Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 2 Ch. 6 Table of contents

Though Aurora* was born later than her two sisters, she had already witnessed just as many amusing scenes as them.

What other couple would engage in a full-on wrestling match right in front of their newborn, barely a month old?

When the two of them got into it, there were no holds barred.

Rosvisser knew Leon’s weak spot was his waist, so she used the tip of her tail to relentlessly poke him there. 

Leon, on the other hand, knew that smacking the dragon queen’s round rear produced a satisfying sound, so he kept aiming for her dragon butt.

In the end, the Silver Dragon Queen took advantage of her racial traits—her long, flexible tail—and successfully subdued General Leon.

With her long legs wrapped around his neck and her tail coiled around his waist, she had him in a textbook scissor hold.

The position wasn’t exactly elegant, but it was effective.

Leon, now trapped between her legs, inhaled the scent of the sunscreen he had just applied, mixed with a faint salty smell.

Ah, the scent of the sea.

“Surrender yet?” Rosvisser cupped his cheeks, lifting his head to make him look at her.

Leon’s shoulders were weighed down by her legs, and his mouth was squished into an “O” shape by her soft thighs, but he still managed to respond, “Never! I, Cosmod, have never spoken the word ‘surrender’ in my life! Little dragon, you think a scissor hold will make me yield? Laughable!”

“*Dragon Tattoo—Activate!*”

“Surrender, surrender, surrender! I give up!” he blurted out, quickly tapping Rosvisser’s thigh—a universal sign of submission in most wrestling matches.

Rosvisser snorted in satisfaction before releasing Leon.

Leon got to his feet, rubbing his face where her thighs had squashed him, still feeling the warmth and faint scent of sunscreen left behind.

He wiped his face, trying to get rid of the sticky feeling.

“Why are you wiping it off? That’s meant to protect you from sunburn,” Rosvisser said.

“A walnut that’s been crushed in a door won’t help your brain, and sunscreen that’s rubbed on your legs won’t protect me from the sun,” Leon quipped.

“Oh, rhyming now, are we? I imagine your thesis paper at dragonslaying academy got top marks, didn’t it?” Rosvisser retorted sarcastically.

Leon clapped his hands, plopping back onto his beach chair, holding Aurora in his arms. “Of course! And my thesis topic was *How to Handle a Dragoness Who Insists on Becoming Your Wife*.”

Rosvisser rolled her eyes, knowing he was just spewing nonsense again.

If anyone else spoke to her, the Silver Dragon Queen, like this, she wouldn’t even bother to give them a glance.

But she didn’t seem to mind wasting time bantering with Leon over these silly things.


Well, dragons lived long lives, and some of that time had to be wasted somehow. Otherwise, life would just be boring. 

Not because this particular dog of a man had any special significance to her or anything like that.

“Me? Insisting on being your wife? What dream are you living in?” Rosvisser scoffed.

“Ah, women—always so stubborn,” Leon said with a shake of his head while playing with Aurora.

Rosvisser shot him a glance. “Hmph, childish.”

After their playful tussle, the couple finally settled in to enjoy the beach’s relaxing atmosphere.

The cool, salty breeze washed away the accumulated stress and exhaustion, while the vastness of the sea made their worries seem insignificant.

“By the way, the human lands are pretty far from the sea, aren’t they?” Rosvisser asked.

Leon nodded. “I’ve only seen the ocean once in my life, and that was during a military campaign. Didn’t have time to properly enjoy it.”

On this continent filled with magic and miracles, countless races vied for territory. Aside from the constant conflicts between humans and dragons over scarce resources, there were wars involving many other species in various parts of the land.

Each race had its own advantages and resources.

For example, humans had abundant land resources and vast territories, making their lands ideal for agriculture and livestock farming. They could also increase their population easily, which allowed them to produce exceptional soldiers like General Leon. No matter how many were born, there was always room for more.

Of course, in the Empire's central region, having more than two children resulted in fines. 

Don’t ask why—just blame it on “policy.”

Then there were the dragons. Though their land resources weren’t as rich as the humans’, and their territory was smaller, they had access to diverse environments.

Their lands encompassed the sea, forests, and even Sky City, allowing the dragon race to master various realms—land, sea, and air alike. The dragons, with their vast natural resources, enjoyed many more vacation options than humans and other species.

Rosvisser raised her slender arm, pointing toward the distant ocean. 

“Far out in that direction is the territory of the Sea Dragons.”

Leon raised a brow. “So, we’re basically partying in their backyard?”

Rosvisser shook her head with a smile. “No, they’re much farther away. Besides, Sea Dragons are very different from most other dragon clans. They’re not combative at all. You could even say they’re... soft. Ever fought one?”

“Nope,” Leon replied bluntly. After a moment, he added, “Actually, this is the first time I’ve even heard of them. They’re not mentioned in any of the textbooks.”

“Really? It’s probably because they’re so low-profile. For thousands of years, they’ve never stirred up trouble,” Rosvisser explained lazily. “Especially around thirty years ago. For some reason, Sea Dragons started appearing less and less in public places, like Sky City and St. Heath Academy.”

Leon’s expression grew thoughtful. “Were they attacked by other races?”

“No idea. The Sea Dragons live in a very unique environment that most other dragons can’t reach. So, we don’t know much about their current situation.”

“A unique environment? What do you mean?” Leon asked, sitting up.

Rosvisser sat up as well, ready to impart some knowledge to her “captive” student.

“In your mind, aren’t all dragon forms pretty much the same?” she asked.

Leon nodded. “Four legs, two wings, one tail, and a very smooth head—perfect for chopping off.”

Rosvisser’s eyes drooped slightly as she stared at Leon, speechless.

He grinned, showing his teeth. “Please, continue.”

“You’re right—most dragon forms are like that. But the Sea Dragons are quite unique.”

Rosvisser explained, “Their dragon form is more like that of a giant snake, but they still have dragon horns and a tail.”

“And beyond their appearance, their bodies are adapted to their aquatic environment. They have organs that allow them to breathe underwater, which means they can stay submerged for long periods.”

“With that advantage, they built their true empire beneath the sea—in a place called Atlantis.”

Leon muttered the unfamiliar name to himself. “Atlantis…”

“Yep. It’s a true paradise, untouched by most of the wars in the world.”

Rosvisser sighed softly. “So, I don’t think their disappearance was caused by some invasion.”

Leon took in the new knowledge, letting out a slow breath.

“Seems like I still don’t know enough about you dragons.”

Rosvisser smiled and shrugged. “You’re still young. You’ve barely traveled and experienced life. The history of the dragons is long—*very* long.”

Leon snorted, continuing to play with Aurora. 

“Well, I’m not too interested in learning about the other dragons. Just trying to figure out what goes on in *your* head every day is exhausting enough. I don’t have the energy for anyone else.”

Rosvisser blinked her silver eyes, speaking with a hint of deeper meaning. “Oh~~ I get it.”

“You get it again? What exactly do you get?”

The silver-haired beauty turned her gaze toward him, narrowing her eyes as she smiled slyly.

“Your eyes are only for me. Isn’t that right?”

“Dragon lady, I’ll poke out my eyes myself tomorrow to prove my innocence!” Leon joked, rolling his eyes.

TL NOTE: Aurora (Xiaoguang) - is the youngest daughter of Leon and Rosvisser.

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