If you Don’t Love Me, I Will Die
Chapter 24 Table of contents

The people of Bronte Estate were bustling with festival preparations from early morning.

Each house was decorated, and tempting food and drinks were starting to be laid out on tables set up along the streets.

These were, albeit with a hint of sophistication compared to the Radner Estate’s residents, who had only moderately upscale food and beverages that they hesitated to try.

The sight of excited children running around could be seen in the distance.
Ironically, their joyful antics emphasized the gap between Ania and me.

Nevertheless, it was a truly lively village.

However, amidst the bustling and lively atmosphere, there was no place for me to fit in.

Not being a member of the Bronte family, I was unfamiliar with the festival, and my status as the husband of a noblewoman made people uncomfortable.

“Perhaps that’s why Ania didn’t suggest coming together.”

Ultimately, I could only wander around the empty mansion until the festival started.

If it weren’t for yesterday’s events, I could have followed Ania around and helped her, but now it seemed I would only be a hindrance.

I aimlessly wandered around the mansion until I eventually stepped into a training ground.

It was smaller in scale compared to the Radner Estate’s training ground, and it seemed to have been unused for a long time, as faint dust was on the floor.

Since there were no dummies to practice with, I decided to try out a new spell I had recently learned.

Drawing out the magic flowing within me, I created a magic circle and softly chanted, 「Detection.」

As I did so, a faint blue light flashed before my eyes.

“Detection” was a magic that visualized the magical power that couldn’t be seen with the naked eye.

However, there wasn’t any noticeable magical energy within the training ground. Only faint magical energy lingered in the air like dust particles.


There wasn’t much to do after all.

Despite coming to the training ground to clear my thoughts, my mind only became more tangled.

Swinging my sword or practicing magic didn’t provide any solace.

I knew the cause of my worries. Despite trying to deny it, one eventually realizes their feelings, no matter how long it takes.

It was worry.
Worry for Ania Bronte.

Even though the promise between Edward and Ania wasn’t mine, and even though it wasn’t my fault for not remembering the promise, it was clear that Johann was targeting us.

I needed to think rationally. Protecting Ania Bronte wasn’t because I loved her. Even if Ania didn’t keep the promise, and even if I grew to hate her because of it, that wasn’t the issue.


I took a deep breath and left the training ground. Whether Ania felt uncomfortable around me or not, I decided to stay by her side.

As I walked out of the mansion, I saw something in the distance in the village—a faint magical energy, like swirling dust in the air.

Within it, I sensed an unsettling aura of magical power.
It was not blue but a shimmering purple mana.


An ominous feeling washed over me.

I didn’t know what the purple magical power meant, but my intuition screamed.


Yuren was a wizard.

Once respected, she was expelled from the academy due to a certain incident.

She was furious about being expelled.

Magic is a pursuit of endless ascension.
Yuren couldn’t accept being expelled from the academy just for studying dark magic, a powerful force.

As she observed the violet, undulating dark magical power, Yuren thought it might be the truth about the world.

Magic that operates through the vitality and soul of humans… What else in the world could be as beautiful?

She vowed that once she graduated from the academy, she would thoroughly research and reveal dark magic, which was suppressed by everyone.

It was her long-cherished dream.

However, after being expelled from the academy, Yuren’s dream crumbled.

Just for studying dark magic, she became an outcast rejected by all magical societies.

That’s when she met a man named ‘Johann.’

Yuren couldn’t discern who Johann was. He was the enigmatic master of the hidden underworld, concealing his face, voice, and true identity.

However, one thing she could ascertain was that the man named Johann could fulfill her long-held dream.

He understood her.

He was awakening the noble truth that ignorant people couldn’t comprehend.

And so, Yuren made a deal with Johann.

It was a deal to support Yuren’s desired research on dark magic if she helped dismantle the world of arrogant nobles who blindly believed in their status.

That was the story of how Yuren came to infiltrate the Bronte estate.


At that moment, when she was firmly resolved to succeed, Ania called out to Yuren.

“Yes, miss.”
“Could you move this for me?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you. The festival will start soon, so please bear with me a little longer.”
“I understand.”

Yuren smiled faintly as she watched Ania’s back as she turned away.

Ania Bronte was the person Yuren needed to eliminate.

However, the moment Yuren saw Ania, she felt an unexpected emotion.

“What a beautiful person.”

The same beauty she felt when she first discovered dark magic now emanating from her.

It was a feeling of regret.

To think that she had to kill such a beautiful person…

However, beautiful flowers are meant to bloom from the mud.

For the day when the world awakens to the truth of dark magic, she must endure the death of that beautiful woman.


The sun rose above the horizon, indicating that the festival would soon begin.

The villagers, who had prepared for the festival with one heart and one mind, wiped the sweat from their brows as they looked at the grounds.

Ania, too, felt a sense of pride as she gazed upon the completed preparations despite the challenges she had faced.

“Thank you, everyone, for your hard work.”

Ania expressed her gratitude for their efforts in the center of the square where people had gathered.

“The joy of this year is also thanks to all of you and the will of the gods. Today, let us forget our worries and sorrows and enjoy ourselves.”

Cheers erupted as Ania finished speaking.
The villagers gathered in groups, sharing stories and clinking their glasses together.

In the midst of it all, Ania slowly walked away.

The harvest festival celebrated the hard work of the villagers who had sweated to harvest crops. Ania would only be a hindrance if she stayed.

As the lively atmosphere of the festival gradually faded away,


A middle-aged woman at the counter called out to Ania.

Angelina, who had inherited and run the village bakery for three generations, handed Ania a plate.

“Please try this.”

It was baked bread made from this year’s harvested wheat, topped with cheese and preserved meat.
On top of it was a golden flower, a goldenglow.

“Thank you.”
“I saved it for you. You liked it a lot, right?”

Goldenglow was actually used as a spice for its pleasant aroma.

Ania took a small bite, savoring the aroma blending with the bread, and felt the taste of her long-missed hometown.

“It’s really delicious.”
“Really? I’m relieved. I was so worried what to do if you didn’t like it.”

Smoothing her chest, Angelina smiled with a sense of relief.

“By the way, Miss, it’s a festival day. Why not enjoy it a bit? Or are you busy with work?”

Ania replied with a faint smile.

“I’m just a bit tired.”
“Oh, my, are you feeling okay?”
“Yes, I’m not sick.”
“Go inside and rest. It would be a big problem if you got sick on the festival day.”
“Thank you. Well then, have a joyful festival, Angelina.”
“Take care, Miss!”

After waving goodbye to Angellina and returning to the mansion, Ania, who had been carrying the bread, suddenly stopped and picked up the goldenglow placed on top of it.

The beautiful golden flower petals still remained intact…

‘I know. You used to love this flower.’

The words Edward said while looking at the flowers on their wedding day suddenly came to mind.

Ania lifted the corners of her mouth slightly. But soon, her mood turned gloomy.

“I thought he would remember.”

Edward remembered the goldenglows, but why did he forget such a significant promise?

Her emotions became complicated.

Should she be glad that he remembered the flower or sad that he forgot their promise?

“Where is Edward?”

She hadn’t paid attention because she had been busy since morning.

It was a lie. In fact, Ania often found herself lost thinking about Edward while preparing for the festival.

He would probably be at the mansion. He was a man who never skipped his sword training, so he must be wielding his sword on the training grounds.

Without even realizing that he had forgotten their long-standing promise.

Carrying a heart as lonely as the chilly winter weather, Ania headed toward the mansion.


Someone gasped from behind, running towards her.

It was Yuren.

“Yuren? What’s the matter?”
“Miss! You need to come quickly!”
“Is it urgent?”
“Yes… I’ll explain on the way. But we need to go right now…”
“Alright. Lead the way.”

Ania followed Yuren, matching his hurried pace.

She wasn’t sure what had happened, but she wouldn’t be running so urgently if it wasn’t necessary.

No matter how tired she was or how much she wanted to talk to Edward right now, she was still a lady of the Bronte estate.

Noble and grown-up.

There were duties to attend to.


Ania glanced at Yuren’s back as she led the way.

Although she knew almost everyone in the village, the name Yuren somehow felt unfamiliar.

But she brushed it off as unimportant.

It had been almost six months since she was married.

She hadn’t paid much attention to the estate, so perhaps a new resident had arrived.
With that thought in mind, Ania hurried along.

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