Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 68 Table of contents

Chapter 68: I Suggest You Have a Few More

I believe everyone encounters such individuals in their daily lives inevitably:

When they can’t comprehend reason, they rely on their loud voices, throwing tantrums, crying, making a scene, even resorting to extremes like hanging themselves, pulling every which way, completely lacking in manners.

Coincidentally, Lal’s father, at this moment, is earnestly performing this type of person according to stereotypes, bringing about a strong sense of discomfort to everyone present.

Leon even suspects whether he’s a dragon or a rabid dog.

Although his recent analysis deeply pleased Noia and Rosvitha, how could Lal’s father on the opposite side sit still after hearing it?

“Hey hey hey, Principal, did you hear that? This guy actually publicly taught his daughter how to bully my child? Isn’t this a slap in the face?”

“I think, for such a violent student, an apology is no longer sufficient to solve the problem. She should be expelled! Never allowed to enroll again!”

Principal Wilson raised his hand to stop Lal’s father’s incessant chatter.

“Quiet down, whether to expel or not is for the school to decide. Moreover, many students have reported that Lal often bullies some embryonic dragons. Last night in the cafeteria, many students also said that Lal was deliberately provoking Noia.”

Upon hearing this, Lal’s father became even more indignant, pounding the table and pointing at Wilson’s nose, angrily saying.

“Hey, you old stubborn fool, are you confused? Clearly, it was their child who hit my son. You still haven’t imposed any punishment, and you’re saying my son deliberately provoked them?”

“My son never provokes others. He’s just always like that, used to it. Who would have thought those useless little dragons would think my son is bullying them? Bunch of wimps.”

“And even if my son did bully someone, there must be a reason. Principal, is your school so corrupt and biased?”

Wilson frowned, replying sternly, “Watch your words, Lal’s father. If you continue to slander the school, the school will take even more serious actions against Lal.”

In response to Principal Wilson’s warning, Lal’s father chose to temporarily back down, but he didn’t quiet down. Instead, he directed his anger towards several teachers nearby.

“And you teachers, why didn’t you intervene in the students’ conflicts in a timely manner?” he demanded. “My son’s arm is now broken, how are you going to compensate for that?”

“He’s usually such a well-behaved child, and now he’s being bullied like this. Can you teachers just stand by and watch?” he continued, his voice growing louder.

The teachers remained expressionless.

These veteran teachers could discern a student’s behavior just from one day of classes. They knew Lal’s usual behavior very well. It could only be said that Noia had been too lenient.

But the teachers’ silence seemed like guilt to Lal’s father, leaving him unsure how to refute them. So he intensified his accusations, seeming determined to turn the principal’s office into a chaotic mess.

After blaming the teachers, he then turned his gaze towards the “culprits” of the brawl.

Lal’s father approached Leon’s family, muttering angrily.

“And you, I remember you were once a model family, right?”

“Nonsense! Now your daughter has beaten up my son, do you know how serious the consequences are?”

“My son has never been bullied since he was young, why was he beaten up just half a month after starting school?”

“He’s the one who will inherit my title in the future, do you know I’m the Duke of the Flame Burn dragon Clan? Our leader is Constantine!”

“And you, you’re just a coward who doesn’t even dare to show your tail. Just now, you shamelessly taught others how to attack us?”

“Come on, I’m standing right here, dare you hit me?”

“And you.”

He looked towards Rosvitha, raising his arm as if to continue berating her.


Before this idiot, who was ranting like a fishwife, could continue scolding Rosvitha, Leon stood up and grabbed his wrist.

Before his index finger could even point, a tremendous pressure on his wrist pressed down on his bones and nerves, forcing his fingers to bend, unable to straighten.

He even tried to resist Leon secretly.

But he found out this guy’s strength was astonishing.

Rosvitha hugged Noia tightly as she sat on the sofa.

Actually, if Leon hadn’t stood up and said something just now, she couldn’t help but retort to that guy.

Unexpectedly, Leon seized the opportunity first.

Moreover, Rosvitha noticed a small detail, whether it was intentional or unintentional on Leon’s part, that is—

He seemed to be a bit protective.

“What are you barking about? It’s one thing to point and scold at me, but dare you point at my wife and child?”

Leon said coldly, “I almost thought there was a dog sneaking into St. Hys Academy!”

Lal’s father glared fiercely at Leon, but his momentum had weakened considerably.

Leon’s height of nearly six feet exuded a strong sense of oppression as he stood up.

Moreover, due to the fact that he’s a dragon slayer, there’s an inherent bloodline suppression when he sees a dragon.

Lal’s father felt a bit intimidated, but he still maintained a tough facade. “What’s the matter? You want to start a fight? This is the principal’s office, try hitting me here?”

“Why do you always talk about fighting and killing? It’s like you and your son are really good at it,” Leon sneered.

“Nonsense, your daughter beat up my son, that’s a fact. Are you trying to stop me from saying it?” Lal’s father retorted.

Leon chuckled coldly. “My daughter is one year and two months old this year. How old is your son with a broken arm?”

Lal’s father was taken aback, stuttering, “You, you don’t need to worry about how old my son is, anyway—”

“I’m seven years and eleven months old…” Lal, who was sitting beside him, murmured softly.

“Louder! Can’t hear you!” Noia looked towards Lal, who was shrinking on the opposite sofa.

Lal immediately straightened up and raised his voice, confidently declaring, “Seven years and eleven months!”

The little guy almost stood up from the sofa to salute Noia.

“He says he’s seven years and eleven months old,” Noia said.

Leon shrugged. “Oh, rounding it off, he’s eight. So, an eight-year-old dragon, teamed up with two roughly the same age toad dragons, couldn’t even beat my daughter who’s just over a year old.”

“Tsk tsk tsk, this is such a shameful thing. If it were me, I’d find a place to hide and keep this matter to myself, never would I flaunt ‘my son got beaten by a one-year-old’ like you do.”

Dragons inherently possess a mentality of admiring strength. “Might makes right” is the creed instilled in them since childhood. And now, after Lal’s father’s boastful self-praise, he found his titles, his demands for apologies, all crumbling in the face of Leon’s simple words.

Leaving aside Lal’s habitual mischief, and the fact that he provoked Noia last night and got handled by her, even the mere fact of “three cocoon-born eight-year-old dragons being easily beaten by a one-year-old embryo-born dragon” is enough to make people feel like it’s nonsense when said out loud.

After Leon’s “friendly reminder,” Lal’s father also realized this. His gaze was panicked, he licked his dry lips, and continued to insist stubbornly,

“Maybe my son wasn’t feeling well at the time, or maybe he hadn’t eaten enough. Your daughter just happened to win.”

Leon raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Then let them be in the same group for the next practical combat training class. Noia, do you have any objections?”

Noia shook her head. “I don’t have any objections.”

“I-I have objections…” Lal’s father raised his other hand tremblingly, the one that hadn’t been broken.

Seeing his son undermine himself like this, Lal’s father was truly at a loss for words, but his anger wasn’t suppressed. He just stood there, glaring at Leon, unable to say a word.

But Leon wasn’t going to let him off the hook.

“You just said I taught my daughter how to defeat your son in public? Sorry, I wasn’t teaching her how to defeat, because she already broke your precious son’s arm. I was teaching her how to defeat more effectively and easily, okay?”


“Tsk, your son bullying others is a habit, just like my daughter playing around with me is a habit. Who knew your son was so weak that he broke his arm just by playing around?”

It was like hitting him in the face—silence broke through his defenses once again.

Leon used to only know how to kill dragons, not how to deal with people’s hearts. But after spending a long time with Rosvitha, he gradually learned the art of not only killing dragons but also understanding people’s intentions.

“You don’t need to accuse the academy or Principal Wilson of favoritism. Regardless of the outcome of the academy’s decision, I believe it will be fair. Am I right, Principal?” Leon looked towards Wilson.

Wilson nodded, taking the opportunity to both praise and tease, “Indeed, a husband from a model family has a different perspective.”

Leon modestly smiled, shook off Lal’s father’s wrist, and didn’t bother saying more to him.

Rubbing his sore wrist, Lal’s father glared at Leon but didn’t dare say anything else. His previously arrogant demeanor had completely vanished.

“Well, since the two of you don’t have anything else to discuss, let’s get back on track. Mr. Leon, you fully respect the academy’s handling process and results, right?” Wilson glanced at Leon.

Leon nodded. “Yes, of course.”

“Good,” Wilson reluctantly turned to Lal’s group. “And… Lal’s father, what about you?”

Although Lal’s father didn’t gain much advantage in the previous “friendly negotiation,” he didn’t dare to cause any more trouble. Because that guy named Leon, besides being eloquent, emanated a faint aura that made Lal’s father feel a bit uneasy.

Anyway, it’s better to temporarily avoid confrontation and discuss later.

“I also respect the academy’s decision,” Lal’s father said.

Principal Wilson glanced at Lal’s father, snorted disdainfully, and continued, “Well, according to the academy’s regulations, and considering Lal himself has repeatedly emphasized that Noia didn’t intentionally break his arm, and they were the ones who provoked first, so the final decision is that Noia’s actions were considered self-defense, but excessive.

Afterward, the class teacher will give them a verbal warning, and Lal’s group, besides writing a reflection, will also be responsible for classroom cleaning for a week. Does anyone have anything to add to the decision?”

Lal’s father remained silent, only muttering to himself about his son’s behavior. He truly was a man of his own interests. Unable to gain any advantage outside, he turned against his own son. Such a despicable parenting style truly set the Leon family apart.

Leon quietly approached Rosvitha and whispered, “Just a verbal warning for breaking someone’s arm?”

Rosvitha also lowered her voice, “The dragon race’s concept and acceptance of children fighting are… well, different from yours. Besides, the child admitted they provoked first, and the principal also said Noia’s actions were just excessive defense.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Alright then, since both families have no objections to the decision, and understand the situation of their own children, the academy’s handling of this incident ends here. Thank you all for coming. If you don’t mind, you can have lunch at the academy cafeteria before leaving.”

Lal’s father grabbed Lal’s collar and hastily left the principal’s office. The two toad dragon families also slinked away, not daring to say another word—especially after hearing Leon teach his daughter how to beat them up.

Rosvitha stood up, holding Noia, preparing to leave with Leon. But Principal Wilson stopped them.

“Noia, you go back to class first. I have some questions for your parents.”

“Oh, okay,” Noia nodded.

Rosvitha bent down to let Noia down, then patted her little head. “Be good and go to class.”

“Mm-hmm,” Noia replied, running off.

The couple approached the desk. “What’s the matter, Principal Wilson?”

Wilson scratched his graying hair, looking hesitant. “It’s not a very important question, really.”

“Just… it’s quite obvious, Noia, a one-year-and-three-month-old fetal dragon, defeated three cocoon-born dragons, each over twenty years old, with her bare hands. That’s quite a big news.”

“Miss Rosvitha, I know you’re from the Silver Dragon race, so I wanted to ask, which noble dragon race does your husband come from? The two of you producing such a powerful dragon is truly a miracle.”

Meanwhile, in the principal’s mind: If only they could have a few more, it would be even better! More the merrier!

Upon hearing this, the couple felt a bit flustered. Rosvitha quickly grabbed Leon’s arm, frowning and smiling, “Ahaha, Principal, you’re exaggerating. My… my husband is just an ordinary dragon, not from any noble dragon race, right?”

Leon grinned inwardly, thinking I’ve killed quite a few noble dragons…

“Yes, indeed… I’m just a commoner, Principal,” Leon echoed his wife’s statement.

Principal Wilson continued to praise them, “It’s been a long time since St. Hys Academy has nurtured such a talented young dragon like Noia. I believe, by the time she graduates, she’ll be able to lead the dragon race to defeat even more…”

“Even more?” Leon raised an eyebrow.

“Dragon slayers!”

Leon: ?

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