass the terminal, I'll hang this on top of the container. They'll come to us first with this, after all!"

While the Regressor checked the handkerchief for more messages, Historia examined it silently, lost in thought.

「...Is this… the right thing to do? Just watching from the sidelines, as they march into Command...?」

Historia had little loyalty to the Military State, but she regretted not stopping the tragedy from that time.

As such, if our actions led to a tragedy, she was determined to prevent it in any way possible.

「The Resistance is a group that hates the Military State. I know just how intense the revenge they hold is. If they are able to wield such power... even if it's less grotesque than Hamelin, a bigger tragedy could occur, couldn’t it?」

Historia glanced at our group. An enigmatic young swordsman, the Progenitor of Vampires Tyrkanzyaka, the two Beast Kings, and me.

Her wariness actually spiked when she looked at me. She was so suspicious that I almost protested, forgetting that I was reading her mind.

「With Huey involved, I can't predict in which direction this situation will lead. Should I just run out and reveal their presence?」

What? Wait. Run out?

Historia's thoughts all too naturally led to action. As she had concluded her decision, she stood up, ready to bolt outside.

Just before she did, I lunged and grabbed her shoulder. In case she shouted, I covered her mouth with both hands.


Hello? Hold on for a sec. Why are you acting so rashly? If I wasn’t able to read thoughts, this would have been disastrous!

Although restrained, Historia could easily shake me off if she wanted. However, she couldn't make any noise at the immediate moment. Any type of sound inherently required air vibrations, and I was blocking her mouth and nose.

Well, she could throw me off of her and shout, but it was too late. The Regressor's attention was already drawn, you see.

The Regressor, noticing the commotion, asked.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"N-Nothing. It seemed like it was about time for her to crave mana herb, so I was giving it to her!"

As I removed my hand that had been covering her mouth with an awkward smile, a round mana herb was stuck in Historia's mouth. As if understanding, the Regressor nodded but then tilted her head.

"Do you have to give it to her like that, though?"

"It's a secret world for adults that innocent kids who don't smoke mana herb wouldn't understand."

"What? Are you seriously Feeling superior over something so trivial? Hah!"

As expected, the best way to switch up the vibes was to tease her. The Regressor frowned deeply.

"Since it's a closed space, try to refrain from smoking! Just how much does she smoke anyway?"

"Haha, I'll make sure to tell her to restrain herself... Ria! Consider the time and place! Look at how much Mr. Shei and Tyr are accommodating you! And yet, you're acting out like this!"

I shouted at her with the implication that she shouldn't act rashly. Except, it was based on rather baseless assumptions seeing as how… you know. The other side hasn't done anything yet.

The trembling in Historia's body subsided.

「...Still as perceptive as ever. The moment he saw me about to run, he stopped me. Was he perhaps watching me...? Or does he just have a wide field of vision?」

Historia closed her eyes in resignation and wiggled the mana herb in her mouth with her lips.

"Huey, light."

"Am I a lighter? Tsk, know that I’m only doing it because you're tied up."

Grumbling, I conjured a flame at my fingertip. The flame touched the tip of the mana herb, igniting it with the final spark.

Mana herb has long been known for its calming effect. The reason is simple. Once you inhale the already burnt ashes, they can't reignite. What's left can only settle down, never to burn again.

Historia, having taken a deep drag of the mana herb, calmed herself down.

「I was too... emotional. To be honest, there's no point in running out now. The Resistance has that child, so… Perhaps I was afraid of meeting them. However, instead of avoiding it, I should face them.」

I knew who that child was but there wasn’t any real need to dwell on it.

After all, they, along with the Resistance, came looking for us not long after.

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