Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 161 Table of contents

Chapter 161: The Strongest Man and His Wife

The giant dragon beneath his feet let out its last breath and then became lifeless.

One of the oldest surviving Dragon Kings, representing the ‘Burning’ Scarlet Flame, had fallen.

Undoubtedly, Constantine was one of the top three most powerful Dragon Kings Leon had slain to date.

If circumstances allowed, Leon would have loved to have a few more rounds with such a formidable opponent.

But unfortunately, Leon had “matters at home” and couldn’t afford to spend too much time here.

He had to make it a quick fight and hurry home. After all, he was eager to have a second child.


You say it’s because Master Lei had just used up all his mana and didn’t dare to prolong the battle?


Then Master Lei can only tell you this:

If you’re weak, just practice more.

If you can’t afford to lose, don’t play.

The past is the past, now is now.

If you keep comparing me to when I ran out of mana, why don’t you compare me to when I was slaying Dragon Kings everywhere?

Leon leaped from Constantine’s dragon head.

The injured Shirley, holding her right shoulder, limped forward, accompanied by several Silver Dragon warriors.

“Your Highness… I didn’t know you were this powerful…” Shirley said in amazement.

Nonsense. Three years ago, I might have even fought your Silver Dragon kin. Do I need to tell you that too?

Leon removed his helmet, revealing that most of his black hair and face were covered in blood that had seeped through the gaps in his armor.

Normally, this appearance would be quite terrifying. But on the battlefield, where losing limbs was common, a bit of blood was nothing. It was all minor.

Leon tucked the helmet under his arm and surveyed the surrounding battlefield. With Constantine fallen, the soldiers of the Scarlet Flame Dragon clan were now leaderless, fleeing in disarray.

However, the Silver Dragon clan had also suffered significant casualties, and Anna, not far off, was critically wounded and in need of urgent medical attention. Pursuing the remnants of the enemy forces now could result in unnecessary losses.

After a brief consideration, Leon said, “The battle here is essentially over. Do not pursue the remnants. Focus on reorganizing. Deal with Constantine’s corpse, and chop off his dragon head to hang at the border of the Silver Dragon territory. Then, dispatch the remaining elite soldiers to the back mountain for defense, in case of a surprise attack from the enemy’s remnants. Lastly—”

He looked at Anna, who had just been severely wounded by Constantine. “If you don’t send out medical personnel now, your head maid is going to join Constantine on the other side.”

Shirley snapped back to reality, quickly dragging her injured body towards Anna. “Head Maid! Please hold on! The medical team is coming right away!”

Anna: I’m tired. Let’s just destroy everything. Living is good, but dying isn’t a big deal either.

The Silver Dragons sprang into action, beheading where needed and rescuing the wounded. Some soldiers gathered in a circle, stacking their tails together like a totem pole, as if part of some celebratory ritual.

Seeing this, Leon grinned and couldn’t help but comment, “What a romantic way to celebrate.”

He looked away and, with heavy steps, began to make his way towards the Silver Dragon sanctuary.

“Damn, you Silver Dragons really have no manners. I went through all that trouble to help you take down Constantine, and not one of you is here to send me back?”

Leon grumbled internally. “If this is how you treat me, next time someone attacks, I might just lie down by the spring and do nothing.”

Just as he was brooding, he heard footsteps approaching from ahead. He looked up to see Milan, followed by several Dragon Clan guards carrying a stretcher. The yoga instructor and the guards ran up to Leon and placed the stretcher on the ground in front of him.

Leon was taken aback and glanced at the stretcher. “This… this isn’t for me, is it?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Please lie down,” Milan said seriously.

“…I don’t think I’m in bad enough shape to need a stretcher.”

Leon had been through countless battles and had only ever used a stretcher once—and it wasn’t even due to combat injuries. It was back when he first joined the dragon-slaying army.

One evening, he had the misfortune of eating a nightmarish meal of eggplant and carrots. That night, the future strongest dragon slayer was carried to the hospital on a stretcher.

That incident had his mentor teasing him for a full two weeks with, “Defeated before even starting, with eggplant and carrot tears filling his chest.”

Ah, well. A hero doesn’t dwell on past glories.

Leon sighed, pulling his thoughts back to the present, and obediently lay down on the stretcher. After all, if they were calling him “Your Highness” so respectfully, he might as well enjoy some princely treatment.

Two guards lifted the stretcher, one at the front and one at the back, and carried Leon towards the Silver Dragon Sanctuary. When they reached the front yard of the sanctuary, Leon motioned for them to put him down.

“It’s alright, Your Highness, we can carry you up,” one of the guards offered.

Leon waved his hand dismissively. “No, it’s fine. I can go up on my own.”

Even though his mana had been completely drained within half an hour, leaving him utterly exhausted, he couldn’t really be carried in on a stretcher.

If his daughters saw him like that, they would surely think their dad was seriously injured.

In some ways, Leon had a penchant for showing strength. He believed that, as a competent father, or… husband, no matter what he went through outside, he had to be in his best condition when he stepped through the door to face his family.

So what if he had just slain the unbeatable Scarlet Flame Dragon King?

In the past, he might have flaunted Constantine’s dragon horn to his comrades, boasting, “Look at this, my super special achievement!” and basked in their envious gazes. But now, he just wanted to go back and hug Noia and Muen, and check on his wife in labor.

Stripping off his armor and shedding the lightning, he transformed back into a good dad for his daughters and… Rosvitha’s pretend husband.


The sound of his iron boots echoed on the stone steps of the sanctuary as he trudged forward slowly and heavily.

Upon entering the sanctuary, before stepping into Rosvitha’s bedroom, he removed his black-gold armor and placed it temporarily in the adjacent nursery.

It was also a chance for his “old friend” to see the house he had lived in for the past year.

(Black Gold Chariot: “Thank you very much, indeed.”)

He took the opportunity to wash the blood off his face in the bathroom of the nursery.

It wouldn’t be good to scare his daughters.

After tidying up, Leon headed towards Rosvitha’s bedroom.

Several doctors were still gathered around Rosvitha’s bed. Upon hearing the door open, Noia peeked her little head out from the balcony. Seeing Leon, she immediately pulled her sister’s hand and ran over.


The two little dragon girls hugged him from both sides, burying their heads in his waist. Leon, barely able to stand, braced himself and returned their embrace as best as he could. He patted their heads and asked in a light-hearted tone, “Is Daddy handsome?”

“Handsome, handsome, handsome! Daddy is the handsomest!”

Noia showered him with admiration and praise.

Muen, shaking the little tuft of hair on top of her head, added, “Daddy is the second strongest dragon Muen has ever seen!”

Leon blinked. “Who’s the first?”

“It’s Mommy, because Daddy always listens to Mommy,” the little dragon girl replied earnestly.

The strongest in the universe is not the Super Saiyan, but the Super Saiyan’s wife. Well, that makes sense.

However, Leon felt a bit puzzled. Do I really seem like I’m under my wife’s thumb? No way, I’d say we’re equals. I often beat her one-on-one.

Oh… speaking of her.

Leon glanced towards the bedroom. The doctors by the bed respectfully made way for him. The baby’s cries from the large bed seemed to announce everything. His two daughters also obediently let go of his hands.

Leon stepped towards the bed. The silver-haired beauty lay weakly on the bed, her hair slightly disheveled, with some strands sticking to her cheeks. Beside her was a newborn baby swaddled in a blanket.

His heart swelled with a mix of relief and joy. He carefully approached, his eyes softening at the sight of Rosvitha and their newborn child.

The room was filled with a sense of peace and new beginnings, as Leon knelt by the bed, tenderly brushing the hair away from Rosvitha’s face, and then gently touching the tiny hand of his newborn.

“Welcome to the world,” he whispered, overwhelmed with gratitude for his family.

The baby’s incessant cries filled the room, eagerly inhaling the fresh air of this new world. Dawn’s first light poured in through the window, and the morning breeze gently stirred the thin curtains.

In the midst of those cries, black and silver eyes met, locking onto each other.

At that moment, words seemed powerless and unnecessary.

Just being immersed in each other’s gaze provided a comfort and understanding that surpassed any spoken words.

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