Shut Up, Malevolent Dragon! I Don’t Want to Have …
Vol. 2 Ch. 5 Table of contents

Not long had passed since Leon's journey to the Empire, so the events were still fresh in his mind.

He vividly recalled that night when he was discussing their next plan with his master and Rebecca, and suddenly—*bam*—the dragon tattoo on his chest lit up. It was so fast that Leon didn’t even have time to react.

What followed was an intense interrogation from his master and Rebecca, filled with accusations of "couples' tattoos" and "kinky games"...

But afterward, Leon realized that the glowing dragon tattoo symbolized one of the two partners thinking about the other.

Which meant, at that exact moment, Rosvisser… had been thinking about him.

And at that time, she was probably still roughing it in the forest outside the Empire.

Rosvisser’s pupils flickered slightly before she averted her gaze. “What’s there to say? You were away for so many days. Am I not allowed to think about you?”


“I was wondering if you had died yet, and where they’d bury you if you did. What else could I be thinking about?” she said, clearly uncomfortable.

The queen wasn’t good at lying. Or maybe she didn’t even intend to make her lie sound convincing, which was why she gave such a poor excuse.

She probably wanted Leon to know that she had been thinking of him at that time.

But it didn’t fit her image of an aloof, independent queen, so she settled for a half-hearted lie.

Come on, dragonslayer, you're smart. Surely, you can see through my lie, right? You must see it.

“Oh, I see. I believe you,” Leon responded earnestly.

Rosvisser: ?

“ believe me?”

Leon shrugged. “It fits the impression I have of you, so I believe it.”


That dog of a man—he’s heartless!

Rosvisser turned away, crossing her arms with a pout, her tail flicking in irritation.

Seeing this, Leon scooted closer, unable to suppress a smile at her awkward, defensive posture.

“Alright, alright. I know you were thinking about me. You just don’t want to admit it.”

He wisely decided to ease up. 

Being stubborn is an art. A little is cute, but too much and it becomes harmful.

The Silver Dragon Queen had waited for him in the wilderness for five days. Maybe saying she was “devoted” was too much, but deep down, Rosvisser still cared about him. After all, she didn’t actually abandon him.

So after a bit of teasing, making a proper concession was the right move.

“I wasn’t thinking about you. Not at all.”

“Alright, alright. You weren’t thinking about me. I was thinking about you.”

Hearing that, Rosvisser’s tense expression softened just a little.

But she still didn’t give Leon a break. “You were thinking about me? Hmph, I don’t need your thoughts. Go think about your donkey instead.”

“Come on, Your Majesty. What are you talking about? No donkey can compare to you. I can put sunscreen on Your Majesty, but can I do that for a donkey? Of course not. That’s ridiculous.”

Flattery. But it worked.

Rosvisser suppressed a smile as she extended her long, slender legs toward him. “Fine. I’ll give you the honor. Go ahead.”

“Sure thing~”

Leon took the sunscreen, squeezing a bit into his palms, rubbing it together before carefully applying it to her legs.

Her skin was soft, smooth, and cool to the touch, like creamy, elastic milk pudding.

Her legs were perfectly shaped—not too thin like sticks, nor carrying any extra fat. Every inch he touched was just the right amount of firmness.

It had been less than a month since Rosvisser gave birth to Aurora, so her figure hadn’t fully returned to its pre-pregnancy state.

But that only added to her appeal, making her look even more full of charm and sensuality.

As Rosvisser reclined on the lounge chair, arms crossed, she watched Leon earnestly applying sunscreen to her legs. She said in a quiet voice, “Be careful not to make my dragon tattoo glow while you’re at it.”

The implication was clear—don’t let touching her legs give you any *strange* reactions.

“Tch. As if. It’s just your legs. It’s not like I haven’t touched them before.”

Her face flushed slightly as she mumbled, “Nonsense.”

Actually, applying sunscreen was quite an intimate task.

Before Leon, Rosvisser had never allowed anyone—whether male or female—to touch her legs, waist, or feet. Those were her sensitive spots.

As Isa often said, no male dragon who fancied Rosvisser could get within five meters of her.

So, when was the first time Leon touched her in those private, sensitive places?

It had to be over a year ago, right?

That was when he had finally managed to take control during their “homework” session, exploring almost every inch of Rosvisser’s body.

At first, Rosvisser thought she would be furious, overwhelmed with discomfort.

But to her surprise, during and after it, she found herself… rather comfortable.

It seemed like Leon had an innate understanding of her body, knowing just how far to push without making her feel uncomfortable.

Once, in the heat of a particularly intimate moment triggered by their dragon tattoos, Rosvisser had asked Leon why he seemed to know her body so well.

She had expected a romantic, maybe even cheesy, answer, given the tattoo’s influence.

But General Leon, true to his title as the strongest dragonslayer, responded with: “Of course a dragonslayer knows a dragon’s body. Have you ever seen a butcher who doesn’t know how to handle a pig?”

And then, she promptly kicked him off the bed.

All in all, Leon was a unique guy. Even in their most intimate moments, Rosvisser didn’t feel any resentment. On the contrary, when her body was in his hands, she sometimes felt a strange satisfaction, as if she were being conquered.


Rosvisser quickly shook her head, ridding herself of those messy thoughts.

“Why did you buy two bottles? Do we really need that much?” Leon asked as he reached her calf.

“Of course we do. My legs are long, so naturally, I need more.”

Leon mimicked her tone in a mocking falsetto. “My legs are loooong~ so naturally, I need moreeee~~”

Rosvisser chuckled and playfully kicked him in the chest.

Leon grabbed her ankle and held her dainty foot in his hand. “Well, since we’re here, might as well put some sunscreen on your feet too.”

“You pervert! Don’t—oh~”

A tingly sensation shot up from her foot, and Rosvisser’s body instantly relaxed.

After a moment, she kicked her leg again, shooting Leon a sharp look. “Alright, this leg is done. Do the other one.”

“Got it.”

Leon moved to the other side, applying sunscreen as he had before.

“All done!” he declared.

“Hm? You think you’re done?”

Leon blinked. “You only have two legs exposed. There’s nothing else to cover.”

Rosvisser swished her tail. “And what about this?”

“...Why don’t you just keep your tail tucked away?”

“Nope. I want sunscreen on my tail too.”

Leon understood now. She didn’t buy two bottles of sunscreen just because of her long legs—she needed extra for her tail.

With a little wiggle, Rosvisser flipped onto her stomach, lying face-down on the lounge chair.

Her silver tail swayed in front of Leon’s face. “Alright. Go ahead.”

Leon rolled his eyes but obediently applied sunscreen to her tail.

Truth be told, her tail felt even smoother and cooler than her legs. It was also… more sensitive.

Especially the base and the tip of the tail—during their “homework,” those spots acted like switches. A single touch there could unleash an unstoppable flood of emotions.

So, while applying sunscreen, Leon carefully avoided those two areas.

A moment later, Leon stood up. “All done.”

“You didn’t cover the base or the tip. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

“Those spots are for you to handle…”

“As a prisoner of war, one of your responsibilities is to serve the queen, right?” Rosvisser propped herself up on her elbows, turning to give Leon a playful, teasing look. “Come on, don’t tell me you’re *afraid* to touch my tail.”

A classic provocation.

Once, this tactic would have worked like a charm on Leon.

But now, as a seasoned general, Leon wasn’t so easily baited.

He looked at her twitching tail, then at Rosvisser’s smug expression.

The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became.

Damn it, I’m not doing this!

Leon tossed aside the sunscreen and raised his hand, aiming a slap at Rosvisser’s dragon rear.

The moment his hand swung through the air, Rosvisser sensed trouble.

“Leon, what are you doing?! If you dare—”


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