If you Don’t Love Me, I Will Die
Chapter 31 Table of contents

She could like it for that reason.

“My Lord, a letter has arrived.”

About a week after having a meal with the Crown Prince in the capital, Ricktman brought me a letter.

“From who is it from?”
“Judging by the seal… it appears to be a letter from the palace.”
“I see.”

It was an ordinary rectangular envelope, but the texture of the paper was luxurious, and the stamped seal clearly bore the symbol of the imperial palace.

“If it’s a letter from the palace, it must be about Johann.”

Just as I was about to open the letter with the letter opener I was holding, Ricktman grabbed my wrist with trembling hands.

“My Lord, pardon my rudeness, but I must ask if something has gone wrong…”

He is too sharp.
Even if I’ve shown a foolish side in front of Ricktman many times, this isn’t something he should see.

“It’s nothing like that, so leave.”

I dismissed Ricktman and looked at the letter again.

What could be written in this letter? Rumors of Johann’s capture have yet to spread, so it’s unlikely…

Could there be a suitable plan to capture Johann?
Perhaps they’ve interrogated Yuren and obtained other information.

With faint hope and worry, I slowly unsealed the letter.
The contents were just an ordinary letter.

『Edward, are you keeping well? I apologize for taking a week to send news as promised. The reason for this letter is that I believe I need your help.』

Why would he need my help…
Many knights in the imperial palace are far more capable than Edward.
What could be the reason?

With faint curiosity, I continued reading the letter.

『It’s not that we lack manpower, but it’s a way to ensure the Radner family’s honor isn’t tarnished when Johann is caught. If you take the lead in arresting Johann, wouldn’t it be seen as an individual’s corruption rather than the corruption of the entire family? That’s politics.

Of course, you don’t necessarily need to step forward. This is something that should be handled at the national level. Let’s discuss the details later when we meet. Take care of yourself.』

After reading, I folded the letter and lit it with a candle.
The charred letter turned into ashes and flew into the sky, and as I watched it, I slowly gazed out the window.

Johann didn’t break into the mansion in the end. Yuren was captured, and the empire pursued Johann.

He will be caught.

The world will find out that Johann Radner is a drug dealer.

It was natural for the Radner family to take a hit.

But what will happen afterward… I don’t know.

Why did Edward get abandoned by Ania…?

Why did Ania end up meeting another man and getting married…?


At the same time.

William Radner frowned at the uninvited guest who had come to visit his family.

“So… you’re saying my son is involved in drug trafficking?”
“It’s not confirmed yet. I’m just saying it’s possible.”

Jansen is an imperial investigator and William Radner’s former classmate from military school.
William silently thought that Jansen’s early facial hair growth was unfortunate.

“You know what I meant.”
“There’s a difference between suspecting and being certain.”
“Anyway, you’re insinuating that someone from our family is associated with the riffraff of the empire!”

William’s hand slammed down on the table, causing the teacup resting on it to leap and crash onto the floor.

As the shards scattered, nearby servants hurriedly rushed over with brooms to sweep them away.

Jansen watched the scene, shaking his head, and spoke.

“William, think rationally.”
“Rationality is for fools!”

William raised his fist instinctively, but Jansen didn’t flinch.

“It’s different from when we were at the academy. I don’t know what grudge you hold against me, but I want you to understand that I’m not trying to tarnish your honor out of personal animosity. This is related to the future of the empire. You must know how many kingdoms have been destroyed by drugs.”

William slowly lowered his hand.

“Johann… He couldn’t have…”
“How can you be so sure?”
“He’s my son.”
“Parents are usually the ones who know their children the least.”

William realized he was losing his composure.

Despite Johann being his son, William wasn’t particularly invested in him.

He knew Johann had suddenly started a business despite showing no interest in nobility or swordsmanship.

However, he didn’t know how Johann was making that money.
He simply thought Johann was using his business acumen from a young age to make ends meet, nothing more.

“Johann wouldn’t… do such things.”
“Stop being stubborn.”

Jansen looked William in the eye without wavering.

“In any case, the investigation will begin. The Emperor may not know yet, but since the Crown Prince has started intervening…”

William’s eyes almost seemed lifeless now.

As Jansen stared at those soulless eyes, he let out a small sigh.

“I’ve come here to inform you… as a small gesture of kindness. If Johann is guilty, it won’t be easy for you either. You should prepare yourself beforehand.”
“Prepare…? That’s nonsense.”
“You’ll do your best to ensure the family doesn’t face problems from the imperial side.”
“That’s meaningless, Jansen.”

William was on the verge of tears now.

“Our family’s only asset is the title of a viscount. All our businesses have collapsed, and only a single knight order is left. But if Johann is revealed to be a drug trafficker… who would trust our knight order and entrust them with tasks?”

Jansen looked at William Radner, sitting as if his bones had turned to jelly.

No matter how long they had been comrades, there were inevitable moments that couldn’t be avoided.

Since the moment he vowed to root out all crimes in the empire, he had promised to set aside personal emotions.

“Well then… I hope we get to meet again.”

With those words, Jansen left the premises.

Left alone, William Radner picked up the numerous documents laid out in his study.

“What am I going to do…?”

Knight equipment, facilities, food expenses, and so on…
All the money needed to maintain them.

The money Johann Radner earned from his business…
If Johann’s supposed business is indeed drug dealing, then the people will question if all the services were a cover-up.

If that’s the case, the future of the Radner family was set in stone.


When Ania opened her eyes, she realized she was sitting at the table in the garden.

She had fallen asleep while tidying up the garden, which had withered under the winter snow.

“Are you awake?”

A voice came as she looked at the garden cluttered with gardening tools.

It was Edward.

“You fell asleep outside, so…”

He stood there awkwardly, holding out a blanket.

He was probably going to cover her shoulders with it.

“Uh-huh… I’m up.”
“Taking care of yourself is more important than tending to the garden.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize. Just… be careful since you get sick easily.”
“Yeah. Thank you.”

Ania stood up and picked up a gardening tool.

Since she had already started, she thought she should finish quickly and go to bed, but Edward suddenly had a shovel in hand.

“I’ll help.”
“Aren’t you busy?.”
“I have time to help my wife.”

Ania dug up withered flowers and transplanted them while Edward watched and followed along.

“Is this how you do it?”

Edward tried to imitate her, but his attempt didn’t look very successful, and he furrowed his brow.

“I’m sorry. I’m not very skilled with my hands.”

The area where he planted flowers was a mess, but Ania smiled.
She was just satisfied that Edward tried to help her.

“Let me show you. Try following along.”

Ania slowly loosened the soil where Edward had planted the flowers.

“The roots need to be deep enough to absorb nutrients well. If you pack the soil too tightly, the roots will die.”

After struggling for a few minutes, Edward quickly caught on and planted the flowers properly.

“Like this?”
“You’re doing well.”
“My handiwork isn’t that great.”
“But your technique is good.”

As Ania said that, Edward chuckled awkwardly, and under the clear sky, Ania thought she had never felt happier.

She wished these days could continue.

Edward never leaving her,
The world no longer troubling Ania,
And this happy time continuing forever…


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