If you Don’t Love Me, I Will Die
Chapter 30 Table of contents

“I promise to do my best to minimize any harm to the Radner family,”

In the end, I decided to cooperate with Eldrigan.

Since I already knew Johann’s identity, I had no choice.

The option of secretly eliminating Johann was already out of the question, and anyway, unlike the original Edward, I didn’t have exceptional swordsmanship or excellent magical skills.

I was just making use of whatever remained in Edward’s body.
Using law enforcement to apprehend Johann might be better for me.

After all, Johann would repeatedly target my life, and Ania could also be in danger during the process.

‘As for the issue of the family’s honor…’

I still don’t know. Let’s think about that later.

If it becomes known that I cooperated in Johann’s arrest, the impact might be less severe than I thought.

I kneeled down on one knee and bowed my head.

“Thank you for your consideration.”
“I should be the one thanking you… I might have been disappointed if you had asked me to do it for the family’s sake, but…”

Eldrigan chuckled brightly.

“I’m relieved that you’re the man I heard about. I can trust you with Ania without worries.”
“That’s too much praise.”
“We’ll see. My judgment of people is rarely wrong.”

Eldrigan jokingly brought his hand to my eye level and laughed.

“Now, let’s get up. Didn’t you plan to visit the Central Arboretum with Ania today?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Did you invite her?”
“Yes… but…”

When I tilted my head in confusion, Eldrigan nodded as if he understood.

“You’re a truly good man.”
“What’s the reason for saying that?”
“Men usually don’t have much interest in flowers and trees. Isn’t that true for you too?”
“I suppose so.”
“Yet, spending time for your wife is something not just anyone can do.”

With that, Eldrigan took something out of his pocket.

It was wrapped in white cloth, and when the fine fabric was unfolded, a single photo was inside.

Eldrigan showed the photo to me.
It was a picture of a woman.

It depicted a woman with translucent white skin and lush, chestnut-colored curls cascading down.

“My fiancée.”
“She passed away from illness five years ago.”
“… I apologize for not sending my condolences earlier.”
“It couldn’t be helped. I didn’t publicize it.”

He stared blankly into the air as if recalling the past.

“I loved this woman quite a lot. I still can’t forget her.”

Eldrigan’s eyes welled up momentarily but quickly regained a faint smile.

“I’m glad Ania is marrying such a good man like you. Take good care of her.”

With that, Eldrigan nodded, and the waiting knights escorted me outside.

“If things work out, I’ll invite you to a drinking session next time.”
“Feel free to call me anytime.”
“Sure. Have a good day.”


“What did he talk about?”
“It’s nothing important. Just about the empire’s situation… and family matters, that sort of thing.”

As we exited the palace, it was around 2:30 in the afternoon.

The sun, hanging in the sky, shifted its position to the west, and the chilly wind that had been blowing ceased, making the weather warm.

We got back into the carriage and headed towards the western area where the Central Arboretum was located.

Perhaps due to the rare good weather, children were playing along the streets of the capital, and well-dressed ladies and gentlemen were strolling around.

It was a truly peaceful scene, but I remained vigilant.

Johann had disguised Yuren as a village resident to spy on us.

If they had sent people to the Duke’s domain, there was no reason they wouldn’t do the same in the capital.
So, it was possible that someone walking on the street could suddenly turn hostile and attack us.

As I cautiously observed my surroundings, the carriage soon arrived at the arboretum.

I couldn’t help but be slightly surprised because I had never imagined the arboretum would be so huge.

The enormous magical insulation dome that resembled glass was the first thing that astonished me, followed by the ecosystem created inside the arboretum, and lastly, the fact that there were various plants of different shapes and colors that I had never seen before.

“Ahaha… Edward! What’s with that expression?”

Ania laughed joyfully as I couldn’t close my mouth in astonishment.

“I’ve never had a reason to visit a botanical garden.”
“Even so… Oh dear… You sound like a country bumpkin.”

As she teased me, poking my cheek playfully, Ania playfully wrinkled her nose.

Then, she naturally intertwined her arm with mine as we walked.

“Would you like to go inside, my ‘countryside husband?’” Ania’s playful invitation made us seem more like a married couple now.

Still, I responded playfully, “Let’s go, my ‘dear wife.’”

“Don’t call me ‘dear wife!’”
“You’re calling me ‘country husband,’ so I don’t know why you’re complaining.”
“Don’t tease me!”


The arboretum looked like a completely different world from the outside.

The magical dome created for insulation maintained the temperature and transformed the scenery.

Thanks to it, it felt like walking in a spring garden despite the chilly January weather.

“These flowers are truly amazing.”

The trees and flowers we saw in the arboretum were genuinely impressive.

Some flowers changed colors like chameleons, grass that seemed to have wings and flew with the wind, and even seedlings that moved on their own.

Since such things were not described in the novel, it was fascinating to see them.

We walked together in the arboretum for a while, admiring various plants.

Usually, whenever I found something fascinating, Ania would explain it to me.

“This is called a tearflower. They say its sap flows like tears when night falls.”

She knew the names of many flowers.

It was pretty fascinating how she recited them like a dictionary, and even though I kept asking, she patiently explained without getting annoyed.

As she explained with a smile, I couldn’t help but feel that she truly enjoyed it.

Before we knew it, it was already 4 o’clock.

We explored three of the four zones and then stopped at a small cafe nearby for a cup of tea.

Despite walking quite a lot, Ania showed no signs of fatigue.

Instead, she simply smiled as a fluttering butterfly gently landed on her hand.

Looking at her side profile…

“My Lady….”

I had to ask.

“May I ask why you like flowers?”


Upon Edward’s question, Ania slowly turned to look at his face.

“May I ask why you like flowers?”
“Because they’re always there, unchanging.”
“Doesn’t it become repetitive?”
“It doesn’t have to be exciting. At least I know they will never abandon me.”

She remembered an old conversation from the distant past.

Her lying in bed and Edward sitting by the window.
The conversations they used to have.

‘May I ask why you like flowers?’

He still couldn’t remember.
It was as if he had become a different person.
Edward couldn’t remember their past.

But Ania decided to accept it.

It was a memory from a distant past.
A childhood memory.

Edward wasn’t confined inside a room like Ania herself back then, nor was he a lonely outcast without friends.

Forgetting was only natural.

But Ania couldn’t help but ask, her heart sinking.

“Why do you think I like flowers?”

Perhaps there was a lingering hope that he might remember.

But she didn’t have high expectations.

If he couldn’t remember, she could make new memories.

If he could not recall the promises they made in the past, she could make their present marriage unforgettable.

If Edward could make her feel loved now, that was enough.

To never forget again, to never think about leaving again.

Ania bit her lip and looked into Edward’s eyes.


Edward pressed his thumb against his forehead and turned his head somewhere.

At the end of his gaze was a goldenglow blooming in the flowerbed.

Edward glanced at the flower for a moment, then smiled faintly.

“I’m not sure. But when I see a goldenglow, it reminds me of my wife… I wonder why.”

It wasn’t the reason why she liked flowers.

But Ania’s heart skipped a beat.

“Its color is similar to your hair.”

The story from young Edward,
It was coming out of his mouth again.

Even if he couldn’t remember,
The same feelings were being conveyed across time.

“That’s right.”

So, Ania decided to tell a lie.

“That’s why I like it.”

But it wasn’t a complete lie.

Since Edward said so.
From now on, she could like it for that reason.

“I got it right. Lucky me.”

Seeing the man laughing without realizing he was wrong,
Ania couldn’t help but join.

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