Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 1 Ch. 162 Table of contents

Chapter 162: Is Daddy’s Mouth Very Hard?

The doctors conscientiously left Rosvitha’s bedroom.

The two little ones also obediently waited aside, leaving this hard-earned peace to their parents.

By the large bed, a man and a dragon gazed at each other.

After a moment of eye contact, Leon’s gaze fell on the baby.

He opened his mouth, wanting to ask something.

But there were too many questions, and for a moment, he didn’t know where to start.

Just ten minutes ago, he was a decisive war god on the battlefield, but now, facing his wife and newborn baby, he seemed a bit hesitant and cautious.

Leon had never welcomed the birth of a new life before.

To be honest, this should count as his first experience of the exhilarating feeling of “I’m a dad now.”

After all, when Noia and Muen were born, he was still in a coma.

The first time he saw Muen, it felt like he was suddenly made a father, which was completely different from the feeling of welcoming a new baby now.

Of course, Leon would never favor one over the other because of this. His love for his daughters was equal and unbiased.

But now, he needed to think of a way to adjust his mindset and say something appropriate.

Seeing Leon’s awkwardness in trying to find the right words, Rosvitha smiled wearily and decided to break the silence first.

“It’s a girl.”

Leon’s eyes lit up, “Oh… that’s… really great.”

Daughters are dear, daughters are good, daughters are daddy’s little sweethearts.

Although they already had two little sweethearts at home, there isn’t a father in the world who would refuse another one.

Leon appeared calm on the surface, but in reality, he was so happy that he wanted to dig up Constantine from his grave and kill him all over again.

“Do you want to hold her?” Rosvitha asked.

Leon panicked and hurriedly wiped the dust and blood stains off himself.

Rosvitha smiled faintly. “It’s okay. Our little daughter won’t mind Daddy’s appearance, right? Come on, hold her. I—”

She tried to pick up the baby and hand her to Leon, but being weak from childbirth made even sitting up quite difficult. In the end, Rosvitha had to give up. “Ah… I can’t sit up. You come and hold her. You know how to hold a baby, right?”

“I… I’ve never learned.”

Rosvitha gave him a playful glare. “Silly. Then I’ll teach you.”

Muen beside them wanted to raise her hand and say that Daddy often holds her, but when she thought that her new sister might be different in size, and Daddy seemed eager for Mommy to teach him how to hold the baby, she simply closed her mouth silently.

After all, she was now a big sister. What was that phrase again?

Oh right, she needed to learn to seize the moment, speak when necessary, and keep quiet when not needed!

“You first support the baby’s neck with one hand, then support her bottom with the other, and finally let the baby rest in the crook of your arm,” Rosvitha explained.

Leon carefully followed her instructions while saying, “You seem very skilled at this…”

“Do you think a woman who raised twins wouldn’t know how to hold a baby?”

“I’m praising you.”

Leon lifted the baby daughter, following Rosvitha’s instructions, letting her rest in the crook of his arm.

Actually, for any dad who has had a second baby, this action is quite simple. But for Leon, it was almost as difficult as his first Dragon Slayer.

Watching him being so cautious and nervous, you’d think he was holding a stick of TNT instead of his newborn daughter. But Rosvitha didn’t tease him; at times like this, you have to be patient with the silly dragon slayer.

She quietly waited for Leon to get used to holding the baby, then asked, “How does it feel? Isn’t it quite simple?”

Leon nodded.

The baby was light, but in Leon’s arms, she felt like a ton of bricks. Her chubby little cheeks were adorable, and as she nestled in her father’s embrace, she gradually stopped crying.

Leon felt a surge of joy. Rosvitha was right before; when Noia and Muen were babies and couldn’t be soothed easily, she would place them next to Leon, even when he was still in a coma, and they would stop crying quickly. And now, this baby was the same.

Leon seemed to always bring a sense of security to those around him.

Looking at his little daughter in his arms, after a long while, Leon spoke up, “She looks like me.”

Rosvitha: “?”

“No, she clearly looks more like me.”

“Come on, you just gave birth and your head is all dizzy. Our daughter looks more like me,” Leon argued logically.


Alright, alright, Casmode’s pretty good. I’ll let you off this time, considering your efforts in guarding the home. But when it comes to the third baby—

Wait a second. What third baby? There’s no third one! No!

Rosvitha retreated under the covers, half her face hidden, only her beautiful eyes and delicate little nose tip peeking out.

“Oh, right.”

Rosvitha’s voice sounded muffled from under the covers.


Leon’s attention was entirely focused on the little baby. He responded verbally, but his gaze never left the baby.

“How’s that crazy dragon of Constantine’s?”

“Baby~ Call Dad~ Come on, Dad~~~”

The second baby: Do I look like I can talk now? Isn’t this a bit too much pressure, Father?

Rosvitha rolled her eyes in silence. “Leon, I’m asking you a question. How’s the battle going? Are you… are you hurt?”

Actually, she was trying to steer the conversation to the point of asking, “Leon, are you injured?” But this stupid man couldn’t take his eyes off his little daughter.

Serves him right for being a daughter slave!

“I’m not hurt. As for Constantine… just a fatal wound.”

“Just a fatal wound…”

Rosvitha muttered, inwardly marveling at what Leon was like in his prime.

After killing a dragon king like Constantine without sustaining any serious injuries, coming back home to cuddle his daughter, tease his wife, and comfort the second baby was a piece of cake for Leon.

This kind of man, who’s strong to the point of being abnormal… I guess besides finding a mole to backstab him, there’s hardly any other way to defeat him head-on.

“Look at this nose, look at these ears, look at this mouth—” Leon was playing a matching game beside them.

Rosvitha blinked. “What’s wrong?”

“No matter how you look at it, she looks just like me.” Leon had a proud father’s smile on his face.

Rosvitha almost wanted to roll her eyes so hard they’d go to the sky. “It’s fine if she looks like you in other places, but her mouth definitely shouldn’t be like yours.”


“With your stubborn mouth, what good is it?”

“Is my mouth stubborn? When did my mouth become stubborn?”

Leon turned to look at their two eavesdropping daughters. “Noia, Muen, is Daddy’s mouth stubborn?”

Noia & Muen: (๑‾ ꇴ ‾๑) Mhm, mhm!

“…Ignorant. My youngest daughter is obedient and won’t join them in their mischief.”

With that, Leon lowered his head, looking at his little daughter with indulgence and satisfaction. “You’ll always support Daddy in the future, won’t you?”

As soon as he heard this, the baby, who had just stopped crying, suddenly started wailing again: “Waaah waaah~~”

Leon: ?

Alright, alright, it seems there’s no place for Casmode here anymore, is that right?

A third child, huh?

Let’s see about having a third child.

Isn’t it just like drawing cards? We humans excel at that.

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