Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint
Chapter 232 Table of contents

The land that flowed formed a valley by itself.

The Meta Conveyor Belt couldn't have height differences, so when building the road in the northern highlands, the Military State undertook a grand construction project worthy of historical record.

Usually, flowing water carves out the land over time to form valleys, but the Military State had countless humans carve out the valleys to make the land flow. A human feat that defied the very laws of nature. Although it was the work of an enemy, one couldn't help but pay respect.

No, but were they really an enemy?

In her forgotten childhood, this country killed her parents. The soldiers who staged the coup executed the rightful owners of the Kingdom, King Grandiomor and the Queen, on absurd charges.

And not only that, they tried to wipe out the remaining noble bloodline of the royal family. They dared to commit regicide.

Therefore, Yerien Grandiomor should naturally despise them…

…was what she was told, but the resentment tied to knowledge easily dispersed. No matter how much she reminded herself, Yerien couldn't find it in herself to muster anger.

The Last Princess. The descendent of the Grandiomor Royal Family, which had existed since ancient times.

However, in the face of Mother Nature, the small girl couldn’t help but stare endlessly at the flowing land, half in admiration.

Then, she noticed a familiar white handkerchief. Yerien murmured.

“…That handkerchief.”

Her guardian knight, Sir Landemeyer, who was standing quietly by her side, nodded.

“It belongs to Your Highness. It truly does seem they are here…”

Sir Landemeyer, who murmured in disbelief, soon looked at Yerien with eyes filled with admiration. He spoke in an excited voice full of respect, reverence, and adoration.

“How amazing! How did Your Highness know they would come this way? Truly, someone of noble blood has a foresight beyond mere ordinary men!”

These were the same people who would call even her whistle a heavenly melody. Despite being used to such sudden praise, Yerien still felt embarrassed. She awkwardly smiled.

“Hehehe. It's not that. We just had no choice. For those of us based in the north, there was only this one possibility to meet them. If I had to explain, it was like betting everything on a single card.”

“Unique insight and the divine luck to make it possible. Those are the qualities of a ruler! And Your Highness possesses them all!”


The sublime Princess covered her face with an awkward laugh. Perhaps due to his overwhelming admiration, the knight failed to see the anguish hidden behind Yerien's face.

As he gazed at the container, Sir Landemeyer cautiously brought up the next matter.

“By the way, Princess. If I may be so bold, could I speak about the delegation?”

“If you’re going to tell me not to go, then don’t. It’s my decision.”

“I beg of you, Princess! It’s dangerous!”

Sir Landemeyer, seemingly not tired of trying, audaciously tried to overturn his lord's decision.

Though it was something he should be punished for, knowing it stemmed from loyalty, Yerien gently shook her head.

“The conclusion will be the same regardless. I will go myself.”

“Please reconsider. It is dangerous. The opponent is….”

“I know. But it's absurd for the person trying to use that power to avoid danger out of fear. Sir Landemeyer, I must go as your lord and the representative of the Resistance.”

“Keuk…! Then, at least, have an escor…”

“Isn't Sir Landemeyer enough? The last knight of the Kingdom as well as the strongest of the Resistance. Or are you perhaps not going to protect me, Sir?”

“How could that be! I will protect you with my life! But…”

There are things that cannot be protected by determination alone.

25 years ago, when the Royal Castle burned and honor was trampled. When the true face of sacred duels was revealed by one man. Sir Landemeyer, who had come upon this realization at the mere age of ten, grasped his spear handle tightly, speaking in a suppressed voice.

“The Progenitor Tyrkanzyaka is a Vampire of legends, so it is understandable. However! The boy swordsman named Shei is a monster who matched the Sunderspear at that age!”

“Sir. Do not worry. That boy is just a slightly younger Sunderspear.”

“That’s exactly what makes him a monster! A monster who might be able to single-handedly destroy the country!”

How long had knights ruled the world under the noble value of the duel?

However, after the value of the duel was reversed, the Kingdom's honor was utterly crushed. A duel started by one person overthrew the entire Kingdom. The remnants of the Kingdom scattered, and even with their great power, they couldn't recover. Why? Because the very value they protected had been shattered.

As long as the Sunderspear existed, no knights would be born. Only death awaited.

“If something were to happen to the Princess…”

“Sir. Hush.”

Yerien pretended to be angry. Landemeyer immediately bowed his head and knelt.

After emphasizing her discomfort with a short silence, Yerien softened her expression and spoke with a kind word.

“I am the Princess of a ruined nation. To take risks is part of my duty.”

Landemeyer did not respond. Not because he had nothing to say, but because the rules forbade him from speaking without his lord's permission. Yerien often used this rule but felt discomfort each time.

What were knights and what was a king? Why did people abandon kings? Perhaps this exact situation was why kings had all but vanished.

Yerien spoke with a bitter smile.

“And, I assure you. They won’t be that dangerous. That is my insight.”

Though she named it insight, it was, in reality, groundless. It was like calling an obvious dead-end the only way out.

But there was no choice. For those with no stakes left, every moment was one where they must go all-in.

The Princess didn't know what the Kingdom was like. She didn't even know if the Kingdom described in the heroic tales was worth restoring at the cost of her life.

However, many people saved her, cared for her, and loved her. Yerien couldn't abandon those who cared for her.

Even if not as a Princess, as everyone's daughter… Yerien decided to fulfill her duty.

With such resolve, she smiled gently and called her friend.

A friend with no interest in restoring the Kingdom, hence unbound by duty.

A very precious friend… who had lost her own friends, future, and right arm to the Military State.

“Furthermore, Shiati will help me, after all.”


After boarding the Meta Conveyor Belt, the Princess of the Resistance who visited our container was met with an awkward situation.

‘Huehhh… I didn’t expect this at all, hingggg…’

I agree.

The approach of the Resistance was good. And of course, I knew the fact that the leader was the Princess of a ruined nation by reading the Regressor’s mind.

Well, to unite the remnants of the Ruined Kingdom, you'd at least need a royal bloodline. After all, to continue to resist for nearly 25 years, having an unbroken spirit was crucial.


“Ahaha! Nice to meet you, Historia! So! So very much!”

To think that a survivor of Hamelin would be with the Princess.

“Huey, you too! I never expected to meet a familiar face here!”

To greet or not to greet?

The prosthetic arm attached to the right side. The rough skin tanned from prolonged exposure to the sun. And the awkward smile that somehow seemed broken.

Historia squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head. But bound as she was, she couldn’t escape. The prosthetic hand grasped her chin.

Such audacity. Even in her current state, Historia, one of the Six Star Generals, could easily crush someone. Yet, this mere Resistance member approached her so closely.

The Princess, hiding behind her guardian knight, rolled her eyes nervously.

“Shi-Shiati. Isn’t that person… a Star General? Even if she’s bound, getting that close seems dangerous. I think.”

But Shiati didn’t stop. Instead, Historia was the one to recoil. Overwhelmed by Shiati’s spirit, she tried to turn her head away.

But the traces of the past clung to Historia like eyelids. With her Qi Arts at its peak, she could visualize Shiati even with her eyes closed. The violent spirit, the excited breath, and even the awkwardly moving right-hand prosthetic, barely holding onto the unpleasant… hollow of what once was.

“Ah, don’t worry, Princess. Didn’t I tell you? I’m close friends with someone high up in the Military State.”

Shiati pulled Historia’s shoulder. Despite trying desperately to retreat, bound as she was, there was no way to shake off Shiati. Their chests touched and a blatant gaze fell upon Historia. As such, she bit her lip and lowered her own gaze.

“Moreover… my dear friend. Is the savior who saved my life, after all. When she dug me out from the bottom of the river in Hamelin… Words cannot express how so, very grateful I was.”

As if taunting a captive, she fearlessly pulled Historia’s face close and rubbed her cheek. Shiati grinned with pleasure.

“After all, it means even monsters have hearts! And it means we are capable of hurting even the seemingly invincible Daughter of the Military State!!”


Hamelin, at the bottom of the river.

The children decided to walk along the riverbed arm in arm.

The risk of being swept away by the current was too great alone, so they planned to hold each other like chains.

However, a few, including Shiati, who had completely given up hope, chose to just let themselves be carried away.

Claiming that floating corpses would cause a greater shock, they decided to drown while hugging the corpses of children killed by Nicholas and the beasts.

Children cried, clinging to Shiati. But Shiati’s resolve was firm.

Since sacrifices were necessary, and more dead people would reduce the Military State’s suspicion, real drowned bodies were needed to make it look like a genuine suicide case.

Having lost her right arm and suffering from an infected wound, she believed she was the right candidate.

Rather than surviving and achieving nothing, she wanted to die and cause harm to the Military State, even if it was just a little.

She said this with a smile, half sincere yet also half in despair.

It was an excuse to push away her friends’ dissuasion.


To children who had bonded through repeated hardships, the grand excuse to give up on life was far too sweet.

Though unintentional, her words reached the children's hearts.

For those abandoned, there was already enough reason to give up on life. Their survival instincts were the only thing holding them back.

However, humans often learn the ability to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the unseen. If it’s for the country, you can give up your life… Such harsh teachings of the Military State were part of this as well.

And in this moment, that very teaching was turned against the Military State.

For the sake of friends.

For the sake of those who would survive.

For the sake of tormenting this detestable country.

The children, who walked arm in arm on the riverbed, one by one, released the strength from their arms and shoulders. Instead of stepping forward, they lifted their feet.

The chain that supported each other broke strand by strand, flowing down the river.

No, rather than that… Perhaps an invisible yet strong chain bound them all and dragged them away.

Historia, who had come downstream looking for the missing children, witnessed this scene and tried to save the drifting children. But no matter how strong she was, even the Daughter of the Military State couldn’t hold onto lives that had given up on living.

Among the horrific sight before her, the lives Historia personally swam to save were… ironically, only Shiati and a few others who had drifted first.

They swore to kill the Military State even in death and joined the Resistance.

Thus, the true Resistance, not mere remnants of the old forces but those born and raised in the Military State, was born.

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