If you Don’t Love Me, I Will Die
Chapter 25 Table of contents

I headed towards the village as if chased by something.

The Brontë mansion was on top of a hill, and despite the slippery road due to the snowfall, I didn’t stop my hurried steps, almost slipping several times.

I couldn’t understand why, but it felt like something terrible would happen if I were even slightly late.

Something irreparable.


I didn’t know what had happened.

The event of Edward coming to the harvest festival with Ania didn’t occur in the original.

Last night, I remembered the ominous glances I felt during the eve of the festival.

I considered it a novice who couldn’t hide their presence properly.

But I blamed myself for thinking that way.

‘Were they a sorcerer…’

What I thought was feeble strength could have been backed by magic instead.
Since it is a constituent element of this world, like bloodlust and enmity, it can be concealed by a powerful sorcerer.

‘Hurry… a little faster…’

The purple magic was getting farther away.
Was it heading toward Ania?
Perhaps it had already encountered Ania.


Ania, following behind Yuren, felt something strange as the village scenery gradually got farther away.

Surely there was a problem at the harvest festival, but Yuren’s footsteps were gradually leaving the village.

Furthermore, without explaining anything as promised, Yuren continued walking, widening the distance between them.

As they passed through deserted alleys, Ania stopped and looked at Yuren.


Sensing something strange, Ania slowly called Yuren’s name.

Yuren, who had stopped walking, didn’t turn around but simply halted.

“Where are you taking me?”

Ania asked.

Yuren’s head turned slightly sideways at Ania’s question.

“Didn’t I tell you, Miss? There’s a problem.”
“Then, can you explain why we are heading out of the village?”

Yuren remained silent, her shoulders trembling.

“Explain! Right now!”

Yuren’s shaking shoulders grew more pronounced, and laughter erupted from her mouth.

“I didn’t expect it to be this easy.”

Laughing more fervently, Yuren slowly turned to face Ania.

Taken aback by Yuren’s expression, Ania gasped in surprise.

A wicked grin was etched on the face that had seemed like that of an ordinary village girl.

“You’re really naive, Miss Ania.”
“Who are you?”

Yuren began to approach Ania step by step, and in response, Ania also took slow steps backward.

“If you’re so curious, why are you backing away?”

Yuren came closer and closer.
Feeling something touch her back, Ania turned her head. It was a dead end.

“My name is Yuren. I’ve come to kill you.”
“You’re a very curious person, Miss. You don’t need to know the reasons. You’re just meant to be sacrificed for a greater purpose. That’s all you need to know. No matter how much I explain to a foolish person, they would never understand.”

Yuren’s smirk grew wider.

“But it’s still a shame. Having to kill someone as beautiful as you.”

Yuren’s hand, suddenly close, caressed Ania’s cheek like a snake.

“If there wasn’t a need to kill you, I would want to keep you by my side forever.”
“Stop it!”

As Ania pushed Yuren’s arm away, Yuren seemed surprised for a moment, then smiled again.

“Arrogant and proud, just as rumored. Miss, your appearance is beautiful, but your character is not to my liking.”

As Yuren snapped her fingers, men hiding in the alleyways revealed themselves.

They were the knights of the Brontë estate.

At first, Ania was relieved to see them, but soon, she felt a strange aura from them.

Their pupils were vacant.

‘They were knights of your estate. But now, they are being controlled by me.’

The knights, holding swords, began to approach like puppets on strings.”

“Bring me her head.”

Yuren, seeing Ania’s bewildered expression, caressed her chest with her hand.

Using detection magic to peer into Ania’s magical essence, she saw her blue magic gradually turning into indigo.

Such a beautiful hue, unlike anything else in the world.

“Are you in despair? Your heart is turning pitch black.”

Yuren’s favorite moment was when a person’s heart turned black.
That moment of despair was the purest conduit for dark magic.

And Ania’s despair sparkled beautifully, unlike the despair of others.

“If only I could possess this heart forever.”

Yuren frowned with regret. But regrets were emotions reserved for fools. For those destined to awaken to the truth, decisions had to be made decisively, like a swift blade.

“Though it’s truly a beautiful heart, you must die.”

As the knights closed in, raising their swords to the sky, Yuren, with a heavy heart, decided to leave the village.

There was no point in lingering, as it would only breed more regret.

“Don’t resent me, Ania Brontë. You’re being sacrificed for the greater truth.”

As Yuren snapped her fingers, the knights’ swords flew towards Ania.

With this, Johann’s mission was complete.

“I may not know why they want to kill Ania, but they have their reasons.

However, as Yuren turned to leave, she furrowed her brow.

Surely, the sound of flesh being cut as the sword swung should have been heard, but instead, there was a sharp sound like two swords clashing.

Yuren quickly turned her head to look at Ania. A look of confusion filled her eyes.

Someone stood in front of Ania, standing tall between the knights and Ania.

“Are you alright, My Lady?”

A man with a sturdy physique, brown hair drenched in sweat, and catching his breath.

Yuren recognized the face.

Ania Brontë’s husband.
Edward Radner.


It was truly a close call.

If I had been a little later in finding her, if I had hesitated for just a moment, Ania would have lost her life.

I blamed myself.

For almost making all the wrong decisions in a moment of emotion.

For almost hanging myself with my own noose out of childish and naive emotions.

But even if I try to remain calm,
Even if I promise to look at things rationally,
Whenever I stand in front of you, my heart jumps like a child…

Ania Brontë, do you know?

You probably don’t.
And you shouldn’t.

You must not realize my feelings.

Because that moment will be our last,
The terminus of our relationship.

“I almost arrived too late.”

So let’s just stay like this.

At a distance that neither of us loves each other too much,
Nor resent each other.

“I’ve come to keep my promise.”
“I vowed to protect you.”

So the reason I came to protect you isn’t because I love you.

It’s not because I’m afraid of losing you.

It’s not because I fear my life crumbling with the regret of losing you.

It’s not even because I feel guilty for forgetting our long-standing promise.

It’s to keep the promise.
The promise to protect you.

Our relationship is simply bound by that promise.
Our marriage began as a contract from the start.

“Edward Radner…”

As I turned my head toward the direction of the voice, a black-haired girl glared at me.

Although she was a girl I had never seen before, I knew who she was.

“You’ve come to interfere at a convenient time.”

A madwoman obsessed with dark magic.
A woman destined to be consumed by Johann’s manipulation and ultimately self-destruct.

If my memory serves me right, Yuren appears when Johann’s minions attack the mansion.

So, did the events change because I came to the Brontë estate?
Or would it have changed regardless of my actions?

I don’t know anymore.
I didn’t want to know.

Even if I knew, it wouldn’t change anything, and not knowing wouldn’t matter either.

‘Your heart, My Lord”

I recalled Ricktman’s words.
If there is a heart you want to protect, you can become strong…
He surely said that.

At the time, I couldn’t understand its meaning.
No, I deliberately feigned ignorance.

The fact that this villainess, who always plays with men’s hearts,
This obstinate woman who always does as she pleases,
Has suddenly found her way into my heart.

But I will not convey this feeling.
I will not acknowledge it.
I will keep it hidden deep within my heart, not revealing it to anyone.

After all, it’s a feeling that will never come to fruition.

Like a story with a predetermined ending, our relationship will eventually meet its downfall.

I’ll simply keep it as it is.

If it means Ania Brontë won’t leave my side,
That alone is sufficient.

Because I don’t love her.

I will never, ever love Ania Brontë.

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