Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 67 Table of contents

Chapter 67: Stop Fighting!

Given the vengeful nature of these two, this cycle of retaliation will never cease.

You hit me, I hit you, when will this cycle of grievances end?

As the saying goes, to stop one war, another must be waged.

At this moment, Noia, the future inheritor of the Silver Dragon Temple, studying far away at the St. Hys Academy, perhaps due to a telepathic connection with her parents, or perhaps for other reasons—

In any case, she managed to stop this human-dragon conflict in a rather unexpected manner.

As Rosvitha’s clothes were halfway off, the balcony echoed with the cry of a messenger dragon.

Helplessly, Rosvitha had to put her clothes back on first, sparing Leon for the time being.

She went to the balcony, thinking it was a letter from her sister Isla, but upon opening it, her brow furrowed.

Seeing Rosvitha taking so long to return, Leon got out of bed and went to the balcony.

“What happened?” Leon stood beside her.

Rosvitha said nothing, but handed the letter in her hand to Leon.

Taking the letter, Leon was immediately surprised, “Noia got into a fight with someone?!”

“The fact that the academy sent a messenger dragon this late suggests that this matter may be serious.”

Rosvitha’s tone was full of concern, “Noia… she won’t be in any danger, will she?”

Noia was much younger than other dragons her age, and for such a small child to go out to study alone, hearing news of her getting into a fight with someone, how could Rosvitha not worry?

Leon looked at the notification letter in his hand, which contained very brief content:

Mr. Leon, Ms. Rosvitha, Noia recently got into a physical altercation with other students at the academy. Please come to the academy tomorrow morning to discuss this matter.

Leon was unaware of the situation in the dragon community’s news sphere. However, in the empire, the shorter the news, the bigger the issue.

Moreover, the fact that the academy had sent a messenger dragon here in the dead of night, demanding their presence early the next morning, indicated that this matter might indeed be significant.

Leon pursed his lips, his expression serious. He opened his mouth, wanting to voice his concerns. But when he saw Rosvitha’s anxious and worried expression, he swallowed his words.

While Leon was certainly worried about Noia, if he expressed these concerns now, it would only add to Rosvitha’s anxiety. Leon couldn’t afford to fan the flames. When it came to their daughter, he and Rosvitha tacitly put aside their past grievances.

Leon put away the notification letter and gently pulled Rosvitha’s arm. “Let’s go back and rest for now.”

Rosvitha didn’t say anything, silently following Leon into the room. She sat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with her nails, not uttering a word.

Leon tactfully refrained from starting a conversation with her, instead quietly tidying up the room that they had left in disarray. He put the chair back in place, returned the ropes to the storage room, and neatly folded the black stockings before placing them in the wardrobe.

Then, he prepared a cup of hot water and placed it on Rosvitha’s bedside.

Finally, he half-knelt in front of Rosvitha, lifting her chin to look at her. “Rest early. We’ll leave for the academy early tomorrow morning. I’ll sleep in the living room, and if you can’t sleep, come wake me up.”

Leon glanced at the back of Rosvitha’s hand, hesitating for a moment. He remembered the last time they interviewed, Rosvitha was very nervous, and he wanted to pat her hand to comfort her. But in the end, he only patted her shoulder. And this time…

After hesitating for a moment, Leon reached out and gently covered Rosvitha’s slightly cool hand. “Well, that’s it then,” he said, standing up and leaving the bedroom for the living room.

Rosvitha lifted her gaze to his retreating figure, feeling the warmth of his palm still lingering on the back of her hand. She opened her mouth, wanting to call him back. But the words stuck in her throat.

Rosvitha lowered her eyelids, catching sight of the family portrait on the bedside table. She reached out and picked it up, lightly brushing her fingertips over Noia’s face. “Please don’t get hurt, Noia.”

Meanwhile, Leon lay on the living room sofa, silently staring at the ceiling, contemplating whether it would be better to tear apart the person who bullied Noia with his bare hands or to use a knife.

The next morning, the couple rushed into the principal’s office.

Vice Principal Wilson was sitting behind his desk, discussing something with another teacher. Upon seeing Rosvitha and Leon, he immediately turned to the teacher and said, “Go call Noia and the others.”

“Yes, Principal.”

The couple hurried to the desk, and Rosvitha asked, “Principal, what’s going on with Noia? Why did she get into a fight with someone?”

“Please calm down, Miss Rosvitha,” the principal said, pushing up his glasses on his nose. “The cause of the incident isn’t very surprising; it’s just the conflicts between viviparous and oviparous dragons.”

The principal was actually glossing over the term “conflicts”; perhaps “discrimination” would be more accurate.

Oviparous dragons inherit their powers directly from the “mother” and require some time to grow. Although there is no difference in abilities between the two breeding methods when they reach adulthood, there are still some differences in abilities during their juvenile stage.

Apart from having advantages in physical fitness and innate talents, oviparous dragons also have a distinct feature: they are born with dragon horns, whereas viviparous dragons only develop them in adulthood.

However, these differences in appearance are not enough to incite conflicts to the extent of “discrimination.”

Another significant symbol of dragon identity and status is their tails. During a presentation where Leon, Rosvitha, and Noia were representing a model family, Leon did not display his tail. While most adult dragons wouldn’t care much about this, it could be seen as a sign of superiority for children.

Therefore, Noia’s conflict with others might have been based on these factors.

Wilson nodded. “Yes, those three children are indeed… rebellious. They often bully the viviparous dragons in the class. Unfortunately, Noia caught their attention.”

Rosvitha squinted slightly. “Three? Principal, are you saying that three dragons ganged up to bully my daughter?”

Leon, displeased, stepped forward and said softly, “Principal, this is indeed unacceptable. Find the parents of those three dragons, and I’ll talk to them.”

You know, reasoning with dragons as a dragon slayer is quite straightforward.

Wilson, feeling helpless, rubbed his forehead. Judging by the couple’s reaction, it seemed they had already assumed Noia was bullied. But in reality…

“The principal, Noia and the others are here,” the teacher who had just spoken said from the doorway.

“Ah, good, let them in,” the principal sighed in relief.

Leon and Rosvitha turned their heads towards the office door.

Under the guidance of the teacher, Noia stepped into the room. The couple hurriedly approached her, squatting on either side to check if she had any injuries.

Noia was puzzled. “Mom, what are you doing?”

“Did you get hurt? Are you feeling unwell anywhere? Do you need to go home and rest?”

The series of questions momentarily overwhelmed the young dragon’s brain.

Rosvitha examined her more carefully, inspecting each finger. But Leon’s quick check revealed that Noia seemed… perfectly fine.

With a sense of confusion, he glanced towards the door again.

At that moment, three more young dragons entered the room.

In stark contrast to Noia’s composure, all three of them had bruised faces—

The one in the middle even had bandages wrapped around his arm.

Once inside, the three stuck close together. When they saw Noia glance back at them, they scurried to the corner of the room.

Observing this, Leon’s thoughts stirred slightly, and he gently restrained Rosvitha’s hand.

“Huh? What’s up?” she asked.

“The information from the academy seems to be wrong. This doesn’t seem like a fight… it looks more like Noia was the one who attacked them,” Leon whispered.

“Att… attacked?” Rosvitha echoed, following Leon’s gaze.

Naturally, she also noticed the three sorry-looking young dragons.

Truly… each one looking worse than the other.

They had short little dragon horns on their heads, proving that they were indeed oviparous hatchlings. The two on the sides were short in stature, with large heads and thick necks, while the one in the middle looked more like a normal child, with a faint flame symbol between his eyebrows.

“The dwarf dragon clan and Flame Burn clans…” Rosvitha immediately identified their races.

Leon didn’t quite understand. “Dwarf dragons? Isn’t that the toad dragons?”



Leon paused, glanced around, then leaned in close to Rosvitha’s ear and whispered, “We used to call these ugly little dragons toad dragons when we were fighting. They’re not only stupid as hell but also extremely cowardly, used to train beginners who’ve just graduated from the Dragon Slayer Academy.”

Leon wanted to add that these dragons not only were dumb as rocks but also incredibly timid, perfect targets for new graduates to practice on.

“That’s quite fitting…”

Rosvitha picked up Noia, stood up, and sat next to Leon on the nearby sofa.

“Just wait a moment, their parents will be here soon.”

Lal, the Flame Burn dragon sitting in the middle, was probably the leader of the trio. Classic lineup of one leader and two followers.

About fifteen minutes later, the office door was pushed open again.

This time, three male dragons entered.

“Lal, heard you beat up some other kids? What’s the big deal? Can’t you handle it yourself? Whatever, just tell your dad how you messed up other people’s kids, and he’ll compensate them accordingly.”

The speaker was Lal’s father.

He seemed quite pleased with himself, as if his son beating up others was something to be proud of.

However, when he saw his precious son beaten black and blue, he was completely stunned and hurried over to check on him. “Son! How did you end up like this?!”

The other two dragons also approached to comfort their own sons.

Rosvitha leaned slightly to the side and whispered, “That guy is from the Flame Burn Dragon King, Constantine’s clan. The Flame Burn dragons are all arrogant and difficult to deal with.”

Leon whispered back, “I’ve killed enough Flame Burn dragons to circle the academy twice.”

Noia, puzzled, turned her head and looked at Leon.

Leon blinked and chuckled as he explained, “Ahaha, you see, your old man was quite the warrior in his younger days, fought all over, and contributed a lot to our Silver Dragon clan.”

“Isn’t it your kid who beat up my son like this? Come on, if you don’t apologize to my son today, don’t even think about leaving this room!” Lal’s father pointed at Leon.

“Quiet!” Vice Principal Wilson banged the table. “Let me summarize the situation.”

“Lal and his companions knocked over Noia’s tray last night in the cafeteria. Whether it was intentional or accidental, both sides have conflicting claims, and we’ll set that aside for now.”

“Later, on the way back to the dorms, Lal and his friends cornered Noia in the dormitory backyard, and a physical confrontation ensued.”

“And now, we’re here.”

“Do you have anything to add?”

Noia raised her hand. “I have something to add.”

“Go ahead, Noia.”

“They cornered me in the backyard, and the short-footed dragon on the left rushed at me first. I kicked him in the stomach, and he couldn’t get up.”

“Then it was the short-footed dragon on the right. When he rushed at me, I grabbed his arm, performed a shoulder throw, and slammed him to the ground, then stomped on his shoulder.”

“Finally, it was the Flame Burn dragon in the middle. I grabbed his tail, stomped on it, and when he tried to punch me, I accidentally broke his arm.”

“Principal, I’m done with my addition.”

Principal Wilson rubbed his temples in silence. “Well… Lal, regarding what Noia said about ‘accidentally breaking your arm,’ do you have anything to say?”

“Absolutely not! Everything Noia said is true!” Lal quickly replied.

“You little scoundrel, how dare you turn against us? She’s the one who beat you up, why are you siding with her?”

Lal’s father was evidently a tough customer. He looked at Noia. “It’s clear what happened here. This little girl beat up my son, and she did it brutally. She’s in the wrong. I demand an apology from her!”

“Not only an apology, but both of these individuals should also bow and apologize to my son together! And they must compensate him according to the damages! Not a penny less!”

“Principal, my demands are reasonable, right?”

Principal Wilson intervened hastily. “Alright, calm down, both of you. We—”

Suddenly, Leon spoke up. “I think, Noia, you indeed made a mistake.”

All eyes immediately turned to the male dragon who was reluctant to reveal his tail.

“Leon, what are you talking about—”

Leon gently placed his hand on Noia’s head. As he looked into her puzzled eyes, he explained slowly, “Firstly, after you knocked down the first toad dragon—ah, I mean, the short-footed dragon, you should have delivered another kick to ensure he couldn’t sneak up on you.”

“Secondly, after the shoulder throw, you shouldn’t have stomped on his stomach. It’s too cruel. Let me teach you; stomp on the thigh instead; it quickly immobilizes the opponent.”

“Lastly, breaking the Flame Burn dragon’s arm wouldn’t necessarily instill fear in him. Their biggest weakness actually lies in their knees because they lack strong jumping abilities. Once their knees are damaged, they’re practically sitting ducks on the battlefield. Got it?”

Noia blinked her beautiful eyes, looking somewhat surprised at this man. His analysis was logical, and his advice was reliable. He didn’t seem like just a stay-at-home dad.

The inherent desire for strength among dragons made Noia’s admiration for Leon skyrocket.

Noia smiled rarely and nodded earnestly. “Got it, I’ll keep that in mind next time.”

Unexpectedly, in such a situation, Leon not only fully supported her but also provided on-the-spot coaching. Listening to his advice, the two short-footed dragons opposite them trembled with fear. Noia even felt eager to try out Leon’s techniques.

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